220 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of water and water emulsion droplets evaporation in flames with different temperatures

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    The models of heat and mass transfer and phase transition for “water droplet – flame” system have been developed using non-stationary nonlinear partial differential equations. The system of differential equations was solved by the finite-difference method. The locally one-dimensional method was used to solve the difference analogous of differential equations. One-dimensional differential equations were solved using an implicit four-point difference scheme. Nonlinear equations were solved by the iteration method. The evaporation rates of water droplets (with sizes from 0.05 mm to 5 mm) in the flame zone (at the temperatures from 500 K to 1200 K) were determined. Theoretical analysis established essentially nonlinear (close to exponential) form of dependence of the water droplet evaporation rate on the temperature of the external gas area and the temperature of a droplet surface. In particular, the water droplet evaporation rate varies from 0.25 to 0.29 kg/(m2s), when the temperature of external gas area is about 1100 K. On the other hand, the water droplet evaporation rate does not exceed 0.01 kg/(m2s) when the temperature of external gas area is about 350 K. Besides, it has been found out that droplets warm up at different rates depending on their initial temperature and velocity. As a result, the integral characteristics of droplet evaporation can increase substantially, when droplets move through the external gas area at the same temperature. We performed a similar investigation or droplet streams with droplet concentration 0.001–0.005 m3 in 1 m3 of gas area (typical parameters for modern spray extinguishing systems)

    Зарубіжний досвід організації системи соціально-трудових відносин та специфіка функціонування трудових судів на прикладі Франції

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    Жданова О. С. Зарубіжний досвід організації системи соціально-трудових відносин та специфіка функціонування трудових судів на прикладі Франції / О. С. Жданова // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.) Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОН України; НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2014. – Вип. 72. – С. 176-181.Статтю присвячено вивченню французького досвіду організації системи соціально-трудових відносин та специфіці функціонування трудових (прюдомальних) судів. У статті розглянуто структуру й зміст Трудового кодексу Франції, риси французької моделі соціально-трудових відносин, закони з розвитку виробничої демократії, досвід щодо відповідальності роботодавців за порушення трудового законодавства, типову структуру соціальних планів, щорічний звіт «Соціальний баланс», досвід у сфері подолання негативних наслідків, пов’язаних із мобінгом на виробництві, специфіка організації прюдомальних судів

    Mobile Health Intervention for Outpatient Treatment of Tuberculosis and HIV Infection

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    Aim of the study. To describe the results of using mobile health intervention for improving the compliance of patients with tuberculosis and HIV (TB/HIV). Materials and methods. Piloted clinic-affiliated mobile intervention was carried out in 54 patients with TB/HIV and with a history of psychoactive substances abuse in Irkutsk Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital. The mobile intervention included a smartphone application that connected the participants to the staff of Irkutsk Regional TB Hospital and provided daily queries on stress, mood and medication adherence; appointment reminders; virtual support group and consultation resources; weekly quizzes. We assessed longitudinal impact on retention in medical care, visit constancy, viral loads and CD4 counts, TB outcomes. Results. In 6 months, we registered the increase (in comparison with baseline) in mean CD4 counts (F = 6.61; р = 0.04) and in the number of cases of suppressed viral loads – from 20.5 % (9/44) to 55.3 % (21/38) (p < 0.01) in TB/HIV users of e-health app. We found a lower level of TB treatment interruption in patients who used the application in comparison with the patients who refused to use it (4/44 vs 5/10; χ2 = 7.09; р = 0.008). App users completed the course of TB treatment in 63.6 % of cases (28/44), and 61.4 % of patients (27/44) were cured which was higher than the level in the control group (20 % (2/10)) (χ2 = 7.54; p = 0.03). Conclusion. This study has demonstrated that a mobile health intervention can have a positive impact on improving the medical and social care and clinical outcomes for TB/HIV patients with history of psychoactive substances abuse

    A planar source of atmospheric-pressure plasma jet

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    In a single-barrier discharge with voltage sharpening and low gas consumption (up to 1 L/min), plane atmospheric pressure plasma jets with a width of up to 3 cm and length of up to 4 cm in air are formed in the slit geometry of the discharge zone. The energy, temperature, and spectral characteristics of the obtained jets have been measured. The radiation spectrum contains intense maxima corresponding to vibrational transitions of the second positive system of molecular nitrogen N2 (C3Π u → B3Π g ) and comparatively weak transition lines of the first positive system of the N 2 + ion (B2Σ u + → X2Σ g ). By an example of inactivation of the Staphylococcus aureus culture (strain ATCC 209), it is shown that plasma is a source of chemically active particles providing the inactivation of microorganisms

    Automation of Process of Generation and Verification of Individual Training Tasks for Students on the Subject «Operation in the Polynomial Ring»

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    Дана стаття присвячена проблемі організації самостійної навчальної діяльності студентів вищих технічних закладів освіти. Виходячи з досліджень у педагогічній літературі та власного досвіду, проаналізовані різні підходи до організації та етапів проведення самостійної роботи студентів. Обґрунтовано актуальність та доцільність розробки та впровадження у навчальний процес вищої школи прикладної програми для автоматичного генерування та перевірки завдань. Розглядаються методичні аспекти автоматичного створення багатоваріантних типових індивідуальних навчальних завдань для студентів вищих технічних навчальних закладів для обчислення результатів арифметичних дій над двома многочленами з кільця многочленів Q x [ ] або GF p x ( )[ ] . Доведено, що застосування запропонованої прикладної програми дозволяє вирішити задачу організації самостійної роботи студентів шляхом індивідуалізації навчання. Такий підхід може бути використаний в дисциплінах, які допускають формалізацію контрольних матеріалів.This article deals with the problem of organization of independent educational activity of students of higher technical educational institutions. Based on studies published in pedagogical literature and on personal experience, various approaches to and stages of independent work of students were analyzed. Substantiates the urgency and expediency of development and implementation in educational process of higher school the software application for automatic generation and verification of training tasks. Considers the methodological aspects of automatic creation of a multivariate model of individual learning tasks for students of higher technical educational institutions to calculate the results of arithmetic operations on two polynomials from a polynomial ring Q x [ ] or GF p x ( )[ ] . It is proved that the proposed use of the application program allows to solve the problem of organization of independent work of students by individualizing learning. This approach can be used in disciplines that allow the formalization of training materials

    Optimization of Energy Consumption in The Residential Sector, Using Automated Control Systems

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    With limited energy resources for sustainable and balanced national development it is becoming more and more important to solve tasks of optimization of energy consumption. This optimization is important not only for major Russian companies (which provide major share of tax inflows for the state budget), but also for homes in order toreduce the energy consumption. This article discusses a complex approach in the field monitoring and energy management of apartment buildings as part of the energy management program using an automated thermal and electrical energy management system developed by NGO VEST in Tomsk. It is shown that the power monitoring data allow to make economically effective decisions in reducing energy consumption costs in residential buildings. The creation of the Analytical Center and the use of an automated energy management system give the opportunity to reduce costs of heat consumption in apartment buildings and, as a consequence, increase the efficiency of use of budgetary funds, used for subsidizing the northern regions of Russia


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    Purpose: to study the changes in quantitative values and functional activity of immunocompetent cells on application of glucoseminylmuramildipeptide in children with allergen-induced phenotype of bronchial asthma.We have performed an integrated assessment of parameters of innate and acquired immunity in 60 children at the age of 3-11 years old with allergen-induced bronchial asthma (BA) with mild clinical course of disease, and in 30 healthy children of the same age. BA phenotypes were verified in accordance with PRACTALL international consensus report (2008). Study exclusion criteria were: severe course of bronchial asthma and application of immunocorrecting therapy during preceding six months. We conducted a prospective parallel open study of the effect of glucoseminylmuramildipeptide on the parameters of immunocompetent cells during three months with division into two control groups by random sampling technique on the basis of therapy being performed. To analyze the venous blood cells, we used flow cytofluorometer COULTER EPICS XL by Beckman Coulter Inc. Cytokine levels were determined using immunoenzyme method with reagents by R&D Diagnostics Inc (USA) and IgE – with reagents by Alkor Bio Company (St. Petersburg), production of cytokines – using reagents by Vektor-Best (Novosibirsk). Statistical processing of data was performed using Statistica 10 program with significance level p < 0.05, assessment of correlations by Spearman correlation analysis, multidimensional correlation analysis with V.P. Terentyev’s method of correlation pleiades (1959) and testing for normal distribution of characteristic values (Shapiro–Wilk). The scope of our study permitted to evaluate its findings with accuracy 95-99%.The changes of the adaptive response system in children with allergen-induced phenotype of BA were characterized by the intensified proliferation, suppression of negative regulation processes, activation of synthesis of Th2-profile cytokines, and intensified synthesis of IgE.The identified impairments of availability, functional activity of immunocompetent cells and cytokine production were preserved in application of inhaled corticosteroids therapy, with further decreasing of IFNγ synthesis.Application of glucoseminylmuramildipeptide in children with BA provided for reduction of spontaneous and mitogen-induced production of IL-4 and correction of deviated structural and functional characteristics of immunocompetent cells.Incorporation of glucoseminylmuramildipeptide into therapeutic regimens for allergen-induced phenotype of BA in children promoted normalization of parameters of the cellular component of immune system, amelioration of Th1/Th2-imbalance, increase of Th1 activity, and adequate spontaneous and induced production of IFNγ by peripheral blood cells

    Special aspects of managers and employees’ responsibility structure

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    The relevance of the research problem due to the fact that society needs people who are able to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their choices, but often there are situations when leaders are not able to delegate responsibility, and employees in turn do not want to take it. The article aims to study the differences in the structure of responsibility of managers and employees’ responsibility, analysis of interrelations of components of responsibility with motivation. Leading methods to the study of this problem is a psycho-diagnostic method and method of mathematical statistics (Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis - multivariate statistical method used for studying relationships between values of variables). Processing of empirical data was conducted using SPSS programs. In the result of the study obtained significant differences in the structure of managers and employees’ responsibility described the relationship of components of responsibility with motivation. The article can be useful to psychologists, staff managers and administrative managers. © 2016 Mukhlynina et al

    Studies of Parental Attitudes and Emotional Interaction Between Families and Older Preschool Children

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    Статья посвящена исследованию эмоционального взаимодействия в семье детей старшего школьного возраста в контексте родительских отношений. Для изучения эмоционального взаимодействия в семье в контексте родительских отношений был организован сбор данных у 60 семей. Выборку составили по 30 семей из полных и неполных семей. Проведен сравнительный анализ между различными подвыборками, который позволил выделить группы респондентов по типам родительских отношений и различным уровням выраженности эмоционального взаимодействия в полных и неполных семьях. Обобщение результатов исследования позволит разработать программу гармонизации отношений между родителями и детьми дошкольного возраста.The article is devoted to the study of emotional interaction in the family of children of high school age in the context of parental relations. To study emotional interaction in the family in the context of parental relationships, data were collected from 60 families. The sample consisted of 30 families from full and part-time families. A comparative analysis between diff erent sub-samples was carried out, which allowed us to distinguish groups of respondents by types of parental relationships and diff erent levels of emotional interaction in full and incomplete families. Summarizing the results of the study will allow us to develop a program for the harmonization of child-parent relations between parents and preschool children