45 research outputs found

    Выявление проблем загрязнения промышленных территорий нефтепродуктами через анализ многолетних наблюдений на режимных скважинах

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    The relevance of the study arises from the high technogenic impact on the environment of industrial zones, whose development associates with the production, storage, transportation, processing and consumption of oil and its products. Leaks, accidents, losses of products lead to the invasion of oil products into the environment that may results in serious environmental problems. Oil pollution is global in nature poisoning the biosphere and changing life conditions. The impact on the hydrosphere is one of the most significant, and is considered in this article on example of groundwater in industrial zones.Актуальность работы обусловлена высокой техногенной нагрузкой на окружающую среду промышленных зон, связанных с добычей, хранением, транспортировкой, переработкой и потреблением нефти и ее продуктов. Утечки, аварии, потери в производственных циклах приводят к поступлению нефтепродуктов  в окружающую среду, их воздействие вызывает серьезные экологические проблемы. Загрязнение нефтепродуктами носит глобальный характер, отравляя биосферу и меняя условия жизни. Загрязнение гидросферы – одно из наиболее существенных, рассматривается в статье на примере подземных вод промышленных зон

    Output spectrum of Yb-Ho pulsed fiber laser All fiber Yb-Ho pulsed laser

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    Abstract: For the first time we have suggested and realized passive Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser with a saturable absorber based on Ho-doped fiber laser. The pulse duration was of 250 ns, the pulse energy -70 μJ, the peak power -300 W. The laser is perspective for technology processes. Possible ways of laser characteristics improving are discussed. At present CW Yb-doped fiber lasers [1] have found different applications. Q-switched fiber lasers due to high pulse energy allow one to increase a number of applications including medicine, material processing, range finding etc. Q-switched oscillation can be obtained using outer electro-or magnetomechanical devices Thus, Cr-doped fiber was used as absorber in Nddoped fibe

    Q409VAS 65..68

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    Abstract. The properties of the cladding modes of an optical fibre, excited by photoinduced long-period fibre gratings, were investigated by the near-and far-field methods. It is shown that the cladding modes considered are of the HE 1m type. A satisfactory agreement between the experimental and calculated distributions of the electromagnetic field of the modes is demonstrated. It was found that the propagation length of a cladding mode in the unperturbed fibre reaches 1 m

    Stabilization of Fiber Bragg Gratings Against Gamma Radiation

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    Предлагается метод восстановления проекций перегрузки беспилотного летательного аппарата, заключающийся в применении математической модели движения летательного аппарата. Рассмотрен пример обработки данных, полученных на пилотажном стенде.The article proposes a method for restoring the projections of the overload of an unmanned aerial vehicle, which consists in the application of a mathematical model of the aircraft movement. An example of processing the data obtained at the pilot stand is considered.Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (РФФИ), проект 20-08-00449-а

    OLCR characterization of long period grating induced cladding modes

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    The group index of well-defined cladding modes has been characterized for the first time to our knowledge by optical low-coherence reflectometry (OLCR) with a precision <10-4. Very good agreement between theoretical and experimental results has been obtaine