236 research outputs found

    Quantitative Estimation of the Ratio of GABA-Immunoreactive Cells in Neocortical Grafts

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    Somatosensory anlage from 17-18 day old rat embryos were transplanted in place of the removed barrel cortex in adult rats. Six to eight months after transplantation, the grafts were either completely separated by glial scar or partly separated and partly confluent with the host neocortex. Each was studied histologically and immunostained for GABA. It was found that in partly confluent grafts the neuronal density was similar or even higher than in the host cortex, while the cell number in the separate grafts was much lower than in the nearby host cortex. The number of GABA-positive cells, however, was in all grafts significantly lower (2.9% on average) than in the normal cortex (11.8% on average).The decline in GABA-stained nerve cells was highest in separated grafts, but was somewhat less marked in transplants partly confluent with the host tissue. The possible role of partial or total deafferentation as well as the relative vulnerability of the transplanted tissue by temporary hypoxia and other metabolic disturbances are discussed as the probable factors in selective decline of GABA-ergic cells in the transplanted somatosensory cortex

    Investigation of activation cross-sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on natTl up to 42 MeV: review, new data and evaluation

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    Cross-sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on natural thallium have been studied for investigation of the production of the medical important 201Tl diagnostic radioisotope. The excitation functions of 204mPb, 203Pb, 202mPb, 201Pb, 200Pb, 199Pb, 202Tl (direct, cumulative), 201Tl (direct, cumulative), 200Tl(direct), and 203Hg were measured up to 42 MeV proton energy by stacked foil technique and activation method. The experimental data were compared with the critically analyzed experimental data in the literature, with the IAEA recommended data and with the results of model calculations by using the ALICE-IPPE, EMPIRE-II and TALYS codes


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    The effective bandwidth problem revisited

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    The paper studies a single-server queueing system with autonomous service and \ell priority classes. Arrival and departure processes are governed by marked point processes. There are \ell buffers corresponding to priority classes, and upon arrival a unit of the kkth priority class occupies a place in the kkth buffer. Let N(k)N^{(k)}, k=1,2,...,k=1,2,...,\ell denote the quota for the total kkth buffer content. The values N(k)N^{(k)} are assumed to be large, and queueing systems both with finite and infinite buffers are studied. In the case of a system with finite buffers, the values N(k)N^{(k)} characterize buffer capacities. The paper discusses a circle of problems related to optimization of performance measures associated with overflowing the quota of buffer contents in particular buffers models. Our approach to this problem is new, and the presentation of our results is simple and clear for real applications.Comment: 29 pages, 11pt, Final version, that will be published as is in Stochastic Model

    Age-Related Loss of GABA-Positive and GABA-Negative Neurons in Neocortical Transplants

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    The numerical density of GABA immunopositive and GABA immunonegative neurons was quantitatively determined in 0, 12, 30 and 90 day-old neocortical transplants, derived from E17 rat embryos and transplanted into adult hosts. It was found that the original, very high neuronal density in the fetal transplant declined steadily after transplantation to the somatosensory cortex of adult rat. The decline in numerical density of GABA-positive neurons, however, was disproportionately larger than that of GABA-negative nerve cells: At 90 days the proportion of GABA-positive cells was 2.3% (in contrast to the 11.8% in the adult host cortex). The density of GABA-negative neurons, on the other hand, remained slightly higher than comparable values in the control cortex. The decline in density Of GABA-positive neurons was continuous until the 90th post-transplantation day, while final, close to normal density values of GABA-negative nerve cells were already reached in 30 day-old grafts, with no significant change afterwards

    Electronic structure study by means of X-ray spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of the "ferric star" single molecule magnet

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    The electronic structure of the single molecule magnet system M[Fe(L)2]3*4CHCl3 (M=Fe,Cr; L=CH3N(CH2CH2O)2) has been studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, soft X-ray emission spectroscopy, and density functional calculations. There is good agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental data. The valence band mainly consists of three bands between 2 eV and 30 eV. Both theory and experiments show that the top of the valence band is dominated by the hybridization between Fe 3d and O 2p bands. From the shape of the Fe 2p spectra it is argued that Fe in the molecule is most likely in the 2+ charge state. Its neighboring atoms (O,N) exhibit a magnetic polarisation yielding effective spin S=5/2 per iron atom, giving a high spin state molecule with a total S=5 effective spin for the case of M = Fe.Comment: Fig.2 replaced as it will appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Latrocimicinae completes the phylogeny of Cimicidae: meeting old morphologic data rather than modern host phylogeny.

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    The family Cimicidae includes obligate hematophagous ectoparasites (bed bugs and their relatives) with high veterinary/medical importance. The evolutionary relationships of Cimicidae and their hosts have recently been reported in a phylogenetic context, but in the relevant study, one of the six subfamilies, the bat-specific Latrocimicinae, was not represented. In this study the only known species of Latrocimicinae, i.e., Latrocimex spectans, was analyzed with molecular and phylogenetic methods based on four (two nuclear and two mitochondrial) genetic markers. The completed subfamily-level phylogeny of Cimicidae showed that Latrocimicinae is most closely related to Haematosiphoninae (ectoparasites of birds and humans), with which it shares systematically important morphologic characters, but not hosts. Moreover, in the phylogenetic analyses, cimicid bugs that are known to infest phylogenetically distant bat hosts clustered together (e.g., Leptocimex and Stricticimex within Cacodminae), while cimicid subfamilies (Latrocimicinae, Primicimicinae) that are known to infest bat hosts from closely related superfamilies clustered distantly. In conclusion, adding Latrocimicinae significantly contributed to the resolution of the phylogeny of Cimicidae. The close phylogenetic relationship between Latrocimicinae and Haematosiphoninae is consistent with long-known morphologic data. At the same time, phylogenetic relationships of genera within subfamilies are inconsistent with the phylogeny of relevant hosts

    Persistence exponents of non-Gaussian processes in statistical mechanics

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    Motivated by certain problems of statistical physics we consider a stationary stochastic process in which deterministic evolution is interrupted at random times by upward jumps of a fixed size. If the evolution consists of linear decay, the sample functions are of the "random sawtooth" type and the level dependent persistence exponent \theta can be calculated exactly. We then develop an expansion method valid for small curvature of the deterministic curve. The curvature parameter g plays the role of the coupling constant of an interacting particle system. The leading order curvature correction to \theta is proportional to g^{2/3}. The expansion applies in particular to exponential decay in the limit of large level, where the curvature correction considerably improves the linear approximation. The Langevin equation, with Gaussian white noise, is recovered as a singular limiting case.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure