42 research outputs found

    The research of qualitative indicators of gas pipelines during the operation

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    The operation of gas pipelines is a complex of technical measures, aimed at preservation of the main stock of gas pipeline transportation facilities. The purpose of these measures is to maintain and to restore the initial operational capabilities of gas pipelines, in general and in particular areas. The line section of gas pipelines has the largest size and cost. Naturally determined process of changing the quality of gas pipelines during the operation is accompanied by the accumulation and development of damages, failures; this determines the objective need to restore the quality of operation. The practical running of the line section of gas pipelines is characterized by a certain flow of failures; therefore it is necessary to ensure the required level of reliability of the gas pipeline during the entire period of operation. The quality control study of the inter-settlement gas pipeline section was conducted, and graphs of dependence of gas pipeline quality parameters on time were presented in the work.Keywords: line section of the gas pipeline, technological state, failures in operation, gas pipeline operation, control and quality parameters of the gas pipeline

    Observational Manifestations of the First Protogalaxies in the 21 cm Line

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    The absorption properties of the first low-mass protogalaxies (mini-halos) forming at high redshifts in the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen are considered. The absorption properties of these protogalaxies are shown to depend strongly on both their mass and evolutionary status. The optical depths in the line reach \sim0.1-0.2 for small impact parameters of the line of sight. When a protogalaxy being compressed, the influence of gas accretion can be seen manifested in a non-monotonic frequency dependence of the optical depth. The absorption characteristics in the 21-cm line are determined by the thermal and dynamical evolution of the gas in protogalaxies. Since the theoretical line width in the observer's reference frame is 1-6 kHz and the expected separation between lines 8.4 kHz, the lines from low mass protogalaxies can be resolved using ongoing and future low frequency interferometers.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Роль хирургии в лечении отдаленных метастазов меланомы кожи

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    The choice of tactics in the treatment of one of the most common types of cancer skin- melanomy- is currently an urgent task facing the cancer community. High activity of local growth and regional metastasis of melanoma, its capacity for dissemination and multiple distant metastases make this task extremely important factor, largely determining the course and outcome of disease. Metastatic melanoma skin requires complex treatment, one of whose components is the surgical method. This article analyzes the use of surgical treatment of distant metastases of melanoma, depending on the location, quantity and rate of growth, the nature and effectiveness of previous treatment, the patient’s general condition. The authors have shown the prospects of application of surgical treatment in the radical treatment of patients with distant metastases of melanoma, the effectiveness of this method in the palliative treatment of metastatic melanoma and important role in the treatment of distant metastases of melanoma in combination with other treatments.Выбор тактики эффективного лечения меланомы кожи является актуальной задачей, стоящей перед российским и мировым онкологическим сообществом. Высокая злокачественность и агрессивность данной опухоли, ее способность к мультиорганному метастазированию делают решение этой задачи крайне важным фактором, во многом определяющим течение и исход заболевания. Метастатическая меланома кожи несомненно требует комплексного лечения, одним из компонентов которого является хирургический метод. В данной статье проводится анализ современной литературы о применении хирургического метода в лечении отдаленных метастазов меланомы кожи в зависимости от общего состояния больного, локализации, количества и скорости роста метастазов, характера и эффективности их предыдущего лечения. Авторами показана перспективность и важность применения хирургии как опции комплексного лечения больных с отдаленными метастазами меланомы кожи

    Метастатическое поражение кожи при меланоме

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    In order to evaluate the incidence, clinical features and prognosis of cutaneous tumor metastases, the records of adult patients with melanoma treated over a thirteen year period were examined. The diagnosis of Melanoma skin metastases was established in 221 (11,3%) of 1,948 patients. Each diagnosis was histologically confirmed by evaluation of both the primary tumor and the skin. Metastatic cutaneous melanoma presented with a wide variety of lesions: satellite, thrombophlebitis-like, inflammatory and nodular. In some cases the combination of satellite and nodular metastases was observed. Cancer patients with cutaneous metastases have a poor prognosis: the median survival of these patients is reduced by almost a half in comparison with cancer patients without cutaneous metastases.Для оценки частоты, клинических особенностей и прогноза кожных метастазов опухоли был произведен анализ данных за 13-летний период. Под наблюдением находилось 1948 пациентов с морфологически верифицированной меланомой, из которых у 221 (11,3%) пациентов были выявлены метастазы в кожу. В зависимости от клинической картины кожных метастазов меланомы и путей их метастазирования мы выделили следующие формы: сателлитная, тромбофлебическая, рожеподобная и узловая. В некоторых случаях диагностировали одновременно сателлитную и узловую формы. Медиана выживаемости больных меланомой с метастазами в кожу снижается почти вдвое по сравнению с пациентами с меланомой без кожных метастазов