1,542,089 research outputs found

    Bedlam in mind: seeing and reading historical images of madness

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    In this article I explore mythical Bedlam of popular imaginings. London's Bethlem Hospital was for centuries a unique institution caring for the insane and its alter ego 'Bedlam' influenced popular stereotypes of insanity. For instance, while the type of vagrant beggar known as a 'Tom of Bedlam' was said to have disappeared from English society with the Restoration, the figure of Mad Tom retained a visual and vocal presence within popular musical culture from the seventeenth century up to the present era. Using the ballad 'Mad Tom o' Bedlam' as a case study, I illustrate how an early modern stereotype of madness has maintained continuity within a popular song tradition whilst undergoing cultural change

    Thinking Continental: Writing the Planet One Place at a Time by Tom Lynch, Susan Naramore Maher, Drucilla Wall, and O. Alan Weltzien

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    Review of Thinking Continental: Writing the Planet One Place at a Time by Tom Lynch, Susan Naramore Maher, Drucilla Wall, and O. Alan Weltzien, eds

    Father Tom O\u27Neill

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    Details the life of Tom O\u27Neill, the youngest of three who joins the clergyhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/kgbsides_ire/1088/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 51, Number 2 - February 1971

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    Volume 51, Number 2 - February 1971. 4 pages including covers and advertisements. McNeil, Paul The Old Streetwalker Richards, Paul J. A LOOK AT VIETNAM IN \u2769 or THE EFFECTS OF SPUTNIK ON AMERICAN EDUCATION McNeil, Paul A LOOK AT INTELLECTUAL SNOBBERY IN \u2771 and/or THE EFFECTS OF AMERICAN EDUCATION ON THE AMERICAN EDUCATED rhys, skyles return of judas viator rhys, skyles spanish soliloquy O\u27Neil, Charles J., Jr. Boston Common rhys, skyles jews, circa 1940 O\u27Neil, Charles J., Jr. How Awesome is this Place Rybarski, Michael A. EXERCISE NO. 3. Gray, Thomas as Mother beams McNeil, Paul CAT\u27S CRADLE Paul, Michael James ROCK AND ROLL THOSE DAYS FOR MIKE MCDONALD Greer, Jim Gousie, Gene Paul, Michael for C. Bucknavage, John Plaintive Recourse rhys, skyles Read Me Charpentier, Robert Your Room O\u27Neil, Charles J., Jr. I, Pygmalion Magner, Tom Tetreault, Philip A. My Life is Living Magner, Tom Drinking thinking they got it mad

    Volume 50, Number 1 - Winter 1970

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    Volume M, Number 1 - Winter 1970. 5 pages including covers and advertisements. H.W. Mythologies McDonald, Way The Third Bull Carrillo, Jack The Nighttime Cold Reliever Greer, Jim Joe Partridge, Tom The Ecstasy of Pain, For Samuel Beckett Rhys, Skyles (for eec) S- Kilgallen, Mike Musical Notes Partridge, Tom from Broken Windows Rhys, Skyles Plastic Conceptions Rhys, Skyles MR PM IBM Computer Poem right on Nigger 1970 Paul, Michael Anthony\u27s Autobiography: Zodiac Days Charpentier, Bob in the palm of my hand Pettit, Kevin Island, also McNeil, P. Parrillo, Jack for Zoe Rybarski, Michael Parrillo, Jack Black Sapphire Rum Paul, Mike Street Riffs Right O

    Business English course syllabus for future employees of multinational companies

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    W wielojęzycznej i wielokulturowej Europie, z którą wiąże się wiele programów europejskich, ten tom młodych naukowców jest bardzo potrzebny. Świadczy o tym, że młodzi ludzie widzą sens Unii Europejskiej, doceniają programy europejskie i aktywnie w nich uczestniczą. Chcą również przybliżyć Polskę, jej język i kulturę innym narodom. Sprzyja temu aktywna wymiana naukowców i studentów między krajami Unii. W tym aspekcie podejmowane badania są jak najbardziej uzasadnione. Jest to już czwarty tom z cyklu „Bogactwo językowe i kulturowe Europy w oczach Polaków i cudzoziemców”. Są w nim przedstawione dwa ujęcia: spojrzenie Polaków na cudzoziemców i cudzoziemców na nas. Znaczna część artykułów poświęcona jest też glottodydaktyce języków obcych, a przede wszystkim nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego.Publikacja wydana dzięki wsparciu finansowemu Władz Rektorskich Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Pani Dziekan Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg

    The Jury System in Contemporary Ireland: In the Shadow of a Troubled Past

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    Jackson et al discuss the distinctive features of criminal trial by jury in Ireland, both north and south, to explain how the jury continues to survive within modern Ireland and how it also has managed to decline in significance

    Youth Political Engagement and Democratic Culture in Republican Nepal

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    Nepal’s transformation from an autocratic monarchy to a democratic republic presupposes the development of democratic institutions, and the current generation of Nepali youth, particularly those in higher education, are uniquely situated in that process. As such Nepali youth constitute a distinct generation along the lines specified by Karl Mannheim and others. In the past efforts to mobilize Nepalese youth have been aimed at integrating them as useful assets in the service of Nepalese political institutions, such as political student unions, but in this paper, based on fieldwork and interview data collected in 2013 and 2016, we argue that politically active youth today should be understood as an autonomous though heterogeneous constituent force that is in counterpoint with normative political institutions

    How tone is used across CEO letters : the impact of financial crisis evidence from the UK

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    We study the tone present in CEO Letters of firms listed in London Stock Exchange (LSE), more specifically, by defining two alternative approaches to assess tone: the CEO Letter as a whole and the weighted approach, where the percentages chosen for Sections 1, 2 and 3 are, 10%, 80% and 10%, respectively. By differentiating these two models, we intend to analyse if differences exist between the whole text tone and the tone present in each section. Secondly, we aim to understand if there are differences in the tone means within sections for the same CEO Letter. Additionally, we study the impact of financial crisis by analysing the changes in some textual features of CEO Letters, more specifically, tone, uncertainty, and causality. Furthermore, we also analyse if there is a significant change in the relationship between firm’s current performance and its reported tone in crisis versus non crisis settings that might help us conclude which scenario is more likely for firms to engage in impression management. By using several linear regression models, we conduct an analysis of the textual features in CEO Letters as a whole and in its sections, individually. There are indeed differences between the whole text tone and the tone of each section and, differences in the tone means within sections. Tone is explained by the financial crisis. While uncertainty words increase with Financial Crisis, we do not find any relevant link in the use of causal words. Regarding current firm’s performance and tone relationship, we do not observe any significant change in this relationship from crisis to non-crisis years.Estudamos o tom presente nas cartas dos CEOs de empresas cotadas na London Stock Exchange (LSE), mais especificamente, definindo dois modelos alternativos para medir o tom: o tom da carta como um todo e o tom da carta dividida em secções, sendo que a percentagem escolhida para as secções 1, 2 e 3 da carta são, respetivamente, 10%, 80% e 10%. Com esta diferenciação de modelos, pretendemos analisar se existem diferenças entre o tom do texto como um todo e o tom presente em cada uma das secções. Numa segunda instância, pretendemos analisar se existem diferenças nas médias do tom entre as três secções da carta. Adicionalmente, estudamos o impacto da crise financeira de 2008 através da análise de mudanças de certas caraterísticas textuais das cartas dos CEOs, nomeadamente, o tom, a incerteza e a causalidade. Para além disto, analisamos ainda se existe uma diferença na relação entre a performance atual de uma empresa e o tom reportado pela mesma em anos de crise face a anos de não crise que possa indiciar qual o tipo de contexto económico mais propício à adoção de técnicas de impression management. Usando vários modelos de regressão linear, realizamos uma análise das caraterísticas textuais na carta como um todo e em cada uma das suas secções. Existem diferenças entre as secções entre si e entre o tom das secções e o tom da carta como um todo. O tom é explicado pela crise. Embora as palavras de incerteza aumentem durante a crise, o mesmo não acontece para as palavras causais. Quanto à relação entre a performance atual da empresa e o tom reportado pela mesma, não existe nenhuma alteração significante entre anos de crise e não crise

    A low molecular weight hydrogel with unusual gel aging

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    We describe a dipeptide hydrogel with unusual aging characteristics. Over time, a transformation from a turbid gel to a transparent gel occurs which is initiated from the air–water interface. Here, we investigate this transition and discuss the implications of this aging on the bulk properties of the gel