297 research outputs found

    Modelling the electric field applied to a tokamak

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    The vector potential for the Ohmic heating coil system of a tokamak is obtained in semi-analytical form. Comparison is made to the potential of a simple, finite solenoid. In the quasi-static limit, the time rate of change of the potential determines the induced electromotive force through the Maxwell-Lodge effect. Discussion of the gauge constraint is included.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, final versio

    Horizon effects with surface waves on moving water

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    Surface waves on a stationary flow of water are considered, in a linear model that includes the surface tension of the fluid. The resulting gravity-capillary waves experience a rich array of horizon effects when propagating against the flow. In some cases three horizons (points where the group velocity of the wave reverses) exist for waves with a single laboratory frequency. Some of these effects are familiar in fluid mechanics under the name of wave blocking, but other aspects, in particular waves with negative co-moving frequency and the Hawking effect, were overlooked until surface waves were investigated as examples of analogue gravity [Sch\"utzhold R and Unruh W G 2002 Phys. Rev. D 66 044019]. A comprehensive presentation of the various horizon effects for gravity-capillary waves is given, with emphasis on the deep water/short wavelength case kh>>1 where many analytical results can be derived. A similarity of the state space of the waves to that of a thermodynamic system is pointed out.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures. Minor change

    Dynamics of fluctuations in an optical analog of the Laval nozzle

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    Using the analogy between the description of coherent light propagation in a medium with Kerr nonlinearity by means of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and that of a dissipationless liquid we propose an optical analogue of the Laval nozzle. The optical Laval nozzle will allow one to form a transonic flow in which one can observe and study a very unusual dynamics of classical and quantum fluctuations including analogue of the Hawking radiation of real black holes. Theoretical analysis of this dynamics is supported by numerical calculations and estimates for a possible experimental setup are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    PIB potentiel et écart de PIB : quelques évaluations pour la France.

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    This Study and Research Paper is devoted to different estimates of the French economy's potential output and output gap. Several methods, which are presented in detail, are put forward to measure these indicators. The first two sections of the paper profile statistical univariate approaches: smoothing using the Hodrick-Prescott filter; and estimation of a trend, potentially including breaks. The next two sections extend the discussion on statistical techniques to multivariate cases. To be precise, they involve the analysis of structural VAR models and unobserved component models. The final section proposes a structural method for estimating potential output, where business sector output is described by a Cobb-Douglas function, while that of the non-business sector is assumed to be exogenous. For this structural method, the NAIRU has to be calculated before estimating the short to medium-term level of potential output.

    On the electrodynamics of moving bodies at low velocities

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    We discuss the seminal article in which Le Bellac and Levy-Leblond have identified two Galilean limits of electromagnetism, and its modern implications. We use their results to point out some confusion in the literature and in the teaching of special relativity and electromagnetism. For instance, it is not widely recognized that there exist two well defined non-relativistic limits, so that researchers and teachers are likely to utilize an incoherent mixture of both. Recent works have shed a new light on the choice of gauge conditions in classical electromagnetism. We retrieve Le Bellac-Levy-Leblond's results by examining orders of magnitudes, and then with a Lorentz-like manifestly covariant approach to Galilean covariance based on a 5-dimensional Minkowski manifold. We emphasize the Riemann-Lorenz approach based on the vector and scalar potentials as opposed to the Heaviside-Hertz formulation in terms of electromagnetic fields. We discuss various applications and experiments, such as in magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics, quantum mechanics, superconductivity, continuous media, etc. Much of the current technology where waves are not taken into account, is actually based on Galilean electromagnetism

    The Basics of Water Waves Theory for Analogue Gravity

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    This chapter gives an introduction to the connection between the physics of water waves and analogue gravity. Only a basic knowledge of fluid mechanics is assumed as a prerequisite.Comment: 36 pages. Lecture Notes for the IX SIGRAV School on "Analogue Gravity", Como (Italy), May 201