1,988 research outputs found

    The Radio Jet Associated with the Multiple V380 Ori System

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    The giant Herbig-Haro object 222 extends over \sim6' in the plane of the sky, with a bow shock morphology. The identification of its exciting source has remained uncertain over the years. A non-thermal radio source located at the core of the shock structure was proposed to be the exciting source. However, Very Large Array studies showed that the radio source has a clear morphology of radio galaxy and a lack of flux variations or proper motions, favoring an extragalactic origin. Recently, an optical-IR study proposed that this giant HH object is driven by the multiple stellar system V380 Ori, located about 23' to the SE of HH 222. The exciting sources of HH systems are usually detected as weak free-free emitters at centimeter wavelengths. Here we report the detection of an elongated radio source associated with the Herbig Be star or with its close infrared companion in the multiple V380 Ori system. This radio source has the characteristics of a thermal radio jet and is aligned with the direction of the giant outflow defined by HH~222 and its suggested counterpart to the SE, HH~1041. We propose that this radio jet traces the origin of the large scale HH outflow. Assuming that the jet arises from the Herbig Be star, the radio luminosity is a few times smaller than the value expected from the radio-bolometric correlation for radio jets, confirming that this is a more evolved object than those used to establish the correlation.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Modelo Fama & French: resultados empíricos

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    El modelo de asignación de precios de tres factores de Fama & French es replicado para el mercado mexicano, usando información de 1991-2011. En general, los tres factores del modelo para el mercado mexicano se comportan de manera similar a lo documentado para los Estados Unidos. Algunas excepciones para el mercado mexicano, así como retos al aplicar el modelo en México son señalados en este capítulo.ITESO, A.C

    Characterization of nebulized buparvaquone nanosuspensions - effect of nebulization technology

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    The poorly soluble drug buparvaquone is proposed as an alternative treatment of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) lung infections. Physically stable nanosuspensions were formulated in order to deliver the drug at the site of infection using nebulization. The aerosolization characteristics of two buparvaquone nanosuspensions were determined with commercial jet and ultrasonic nebulizer devices. Aerosol droplet size distribution was determined with laser diffractometry (LD). Nebulization of the nanosuspensions and dispersion media surfactant solutions produced aerosol droplets diameters in the range from 3 to 5 mu m for Respi-jet Kendall, Pari Turbo Boy system and Multisonic nebulizers and particles around 9-10 mm with Omron U1. Fractions of the nanosuspensions from the nebulizer reservoir and of aerosol produced were collected to investigate changes in the size of the drug nanocrystals influenced by the nebulization technology. Comparisons were performed measuring the drug nanocrystals with photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and LD of the samples. Drug particle aggregates were detected in the fractions of aerosol collected from jet nebulizers. Nebulizer technology ( jet vs. ultrasonic) showed influence on the stability of the drug particle size distribution of buparvaquone nanocrystals during the nebulization time evaluated

    Responsabilidad social: una ruta para alcanzar la excelencia en laboratorios de ensayos y calibraciones

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    Se propone un modelo de gestión estratégico para incluir la gestión de la Responsabilidad Social (RS) como una herramienta que permita no sólo la responsabilidad por la calidad de los resultados y el compromiso con los clientes, la sociedad y los grupos de interés, sino también como una herramienta para lograr la excelencia de la organización. Una nueva concepción del laboratorio es una "condición absoluta" para su legitimidad hoy y mañana. El modelo de gestión es integrador y compatible, donde se destaca la importancia de la inclusión o compromiso del ejecutivo de mayor rango y el código de conducta de la organización, como elementos clave en la gestión estratégic

    The Profitability Of The U.S. Food Supply Chain: Financial Indicators, Cross-Section And Time-Series Effects

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    This study examines the U.S. agribusiness’ profitability from 1986 to 2008. By using regression analysis, we model accounting returns as a function of diverse financial indicators. To select the explanatory variables we further decompose the DuPont equation and perform some ad hoc transformations to model return on investment (rather than return on equity). In addition, using a two-way fixed effects model, we test within sectors and time effects of returns. We compare time effects with the three most recent economic recessions

    The relationship between accruals, earnings, and cash flows: evidence from latin america

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    The relationships between earnings, accruals, and cash flows for selected Latin American countries (Mexico, Chile, and Argentina) are investigated in this study from 1990 to 2009. We find a negative relationship between accruals and cash flow across decile portfolios. More importantly, firms reporting the highest level of accruals, have the worst level of cash flows, but not the worst level of earnings. This relationship is of economic importance given that investors are very oriented towards firms yielding high earnings and might fail to realize that earnings are not always accompanied by strong levels of cash flows. Results are disaggregated by years and countries, and compared to previous results for U.S. firms.ITESO, A.C.UPSoutheastern Louisiana UniversityUniversity of Florid

    Accruals for latin american firms

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    The relationships among earnings, accruals, and cash flows for selected Latin American countries (Mexico, Chile, and Argentina) are investigated in this study from 1990 to 2009. We find a negative relationship between accruals and cash flow across decile portfolios. More importantly, firms in decile portfolio 10 reporting relative high level of earnings relative to assets, 6.5%, have the worst level of cash flows (negative 9.7%). Results are compared to previous results for U.S. firms. Given the level of sophistication of these capital markets, results for Latin American firms are less stable than for the U.S.Results disaggregated by years show that high-accruals portfolios consistently report relative high levels of earnings but low levels of cash flow. Further, the gap between earnings and cash flow is higher after 2000. This relationship is of economic importance given that investors are very oriented towards firms yielding high earnings and might fail to realize that earnings are not always accompanied by strong levels of cash flows.ITESO, A.C.UPSoutheastern Louisiana UniversityUniversity of Florid