92 research outputs found


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    The article reflects Internet marketing as a modern and effective way to promote the company’s products at the market. The role of the media in the Internet has been highlighted and their polarity has been investigated for e-commerce. It is shown the role of smartphones when using information from the Internet. The necessity of using interactive technologies by Ukrainian producers to enter the European market is proved.В статье отражен интернет-маркетинг как современный и эффективный способ продвижения продукции компании на рынке. Выделенная роль средств массовой информации в сети Интернет и исследована их популярность для осуществления электронной коммерции. Показана роль смартфонов при использовании информации из Интернет-сети. Обоснована необходимость использования интерактивных технологий украинскими производителями для выхода на европейский рынок.У статті розглядається Інтернет-маркетинг як сучасний дієвий засіб просування продукції підприємства на ринку. Виділена роль засобів масової інформації в мережі Інтернет та досліджена їх популярність для здійснення електронної комерції. Показано роль смартфонів при використанні інформації з Інтернет-мережі. Обґрунтована необхідність використання інтерактивних технологій українськими виробниками для виходу на європейський ринок

    Coexisting large and small vessel disease in patients with ischemic stroke of undetermined cause

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    Background and Purpose: Large artery atherosclerosis (LAA) and small vessel disease (SVD) share common risk factors for stroke. We aimed at investigating the association of SVD with cerebral LAA as well as with atherosclerosis in patients with stroke likely to originate from aortic plaques. Methods: We investigated 71 consecutive patients (48 men, mean age 64.2 +/- 13 years) with ischemic stroke of undetermined cause according to the ASCO classification, who received ECG-triggered CT angiography for best available atherosclerotic plaque detection in the aorta. Results: Aortic atherosclerotic plaques were detected in 54 patients (76.1%). The presence of SVD significantly correlated with the presence of aortic plaques (p < 0.001), as well as LAA (p < 0.001) and risk factors such as arterial hypertension (p = 0.032) and diabetes mellitus (p = 0.017). Conclusions: Aortic plaques are common in patients with stroke of undetermined cause. If so, SVD and LAA are often coexisting, which demonstrates the close link of macro- and microangiopathy, at least in cases of severe risk factors of atherosclerosis. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    CT angiography of the aorta is superior to transesophageal echocardiography for determining stroke subtypes in patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke

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    Background: The etiology of ischemic strokes remains cryptogenic in about one third of patients, even after extensive workup in specialized centers. Atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta can cause thromboembolic events but are often overlooked. They can elude standard identification by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which is invasive or at best uncomfortable for many patients. CT angiography (CTA) can be used as an alternative or in addition to TEE if this technique fails to visualize every part of the aorta and in particular the aortic arch. Methods: We prospectively studied 64 patients (47 men, age 60 8 13 years) classified as having cryptogenic stroke after standard and full workup [including brain MRI and 24-hour electrocardiogram (ECG)] with ECG-triggered CTA of the aorta in search of plaques and compared the results with those of TEE. Investigators were blinded to the results of both techniques


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    The article examines the role of innovations in the development of the national economy. We have analyzed the dynamics of budget financing of strategic priorities of innovative activities and activities in the field of technology transfer in Ukraine for 2019-2021. Priorities support increases annually, and there were identified priorities where funding  decreases.We conducted a predictive assessment of innovative projects using the clustering procedure. The implementation of the proposed proposal is highlighted in the example of 46 research works in the medical field. A scoring system for planned scientific results and products of research work has been developed, and relative values of indicators were calculated,  which were the basis of clustering. The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis  Toolbox program set is used to solve the problem of fuzzy clustering based  on the fuzzy c-means algorithm. It was determined that factors such as  novelty, the expected effect of implementation, the methodological level and  material and technical base of the study, and the qualifications of the  main performers of the study have an impact on the predictive effectiveness  and the final results. The results of clustering research work according to the specified indicators, and three clusters were obtained. Analysis of the structure of indicators in clusters showed that the first cluster includes the most effective research works and the second – intermediate ones. The  hird cluster includes ineffective scientific research. Attribution of the planned research to a certain cluster based on expert evaluations of four  selected informative indicators allows for predicting the possible  ffectiveness of the innovation with sufficient accuracy.The statistic of indicators of average scores in each cluster was analyzed. Reliable differences between clusters were established using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The conducted clustering provides reasonable recommendations regarding the feasibility of financing  an innovative project based on forecast expert assessments. У статті розглянуто роль інновацій у розвитку національної економіки.  Проаналізовано динаміку бюджетного фінансування стратегічних  пріоритетів інноваційної діяльності та діяльності у сфері трансферу  технологій в Україні за 2019–2021 роки. Визначено пріоритети, підтримка  яких зростає щорічно, та пріоритети, де фінансування зменшується. Запропоновано здійснювати прогнозну оцінку інноваційних проєктів з використанням процедури кластреризації.  Висвітлено реалізацію винесеної пропозиції на прикладі науково-дослідних робіт медичної сфери. Показано бальну систему експертної  оцінки інноваційних розробок. Визначено показники, що мають  найбільший вплив на прогнозну ефективність. Наведено результати кластеризації науково-дослідних робіт за визначеними показниками. Проаналізовані статистичні показники середніх бальних оцінок в  кожному кластері. Встановлено достовірні відмінності між кластерами з використанням непараметричного критерію Манна–Уітні. Проведена  кластеризація дає обґрунтовані рекомендації щодо доцільності  фінансування інноваційного проєкту на основі прогнозних експертних оцінок.

    Magnetization switching in ferromagnets by adsorbed chiral molecules without current or external magnetic field

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    Ferromagnets are commonly magnetized by either external magnetic fields or spin polarized currents. The manipulation of magnetization by spin-current occurs through the spin-transfer-torque effect, which is applied, for example, in modern magnetoresistive random access memory. However, the current density required for the spin-transfer torque is of the order of 1 × 106 A·cm−2, or about 1 × 1025 electrons s−1 cm−2. This relatively high current density significantly affects the devices’ structure and performance. Here we demonstrate magnetization switching of ferromagnetic thin layers that is induced solely by adsorption of chiral molecules. In this case, about 1013 electrons per cm2 are sufficient to induce magnetization reversal. The direction of the magnetization depends on the handedness of the adsorbed chiral molecules. Local magnetization switching is achieved by adsorbing a chiral self-assembled molecular monolayer on a gold-coated ferromagnetic layer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. These results present a simple low-power magnetization mechanism when operating at ambient conditions

    Geometry of integrable dynamical systems on 2-dimensional surfaces

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    This paper is devoted to the problem of classification, up to smooth isomorphisms or up to orbital equivalence, of smooth integrable vector fields on 2-dimensional surfaces, under some nondegeneracy conditions. The main continuous invariants involved in this classification are the left equivalence classes of period or monodromy functions, and the cohomology classes of period cocycles, which can be expressed in terms of Puiseux series. We also study the problem of Hamiltonianization of these integrable vector fields by a compatible symplectic or Poisson structure.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, submitted to a special issue of Acta Mathematica Vietnamic

    Noise Reduction and Image Quality Improvement of Low Dose and Ultra Low Dose Brain Perfusion CT by HYPR-LR Processing

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    To evaluate image quality and signal characteristics of brain perfusion CT (BPCT) obtained by low-dose (LD) and ultra-low-dose (ULD) protocols with and without post-processing by highly constrained back-projection (HYPR)–local reconstruction (LR) technique.Simultaneous BPCTs were acquired in 8 patients on a dual-source-CT by applying LD (80 kV,200 mAs,14×1.2 mm) on tube A and ULD (80 kV,30 mAs,14×1.2 mm) on tube B. Image data from both tubes was reconstructed with identical parameters and post-processed using the HYPR-LR. Correlation coefficients between mean and maximum (MAX) attenuation values within corresponding ROIs, area under attenuation curve (AUC), and signal to noise ratio (SNR) of brain parenchyma were assessed. Subjective image quality was assessed on a 5-point scale by two blinded observers (1:excellent, 5:non-diagnostic).Radiation dose of ULD was more than six times lower compared to LD. SNR was improved by HYPR: ULD vs. ULD+HYPR: 1.9±0.3 vs. 8.4±1.7, LD vs. LD+HYPR: 5.0±0.7 vs. 13.4±2.4 (both p<0.0001). There was a good correlation between the original datasets and the HYPR-LR post-processed datasets: r = 0.848 for ULD and ULD+HYPR and r = 0.933 for LD and LD+HYPR (p<0.0001 for both). The mean values of the HYPR-LR post-processed ULD dataset correlated better with the standard LD dataset (r = 0.672) than unprocessed ULD (r = 0.542), but both correlations were significant (p<0.0001). There was no significant difference in AUC or MAX. Image quality was rated excellent (1.3) in LD+HYPR and non-diagnostic (5.0) in ULD. LD and ULD+HYPR images had moderate image quality (3.3 and 2.7).SNR and image quality of ULD-BPCT can be improved to a level similar to LD-BPCT when using HYPR-LR without distorting attenuation measurements. This can be used to substantially reduce radiation dose. Alternatively, LD images can be improved by HYPR-LR to higher diagnostic quality