11 research outputs found

    Clinical and hygienic assessment of bone mineral density in population of ecologically contrasting territories.

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    Disorder of the relationship between biotic and abiotic elements against the background of anthropogenic stress on the human body affects the course of bone remodeling. It is bone tissue in the human body that has the greatest cumulative properties with respect to many xenobiotics, lead in particular. The accumulation of lead in the bone leads to the replacement of calcium ions by ions of the abiotic element and causes further changes in the bone structure: inhibition of growth processes, decreased density, the development of osteopenia and osteoporosis. In the article, a comparative hygienic analysis of bone mineral density levels (according to T-score) in industrial (n=68) and control (n=70) areas was conducted. The T-score, calculated at the LI-LIV level obtained by the method of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used and was evaluated according to the recommendations of the WHO. The formation of a homogeneous sample of persons for the study was conducted according to the place of residence, age, sex, absence of diseases and regular intake of drugs leading to a decrease in bone mass. Summarizing the results, it should be noted that the population of Dniprо city has a more negative and significant decrease in the bone mineral density (according to the T-score) compared to the same values of the control areas – 2.15-4.6 times and Ukraine's – 1.39-4.21 times. According to WHO recommendations, T-score indices for residents of industrial territory indicate to the presence of osteopenia, while among residents of the control area, the norm for this indicator is noted. Consequently, there is an effect of man-made including lead, pollution of the environment on the level of bone mineral density in the industrial city this contributes to the development of osteoporotic changes in the population

    Study of modification of zinc status of laboratory animals in conditions of low-dose action of lead and zinc in various forms.

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    Последние годы Венес устойчивая тенденция к • Регистрация ОбъявленияКомпанииМеванияСкидкиФорумДобавить техногенную нагрузку на окружающую среду Тесно коррелирует сек с ухудшением состояния журнала о низкодозированные изолированные и комбинированные эффекты различных форм свинца и цинка в условиях эксперимента. Для эксперимента половозрелых крыс Вистар с массой тела 150-170 г были выбраны, с последующей инг рандомизации в шести экспериментальных и контрольной группе Одной, восемь крыс в каждой из Одной . Полученная данные и их комплексный анализ позволяет в полной мере предполагает образование био  Наши результаты соответствуют данным исследователям о остеозащитных свойствах цинка под действием даже НИЗКИЕ ДОЗЫ свинец, особенно ЕГО наноаквалатная форма (цитрат цинк)

    Privatisation of Public Services in Small Towns: Using Ganchahe Town of Shucheng County as a Model

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    At the 2nd Chinese Local Governance Innovation Awards, the “Privatisation of Public Services” reform in Ganchahe Town of Shucheng County, Anhui Province, received a Merit Prize (2003-2004). Subsequently, the research team for Chinese Local Governance Reforms and Innovations carried out two studies in January and September of 2004. This article presents a systematic analysis of the relevant findings.The research team for Chinese Local Governance Reforms and Innovations carried out two studies in January and September of 2004. This article presents a systematic analysis of the relevant findings regarding privatization of public services, including models for privatization; related social change; a case study in Ganchahe (agricultural town); water and sanitation services and infrastructure; and a comparison of efficiencies. With the government’s monopolistic control over public services there often follow problems of exceeding construction and operational budgets, heavy governmental subsidies, and lowered productivity. There is an urgent need to provide legal guarantees for privatisation