985 research outputs found

    Анализ инновационных технологий гидрогелей из уронатных полисахаридов и биодеградирующих пленок на их основе

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the state and dynamics of scientific developments in the field of creating products for life and health, based on hydrogels from uronate polysaccharides (HUP). The article is reflected the results of the global scientific research monitoring and their changes in the field of technologies for the creation and use of HUP. The results of a retrospective analysis of existing technologies based on poorly studied in the field of food technologies uronic acids, as glucuronic, idouronic, hyaluronic were presented. The study showed, that nowadays the industry of products with their content is acquiring market traits, although it has insufficient scientific substantiation. Development segments with widely used uronate polysaccharides – pectins and alginates – according to the types of hydrogels (swollen hydrogel, cross-linked hydrogel, xerogel) were developed. The article presents examples and identified the required properties of substances intended for immobilization or encapsulation in the hydrogel matrix of uronate polysaccharides. The basic principles of uronate polysaccharides crosslinking chains in the hydrogel phase are determined. Possible methods of biologically active substances (BAS) retention in the matrix of uronate polysaccharides to reduce the risk of premature oxidation, destruction, decomposition, decomposition, evaporation were described. The search for information allowed us to identify key technological areas for the development of scientific research on the creation and use of HUP to improve people's lives and health. The archives of the world's leading publications in the field of food chemistry, biotechnology, food engineering, chemistry of new materials, food polymers and hydrocolloids were analyzed. The authors used in their work the resources of the Science Direct search system, which made it possible to determine the most promising and modern lines of development of HUP technologies and products based on them. The analysis of technologies has shown that existing innovative technologies are formed on “basic” technologies for producing solutions of high-molecular compounds under various conditions. Active modernization is carried out in the direction of creating products with immobilized biologically active substances, as well as in attempts to compose a composition with other polysaccharides and/or peptide components. The article notes that existing technologies allow developing other technologies with the help of which it is possible to expand the field of HUP application.Статья посвящена анализу состояния и динамике научных разработок в области создания продуктов для жизни и здоровья на основе гидрогелей из уронатных полисахаридов (ГУП). В статье отражены результаты мониторинга мировых научных исследований и их изменений в области технологий создания и применения ГУП. Авторы представили результаты ретроспективного анализа существующих технологий на основе малоизученых в области пищевых технологий уроновых кислот: глюкуроновая, идоуроновая, гиалуроновая. Исследование показало, что на сегодня индустрия продуктов с их содержанием приобретает вполне рыночные черты, хотя и имеет недостаточно полное научное обоснование. Сформированы сегменты разработок с широко используемыми уронатными полисахаридами - пектинами и альгинатами – по видам гидрогелей (гидрогель набухший, гидрогель сшитый, ксерогель). В статье представлены примеры и выявлены требуемые свойства веществ, предназначенных для иммобилизации или инкапсуляции в матрицу гидрогеля из уронатных полисахаридов. Определены основные принципы сшивания цепочек уронатных полисахаридов в фазе гидрогеля. Описаны возможные способы удержания биологически активных веществ (БАВ) в матрице уронатных полисахаридов для снижения риска преждевременного окисления, деструкции, разложения, распада, испарения. Поиск информации позволил определить ключевые технологические области развития научных исследований по созданию и применению ГУП для улучшения жизни и здоровья людей. Проанализированы архивы ведущих мировых изданий в области пищевой химии, биотехнологии, пищевой инженерии, химии новых материалов, пищевых полимеров и гидроколлоидов. Авторы использовали в работе ресурсы поисковой системы Science Direct, что позволило определить наиболее перспективные и современные направления развития технологий ГУП и продуктов на их основе. Анализ технологий показал, что существующие инновационные технологии сформированы на “базисных” технологиях получения растворов высокомолекулярных соединений при различных условиях. Активная модернизация проводится в направлении создания продуктов с иммобилизированными БАВ, а также в попытках составить композицию с другими полисахаридами и/или пептидными составляющими. В работе отмечается, что существующие технологии позволяют развивать другие технологии, с помощью которых возможно расширить сферы применения ГУП


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    Although the WHO-recommended coronavirus vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines provide new information to healthcare professionals about the extent and nature of adverse reactions to these drugs. The aim of the study is supplementing the available data on adverse reactions of vaccines on the example of the experience of vaccination of the teaching staff of the Cherkasy Medical Academy with vaccines COVISHIELD and COMIRNATY. Information for this study was collected retrospectively through a survey of 72 employees of the Cherkasy Medical Academy who were vaccinated with the COVISHIELD vaccine (first dose); 67 workers vaccinated with AstraZeneca (second dose); 54 workers who were vaccinated with COMIRNATY vaccine (first dose); 52 people vaccinated with this vaccine (second dose). The study confirmed that among the local side effects, the most common were pain at the injection site, among the systemic - fever, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness, headache, muscle pain, chills. Most of the side effects were most pronounced in young people, more often in women than in men.Although the WHO-recommended coronavirus vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines provide new information to healthcare professionals about the extent and nature of adverse reactions to these drugs. The aim of the study is supplementing the available data on adverse reactions of vaccines on the example of the experience of vaccination of the teaching staff of the Cherkasy Medical Academy with vaccines COVISHIELD and COMIRNATY. Information for this study was collected retrospectively through a survey of 72 employees of the Cherkasy Medical Academy who were vaccinated with the COVISHIELD vaccine (first dose); 67 workers vaccinated with AstraZeneca (second dose); 54 workers who were vaccinated with COMIRNATY vaccine (first dose); 52 people vaccinated with this vaccine (second dose). The study confirmed that among the local side effects, the most common were pain at the injection site, among the systemic - fever, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness, headache, muscle pain, chills. Most of the side effects were most pronounced in young people, more often in women than in men

    Variation in guided streamer propagation along a DBD plasma jet by tailoring the applied voltage waveform

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    Experimental data on the evolution of a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet driven by two different voltage waveforms are presented. The characteristics of directed ionization waves (guided streamers) were compared for a sinusoidal voltage waveform with a frequency of 52 kHz and a voltage waveform that was formed via the superposition of 41.6 kHz bipolar square pulses and 300 kHz oscillations. With the sinusoidal voltage, two consecutive ionization waves were observed. With a special tailoring voltage, control of the guided streamer propagation in a stepwise mode was achieved. The observed second streamer and the second step of propagation could be regarded as a secondary ionization wave for both voltages. A change in the voltage waveform led to significant variations in the secondary ionization wave formation and streamer parameters. The voltage waveform enabled the number of ionization waves and their propagation to change, which provided the possibility of controlling the plasma parameters of the jet


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate retrospectively the survival of the peritoneal dialysis (PD) technique survival and identify the factors that affect it. Patients and methods. A total of 38 patients with end-stage renal disease treated with PD from 2005 to May 2017 have been included in retrospective, study (average age 49.6 ± 5.6). Data were collected from medical records. Results. The average survival rate of the PD method in our center was 53.3 ± 7.4 months, and in patients with nondiabetic kidney disease it was significantly higher. During the follow-up only 11/38 (28.9 %) patients continue treatment of PD, 12/38 (31.6 %) were changed to HD, 4/38 (10.6 %) patients kidney transplantation was performed and 11/38 %) died. The main reason of the letal cases was cardiovascular complications (36.6 %). The patient mortality was significantly depended on the diuresis volume and the level of GFR at the time of PD initiation. Conclusions. PD technique survival in our center correlate with the results of the PD treatment patients worldwide


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    У статті розглянуто проблему професійно-педагогічної самореалізації викладачів у закладах післядипломної педагогічної освіти засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. Обґрунтовано актуальність створення й упровадження в освітній процес закладів післядипломної педагогічної освіти дистанційного спецкурсу «Особливості професійно-педагогічної самореалізації викладача засобами ІКТ у міжкурсовий період». На основі аналізу наукових праць, синтезу навчально-методичних ідей, узагальнення власного досвіду педагогічної роботи представлено орієнтовний тематичний план спецкурсу. Описано змістове наповнення змістових модулів дистанційного спецкурсу. Наголошено, що ефективність упровадження й використання в освітній практиці закладів післядипломної педагогічної освіти дистанційного спецкурсу залежить від рівня фахової освіти та ІК-компетентності викладачів. Акцентовано увагу на поєднанні теоретичних, практико спрямованих завдань, а також завдань, які мають творчо-креативний характер. Зазначено, що дистанційний спецкурс містить не лише теоретико-практичний зміст, але питання для самостійного вивчення та осмислення. Значну увагу під час опанування дистанційного спецкурсу приділено індивідуальній самостійній роботі викладачів. Обґрунтовано ідею про те, що ефективність упровадження дистанційного спецкурсу буде залежати від рівня початкових знань, який передбачає володіння викладачами базовими знаннями з основ комп’ютерної грамотності, наявність доступу до мережі Інтернет і необхідного технічного забезпечення. Робота має міждисциплінарний характер, тому написана на перетині проблемних сфер педагогіки, психології, філософії, інформатики. Такий досвід буде цікавим для фахівців у галузі професійної освіти та інформатизації

    Pathological features of the lungs and liver of piglets under conditions of constant vaccination of livestock against circovirus infection

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    The pathogenicity of PCV 2 in the body of vaccinated piglets was studied based on the results of pathomorphological changes in the lungs and liver of animals. The work was carried out on commercial piglets vaccinated with the vaccine Ingelvak CircoFLEX (Germany) against circovirus. The work used clinical, zootechnical, enzyme immunoassay and pathomorphological research methods. It has been established that under the conditions of ongoing vaccination of piglets against PCV2, 30.3% of piglets still do not have virus-neutralizing antibodies. The main reason for the culling of animals are circovirus diseases that have respiratory clinical signs, as well as signs of multisystem wasting syndrome, determining the safety of the livestock at the level of 68.05%, the average live weight of 1 head at the moment of its transfer for fattening is 40.44±0.78 kg, and the average daily gain in live weight is 346.00±9.18 g. At autopsy, sick piglets reveal an increase in the lungs and liver, and the signs of inflammation in them, as a result of circulatory disorders, damage to the lymphoid tissue, the development of dystrophic and necrotic changes. The results of the research suggest that in order to increase the efficiency of the formation of post-vaccination immunity, specific medical preparations can be used to stimulate the immune response of the body, as well as to enhance the resistance of the lymphoid tissue of the lungs and liver in animals.The pathogenicity of PCV 2 in the body of vaccinated piglets was studied based on the results of pathomorphological changes in the lungs and liver of animals. The work was carried out on commercial piglets vaccinated with the vaccine Ingelvak CircoFLEX (Germany) against circovirus. The work used clinical, zootechnical, enzyme immunoassay and pathomorphological research methods. It has been established that under the conditions of ongoing vaccination of piglets against PCV2, 30.3% of piglets still do not have virus-neutralizing antibodies. The main reason for the culling of animals are circovirus diseases that have respiratory clinical signs, as well as signs of multisystem wasting syndrome, determining the safety of the livestock at the level of 68.05%, the average live weight of 1 head at the moment of its transfer for fattening is 40.44±0.78 kg, and the average daily gain in live weight is 346.00±9.18 g. At autopsy, sick piglets reveal an increase in the lungs and liver, and the signs of inflammation in them, as a result of circulatory disorders, damage to the lymphoid tissue, the development of dystrophic and necrotic changes. The results of the research suggest that in order to increase the efficiency of the formation of post-vaccination immunity, specific medical preparations can be used to stimulate the immune response of the body, as well as to enhance the resistance of the lymphoid tissue of the lungs and liver in animals


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    The development and application of modern integrated methods for studying the efficiency of heat recovery systems and their individual elements enables ensuring their maximum efficiency. These methods are based on a combination of methods of exergic analysis with statistical methods of experiment planning, methods of the theory of linear systems, thermodynamics of irreversible processes, etc. A method is developed for calculating the losses of exergic power in heat conduction processes for a gas-air plate heat exchanger. Losses of exergic power occur when heat is transferred through the cross-section of the heat recovery plate. The methodology is based on a complex approach combining exergy methods with methods of thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The mathematical model of the investigated processes includes the exergy equation, the balance equation of exergy and entropy, the equation of continuity, the equation of phase motion, the energy equation, the balance equation for enthalpies, the Gibbs equation and the heat equation for boundary conditions of the third kind for an unbounded plate. A plate of a gas-air plate heat exchanger was modelled as an unlimited plate thickness. When obtaining formulas for calculating the losses of exergic power, the local differential equation of the exergy balance obtained earlier was used. In this equation, one of the terms determines the losses of exergy power, which are caused by the irreversibility of the processes. Such losses are related to thermal conductivity, phase viscosity, phase-to-phase heat transfer and friction between phases. On the basis of this equation and the solution of the heat equation under boundary conditions of the third kind, formulas are obtained for calculating the losses of exergy power. Calculations of total losses of exergic power in a gas-air plate heat exchanger and losses of exergic power in heat conduction processes under various operating conditions of the boiler are performed. It is established that losses of exergic power in heat conduction processes in a gas-air plate heat exchanger make up 8.6-11.6 % of the total losses of exergy power and depend on the operating mode of the boiler. Changing in the necessary direction the thermophysical characteristics of the gas-air plate heat exchanger, it is possible to reduce the loss of exergy power.Розроблено методику розрахунку втрат ексергетичної потужності у процесах теплопровідності під час передачі теплоти через поперечний переріз пластини газоповітряного пластинчастого теплоутилізатора за граничних умов третього роду. Методику засновано на комплексному підході, що поєднує ексергетичні методи з методами термодинаміки незворотних процесів. Математична модель досліджуваних процесів включає рівняння ексергії, рівняння балансу ексергії та ентропії, рівняння нерозривності трифазної термодинамічної системи при зміні концентрації однієї з фаз, рівняння руху фаз, рівняння енергій, рівняння балансу ентальпій, рівняння Гіббса і рівняння теплопровідності за граничних умов третього роду. Для отримання формул для розрахунку втрат ексергетичної потужності використано локальне диференціальне рівняння балансу ексергії. У цьому рівнянні одна зі складових визначає втрати ексергетичної потужності, зумовлені незворотністю процесів і пов'язані з теплопровідністю, в'язкістю фаз, міжфазним теплообміном і тертям між фазами. На підставі цього рівняння і рішення рівняння теплопровідності за граничних умов третього роду для необмеженої пластини, якою моделювалася пластина газоповітряного пластинчастого теплоутилізатора, отримано формули для розрахунку втрат ексергетичної потужності. Виконано розрахунки загальних втрат ексергетичної потужності в газоповітряному пластинчастому теплоутилізаторі за різних режимів роботи котла і втрат ексергетичної потужності у процесах теплопровідності. Встановлено, що втрати ексергетичної потужності у процесах теплопровідності в газоповітряному пластинчатому теплоутилізаторі становлять 8,6-11,6 % від загальних втрат ексергетичної потужності і залежать від режиму роботи котла


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    Peritonealfibrosis (PF) is a common morphological change in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. With the progression of PF, peritoneal membrane function is impaired, which leads to ultrafiltration failure. Results of studies in recent years show the crucial role of high production monocytic chemoattractant protein -1 (MCP-1) of peritoneal fibrosis in PD-patients. The aim was to determine intraperitoneally production ofIL-10 and MCP-1 and its relationship with clinical and laboratory parameters of adequacy of dialysis. Patients and methods. A prospective observational study involved 18patients with CKD stage Vwith non-diabetic nephropathy, were treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (PAPD). The limits of the normal range (reference range) were obtained from the survey results of 10 conditionally healthy individuals. ELISA method in serum and peritoneal dialysis effluent (PDE) investigated levels ofIL-10 and MSP-1. PAPD adequacy indicators evaluated by determining the concentration of urea and creatinine in plasma, urine and dialysate, calculated weekly creatinine clearance (CrCl), dialysis (Ш/ Vd), renal (Ш / Vr) and шА weekly urea clearance (Kt/ V). [email protected]  Results. In all of the PD-patients compared to healthy donors conventionally, there was a significant increase in concentration of the cytokines. We determined the positive regression relationship between the concentration of MCP-1 and IL-10 in PDE and the level of total weekly (Kt / V) and renal (Kt / Vr). Conclusions. We determined the regression dependence, which allowed to identify clinical parameters that are most closely (statistically significant) related to intraperitoneal production of MCP-1 and IL-10


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    The aim of our study was to determine the effectiveness of Sodium nucleinate in treatment of patients with recurrent pyelonephritis. Material and methods. This clinical study is a prospective, open, controlled, randomized clinical study. Two types of therapies were evaluated in parallel groups. 98patients with recurrent pyelonephritis were examined in the dynamics of treatment. We investigated the state of the genitourinary system microbiota, mucosal immunity performance of the urogenital tract and contents of blood cytokines. After the examination the patients were divided by the applied therapeutic approach. The first group of the women (n=55) received antibiotic therapy and Sodium nucleinate 0.25 g 4 times per day for 2 weeks. The second group of the women (n=43) received only antibiotics. Results. The frequency of eradication of U. urealyticum (including in association with M. hominis) was significantly higher in patients of the first group. We have identified a significantly higher phagocytic activity and a phagocytosis intensity of neutrophils in samples from the vagina in women of the first group (46 [28-49] vs 17 [13-27.5] p = 0.002 and 3.19 [2.34-4.9] against 2.8 [1.23-3.6] p=0.02, respectively).The study of mucosal immunity has demonstrated a significant decrease the content of lactoferrin and increasing sIg A in the urine of patients of group (6.85 [0.2-80] vs 0 [0-0.4] ng/ml, p=0.01 and 0.42 [0-0,7] vs. 3.2 [0-3,7]g/ml, p=0.04, respectively).In addition, the use of Sodium nucleinate promoted to a significant reduction of high levels of all investigated cytokines: IL-4 (p=0.003), IL-17 (p=0.005), NGAL (p=0.02), TNF-$ (p=0.02) and MCP-1 (p=0.03). In the control group was achieved just the reduction in levels of IL-4 (p=0.007) and IL-17 (p=0.04). Conclusions. Thus, the application of the proposed therapies can improve the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with recurrent pyelonephritis by normalization of mucosal immunity of the genitourinary system and the cytokine profile. We believe that the traditional antibiotic therapy ofpatients with recurrent pyelonephritis advisable to supplement of Sodium nucleinate at a dose of 0.25g 4 times / day for 2 weeks