410 research outputs found

    Navier-Stokes equations on the flat cylinder with vorticity production on the boundary

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    We study the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes system on a flat cylinder with the usual Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity field u. We formulate the problem as an infinite system of ODE's for the natural Fourier components of the vorticity, and the boundary conditions are taken into account by adding a vorticity production at the boundary. We prove equivalence to the original Navier-Stokes system and show that the decay of the Fourier modes is exponential for any positive time in the periodic direction, but it is only power-like in the other direction.Comment: 25 page

    Mathematical justification of the hydrostatic approximation in the primitive equations of geophysical fluid dynamics

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    Geophysical fluids all exhibit a common feature: their aspect ratio (depth to horizontal width) is very small. This leads to an asymptotic model widely used in meteorology, oceanography, and limnology, namely the hydrostatic approximation of the time-dependent incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. It relies on the hypothesis that pressure increases linearly in the vertical direction. In the following, we prove a convergence and existence theorem for this model by means of anisotropic estimates and a new time-compactness criterium.Fonds Franco-Espagnol D.R.E.I.FMinisterio de Educación y Cienci

    On a non-isothermal model for nematic liquid crystals

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    A model describing the evolution of a liquid crystal substance in the nematic phase is investigated in terms of three basic state variables: the {\it absolute temperature} \teta, the {\it velocity field} \ub, and the {\it director field} \bd, representing preferred orientation of molecules in a neighborhood of any point of a reference domain. The time evolution of the velocity field is governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes system, with a non-isotropic stress tensor depending on the gradients of the velocity and of the director field \bd, where the transport (viscosity) coefficients vary with temperature. The dynamics of \bd is described by means of a parabolic equation of Ginzburg-Landau type, with a suitable penalization term to relax the constraint |\bd | = 1. The system is supplemented by a heat equation, where the heat flux is given by a variant of Fourier's law, depending also on the director field \bd. The proposed model is shown compatible with \emph{First and Second laws} of thermodynamics, and the existence of global-in-time weak solutions for the resulting PDE system is established, without any essential restriction on the size of the data

    Stabilized Schemes for the Hydrostatic Stokes Equations

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    Some new stable finite element (FE) schemes are presented for the hydrostatic Stokes system or primitive equations of the ocean. It is known that the stability of the mixed formulation ap- proximation for primitive equations requires the well-known Ladyzhenskaya–Babuˇska–Brezzi condi- tion related to the Stokes problem and an extra inf-sup condition relating the pressure and the vertical velocity. The main goal of this paper is to avoid this extra condition by adding a residual stabilizing term to the vertical momentum equation. Then, the stability for Stokes-stable FE combinations is extended to the primitive equations and some error estimates are provided using Taylor–Hood P2 –P1 or miniele- ment (P1 +bubble)–P1 FE approximations, showing the optimal convergence rate in the P2 –P1 case. These results are also extended to the anisotropic (nonhydrostatic) problem. On the other hand, by adding another residual term to the continuity equation, a better approximation of the vertical derivative of pressure is obtained. In this case, stability and error estimates including this better approximation are deduced, where optimal convergence rate is deduced in the (P 1 +bubble)–P1 case. Finally, some numerical experiments are presented supporting previous results

    Analytical Study of Certain Magnetohydrodynamic-alpha Models

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    In this paper we present an analytical study of a subgrid scale turbulence model of the three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, inspired by the Navier-Stokes-alpha (also known as the viscous Camassa-Holm equations or the Lagrangian-averaged Navier-Stokes-alpha model). Specifically, we show the global well-posedness and regularity of solutions of a certain MHD-alpha model (which is a particular case of the Lagrangian averaged magnetohydrodynamic-alpha model without enhancing the dissipation for the magnetic field). We also introduce other subgrid scale turbulence models, inspired by the Leray-alpha and the modified Leray-alpha models of turbulence. Finally, we discuss the relation of the MHD-alpha model to the MHD equations by proving a convergence theorem, that is, as the length scale alpha tends to zero, a subsequence of solutions of the MHD-alpha equations converges to a certain solution (a Leray-Hopf solution) of the three-dimensional MHD equations.Comment: 26 pages, no figures, will appear in Journal of Math Physics; corrected typos, updated reference

    On the Clark-alpha model of turbulence: global regularity and long--time dynamics

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    In this paper we study a well-known three--dimensional turbulence model, the filtered Clark model, or Clark-alpha model. This is Large Eddy Simulation (LES) tensor-diffusivity model of turbulent flows with an additional spatial filter of width alpha (α\alpha). We show the global well-posedness of this model with constant Navier-Stokes (eddy) viscosity. Moreover, we establish the existence of a finite dimensional global attractor for this dissipative evolution system, and we provide an anaytical estimate for its fractal and Hausdorff dimensions. Our estimate is proportional to (L/ld)3(L/l_d)^3, where LL is the integral spatial scale and ldl_d is the viscous dissipation length scale. This explicit bound is consistent with the physical estimate for the number of degrees of freedom based on heuristic arguments. Using semi-rigorous physical arguments we show that the inertial range of the energy spectrum for the Clark-a˚\aa model has the usual k5/3k^{-5/3} Kolmogorov power law for wave numbers ka˚1k\aa \ll 1 and k3k^{-3} decay power law for ka˚1.k\aa \gg 1. This is evidence that the Clarkα-\alpha model parameterizes efficiently the large wave numbers within the inertial range, ka˚1k\aa \gg 1, so that they contain much less translational kinetic energy than their counterparts in the Navier-Stokes equations.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, submitted to J of Turbulenc

    Regularity and singularity in solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

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    Higher moments of the vorticity field Ωm(t)\Omega_{m}(t) in the form of L2mL^{2m}-norms (1m<1 \leq m < \infty) are used to explore the regularity problem for solutions of the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the domain [0,L]per3[0, L]^{3}_{per}. It is found that the set of quantities Dm(t)=Ωmαm,αm=2m4m3, D_{m}(t) = \Omega_{m}^{\alpha_{m}} ,\qquad\qquad\alpha_{m} = \frac{2m}{4m-3}, provide a natural scaling in the problem resulting in a bounded set of time averages T_{T} on a finite interval of time [0,T][0, T]. The behaviour of Dm+1/DmD_{m+1}/D_{m} is studied on what are called `good' and `bad' intervals of [0,T][0, T] which are interspersed with junction points (neutral) τi\tau_{i}. For large but finite values of mm with large initial data \big(\Omega_{m}(0) \leq \varpi_{0}O(\Gr^{4})\big), it is found that there is an upper bound \Omega_{m} \leq c_{av}^{2}\varpi_{0}\Gr^{4} ,\qquad\varpi_{0} = \nu L^{-2}, which is punctured by infinitesimal gaps or windows in the vertical walls between the good/bad intervals through which solutions may escape. While this result is consistent with that of Leray \cite{Leray} and Scheffer \cite{Scheff76}, this estimate for Ωm\Omega_{m} corresponds to a length scale well below the validity of the Navier-Stokes equations.Comment: 3 figures and 1 tabl


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    We study the boundary layers and singularities generated by a convection-diffusion equation in a circle with noncompatible data. More precisely, the boundary of the circle has two characteristic points where the boundary conditions and the external data ff are not compatible. Very complex singular behaviors are observed, and we analyze them systematically for highly noncompatible data. The problem studied here is a simplified model for problems of major importance in fluid mechanics and thermohydraulics and in physics.open4

    Quantum Zakharov Model in a Bounded Domain

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    We consider an initial boundary value problem for a quantum version of the Zakharov system arising in plasma physics. We prove the global well-posedness of this problem in some Sobolev type classes and study properties of solutions. This result confirms the conclusion recently made in physical literature concerning the absence of collapse in the quantum Langmuir waves. In the dissipative case the existence of a finite dimensional global attractor is established and regularity properties of this attractor are studied. For this we use the recently developed method of quasi-stability estimates. In the case when external loads are CC^\infty functions we show that every trajectory from the attractor is CC^\infty both in time and spatial variables. This can be interpret as the absence of sharp coherent structures in the limiting dynamics.Comment: 27 page

    What is the optimal shape of a pipe?

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    We consider an incompressible fluid in a three-dimensional pipe, following the Navier-Stokes system with classical boundary conditions. We are interested in the following question: is there any optimal shape for the criterion "energy dissipated by the fluid"? Moreover, is the cylinder the optimal shape? We prove that there exists an optimal shape in a reasonable class of admissible domains, but the cylinder is not optimal. For that purpose, we explicit the first order optimality condition, thanks to adjoint state and we prove that it is impossible that the adjoint state be a solution of this over-determined system when the domain is the cylinder. At last, we show some numerical simulations for that problem