64 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of Einstein-Born-Infeld black holes with negative cosmological constant

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    We study the thermodynamics associated to topological black hole solutions of AdS gravity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics (Born-Infeld) in any dimension, using a background-independent regularization prescription for the Euclidean action given by boundary terms which explicitly depend on the extrinsic curvature (Kounterterms series). A finite action principle leads to the correct definition of thermodynamic variables as Noether charges, which satisfy a Smarr-like relation. In particular, for the odd-dimensional case, a consistent thermodynamic description is achieved if the internal energy of the system includes the vacuum energy for AdS spacetime.Comment: 29 pages, no figures; additional comments on extreme black hole case, a few references added; final version for PR

    Conserved current for the Cotton tensor, black hole entropy and equivariant Pontryagin forms

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    The Chern-Simons lagrangian density in the space of metrics of a 3-dimensional manifold M is not invariant under the action of diffeomorphisms on M. However, its Euler-Lagrange operator can be identified with the Cotton tensor, which is invariant under diffeomorphims. As the lagrangian is not invariant, Noether Theorem cannot be applied to obtain conserved currents. We show that it is possible to obtain an equivariant conserved current for the Cotton tensor by using the first equivariant Pontryagin form on the bundle of metrics. Finally we define a hamiltonian current which gives the contribution of the Chern-Simons term to the black hole entropy, energy and angular momentum.Comment: 13 page

    Geometry and stability of spinning branes in AdS gravity

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    The geometry of spinning codimension-two branes in AdS spacetime is analyzed in three and higher dimensions. The construction of non-extremal solutions is based on identifications in the covering of AdS space by isometries that have fixed points. The discussion focuses on the cases where the parameters of spinning states can be related to the velocity of a boosted static codimension-two brane. The resulting configuration describes a single spinning brane, or a set of intersecting branes, each one produced by an independent identification. The nature of the singularity is also examined, establishing that the AdS curvature acquires one in the form of a Dirac delta distribution. The stability of the branes is studied in the framework of Chern-Simons AdS supergravity. A class of branes, characterized by one free parameter, are shown to be stable when the BPS conditions are satisfied. In 3D, these stable branes are extremal, while in higher dimensions, the BPS branes are not the extremal ones.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figure

    Membrane Paradigm and Horizon Thermodynamics in Lanczos-Lovelock gravity

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    We study the membrane paradigm for horizons in Lanczos-Lovelock models of gravity in arbitrary D dimensions and find compact expressions for the pressure p and viscosity coefficients \eta and \zeta of the membrane fluid. We show that the membrane pressure is intimately connected with the Noether charge entropy S_Wald of the horizon when we consider a specific m-th order Lanczos-Lovelock model, through the relation pA/T=(D-2m)/(D-2)S_Wald, where T is the temperature and A is the area of the horizon. Similarly, the viscosity coefficients are expressible in terms of entropy and quasi-local energy associated with the horizons. The bulk and shear viscosity coefficients are found to obey the relation \zeta=-2(D-3)/(D-2)\eta.Comment: v1: 13 pages, no figure. (v2): refs added, typos corrected, new subsection added on the ratio \eta/s. (v3): some clarification added, typos corrected, to appear in JHE


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    Abstract. Investigation into the properties of carbon nano-structures, involving fullerene molecules, carbon nanotubes, and the most recently contrived graphene, has been growing at a relentless rate over the past decade or so owing to prospects of their applications in nanotechnology. While interactions with particle beams have been an important part of this research endeavor in the context of various spectroscopic techniques (TEM, EELS, ...), the use of energetic electron and ion beams has recently emerged as a novel engineering tool for modifications of atomic structure and electronic properties of carbon nano-structures In that context, the most widely studied themes in literature are concerned with changes in carbon nanotubes upon exposure to the ion-beam irradiation at energies ranging from several tens of eV to some MeV. On the other hand, the empty cylindrical space in individual carbon nanotubes, and a high degree of their ordering and alignment in structures called ropes or bundles, provide unique means for achieving the effect of ion channeling. Prospects of realization and a range of possible applications of ion channeling through carbon nanotubes at energies from keV to TeV have stimulated an active research area, which was recently reviewed After assessing some key experimental facts and the status of computer simulations of ion irradiation effects on carbon nanotubes, I shall discuss several problems arising in modeling of ion interactions with carbon nanotube

    On Classical Equivalence Between Noncritical and Einstein Gravity : The AdS/CFT Perspectives

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    We find that noncritical gravity, a special class of higher derivative gravity, is classically equivalent to Einstein gravity at the full nonlinear level. We obtain the viscosity-to-entropy ratio and the second order transport coefficients of the dual fluid of noncritical gravity to all orders in the coupling of higher derivative terms. We also compute the holographic entanglement entropy in the dual CFT of noncritical gravity. All these results confirm the nonlinear equivalence between noncritical gravity and Einstein gravity at the classical level.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Sources for Chern-Simons theories

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    The coupling between Chern-Simons theories and matter sources defined by branes of different dimensionalities is examined. It is shown that the standard coupling to membranes, such as the one found in supergravity or in string theory, does not operate in the same way for CS theories; the only p-branes that naturally couple seem to be those with p=2n; these p-branes break the gauge symmetry (and supersymmetry) in a controlled and sensible manner.Comment: 17 pages, Dedicated to Claudio Bunster on the occasion of his 60th birthday. To appear in Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems: The Quest for Beauty and Simplicit

    Accelerating black hole in 2+1 dimensions and 3+1 black (st)ring

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    A C-metric type solution for general relativity with cosmological constant is presented in 2+1 dimensions. It is interpreted as a three-dimensional black hole accelerated by a strut. Positive values of the cosmological constant are admissible too. Some embeddings of this metric in the 3+1 space-time are considered: accelerating BTZ black string and a black ring where the gravitational force is sustained by the acceleration.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, JHEP 1101:114,201

    Extended phase space thermodynamics for charged and rotating black holes and Born-Infeld vacuum polarization

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    We investigate the critical behaviour of charged and rotating AdS black holes in d spacetime dimensions, including effects from non-linear electrodynamics via the Born-Infeld action, in an extended phase space in which the cosmological constant is interpreted as thermodynamic pressure. For Reissner-Nordstrom black holes we find that the analogy with the Van der Walls liquid-gas system holds in any dimension greater than three, and that the critical exponents coincide with those of the Van der Waals system. We find that neutral slowly rotating black holes in four space-time dimensions also have the same qualitative behaviour. However charged and rotating black holes in three spacetime dimensions do not exhibit critical phenomena. For Born-Infeld black holes we define a new thermodynamic quantity B conjugate to the Born-Infeld parameter b that we call Born-Infeld vacuum polarization. We demonstrate that this quantity is required for consistency of both the first law of thermodynamics and the corresponding Smarr relation.Comment: 23 pages, 32 figures, v2: minor changes, upgraded reference

    Holographic Lovelock Gravities and Black Holes

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    We study holographic implications of Lovelock gravities in AdS spacetimes. For a generic Lovelock gravity in arbitrary spacetime dimensions we formulate the existence condition for asymptotically AdS black holes. We consider small fluctuations around these black holes and determine the constraint on Lovelock parameters by demanding causality of the boundary theory. For the case of cubic Lovelock gravity in seven spacetime dimensions we compute the holographic Weyl anomaly and determine the three point functions of the stress energy tensor in the boundary CFT. Remarkably, these correlators happen to satisfy the same relation as the one imposed by supersymmetry. We then compute the energy flux; requiring it to be positive is shown to be completely equivalent to requiring causality of the finite temperature CFT dual to the black hole. These constraints are not stringent enough to place any positive lower bound on the value of viscosity. Finally, we conjecture an expression for the energy flux valid for any Lovelock theory in arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, harvmac, references added, calculation of viscosity/entropy ratio include