688 research outputs found

    Development of high efficiency opaque photocathodes for the Region 900 angstrom to 1200 angstrom

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    Progress in the following three areas is reported: investigation of the basic properties of candidate photocathode materials; measurement of the quantum detection efficiency (QDE) of KCl, RbBr, and CsBr as a function of wavelength and incident angle; and assessment of the stability of these photocathodes

    The distribution of maxima of approximately Gaussian random fields

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    Motivated by the problem of testing for the existence of a signal of known parametric structure and unknown ``location'' (as explained below) against a noisy background, we obtain for the maximum of a centered, smooth random field an approximation for the tail of the distribution. For the motivating class of problems this gives approximately the significance level of the maximum score test. The method is based on an application of a likelihood-ratio-identity followed by approximations of local fields. Numerical examples illustrate the accuracy of the approximations.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS511 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Report of the ultraviolet and visible sensors panel

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    In order to meet the science objectives of the Astrotech 21 mission set the Ultraviolet (UV) and Visible Sensors Panel made a number of recommendations. In the UV wavelength range of 0.01 to 0.3 micro-m the focus is on the need for large format high quantum efficiency, radiation hard 'solar-blind' detectors. Options recommended for support include Si and non-Si charge coupled devices (CCDs) as well as photocathodes with improved microchannel plate readouts. For the 0.3 to 0.9 micro-m range, it was felt that Si CCDs offer the best option for high quantum efficiencies at these wavelengths. In the 0.9 to 2.5 micro-m the panel recommended support for the investigation of monolithic arrays. Finally, the panel noted that the implementation of very large arrays will require new data transmission, data recording, and data handling technologies

    Statistical corrections of linkage data suggest predominantly cis regulations of gene expression

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    Morley et al. (Nature 2004, 430:743–747) detected significant linkages to the expression levels of 142 genes (of 3554) at a reported threshold of genome-wide p = 0.001 (LOD ≈ 5.3), using 14 three-generation Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain pedigrees. Most of the linkages (77%) were trans, i.e., more than 5 Mb from the expressed gene. However, the analysis did not account for the expected anti-conservative effect of the skewed distribution of score- or regression-based statistics in large sibships, or for the possible variance distortion due to correlations among tests. Therefore, we re-analyzed their data, using a robust score statistic for the entire pedigrees and correcting the p-values for skewness. We found that a LOD of 5.3 had a skewness-corrected genome-wide p-value of 0.016 instead of 0.001 (a result that we confirmed using simulation), with around 50 expected false positives. We then further corrected for correlation among the (skew-corrected) p-values by using Efron's method for obtaining the empirical null distribution. Setting a threshold of FDR = 10% (Z = 6.4, LOD = 8.9), we detected linkage for the expression levels of 22 genes, 19 of which are cis. Limiting the analysis to cis regions, linkage was detected to the expression levels of 46 genes with 4.6 expected false positives (FDR = 10%)

    Stochastic Model of Protein–Protein Interaction: Why Signaling Proteins Need to Be Colocalized

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    Colocalization of proteins that are part of the same signal transduction pathway via compartmentalization, scaffold, or anchor proteins is an essential aspect of the signal transduction system in eukaryotic cells. If interaction must occur via free diffusion, then the spatial separation between the sources of the two interacting proteins and their degradation rates become primary determinants of the time required for interaction. To understand the role of such colocalization, we create a mathematical model of the diffusion based protein–protein interaction process. We assume that mRNAs, which serve as the sources of these proteins, are located at different positions in the cytoplasm. For large cells such as Drosophila oocytes we show that if the source mRNAs were at random locations in the cell rather than colocalized, the average rate of interactions would be extremely small, which suggests that localization is needed to facilitate protein interactions and not just to prevent cross-talk between different signaling modules

    Scanning a Poisson Random Field for Local Signals

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    The detection of local genomic signals using high-throughput DNA sequencing data can be cast as a problem of scanning a Poisson random field for local changes in the rate of the process. We propose a likelihood-based framework for such scans, and derive formulas for false positive rate control and power calculations. The framework can also accommodate modified processes that involve overdispersion. As a specific, detailed example, we consider the detection of insertions and deletions by paired-end DNA-sequencing. We propose several statistics for this problem, compare their power under current experimental designs, and illustrate their application on an Illumina Platinum Genomes data set

    Noiseless, kilohertz-frame-rate, imaging detector based on micro-channel plates readout with the Medipix2 CMOS pixel chip

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    A new hybrid imaging detector is described that is being developed for the next generation adaptive optics (AO) wavefront sensors. The detector consists of proximity focused microchannel plates (MCPs) read out by pixelated CMOS application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips developed at CERN ("Medipix2"). Each Medipix2 pixel has an amplifier, lower and upper charge discriminators, and a 14-bit chounter. The 256x256 array can be read out noiselessly (photon counting) in 286 us. The Medipix2 is buttable on 3 sides to produce 512x(n*256) pixel devices. The readout can be electronically shuttered down to a terporal window of a few microseconds with an accuracy of 10 ns. Good quantum efficiencies can be achieved from the x-ray (open faced with opaque photocathodes) to the optical (sealed tube with multialkali or GaAs photocathode)

    Photon counting arrays for AO wavefront sensors

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    Future wavefront sensors for AO on large telescopes will require a large number of pixels and must operate at high frame rates. Unfortunately for CCDs, there is a readout noise penalty for operating faster, and this noise can add up rather quickly when considering the number of pixels required for the extended shape of a sodium laser guide star observed with a large telescope. Imaging photon counting detectors have zero readout noise and many pixels, but have suffered in the past with low QE at the longer wavelengths (>500 nm). Recent developments in GaAs photocathode technology, CMOS ASIC readouts and FPGA processing electronics have resulted in noiseless WFS detector designs that are competitive with silicon array detectors, though at ~40% the QE of CCDs. We review noiseless array detectors and compare their centroiding performance with CCDs using the best available characteristics of each. We show that for sub-aperture binning of 6x6 and greater that noiseless detectors have a smaller centroid error at fluences of 60 photons or less, though the specific number is dependent on seeing conditions and the centroid algorithm used. We then present the status of a 256x256 noiseless MCP/Medipix2 hybrid detector being developed for AO

    Caracterização e avaliação da pastagem do rebanho de agricultores familiares do nordeste paraense.

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    No Nordeste Paraense alguns agricultores familiares têm implantado pequenas áreas de pastagens e manejado pequenos rebanhos com o objetivo de aplicar eventuais ganhos obtidos com os cultivos, criando uma poupança a ser utilizada nas necessidades futuras da família ou da propriedade. Há indícios de problemas nas pastagens e no rebanho que limitam tanto a produção e a sustentabilidade da pecuária, como comprometem os cultivos agrícolas que realmente sustentam a propriedade. Este estudo tratou de identificar as principais limitações e propor alternativas de manejo que sejam econômica e ecologicamente mais sustentáveis. Na primeira fase do estudo, numa amostra ao acaso de 38 propriedades, descreveu-se o manejo da pastagem e do rebanho, e na segunda, numa amostra menor, de doze propriedades e por um período de 29 meses, avaliou-se o potencial desses dois componentes. As propriedades estudadas desenvolvem uma pecuária de baixa produtividade. Devido à baixa fertilidade do solo e o deficiente manejo, as pastagens não suprem os alimentos necessários ao rebanho, tanto em quantidade como em qualidade. Também foram identificadas deficiências no manejo do rebanho, próprias de sistemas extensivos. Contudo, as limitações podem ser solucionadas com práticas amplamente conhecidas de manejo da pastagem (como formação, manutenção e manejo) e do rebanho (reprodução, manejo de bezerros e sanidade em geral). Novos modelos de exploração também foram sugeridos

    Adoptive transfer of M2 macrophages reduces neuropathic pain via opioid peptides

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    Background During the inflammation which occurs following nerve damage, macrophages are recruited to the site of injury. Phenotypic diversity is a hallmark of the macrophage lineage and includes pro-inflammatory M1 and anti- inflammatory M2 populations. Our aim in this study was to investigate the ability of polarized M0, M1, and M2 macrophages to secrete opioid peptides and to examine their relative contribution to the modulation of neuropathic pain. Methods Mouse bone marrow-derived cells were cultured as unstimulated M0 macrophages or were stimulated into an M1 phenotype using lipopolysaccharide and interferon-γ or into an M2 phenotype using interleukin-4. The macrophage phenotypes were verified using flow cytometry for surface marker analysis and cytokine bead array for cytokine profile assessment. Opioid peptide levels were measured by radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay. As a model of neuropathic pain, a chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve was employed. Polarized M0, M1, and M2 macrophages (5 × 105 cells) were injected perineurally twice, on days 14 and 15 following CCI or sham surgery. Mechanical and heat sensitivity were measured using the von Frey and Hargreaves tests, respectively. To track the injected macrophages, we also transferred fluorescently stained polarized cells and analyzed the surface marker profile of endogenous and injected cells in the nerves ex vivo. Results Compared to M0 and M1 cells, M2 macrophages contained and released higher amounts of opioid peptides, including Met-enkephalin, dynorphin A (1–17), and β-endorphin. M2 cells transferred perineurally at the nerve injury site reduced mechanical, but not heat hypersensitivity following the second injection. The analgesic effect was reversed by the perineurally applied opioid receptor antagonist naloxone methiodide. M2 cells did not affect sensitivity following sham surgery. Neither M0 nor M1 cells altered mechanical and heat sensitivity in CCI or sham-operated animals. Tracing the fluorescently labeled M0, M1, and M2 cells ex vivo showed that they remained in the nerve and preserved their phenotype. Conclusions Perineural transplantation of M2 macrophages resulted in opioid-mediated amelioration of neuropathy-induced mechanical hypersensitivity, while M1 macrophages did not exacerbate pain. Therefore, rather than focusing on macrophage-induced pain generation, promoting opioid-mediated M2 actions may be more relevant for pain control