392 research outputs found

    Assessment of the recreational potential of the forest territory of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The purpose of this study is to present our vision of assessing the recreational potential of the territory (RPT) for its effective management. We suggest using this territory assessment method, which consists of two main stages: assessment of the recreational component of the natural environment and assessment of the necessary amount of investment to use the recreational biodiversity of the territories.The article analyzes the approaches and presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential of the forest lands of the Sverdlovsk region. Created a map ranking the Sverdlovsk region according to the results of research with application for developing a comprehensive assessment of RPT on the methods, developed on the basis of the theory of "games with nature": the method of structured comparison of RPT on the Hurwitz criterion, aspiring to the maximum and to identify the factors dominating the impact from the application of the Wald criterion. Based on the conducted research on the analysis of the influence of forests on the formation of recreational characteristics, the authors obtained weighted average generalized coefficients of recreational attractiveness of forests of different types in the forest management areas of the Sverdlovsk region and identified 10 forest-cadastre areas in the Sverdlovsk region. This paper also presents a developed and tested method for a comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential of forest lands in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in order to attract investment. Preliminary investment volumes for the development of the Sverdlovsk region's RPT (based on the cost of forest biodiversity) are presented. We consider the proposed territory ranking to be a necessary indicator for effective management of the subject's territories. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Common

    Asymmetric Faraday Effect in a Magnetophotonic Crystal

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    It is widely known that the magneto-optical Faraday effect is linear in magnetization and therefore the Faraday angles for the states with opposite magnetizations are of opposite sign but equal in modulus. Here we experimentally study propagation of light through a one-dimensional all-garnet magnetophotonic crystal to demonstrate an asymmetric Faraday effect (AFE) for which Faraday angles for opposite magnetic states differ not only in sign but in the absolute value as well. AFE appears in the vicinity of the cavity resonance for an oblique incidence of light which plane of polarization is inclined to the incidence plane. Under proper incidence and polarization angles the magnitude of AFE could be very large reaching 30% of the absolute value of the Faraday effect. The effect originates from the difference in Q-factors for p- and s- polarized cavity modes that breaks the symmetry between the two opposite directions of polarization rotation. The discovered AFE is of prime importance for nanoscale magnonics and optomagnetism.Comment: Supplementary information provided after the main tex

    Possibilities of landfills and solid waste sites for energy production in Ukraine

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    Dynamic changes in the energy sector towards the priority of renewable energy are stimulated by the political decisions in the European integrated environment aimed at achieving climate neutrality within the framework of the European Green Deal. The study aims to provide an in-depth investigation of the potential of landfills and solid waste sites for energy production in Ukraine. The study was conducted using general scientific methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, and comparison. The study examined the issues of developing the bioenergy potential of solid waste sites in Ukraine, including organisational, regulatory, technological, financial and investment aspects. The position of various operations for bioenergy waste processing in the solid waste management system, in particular, anaerobic digestion and solid fuel production, was identified, and an analysis of several thermal waste processing technologies was carried out. Among the features and characteristic requirements for the biogas production process using anaerobic methodology, the aspects of technological availability and economic feasibility are highlighted. The study examines the experience of production and use of organic Refuse Derived Fuel and Solid Recovered Fuel produced from solid waste sites, proving the need to optimise the regulatory support for biogas production at solid waste sites storage sites in the national legislative field. The article emphasises the possibility of practical use of Refuse Derived Fuel and Solid Recovered Fuel, in a partial format, to offset the shortage of fossil fuels in Ukraine and actively implement the concept of a sustainable green course for rational waste management. The results obtained can be used to improve the optimisation of strategic programmes for solid waste management in terms of their bioenergy potentia

    Obtaining of niobium-containing ferroalloys from the Russian ore raw materials

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    The possibility of processing niobium-containing pyrochlore-apatite concentrates obtained from ores of Beloziminskoye deposit has been studied. A two-stage scheme for selective reduction of phosphorus into a metal phase to obtain low-phosphorus niobium-containing slag was suggested. The reduction of phosphorus and iron was carried out by a carbothermic method using coke and pig iron carbon as the reducing agent. Pig iron chip and magnetite product (80 % Fe2O3) were used as the precipitating agent. In laboratory and semi-industrial conditions the basic possibility of selective separation and sedimentation of phosphorus (to 91 %) and iron from a niobic concentrate without considerable reduction of niobium (up to 1-2 %), according to the two-stage scheme with minimum possible temperature of process during the first period (∼ 1260 C) and hot soak at the increased temperature (∼ 1450 C) during the second period were shown. Obtained low-phosphorus niobium-containing slag after crushing can be used for ferroniobium production according to existing technological schemes. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Power spectrum features of the near-Earth atmospheric electric field in Kamchatka

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    Power spectrum of the diurnal variations of the quasi-electrostatic field Ez in the near-Earth atmosphere have been presented for the first time. The Ez power spectrum variations in the period of fine weather have been shown to exhibit two bands of the periods of natural atmospheric oscillations with T = 1-5 and 6-24 h. These oscillations are the modes of the internal gravity and tidal waves in the lower atmosphere. On the days under atmospheric precipitation, the spectral power of Ez increases by an order of magnitude. During the pre-earthquake period, when the diurnal Ez variation had an anomaly, the intensity of harmonics with T = 1.8, 2.2, and 3.8 h increased by an order of magnitude or more in comparison with the Ez spectra in fine weather. Two additional spectral bands with T = 0.6 and 1 h have appeared simultaneously


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    Production of antibodies to erythropoietin-stimulating drugs is an important problem of therapy with recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO). It leads to changes in the pharmacokinetic profile and decreased therapeutic efficiency. Upon long-term treatment with EPO preparations, neutralizing antibodies can result in rare cases, thus leading to complete pure red cell aplasia. Hence, detection of antibodies to EPO is an important stage in the assessment of the drug immunogenicity in preclinical and clinical studies, as well as during the treatment with EPO. We have compared colorimetric and chemiluminescent ELISA tests for detection of IgG antibodies to human EPO with 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine – hydrogen peroxide and luminol -hydrogen peroxide detection systems, respectively. Аntibodies to human EPO were determined in blood serum samples of experimental animals, i.e., rabbits and guinea pigs following their immunization withdifferent doses of pegylated human recombinant EPO-beta subcutaneously or intravenously. The affinitypurified rabbit polyclonal antibodies to human EPO were used as a reference material. The effects of hydrogen peroxide and luminol concentrations upon sensitivity of a chemiluminescent method were also studied. We have shown a 1.5-2-fold increase in sensitivity when using 4-iodophenol for amplification of chemiluminescence. A comparison of the chemiluminescence intensity with time has demonstrated a better stability for the substrate mixture prepared on borate buffer. A decrease in chemiluminescence signal with time was proportional to the decrease in background signal, thus rendering stability of the signal/background ratio for 3 to 30 minutes. Due to optimizing the substrate mixture composition and conditions of chemiluminescence recording, the reached detection limits for colorimetric and chemiluminescent ELISA’s were, respectively, 0.6 ng/ml and 0.08 ng/ml. The measurement range was extended by more than 20 times for chemiluminescent ELISA. The chemiluminescent ELISA for anti-erythropoietin antibody detection showed a 1.9 to 2.6-fold increase in sensitivity for rabbit serum, and 1.8 to 8.9-fold for guinea pigs serum. Good correlation of results was found for quantitative detection of antibodies in rabbit sera using the two methods (R = 0.981). Thus, chemiluminescent ELISA allowed develop a more sensitive detection technique of IgG antibodies to human erythropoietin

    Analysis of personnel radiation exposure of JSC "Institute of reactor materials" in carrying out reactor tests of experimental devices

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    The analysis of operational radiation exposure of the personnel of JSC "Institute of reactor materials" involved in the transport and technological complex of works with experimental devices. Determined the duration of individual operations is complex work. Assessment of radiation environment at individual stages of the transport and technological complex of operations with the experimental devices. Identified the need to develop recommendations for improvement of the operations in order to reduce the radiation load on the staff.Проведен анализ пооперационных дозовых нагрузок персонала АО «Институт реакторных материалов», участвующего в транспортно-технологическом комплексе работ с экспериментальными устройствами. Определены продолжительности выполнения отдельных операций комплекса работ. Проведена оценка радиационной обстановки на отдельных этапах транспортно-технологического комплекса операций с экспериментальными устройствами. Определена необходимость разработки рекомендаций по совершенствованию проводимых работ в целях снижения радиационной нагрузки на персонал

    Development of the algorithm for determining the optimal composition of homogeneous radiation-shielding materials with the planned irradiation conditions

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    Показана значимость оптимизации содержания компонентов радиационно-защитного материала, определяемого изотопным составом радиоактивных загрязнений, в зависимости от типа реакторной установки, продолжительности эксплуатации и других факторов. Приведен алгоритм определения оптимального состава радиационно-защитного материала. Описано применение разработанного алгоритма оптимизации на основе полученных результатов расчетного исследования ослабляющей способности гомогенных радиационно-защитных материалов с различными наполнителями по отношению к гамма-излучению.Shown is the importance of optimizing the content of components of radiation-shielding material defined by isotopic composition of radioactive contaminants, depending on the type of reactor facility, the duration of operation and other factors. The algorithm for determining the optimal composition of the radiation-shielding material is given. Described is the use of the developed optimization algorithm based on the results of calculation research of weakening ability of homogeneous radiation-shielding materials with a variety of fillers conserning gamma radiation

    Investigation of protective properties of homogeneous radiation-protective materials with regard to neutron radiation

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    В докладе представлены материалы одного из этапов комплекса расчетно-экспериментальных исследований экранирующих свойств гомогенных радиационно-защитных материалов (РЗМ) по отношению к нейтронному излучению. Приведены предварительные результаты, полученные с использованием высокопрецизионного расчетного кода, позволяющие оценить возможность использования РЗМ в качестве защиты от нейтронного излучения различных энергий. Выполнена оценка характеристик вторичного γ-излучения, возникающего в процессе облучения защитного материала потоком нейтронов.The report presents the materials of one of the phases of the complex computational and experimental investigations of the shielding properties of homogeneous radiation-shielding materials in relation to neutron radiation. Preliminary results are presented obtained with the use of high-precision computer code, to assess the use of rare-earth metals as protection against different energies neutron radiation. Estimated the characteristics of the secondary gamma-radiation generated during irradiation of neutron shielding material flow

    Effect of additions of zinc stearate on the properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets

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    Zinc stearate additions have been used to increase the remanence of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets produced by the powder metallurgy without powder pressing. Zinc stearate acts as an internal lubricant, i.e., it decreases the friction forces between the particles and favors an increase in the degree of texture of the powders, which is induced by the magnetic field. It is shown that the density and the magnetic hysteresis characteristics of sintered magnets produced using additions of 0.15 wt % zinc stearate exceeds the corresponding values obtained for magnets produced without this addition at a filling density of powders in containers of more than 2.9 and 3.0 g/cm3 in dry and wet states, respectively. Using additions of zinc stearate in the amount of 0.15% with respect to the weight of the powder, magnets with a density of 7.55 g/cm3, B r = 14.02 kG, H c = 7.91 kOe, and (BH)max = 46.1 MG Oe have been produced. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd