107,654 research outputs found

    Possible Reentrance of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in the Lowest Landau Level

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    In the framework of a recently developed model of interacting composite fermions, we calculate the energy of different solid and Laughlin-type liquid phases of spin-polarized composite fermions. The liquid phases have a lower energy than the competing solids around the electronic filling factors nu=4/11,6/17, and 4/19 and may thus be responsible for the fractional quantum Hall effect at nu=4/11. The alternation between solid and liquid phases when varying the magnetic field may lead to reentrance phenomena in analogy with the observed reentrant integral quantum Hall effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Interpretation of AIS Images of Cuprite, Nevada Using Constraints of Spectral Mixtures

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    A technique is outlined that tests the hypothesis Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) image spectra are produced by mixtures of surface materials. This technique allows separation of AIS images into concentration images of spectral endmembers (e.g., surface materials causing spectral variation). Using a spectral reference library it was possible to uniquely identify these spectral endmembers with respect to the reference library and to calibrate the AIS images

    Quantum Phases in Partially Filled Landau Levels

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    We compare the energies of different electron solids, such as bubble crystals with triangular and square symmetry and stripe phases, to those of correlated quantum liquids in partially filled intermediate Landau levels. Multiple transitions between these phases when varying the filling of the top-most partially filled Landau level explain the observed reentrance of the integer quantum Hall effect. The phase transitions are identified as first-order. This leads to a variety of measurable phenomena such as the phase coexistence between a Wigner crystal and a two-electron bubble phase in a Landau-level filling-factor range 4.15<nu<4.264.15 < nu < 4.26, which has recently been observed in transport measurements under micro-wave irradiation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; to appear in "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (SemiMag-16)

    Second Generation of Composite Fermions and the Self-Similarity of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    A recently developed model of interacting composite fermions, is used to investigate different composite-fermion phases. Their interaction potential allows for the formation of both solid and new quantum-liquid phases, which are interpreted in terms of second-generation composite fermions and which may be responsible for the fractional quantum Hall states observed at unusual filling factors, such as nu=4/11. Projection of the composite-fermion dynamics to a single level, involved in the derivation of the Hamiltonian of interacting composite fermions, reveals the underlying self-similarity of the model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; to appear in "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (SemiMag-16)", only change with respect to v1: correction in authors line, no changes in manuscrip

    Local density of states of electron-crystal phases in graphene in the quantum Hall regime

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    We calculate, within a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation, the local density of states for different electron crystals in graphene subject to a strong magnetic field. We investigate both the Wigner crystal and bubble crystals with M_e electrons per lattice site. The total density of states consists of several pronounced peaks, the number of which in the negative energy range coincides with the number of electrons M_e per lattice site, as for the case of electron-solid phases in the conventional two-dimensional electron gas. Analyzing the local density of states at the peak energies, we find particular scaling properties of the density patterns if one fixes the ratio nu_N/M_e between the filling factor nu_N of the last partially filled Landau level and the number of electrons per bubble. Although the total density profile depends explicitly on M_e, the local density of states of the lowest peaks turns out to be identical regardless the number of electrons M_e. Whereas these electron-solid phases are reminiscent to those expected in the conventional two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs heterostructures in the quantum Hall regime, the local density of states and the scaling relations we highlight in this paper may be, in graphene, directly measured by spectroscopic means, such as e.g. scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; minor correction

    Wage and Occupational Differences Between Black and White Men: Labor Market Discrimination in the Rural South

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    The existence of labor market discrimination based on race is well established.However, study continues into a variety of aspects of discrimination-among them the extent to which it exists in different regions. Gwartney has estimated the ratio of black to white earnings to be between .83 and .88 for the North and between .68 and .74 for the South. Masters, in a study of earnings differentials between black and white men, found a ratio of .79 for the non-South and .69 for the South. Although considerable literature has developed concerning earnings differentials, wage discrimination in rural areas is one topic which has received relatively little attention. In an attempt to eliminate this oversight this paper concentrates on the extent of wage differences between black and white men in the rural South attributable to labor market discrimination

    General purpose simulation system of the data management system for Space Shuttle mission 18

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    A simulation program for the flow of data through the Data Management System of Spacelab and Space Shuttle was presented. The science, engineering, command and guidance, navigation and control data were included. The programming language used was General Purpose Simulation System V (OS). The science and engineering data flow was modeled from its origin at the experiments and subsystems to transmission from Space Shuttle. Command data flow was modeled from the point of reception onboard and from the CDMS Control Panel to the experiments and subsystems. The GN&C data flow model handled data between the General Purpose Computer and the experiments and subsystems. Mission 18 was the particular flight chosen for simulation. The general structure of the program is presented, followed by a user's manual. Input data required to make runs are discussed followed by identification of the output statistics. The appendices contain a detailed model configuration, program listing and results

    Scaling Approach to the Phase Diagram of Quantum Hall Systems

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    We present a simple classification of the different liquid and solid phases of quantum Hall systems in the limit where the Coulomb interaction between the electrons is significant, i.e. away from integral filling factors. This classification, and a criterion for the validity of the mean-field approximation in the charge-density-wave phase, is based on scaling arguments concerning the effective interaction potential of electrons restricted to an arbitrary Landau level. Finite-temperature effects are investigated within the same formalism, and a good agreement with recent experiments is obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Europhys. Lett.; new version contains more detailed description of finite-temperature effect

    On the self-similarity in quantum Hall systems

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    The Hall-resistance curve of a two-dimensional electron system in the presence of a strong perpendicular magnetic field is an example of self-similarity. It reveals plateaus at low temperatures and has a fractal structure. We show that this fractal structure emerges naturally in the Hamiltonian formulation of composite fermions. After a set of transformations on the electronic model, we show that the model, which describes interacting composite fermions in a partially filled energy level, is self-similar. This mathematical property allows for the construction of a basis of higher generations of composite fermions. The collective-excitation dispersion of the recently observed 4/11 fractional-quantum-Hall state is discussed within the present formalism.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in Europhys. Lett., new version contains energy calculations for collective excitations of the 4/11 stat
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