45 research outputs found


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    ТИе analysis of pregnancy and delivery course, perinatal results in 157 women over ЗО has been done. There are often complication of obstetric, somatic and gynecologic anamnesis, high level of extragenital and gynecologic pathologies including treated infertility. There are often complication during pregnancy and but more of them - at delivery course, especially as for fetus and newborn. The frequency of cesarean section and operative labor find out to be increased. These women, especially primiparasoverЗО, constitute a high risk delivery category.Проведён анализ исхода и осложнений беременности и родов, перинатальных результатов у 157 женщин после ЗО лет. У них часто отягощены акушерский, соматический и гинекологический анамнезы, высокий уровень экстрагенитальной и гинекологической патологии, в том числе перенесённое бесплодие. Часто отмечаются осложнения во время беременности, но больше - в родах, особенно со стороны плода и новорожденного. Увеличена частота кесаревого сечения и оперативных вмешательств во время родов. Такие женщины, особенно первородящие в возрате после ЗО лет, составляют категорию родов высокого риска. Проведений аналіз перебігу та ускладнень вагітності й пологів, перинатальних наслідків у 157 жінок віком після ЗО років. У них часто обтяжений акушерський, соматичний та гінекологічний анамнези, високий рівень екстрагенітальноїта гінекологічної патології, утому числі ліковане непліддя. Частіше відмічаються ускладнення у перебігу вагітності, але більше - підчас пологів та з боку плода й новонародженого. Збільшена частота кесаревого розтину та оперативних втручань підчас пологів. Такі жінки, особливо вперше народжуючі після ЗО років, складають категорію пологів високого ризик

    Some Structural and Chemical Changes in Endocardial Endothelium of Rats in Emotional and Pain Stress Complicated by Hypercholesterolemia

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    The objective of the research was to study the content of some neutral lipids of endocardial endothelium in rats in relation to structural changes occurring in it, in the co-existence of emotional and pain stress, as well as alimentary hypercholesterolemia. Materials and methods. The electric-impulse model was used for stress modeling. Alimentary hypercholesterolemia was modeled feeding animals an atherogenic diet. The concentration of triacylglycerols, free and esterified cholesterol were examined using the method of thin-layer chromatography performed on silica gel. The concentration of free fatty acids was determined using the radiochemical method. The state of endocardial endothelium was studied with the help of light microscopy; the impression smears obtained from macro preparations of ventricle were analyzed.Results. In co-existence of stress and hypercholesterolemia, significant increase in free cholesterol as well as free fatty acid concentration was noticed. This essentially exceeded the analogical indices under the action of stress only. Structural changes in the endocardium followed by desquamation of separate endotheliocytes were the result of stress reaction. In the action of both pathogenic factors, this process was intensified; layer-by-layer exfoliation of endotheliocytes was observed. Conclusions. In acute emotional and pain stress, changes in lipid spectrum of membrane structures of endocardial endotheliocytes the main manifestation of which is the accumulation of free cholesterol in cells and increase in the levels of free fatty acids take place. The increase in the number of desquamated endothelial cells is the result of stress action as well. Alimentary hypercholesterolemia significantly increases such pathological changes. 

    Дослідження та обґрунтування параметрів замкових з'єднань паркетних дощок

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    Three-layer parquet boards are becoming increasingly popular on the market of wooden flooring in Ukraine. Demand for flooring is caused by rapid growth of the construction industry, particularly in the residential sector. The purpose of the work is to study and substantiate the design features and operating parameters of parquet boards for consistency with the geometry of the profile, the magnitudes of the differences and gap between the ends of the parquet boards at the 5G-C lock joint. The statistical processing of the experimental studies confirmed the validity of the results obtained and the permissible deviation of the parameters of the boards' geometry in accordance with the established standards. The statistical analysis of the experimental studies on the differences and gap between the ends of the parquet boards at lock joint between adjacent boards during the "4 boards" test showed that a small part of joints does not meet the regulatory requirements. The experimental studies and statistical processing of their data made it possible to detect the deviation of the parameters of parquet boards and to plot graphs for comparing the characteristics of the differences and gap values during the tests "4 boards", "Tongue", "Groove" and with various widths of boards with inserts from HDF and veneer for the 5G-C end joint. As a result of the analysis of comparative graphs, it is established: the change in the magnitude of differences and the size of the gap depends on the type of test used; during the "4 boards" test, the values for the differences and the size of the gap are minimal; the influence of the insert material on the size of the gap and the values of the differences is insignificant; the size of the gap increases during the "Tongue" test, and exceeds the tolerance for boards of 130 mm and 180 mm wide; the differences value increases during the "Groove" test and exceeds the tolerance for boards of 130 mm in width; A gap with a board width of 207 mm has the slightest deviation for all tests. The conducted studies and statistical data processing made it possible to establish deviations of the parameters of the parquet board profile and to construct a polygon and distribution curves, graphs for comparing the characteristics of the differences and the gap size in the "4 boards" tests, at the loads in the tests of "Tongue", "Groove" and with the inserts from HDF and veneer for the 5G-C lock joint. The processing of experimental data showed that the frequency of distribution of the values for the differences between adjacent parquet boards during the "4 boards" tests can be described by a second order polynomial, the frequency of distribution of the gap size between adjacent parquet boards can be described by a logarithmic function. The insignificant percentage of reject items (up to 5 %) with the excess of the differences values is due to inaccurate adjustment of the tool in calibration operations on the thickness of the boards, milling of the longitudinal and transverse profiles and partial wear of the tool. Deviations of the differences values and the gap size for the tests of "Tongue" and "Groove" are within the tolerance field. The obtained results of the study confirmed the fact that parquet boards with veneer and PVC inserts are more reliable in operation and can be used on premises where there is an increased level of loads, temperature and humidity variations (public rooms, assembly halls, gyms, etc.).Встановлено параметри відповідності контролю профілю з'єднання та геометрії паркетних дощок після фрезерування. Виконано статистичний аналіз показників параметрів геометрії паркетних дощок та параметрів контролю сучасного профілю поперечного (торцевого) замкового з'єднання 5G-C відповідно до лекал оптичного проектора та розподілу величин параметрів перепаду і щілини від тестових навантажень. Досліджено показники міцності з'єднання профілю при вертикальних навантаженнях залежно від матеріалу вкладки та положення пластикової вставки. Зроблено практичні висновки згідно з дослідженнями контролю профілю з'єднання 5G-C та дошки загалом після фрезерування в технологічному потоці. Встановлено відповідність значень параметрів при контролі профілю з'єднання та геометрії дошки після фрезерування на проекторі, за шаблоном, за тестами складання і навантаження дощок до нормативних показників та якості. Запропонований перелік заходів щодо економії сировини у виробництві сучасних і традиційних паркетних виробів дасть змогу контролювати питання з раціонального та ефективного використання деревинної сировини, запровадити у виробництво науково обґрунтовані прогресивні норми

    Модель факторов неблагоприятного воздействия на окружающую среду

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    Розроблено модель ієрархії факторів несприятливого впливу на навколишнє середовище, яка крім впорядкованості за важливістю впливу дозволила подальше розділення на залежні (внутрішні) компоненти для виявлення ступеню ослаблення або посилення дії спричиняючого фактора.The model of hierarchy of factors of adverse influence on environment which except streamlining on importance of influence has made possible the further division into dependent (internal) components for revealing of degree of easing or strengthening of action of the causing factor is developed.Разработана модель иерархии факторов неблагоприятного влияния на окружающую среду, которая кроме упорядочения по важности влияния сделала возможным дальнейшее деление на зависимые (внутренние) компоненты для выявления степени ослабления или усиления действия вызывающего фактора

    Основні аспекти захисту навколишнього середовища від міського шуму

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    The main sources of noise pollution in modern cities, that generate significant levels of sound pressure, which significantly, sometimes at times exceed permissible noise levels have been identified. The consequences of the negative impact of noise of the urban environment on the human body, fauna and flora are described. The sanitary-hygienic, engineering-technical, architectural-planning, construction-acoustic and economic-social aspects of scientific researches concerning protection of the environment from noise pollution are singled out. The main methods and ways to reduce urban noise are described, among which are: reducing the sound power level of existing equipment and vehicles, or replacing them with less noisy ones, and during design-taking measures to minimize noise emissions from machines; carrying out timely cleaning, adjustment, repair of machines, mechanisms and equipment, restriction or complete prohibition of noisy works and operation of the most intensive noise sources at night; rational orientation of the noise source or place of noise radiation, taking into account the direction indicator; placement of noise sources and objects of protection – at the maximum possible distance from each other; the use of building structures with improved sound insulation, the use of sound-absorbing materials for lining the enclosing structures of buildings and structures; zoning of sources and objects of protection, application of territorial gaps, noise protection buildings, acoustic screens and strips of greenery. It was found that the maximum possible impact on noise pollution of modern cities and surrounding areas can be achieved in the case of integrated application of methods, means of protection against acoustic blocking of the duration, direction and use of noise emissions in its sources and through noise level on the way to its spread, as well as through the implementation of appropriate organizational and technical measures.Виявлено основні джерела шумового забруднення сучасних міст, що генерують значні рівні звукового тиску, які суттєво, іноді у рази, перевищують допустимі рівні шуму. Описано наслідки негативного впливу шуму на організм людини, фауну та флору урбанізованого середовища. Виокремлено санітарно-гігієнічний, інженерно-технічний, архітектурно-планувальний, будівельно-акустичний та економіко-соціальний аспекти наукових досліджень щодо захисту довкілля від шумового забруднення. Охарактеризовані основні методи та способи зниження міського шуму, серед яких: зниження рівня звукової потужності наявного устаткування та транспортних засобів, або їх заміна на менш шумні, а під час проектування – вжиття заходів для мінімізації емісії шуму машинами; проведення своєчасного чищення, мащення, налагодження, ремонту машин, механізмів та устаткування, обмеження або повна заборона проведення шумних робіт і експлуатації найбільш інтенсивних джерел шуму в нічний час; раціональне орієнтування джерела шуму або місця випромінювання шуму з урахуванням показника спрямованості; розміщення джерел шуму та об’єктів захисту – на максимально можливій віддалі один від одного; використання будівельних конструкцій з покращеною звукоізоляцією, застосування звукопоглинальних матеріалів для личкування огороджувальних конструкцій будівель і споруд; зонування і районування джерел і об’єктів захисту, застосування територіальних розривів, шумозахисних будівель, акустичних екранів та смуг зелених насаджень. З’ясовано, що максимальний ефект щодо зниження шумового забруднення навколишнього природного середовища сучасних міст та прилеглих територій може бути досягнутий у разі комплексного застосування методів, способів і засобів захисту від акустичного забруднення довкілля, спрямованих і на зниження емісії шуму в джерелі його виникнення, і на зниження рівня шуму на шляху його поширення, а також шляхом реалізації відповідних організаційно-технічних заходів

    Biochemical aspects of magnesium-enhanced bone regeneration

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    Current research is focused on practical implications of magnesium-based implants largely due to their biodegradability and ability to promote bone healing and formation. However, the mechanism underlying the osteogenesis regulation by magnesium is still unclear.We describe cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the effect of magnesium ions (Mg2+) on bone growth following the device implantation. The presented data demonstrate magnesium-induced activation of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in human bone marrow stromal cells resulting in their differentiation into osteoblasts, osteogenic effect and recovery of bone defects. We describe the role of the molecular mechanisms responsible for osteopromotive properties of Mg2+ and associated with unique transient receptor potential melastatin 7 (TRPM7) cation channels mediating the Mg2+ influx. TRPM7-mediated Mg2+ influx is important for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-induced proliferation, adhesion, and migration of human osteoblasts, as well as for promotion of Mg2+-associated bone regeneration.We discuss the effect of Mg2+ on intracellular signaling processes, expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hypoxia-inducible factor-2α, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α. Mg2+ can promote bone regeneration by enhancing the production of type X collagen and VEGF by osteogenic cells in bone marrow


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    It is well known that restenosis/thrombosis in stent placement site is one of the commonest complications in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and percutaneous coronary angioplasty (PCA), and activation of intravascular thrombogenesis can be one of pathogenetic factors of this process. Hence, determination of early and reliable biochemical markers in diagnosis of that complication is aimed at timely correction of hemostasis disturbances. Blood plasma overall hemostatic potential (OHP) is considered to be one of the informative biochemical markers of hemostasis. It is helpful in determining the balance between links of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis and is based on the study of light absorption time curve, being an index of formation and destruction of blood clot in the presence of thromboplastin and plasminogen tissue activator (t-PA). The aim of research work was to study coagulation and fibrinolytic activity indices in patients with IHD and PCA, and to determine probable markers of intravascular thrombogenesis. 91 patients (77 males and 14 females) with IHD and PCA were studied, 32 had late restenosis/thrombosis development after 6 months of stenting. Among those with no history of stent occlusion (59 individuals), 20 patients had FC ²²-²²² angina pectoris. Blood plasma hemostatic potential was determined by spectrophotometry, registering light absorption at 405 nm by fibrin clot, using microreader Multiscan (Finland). Statistical analysis was performed using variation methods and correlation analysis. Quantitative analysis of the curves of OHP and fibrinolytic potential (FP) as well as their components, obtained during the study, demonstrated all the patients of general group to have significant (ð 0.1). Determination of correlation relationships between the main components of OHP and FP in patient groups showed their one-direction positive character from moderate to strong (r=0.56?0.83). The strongest correlations between the parameters were observed in patients with angina, while the weakest ones in those with history of restenosis. Significant increase in OHP and FP indices can be indicative of disturbed balance between the processes of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in that category of patients. The data received indicate also that activity of hemostasis components is higher in females than in males, and coagulation system potential tends to increase in the group of patients with history of restenosis and in those with angina because of decreased FP value

    The Professional Judgement of Accountant in Determining the Composition of Non-Negotiable Tangible Assets in the Light of Harmonization with the IFRS

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    The need to expand the autonomy of enterprises based on the use of professional judgment by accounting workers in the formation of composition and determination of the objects of non-negotiable tangible assets has been substantiated. The general attributes of identification of the objects of non-negotiable tangible assets have been defined. With the purpose of adaptation of the national practice with the international standards, the authors prove the necessity of independent definition, in terms of the accounting policy of enterprise on the basis of professional judgement, approaches on reflection in accounting of spare parts and groups of the other non-negotiable tangible assets as stocks or as basic means; objects of the social and cultural sphere – as fixed assets or other non-negotiable assets; the right to transfer library funds to tangible or intangible assets. The main factors of object determination and composition of non-negotiable tangible assets have been determined on the basis of professional judgment

    Overall hemostasis potential of the blood plasma and its relation to some molecular markers of the hemostasis system in patients with chronic renal disease of stage VD

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    The values of the coagulation, overall and fibrinolysis potentials were estimated by the method of the global potential of Blomback M., as well as the values of concentrations of molecular markers of the hemostasis system: soluble fibrin (sf), D-dimer, fibrinogen (Fg) and protein C (88 patients, 52 of them men, 36 women). It was shown that hemostasis system activity in women plasma is higher than that in men plasma. The division of patients into 3 groups, depending on the concentration of sf: less than normal – sf ≤ 3, about norm – 3 4 μg/ml, allowed establishing the growth of the parameters of both the hemostatic potential and concentrations of molecular markers in accordance with concentration of sf in the groups of patients. Paerson’s correlation analysis of the relationship between the parameters of the hemostasis potential and concentrations of molecular markers revealed an increase in the correlation relationship to the strong and very strong between the parameters of coagulation, fibrinolysis and protein C systems with an increase in the concentration of soluble fibrin in plasma of patients

    Effects of N-hydroxy-4-({[(E)-2-phenylethenyl] solfonyl}amino)butanamide on cell cycle and adhesive properties in tumor cells

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    Using the model system of tumor spheroidal growth, we explored the main changes of the cell cycle parameters, adhesion properties and morphological features caused by action of a new chemically synthesized derivative of hydroxamic acid N-hydroxy-4-({[(e)-2phenylethenyl] sulfonyl}amino)butanamide, a reversible inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases. The results of our studies, indicates that it is a possible epithelialmesenchymal transition due to increased adhesive properties, inhibition of spheroid formation and changes in cells propotion in specific phases of the cell cycl