57 research outputs found

    Research of ozonation process of the biologically pre-purified municipal wastewater

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    The paper considers the problem of post-treatment of municipal wastewater in Odessa using ozone. A significant place is given to the effect of the breakdown of toxic substances and important carcinogens. Based on theoretical studies, it was concluded that biological wastewater treatment does not guarantee a significant effect of the neutralization of many toxicants. The authors hypothesize the significant advantage of ozonation for the disposal and disinfection of wastewater compared to other methods, for example, chlorination. An important place is occupied by the search for optimal ozone treatment parameters. In laboratory conditions, data for mathematical modeling and optimization have been obtained. It has been established that the best treatment effect is achieved for the main wastewater pollutants, especially for synthetic surface-active substances (90 %) and BOD5 (65 %). Moreover, the processing time is 15 minutes at a dose of ozone of 20–25 mg/l. The concentration of total nitrogen decreases the least (20 %). It was found that a significant effect of disinfection by E. coli during ozonation is achieved by treating wastewater for 4 min at a dose of 3 mg/l of ozone. in a mixture of wastewater and natural water, this effect is achieved in 24 hours. The author's hypothesis of the gentle action of ozonation products for the widespread aquatic culture of Chlorella pyrenoidosa is confirmed. A significant effect of destruction under the influence of ozone of carcinogens was observed. It was found that up to 82 % of benzpyrene in wastewater is destroyed within 16 minutes at a dose of 15 mg/l. The authors conclude that ozonation is a universal method for the purification of biologically treated municipal wastewater, which has a significant effect on the destruction of many toxicants and pathogenic microflora, without the presence of ozonation products that inhibit the development of natural aquatic cultures. Further research should focus on finding low cost ozone synthesis methods

    Дослідження мембранного процесу видалення лактози з концентрату маслянки

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    Improving dairy production technologies, including ice cream, from the secondary raw materials through the introduction of innovative technologies allows you to save energy and resources. Buttermilk as a secondary material resource has valuable properties. They are due to the content of proteins, phospholipids, vitamin F, and others. Application of a butter-milk as a basis for lactose and low-calcined products, including ice cream is restrained by the content of lactose at the milk level. Among the known methods for the removal of lactose are widely used enzymes, membranes and their combination. The presented work is aimed at studying the main dependencies of the membrane treatment of the buttermilk by ultra- and diaphiltration with nano-filtration permeate obtained by appropriate treatment of the oil filtration fluid permeate. In experiments, hollow-fiber ultrafiltration (UV) membranes VPU-15 and nano-filtration (NF) flat membranes OPMN-P produced by «Владипор» (Russia) were used. Both types of membranes were used as part of laboratory membrane installations. The study used standard methods for determining the components of the buttermilk and its products UV and NF. For each membrane, filtrate performance and selectivity were determined depending on the operating parameters of UV permeate nanofiltration and diaphiltration (DF). UV retentate of the buttermilk on hollow fibers at a pressure of 0.15 MPa and a temperature of 50 °C. was obtained at a concentration factor F = 4. The low selectivity of the VPU-15 membrane for lactose (4%) and high protein (99.6%) have been established. The nanofiltration of UV buttermilk permeate was carried out at a pressure range of 0.5 ... 2.0 MPa. From 0.5 to 1.5 MPa linear dependence of specific productivity on pressure at temperature 20 ... 22 °С is established. At concentration factor F = 4 in the retentate of nanofiltration 17.9% of lactose was observed, and in NF permeate 0.05% with the same concentration of salts of 0.7%. With continuous diafiltration of the UV retentate of the buttermilk, an increase in the membrane's productivity was observed with increasing temperature to 8.2 ... 10 l/m2 · h. The lowest concentration of lactose (0.01%) in the UV retentate was observed with the use of a sevenfold volume of NF permeate as a solvent. The effect of lactose removal was 99.8%. The results of the studies have shown that the combination of ultrafiltration and continuous diafiltration with NF permeate gives the desired result of the removal of lactose from the buttermilk concentrate. The best parameters of the research process were a pressure of 1.5 MPa and a temperature of 50 °C. The obtained data can become the basis for obtaining mathematical dependencies for an estimation of an effective membrane method. Further research will be needed because of the problem of membrane contamination and their regeneration and disinfection.Удосконалення технологій виробництва молочних продуктів, у т. ч. морозива, з вторинної сировини за допомогою впровадження інноваційних технологій дає змогу заощадити енергію та ресурси. Маслянка як вторинний матеріальний ресурс має цінні властивості. Вони обумовлені вмістом білків, фосфоліпідів, вітаміну F та ін. Застосування маслянки як основи для безлактозних та низьколактозних продуктів, у т. ч. морозива, стримується вмістом лактози на рівні молока. Серед відомих методів видалення лактози широке застосування мають ферментні, мембранні та їх комбінація. Представлена робота має на меті вивчення основних залежностей мембранної обробки маслянки шляхом ультра- та діафільтрації нанофільтраційним пермеатом, отриманим відповідною обробкою ультрафільтраційного пермеату маслянки. У експериментах застосовували порожнистоволоконні ультрафільтраційні (УФ) мембрани ВПУ-15 та нанофільтраційні (НФ) плоскі мембрани ОПМН-П виробництва «Владипор» (Росія). Обидва типи мембран використовувались у складі лабораторних мембранних установок. У дослідженні застосовувались стандартні методики визначення складових маслянки та її продуктів УФ та НФ. Для кожної мембрани визначали продуктивність за фільтратом та селективність залежно від робочих параметрів нанофільтрації УФ пермеату та діафільтрації (ДФ). УФ ретентат маслянки на порожнистих волокнах при тискові 0,15 МПа та температурі 50 °С отримували при факторі концентрування F = 4. Встановлена низька селективність мембрани ВПУ-15 за лактозою (4%) та висока за білком – 99,6%. Нанофільтрація УФ пермеату маслянки проводилась у діапазоні  тиску 0,5…2,0 МПа. Від 0,5 до 1,5 МПа встановлено лінійну залежність питомої продуктивності від тиску при температурі 20…22 °С при факторі концентрування F = 4 у ретентаті нанофільтрації спостерігалось 17,9% лактози, а у НФ пермеаті 0,05% при однаковій концентрації солей 0,7%. При безперервній діафільтрації УФ ретентату маслянки спостерігалось зростання продуктивності мембран з ростом температури до 8,2…10 л/м2·год. Найменша концентрація лактози (0,01%) у УФ ретентаті спостерігалась при застосуванні семикратного об’єму НФ пермеату як розчинника. Ефект видалення лактози становив 99,8%. Результати досліджень показали, що комбінація ультрафільтрації та безперервної діафільтрації за допомогою НФ пермеату дає бажаний результат видалення лактози з концентрату маслянки. Найкращими параметрами процесу досліджень були тиск 1,5 МПа та температура 50 °С. Одержані дані можуть стати основою для отримання математичних залежностей для оцінки ефективного мембранного способу. Подальші дослідження будуть необхідні через проблему забруднення мембран та їхню регенерацію і дезінфекцію


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    Aim. To evaluate the effect of metoprolol tartrate on blood pressure (BP) and cognitive function in young to middle aged patients with essential hypertension (HT).Material and methods. 40 men (age of 49,0±1,9 y.o.) with HT of I-II stage not taking antihypertensive medication regularly were enrolled into the study. All patients were given metoprolol tartrate (start dose 50-100 mg/d). Variables of 24-h BP monitoring and clinic BP, left ventricular mass index (measured by echocardiography) and characteristics of cognitive function (memory, attention, thinking and neurodynamic) were assessed at the start, after 1 and 6 months of therapy.Results. Good and satisfactory antihypertensive effect was achieved in 75% of hypertensive patients with metoprolol (186,6±13,4mg/d) monotherapy. Metoprolol significantly decreased maximum day-time systolic and diastolic BP, maximum night-time diastolic BP, mean day-time systolic and night-time diastolic BP, time-index, load-index and variability-index for night-time diastolic BP, day-time and night-time pulse BP. Left ventricular mass index reduced significantly (p<0,0001). After 6 months of therapy significant improvement of memory, attention, thinking and neurodynamic was observedConclusion. Metoprolol had beneficial effect on cognitive function in hypertensive patients, which demonstrate its cerebroprotective properties in addition to antihypertensive action. Metoprolol can reduce the risk of dementia in young to middle aged patients with HT


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    Aim. To study the prognostic role of background EEG activity indicators recorded in patients in the preoperative period of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for the development of cognitive impairment in the early and late postoperative periods.Methods. A total of 85 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who underwent CABG were included in the study. Before CABG (3-5 days) all neuropsychological testing and EEG studies were performed, at the 7-10th days and 1 year after CABG only neuropsychological testing. EEG predictors of early (n = 85) and long-term (n = 65) postoperative cognitive dysfunction were detected using the method of multiple linear regression.Results. EEG predictors of deterioration of cognitive status in the early postoperative period of CABG were basic higher values of theta-rhythm power in the posterior regions of the cortex of both hemispheres with closed and open eyes. Whereas higher preoperative parameters of beta2-rhythm biopotentials in the left frontal areas with eyes open and lower alpha-rhythm power in the left occipital parts of the cerebral cortex with eyes closed were associated with long-term postoperative cognitive dysfunction.Conclusion. associations of preoperative eeg indicators with deteriorations of cognitive status in the early and longterm postoperative periods of cabg were revealed. Aim. To study the prognostic role of background EEG activity indicators recorded in patients in the preoperative period of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for the development of cognitive impairment in the early and late postoperative periods.Methods. A total of 85 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who underwent CABG were included in the study. Before CABG (3-5 days) all neuropsychological testing and EEG studies were performed, at the 7-10th days and 1 year after CABG only neuropsychological testing. EEG predictors of early (n = 85) and long-term (n = 65) postoperative cognitive dysfunction were detected using the method of multiple linear regression.Results. EEG predictors of deterioration of cognitive status in the early postoperative period of CABG were basic higher values of theta-rhythm power in the posterior regions of the cortex of both hemispheres with closed and open eyes. Whereas higher preoperative parameters of beta2-rhythm biopotentials in the left frontal areas with eyes open and lower alpha-rhythm power in the left occipital parts of the cerebral cortex with eyes closed were associated with long-term postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Conclusion. associations of preoperative eeg indicators with deteriorations of cognitive status in the early and longterm postoperative periods of cabg were revealed

    Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Early Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction After Combined Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

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    Objective: to study the contribution of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) indicators to the diagnosis of early postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis (MFA) with heart and brain revascularization.Material and methods. The study involved 45 patients with MFA of coronary and precerebral arteries. We analyzed patients’ cognitive indicators and conducted brain scintigraphy before and after revascularization. The criteria for inclusion in the study were: scheduled combined revascularization of coronary and precerebral arteries; signed informed consent to participate in the study. Criteria for exclusion were: refusal to participate in the study, diseases that would prevent examination. The study of cognitive functions was performed using flow was assessed by single-photon emission computed tomography using lipophilic radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-HMPAO “Ceretec”.Results. The frequency of early POCD in the isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) group was 73.3%, in the combined carotid endarterectomy (СEA) and CABG group it was 72.5% (p ˃ 0.05). The rCBF index in the isolated CABG group compared with the combined СEA and CABG group was higher in the right and left temporal lobes (p = 0.01 and p = 0.04), in the right frontal lobe (p = 0.03), right parietal lobe (p = 0.005), and in the right and left occipital lobes (p = 0.03 and p = 0.03). In the postoperative period, in the isolated CABG group, right parietal lobe perfusion (p = 0.01), and right and left occipital lobe perfusion (p = 0.01 and p = 0.01) decreased compared to the baseline values. In the combined СEA and CABG group, in the early postoperative period, cerebral perfusion did not change significantly. Right parietal lobe perfusion was higher in the isolated CABG group compared with the combined CABG and СEA group (p = 0.04). The greatest contribution to the development of early POCD in patients after isolated CABG was made by the left temporal lobe perfusion (p = 0.025), in patients after combined CABG and СEA – by the right parietal lobe perfusion (p = 0.04) in the early postoperative period.Conclusion. Assessment of cerebral perfusion in patients before and after surgery can be used to identify areas affected during surgery, as a method for monitoring the safety of procedure, and as an assessment of the preventive methods against POCD

    Clustering of indicators of the cognitive status in cardiac surgery patients to assess the risk of postoperative decline

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    The aim of the study. To determine the informational value of psychometric indicators used for the integral assessment of cognitive status in cardiac patients, and to find those that would help differentiate the individual sensibility to postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD).Materials and methods. The clustering methods were analyzed the extended psychometric testing data in 256 cardiac surgery patients. The psychometric testing carried out 3–5 days before and on days 7–10 after surgery using the psychophysiological complex program “Status PF”.Results. The cluster analysis revealed that the most informative tests for a screening risk assessment of POCD are the testing the speed of response to visual stimuli with feedback of changes in the stimuli exposition according to the individual reaction time and the testing short-term memory (memorized words). While the analysis of postoperative psychometric indicators, the patients in a modified clustering group were characterized by a deterioration of verbal memory and a decrease of the time reaction to visual stimuli whereas that its observed acceleration in the general “stable” group.Conclusion. The clustering methods enabled the identification of cardiac surgery patients in the preoperative stage who had less cognitive reserve for recovery after surgery. The changes in the relationship of complex visual and motor response, attention, and memory indicators, which depended on the belonging to the identified clusters, suggest that the preoperative period is characterized by the dedifferentiation of cognitive functions indicating a cognitive deficit

    Relationship of psychological characteristics of the perception of illness and the coping strategies of patients with coronary artery disease with the indicators of their purpose-in-life orientation

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    Aim. To study the relationship of the perception of illness and coping strategies in patients with ischemic heart disease before coronary artery bypass grafting with purpose in life orientation. Methods. The study included 108 males aged 45 to 73 years with a diagnosis of ischemic heart disease. Clinical and psychological diagnostics included the study of the patient's perception of illness using the Personal Questionnaire of the Bekhterev Institute, the coping strategies were assessed with the Ways of Coping scale developed by Lazarus and Folkman. To study the purpose in life orientation (formation of goals in life, the level of self-realization of a person, meaningfulness and saturation of life in the past and present, plans for the future), the «Purpose-in-Life Test» by D.A. Leont'ev was used. Results. The study showed the predominance of adaptive variants of the perception of illness and moderate use of both productive and unproductive coping strategies in the studied group, as well as the preservation of aims and guidelines for the future in the situation of preparing for coronary bypass surgery. A positive relationship was found between the indicators of general meaningfulness of life, dedication, satisfaction with the process of activity and achievement of results with the indicators of adaptive variants of the perception of illness and productive coping behavior. Low levels of overall meaningfulness of life, inability to set goals and achieve them, as well as lack of satisfaction from past events, are associated with high rates of maladaptive variants of the perception of illness and the choice of unproductive coping strategies. Conclusion. A high level of purpose in life orientation in patients with ischemic heart disease can lead to the formation of adaptive variants of the perception of illness variants and productive coping strategies, whereas a low level of purpose in life orientation probably leads to the risks of the formation of maladaptive perception of illness variants and coping strategies

    Изменения в структуре когнитивных функций и тревожности у кардиохирургических пациентов в зависимости от выраженности стенозов сонных артерий

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    Highlights. The article revealed that severe (more than 50%) carotid artery (CA) stenosis was associated with significant slowdown of the information selection processes, and these patients were characterized by older age and tendency to an increase in trait anxiety compared to the patients without CA stenosis.It was found that the reduced attention and memory was a typical feature of the cognitive status in patients with severe CA stenosis in the early postoperative period of cardiac surgery in comparison with the patients without CA stenosis. At the same time the speed characteristics indicators of the information selection processes in these patients are positively related to state anxiety.Aim. The cardiac surgery patients were studied in order to analyze the postoperative changes in the efficiency of selection information and memory processes depending on the degree of carotid artery (CA) stenosis (including more than 50%) and the age and the role of the trait anxiety indicator assessed before surgery.Methods. The prospective study included 229 patients undergoing elected coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or CABG and carotid endarterectomy (CEE). Each study participant underwent clinical, instrumental and extended psychometric examination before cardiac surgery and at 7-10 days after surgery. The evaluation of the extracranial vessels state was carried out before surgery using color duplex scanning. Based on the results of assessing the extracranial vessels state, all patients were divided into three groups: no stenosis (n = 124), CA stenosis less than 50% (n = 69) and more than 50% (n = 36).Results. It was found out that the patients with CA stenoses more than 50% are characterized by a slower reaction under different conditions of visual stimuli selection and by an older age as compared with patients with no stenoses as well as patients with stenoses less than 50%. In the postoperative period of cardiac surgery in comparison with testing before surgery there was an improvement in the information selection stability (an increase in the number of processed symbols per 4 minute of the Bourdon's test (p<0.00006)) and short-term memory (p = 0.03) only in the group of patients without stenoses. The patients with stenoses of less than 50% had an increase the of the information selection stability but the short-term memory decrease (p<0.05) whereas the group with stenoses more than 50% had a decrease in both the stability of information selection and short-term memory (p<0,05). Additional factors of cognitive deficit in CA stenosis patients were trait anxiety associated with memory impairment and a history of stroke that related to a decrease in the effectiveness of a complex visual-motor reaction.Conclusion. The comprehensive analysis of the cognitive status of cardiac surgery patients with different severity of CA stenosis showed that an increase in the age and stenosis degree is the factor of the reaction time slowdown under different conditions of information selection. To differentiate groups of patients depending on the severity of stenosis in the postoperative period the testing short-term memory and stability of attention is informative. These indicators improve in the group without stenosis but decrease in the group with pronounced stenosis. The trait anxiety and the history of stroke were the additional factors of memory impairment due to CA stenosis.Основные положения. Впервые показано, что выраженный (более 50%) стеноз сонных артерий (СА) приводит к значимому замедлению формирования реакции при селекции информации и эти пациенты характеризуются старшим возрастом и тенденцией к росту личностной тревожности по сравнению с больными с отсутствием стенозов СА.Обнаружено, что отличительной особенностью когнитивного статуса пациентов с выраженными стенозами СА в раннем послеоперационном периоде кардиохирургического вмешательства служат снижение объема внимания и ухудшение памяти в сравнении с больными с отсутствием стенозов СА, при этом скоростные показатели селекции информации положительно связаны с личностной тревожностью.Цель. Проанализировать послеоперационные изменения эффективности селекции информации и памяти в зависимости от степени стеноза сонных артерий (СА) (более 50%) и возраста пациентов и выяснить роль показателя личностной тревожности, измеренного до оперативного вмешательства.Материалы и методы. В проспективное исследование включены 229 больных, перенесших изолированное коронарное шунтирование (КШ) либо КШ в сочетании с каротидной эндартерэктомией. Клиническое, инструментальное и расширенное психометрическое обследование выполнено до вмешательства и на 7-10-е сут после операции. Оценка состояния экстракраниальных сосудов проведена до операции с использованием цветного дуплексного сканирования. По результатам этой оценки сформированы три группы пациентов: отсутствие стеноза СА (n = 124), стеноз СА менее 50% (n = 69) и более 50% (n = 36).Результаты. Больные со стенозами СА более 50% отличаются от пациентов с отсутствием стенозов и стенозами менее 50% более медленной реакцией в разных условиях селекции зрительных стимулов и старшим возрастом. В послеоперационном периоде кардиохирургических вмешательств только в группе лиц без стенозов отмечено улучшение устойчивости селекции информации (увеличение количества обрабатываемых за 4 минуты символов теста корректурной пробы Бурдона; p<0,00006) и кратковременной памяти (р = 0,03) в сравнении с тестированием до операции. У пациентов со стенозами менее 50% наряду с повышением устойчивости селекции информации показатели кратковременной памяти снижались (р<0,05), а в группе со стенозами более 50% отмечено как уменьшение устойчивости селекции информации, так и кратковременной памяти (р<0,05). Дополнительными факторами когнитивного дефицита при стенозе СА выступают личностная тревожность, связанная с ухудшением памяти, и наличие ОНМК в анамнезе, ассоциированное со снижением эффективности сложной зрительно-моторной реакции.Заключение. В результате комплексного анализа когнитивного статуса кардиохирургических пациентов с разной выраженностью стенозов СА установлено, что увеличение возраста и степени стеноза служит фактором замедления формирования ответа в разных условиях селекции информации. Для дифференциации групп больных в зависимости от выраженности стеноза в послеоперационном периоде информативно тестирование кратковременной памяти и устойчивости внимания, показатель которого улучшается в группе без стеноза, но снижается в группе с выраженным стенозом

    Modeling of changes in heat resistance of nickel-based alloys using bayesian artificial neural networks

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    Resource design of gas turbine engines and installations requires extensive information about the heat resistance of nickel-based superalloys, from which the most critical parts of aircraft and marine engines, pumps of gas-oil pumping stations and power plants are made. The problems are that the data on the heat resistance obtained as a result of testing each alloy under study are quite limited. In the present paper, the task of modelling changes in the heat resistance of nickel-based superalloy on the basis of available experimental data is solved. To solve the task, the most modern approach, the neural network modeling method, was applied. The input data are chemical compositions of heat-resistant nickel-based superalloys and the values of their heat resistance obtained experimentally. The output data are the calculated values of heat resistance modeled by an artificial neural network. In the course of the work, transformations of the input data were carried out to reduce the standard deviation of the modeling of the output data. The choice of the neural network configuration was made in order to achieve the highest possible accuracy. As a result, a neural network of direct error propagation was used, with 27 neurons on the input layer, 13 neurons in the hidden layer and 1 neuron in the output layer. To validate the results of the predictions, a group of alloys with the maximum number of known experimental values of heat resistance was randomly selected before the input of data into the network. After preparing the data, selecting the configuration and training the network, the chemical compositions of the selected group were loaded and their heat resistance values were calculated. Comparison of the obtained data with the experimental data showed high efficiency of the method. As a result, data on the change of heat resistance for the studied alloys were obtained and an analytical expression describing the obtained dependences was formulated. © 2020, Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved

    Immunomodulating and Revascularizing Activity of Kalanchoe pinnata Synergize with Fungicide Activity of Biogenic Peptide Cecropin P1

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    © 2017 N. S. Zakharchenko et al. Previously transgenic Kalanchoe pinnata plants producing an antimicrobial peptide cecropin P1 (CecP1) have been reported. Now we report biological testing K. pinnata extracts containing CecP1 as a candidate drug for treatment of wounds infected with Candida albicans. The drug constitutes the whole juice from K. pinnata leaves (not ethanol extract) sterilized with nanofiltration. A microbicide activity of CecP1 against an animal fungal pathogen in vivo was demonstrated for the first time. However, a favorable therapeutic effect of the transgenic K. pinnata extract was attributed to a synergism between the fungicide activity of CecP1 and wound healing (antiscar), revascularizing, and immunomodulating effect of natural biologically active components of K. pinnata. A commercial fungicide preparation clotrimazole eliminated C. albicans cells within infected wounds in rats with efficiency comparable to CecP1-enriched K. pinnata extract. But in contrast to K. pinnata extract, clotrimazole did not exhibit neither wound healing activity nor remodeling of the scar matrix. Taken together, our results allow assumption that CecP1-enriched K. pinnata extracts should be considered as a candidate drug for treatment of dermatomycoses, wounds infected with fungi, and bedsores