134 research outputs found

    Evaluating student evaluations: Evidence of gender bias against women in higher education based on perceived learning and instructor personality.

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    Given student evaluations are an integral part of academic employment and progression in higher education, it is crucial to explore various biases amongst students that may influence their ratings. Several studies report a clear gender bias in student evaluation where male instructors receive significantly higher ratings as compared to female instructors. However, there is very limited research about gender biases in underrepresented samples such as South Asia and the Middle East. We examined whether perception of male and female instructors differed in terms of how they facilitate learning and level of engagement, using an experimental design. Six hundred and seventy-one university students were asked to watch a video of an online lecture on psychology, delivered by either a male or female lecturer, after which they were asked to evaluate their experience and instructor personality characteristics. To ensure consistency across content, tone, delivery, environment, and overall appearance, photorealistic 3D avatars were used to deliver the lectures. Only gender as a factor was manipulated. Given the racial representation in the region, a total of four videos were developed representing males (n = 317) and females (n = 354) of White and South Asian race. Overall, male instructors scored significantly higher in variables representing personality characteristics such as enthusiasm and expressiveness compared to female instructors. Participants did not however view male and female instructors to be different in terms of presentation and subject knowledge. Findings related to facilitating learning suggest that male instructors were perceived to have made instructions more interesting, kept participants' attention for longer, and were more interesting compared to female instructors. In terms of engagement, male instructors were perceived to be more expressive, enthusiastic, and entertaining, compared to female instructors. Given the experimental design, these findings can clearly be attributed to gender bias, which is also in line with previous research. With an underrepresented sample, an online platform delivery, and inclusion of multiple races, these findings significantly add value to the current literature regarding gender stereotypes in higher education. The results are even more concerning as they provide strong evidence of gender bias which may contribute to subconscious discrimination against women academics in the region

    Exploring media-induced secondary trauma during COVID-19: A global perspective

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    Aims: Given the risk of developing vicarious trauma through news media has increased during the pandemic, we explored risk factors associated with media induced secondary trauma, and its behavioral and psychological implications. Methods: An international study (N = 1066), with a diverse sample, was administered in July 2020. We used standardized and validated questionnaires to measure news consumption, media-related trauma, compliance, and paranoia. Results: Greater frequency of news consumption, accessing news via social media and WHO, and believing in conspiracy theories increased likelihood of developing media-induced secondary trauma. News related trauma was associated with greater compliance with safety measures and increased paranoid ideation. Media-trauma however exhibited a greater association with paranoia than compliance. Conclusion: Findings highlight the need to facilitate a collaborative intervention, with public, media houses, health safety officials, and social scientists to have a deeper understanding of potential psychological costs of news consumption patterns

    Just wrong? Or just WEIRD? Investigating the prevalence of moral dumbfounding in non-Western samples

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    Moral dumbfounding is the phenomenon that is observed when people defend a moral judgement even though they cannot provide a reason for this judgement. Dumbfounded responding may include admitting to not having reasons, or the use of unsupported declarations (e.g., “It’s just wrong”) as justification for a judgement. Published evidence for dumbfounding has drawn exclusively on samples of WEIRD backgrounds (Western, educated, industrialised, rich, and democratic), and it remains unclear whether the phenomenon is generalilsable to other populations. In three studies we apply a standardised moral dumbfounding task, and show evidence for moral dumbfounding in a Chinese sample (Study 1), an Indian sample (Study 2), and a mixed sample primarily from North Africa and the Middle East (MENA region, Study 3)

    Transmural cellular heterogeneity in myocardial electromechanics

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    Myocardial heterogeneity is an attribute of the normal heart. We have developed integrative models of cardiomyocytes from the subendocardial (ENDO) and subepicardial (EPI) ventricular regions that take into account experimental data on specific regional features of intracellular electromechanical coupling in the guinea pig heart. The models adequately simulate experimental data on the differences in the action potential and contraction between the ENDO and EPI cells. The modeling results predict that heterogeneity in the parameters of calcium handling and myofilament mechanics in isolated ENDO and EPI cardiomyocytes are essential to produce the differences in Ca2+ transients and contraction profiles via cooperative mechanisms of mechano-calcium-electric feedback and may further slightly modulate transmural differences in the electrical properties between the cells. Simulation results predict that ENDO cells have greater sensitivity to changes in the mechanical load than EPI cells. These data are important for understanding the behavior of cardiomyocytes in the intact heart. © 2017, The Physiological Society of Japan and Springer Japan.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS: 16K1287

    Oryzalin-induced changes in water status and cytoskeleton proteins of winter wheat seedlings upon cold acclimation and ABA treatment

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    The effect of oryzalin (a specific inhibitor of tubulin polymerization in plant cells) on water retention by the leaves and roots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings was studied. The cultivars differing in their frost resistance were compared after their acclimation to low temperature (3°C for 3 or 7 days) and after treatment with ABA. In control untreated plants, oryzalin reduced the water-retaining capacity (WRC) of leaves and roots. Both hardening and ABA lowered the effect of the inhibitor on WRC in leaves, whereas their effects on water retention by roots were opposite, i.e., hardening weakened and ABA intensified the effect of oryzalin. Oryzalin-induced reduction of WRC decreased in the following sequence of cultivars: weakly frost resistant → moderately frost resistant → highly frost resistant. It was more pronounced in the leaves than in the roots, the latter being characterized by the lower WRC and lower frost resistance. After three-day-long hardening of plants, an additive effect of hypothermia and ABA on oryzalin-induced decrease in WRC of leaves and the lack of such effect in the roots were observed. The immunochemical analysis of the composition and content of cytoskeletal proteins with Western blotting showed that in the leaves the actin/tubulin ratio was higher than in the roots. The treatment of nonacclimated plants with ABA lowered the content of α- and β-tubulins and actin in roots but did not affect the level of actin in leaves. Hardening negated the effects of ABA on cytoskeletal proteins. Oryzalin produced the greatest inhibitory effect on WRC and an increase in frost resistance in ABA-treated plants in the experiments with leaves of the weakly frost resistant cultivar before and after hardening. Organ- and cultivar-specific and ABA-mediated dependence of WRC on cytoskeletal proteins and microtubules and microfilaments formed by them is supposed to result from their effect on the state of intracellular water and water permeability of the plasma membrane. In the course of cold acclimation of plants and upon their treatment with ABA, this dependence was more distinctly expressed in leaves than in roots, and especially in the plants of the weakly frost resistant cultivar

    Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late Holocene

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    The Late Holocene stage of forest pedogenesis has been studied on the interfluves along river valleys in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland. The development of gray forest soils from the former chernozems as a result of the Late Holocene advance of forest vegetation over steppes is discusse

    Cytoskeleton-induced alterations of the lectin activity in winter wheat under cold hardening and abscisic acid (ABA)

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    The roots and leaves of 7-day seedlings of three winter wheat cultivars differing in frost resistant were used to study changes in lectin activity under cytoskeleton modifiers (DMSO - 7%; colchicine - 1 mM; oryzalin-15 μM; cytochalasin B - 15 μM) of non-hardened (23°C) and hardened (2-3°C, 3-7 day) plants. Plants were grown with ABA (30 μM) or without ABA. Pretreatment with colchicine, oryzalin [inhibitors of microtubules (MT) polymerization], cytochalasin B [inhibitor of microfilament (MF) polymerization] increased the activity of cell wall lectins, although pretreatment with DMSO (stabilizer of microtubules) decreased the activity. Both hardening and ABA decreased the effect of the cytoskeletal modifiers. These results could be explained by the appearance of tolerant MTs with less affinity. It is probable that increase in the activity of cell wall lectins may be the compensatory mechanism which stabilizes the cytoskeleton structure in conditions tending to disrupt it. The genotype with low resistance had higher sensitivity of lectin activity to cytoskeleton modifiers than the frost resistant genotype. The results suggest that leaves have more stable MTs and MFs and stronger MT-MF binding than roots. (C) 2000 Academic Press

    Effect of modification of cell calcium status on lectin activity | Aktivnost' lektinov pri izmenenii kal'tsievogo statusa kletok.

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    Effects of oryzalin (10 microM), an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization, on the activity of soluble and cell wall lectins were studied in 7 day-old seedlings of unhardened (23 degrees C) and cold acclimated (7 days at 2-3 degrees C) winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Seedlings were grown in the presence of 25 microM and 1 mM Ca2+, 500 microM verapamil, 250 microM chlorpromazine or without modifiers of calcium status in the medium. Inhibitor of the microtubule polymerization inhibitor, likely as inhibitors of Ca(2+)-signal, decreased the activity of soluble lectins and increased that of cell wall lectins. Apparently, injury of microtubule phosphorylation results in a more considerable microtubule disorganization, than that observed after oryzalin effect. A low Ca2+ concentration (25 microM) depressed, while a high concentration (1 mM) prompted microtubule sensibility to oryzalin. Such an effect of high Ca2+ concentration may be related to destabilizative action of Ca(2+)-calmodulin in these conditions, because chlorpromazine decreased oryzalin-induced increase in the activity of cell wall lectins with 1 mM Ca2+. It is concluded that the activity of cell wall lectins depends on the microtubule status that is regulated by calcium signal

    Effect of biochar on soil co2 fluxes from agricultural field experiments in russian far east

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    Agricultural soils are a major source of greenhouse gases. Biochar is a soil improver and, when applied to the soil, sequesters carbon. However, a different combination of soil and climatic conditions and biochar leads to different research results. In this research, the effects of 1 kg/m2 and 3 kg/m2 biochar application to clay soils on the CO2 flow in field experiments along two cropping seasons in the Russian Far East were investigated. Data showed that biochar significantly reduces the cumulative flow of soil CO2, compared with untreated field plots. In 2018, the greatest reduction in soil CO2 emissions (28.2%) with 3 kg/m2 of biochar was obtained, while in 2019, the greatest decrease in the cumulative CO2 flow at the application dose of 1 kg/m2 (57.7%) was recorded. A correlation between a decrease in the value of the cumulative CO2 flux and an increase in the biomass grown in the studied areas of agricultural crops during the season of 2018 was found


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    A new gripping technique of four carbon fibers attached to the opposite cell edges was used to study «force-length» relations in isolated intact cardiomyocytes. Each carbon fiber was attached to the «Sensapex» piezo-motors. The developed software for the system of four piezo-motors was implemented in the platform «LabView» to realize the following modes of single cardiomyocyte contraction: isometric contraction, quasi-isotonic shortening, isometric relaxation and quasi-isotonic lengthening.Работа поддержана Постановлением Правительства РФ № 211 от 16.03.2013 и Программой Президиума РАН №27