525 research outputs found

    Phenomenological analysis of professional identity crisis experience by teachers

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    The topicality of the problem under research is predetermined by the need of psychology and pedagogy for the study of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers and development of a system of measures for support of teachers’ pedagogical activity and professional development. The objective of the study is to describe the content of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers. The principal method of study of this problem is the phenomenological method, which provides for exploration of the main aspects of the experience process. The results of phenomenological method application for the analysis of professional crisis experience make it possible to state that the professional crisis issue is a specific life situation for labourer where in the alteration of the teacher’s general view of life occurs. The experience of professional identity crisis manifests itself in the polarization of evaluations of the main parameters of the professional and the Self-image (the external activity evaluation, interest in the activity, the control over professional activity and professional situations, professional prospects). Transformation of the notional field of a teacher’s consciousness and reflection (the content of the activity, relation and the proper behaviour in general) are distinguished as the mechanisms of professional crisis experience. The materials of the article may be useful for teachers, psychologists, and heads of educational institutions in the process of planning and implementation of activities on educational process psychological support. © 2016 Sadovnikova et al

    Catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membranes: Development of the biomimetic sensor for phenols detection

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    Portable biomimetic sensor devices for the express control of phenols content in water were developed. The synthetic binding sites mimicking active site of the enzyme tyrosinase were formed in the structure of free-standing molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. Molecularly imprinted polymer membranes with the catalytic activity were obtained by co-polymerization of the complex Cu (II)–catechol–urocanic acid ethyl ester with (tri)ethyleneglycoldimethacrylate, and oligourethaneacrylate. Addition of the elastic component oligourethaneacrylate provided formation of the highly cross-linked polymer with the catalytic activity in a form of thin, flexible, and mechanically stable membrane. High accessibility of the artificial catalytic sites for the interaction with the analyzed phenol molecules was achieved due to addition of linear polymer (polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000) to the initial monomer mixture before the polymerization. As a result, typical semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPNs) were formed. The cross-linked component of the semi-IPN was represented by the highly cross-linked catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer, while the linear one was represented by polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000. Extraction of the linear polymer from the fully formed semi-IPN resulted in formation of large pores in the membranes’ structure. Concentration of phenols in the analyzed samples was detected using universal portable device oxymeter with the oxygen electrode in a close contact with the catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membrane as a transducer. The detection limit of phenols detection using the developed sensor system based on polymers–biomimics with the optimized composition comprised 0.063 mM, while the linear range of the sensor comprised 0.063–1 mM. The working characteristics of the portable sensor devices were investigated. Storage stability of sensor systems at room temperature comprised 12 months (87%). As compared to traditional methods of phenols detection the developed sensor system is characterized by simplicity of operation, compactness, an

    H5N1 influenza vaccine quality is affected by hemagglutinin conformational stability

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    Since 1997, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have circulated in wild and domestic birds and sporadically have infected humans. Conventional inactivated vaccines made from these viruses were shown to have decreased HA content and immunogenicity compared to seasonal preparations. We assumed that the high pH threshold (5.6-6.0) known for the HA conformational change (pH of fusion or activation) of avian highly pathogenic influenza viruses resulted in the low stability of native HA conformation and affected the vaccine quality. The 58Lys→Ile mutation introduced into the HA2 subunit of the HA of A/chicken/Kurgan/5/05 (H5N1) virus decreased the pH threshold of the HA activation. The mutant virus demonstrated increased HA stability toward acidic pH and elevated temperature, decreased binding efficiency to the monoclonal antibody IIF4 that recognizes the HA low pH form, and increased HA resistance to trypsin digestion. Virus with modified HA was less susceptible to freezing stress and showed an increased content of immunocompetent HA in inactivated vaccine preparation compared to the analogous virus with original HA. Therefore, we have shown a way to increase the quality of inactivated vaccines made from highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses.Since 1997, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have circulated in wild and domestic birds and sporadically have infected humans. Conventional inactivated vaccines made from these viruses were shown to have decreased HA content and immunogenicity compared to seasonal preparations. We assumed that the high pH threshold (5.6-6.0) known for the HA conformational change (pH of fusion or activation) of avian highly pathogenic influenza viruses resulted in the low stability of native HA conformation and affected the vaccine quality. The 58Lys→Ile mutation introduced into the HA2 subunit of the HA of A/chicken/Kurgan/5/05 (H5N1) virus decreased the pH threshold of the HA activation. The mutant virus demonstrated increased HA stability toward acidic pH and elevated temperature, decreased binding efficiency to the monoclonal antibody IIF4 that recognizes the HA low pH form, and increased HA resistance to trypsin digestion. Virus with modified HA was less susceptible to freezing stress and showed an increased content of immunocompetent HA in inactivated vaccine preparation compared to the analogous virus with original HA. Therefore, we have shown a way to increase the quality of inactivated vaccines made from highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses

    Impact of magnetic storms on the global TEC distribution

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    The study is focused on the analysis of total electron content (TEC) variations during six geomagnetic storms of different intensity: from Dstmin = −46&thinsp;nT to Dstmin = −223&thinsp;nT. The values of TEC deviations from its 27-day median value (δTEC) were calculated during the periods of the storms along three meridians: American, Euro-African and Asian-Australian. The following results were obtained. For the majority of the storms almost simultaneous occurrence of δTEC maximums was observed along all three meridians at the beginning of the storm. The transition from a weak storm to a superstorm (the increase of magnetic activity) almost does not affect the intensity of the δTEC maximum. The seasonal effect was most pronounced along the Asian-Australian meridian, less often along the Euro-African meridian and was not revealed along the American meridian. Sometimes the seasonal effect can penetrate to the opposite hemisphere. The character of average δTEC variations for the intense storms was confirmed by GOES satellite data. Though there are some common features of TEC variation revealed during each storm phase, in general no clear dependence of TEC responses on the storm phases was found: the effects were different during each storm at different locations. The behavior of the correlation coefficient (R) between δTEC values along the three meridians was analyzed for each storm. In general, R &gt; 0.5 between δTEC values averaged along each meridian. This result is new. The possible reasons for the exceptions (when R &lt; 0.5) were provided: the complexity of phenomena during the intense storms and discordance in local time of the geomagnetic storm beginning along different meridians. Notwithstanding the complex dependence of R on the intensity of magnetic disturbance, in general R decreased with the growth of storm intensity.</p

    Entorno educativo digital como herramienta de cambios complejos de la actividad pedagógica del profesor

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    The authors of the article identified four basic functions of the use of information technology in the course of training future representatives of a profession: information and training, forming, evaluation and correction, research.&nbsp; It is noted that these functions do not operate separately, but as elements of a single system, depending on the conditions determined by the features of the information EE. The analysis allows the authors of the article to assert that at this stage of the educational process evolution the main task is to create a methodology related to the use of information management technologies in the development of electronic materials of educational nature and their implementation in the context of pedagogical activity.Los autores del artículo identificaron cuatro funciones básicas del uso de la tecnología de la información en el curso de la capacitación de futuros representantes de una profesión: información y capacitación, formación, evaluación y corrección, investigación. Cabe señalar que estas funciones no funcionan por separado, sino como elementos de un solo sistema, dependiendo de las condiciones determinadas por las características de la información EE. El análisis permite a los autores del artículo afirmar que en esta etapa de la evolución del proceso educativo, la tarea principal es crear una metodología relacionada con el uso de tecnologías de gestión de la información en el desarrollo de materiales electrónicos de naturaleza educativa y su implementación en el contexto de actividad pedagógica

    Formación de la interacción social competencia de futuros especialistas del ámbito gerencial

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    Trends in the economic situation development in the Russian Federation determine the basic requirements for graduates of Russian universities in the direction of “management” training, whose professional competence depends directly on the level of mastering communication skills and social interaction skills. The social interaction competence for managers is the key one in the formation of professional competencies and affects the decision-making of many professional tasks. The social interaction competence plays an important role in the management personnel training because they have a need for constant interaction with people, staff and clients. Lack of social interaction competence can lead to failures in professional activities. Thus, the bachelor of management should have not only knowledge in the professional sphere, but also be able to interact with various specialists, clients, and partners, carrying out high-level social communication that can affect effectively the result of professional activity.Las tendencias en el desarrollo de la situación económica en la Federación de Rusia determinan los requisitos básicos para los graduados de las universidades rusas en la dirección de la formación de “gestión”, cuya competencia profesional depende directamente del nivel de dominio de las habilidades de comunicación y de interacción social. La competencia de interacción social para los gerentes es la clave en la formación de competencias profesionales y afecta la toma de decisiones de muchas tareas profesionales. La competencia de interacción social juega un papel importante en la capacitación del personal de gestión, ya que tienen una necesidad de interacción constante con las personas, el personal y los clientes. La falta de competencia de interacción social puede conducir a fallas en las actividades profesionales. Por lo tanto, el licenciado en administración debe tener no solo conocimiento en el ámbito profesional, sino también poder interactuar con varios especialistas, clientes y socios, llevando a cabo una comunicación social de alto nivel que pueda afectar de manera efectiva el resultado de la actividad profesional


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    The article carries out the comparative analysis of the main approaches to the assessment of the level of financial security of the banking system. The aim of the paper is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of the assessment and providing financial security of the banking system in the conditions of the transformational changes taking place in the state economy.The factors that affect the level of financial security of the banking system are determined. The authors of the article classifies them into factors that cause structural imbalances in the economy and those that affect the level of financial security of the banking system. Are specified the approaches to the selection of the adequate indicators for determining the level of financial security of the banking system.The analysis of the indicators of the level of the financial security of the banking sector of the Ukrainian economy confirms the deepening of deflationary phenomena and their destabilizing influence on the country's financial security.The authors of the article consider the main methods of assessing the level of the financial security of the banking system. The expediency of using the method based on setting threshold values and defining an integral indicator of financial security in the terms of capital-resource security, credit investment security, currency security and determining the safe level of income and expenditure.The external and internal threats to financial safety of banks are analyzed. Prevention of the negative impact of various factors in the banking sector should be provided by analyzing information by the NBU Supervision Service, specifically: the amount of funds of enterprises and financial industrial groups that are located in banks and the degree of dependence of banks on these sources of financing, the quality of bank assets; analysis and forecasting political and economic environments.It is concluded that the main directions of ensuring an adequate level of financial security of the banking system should be primarily the change in perception of financial security itself as an element of management that allows to ensure its financially stable functioning. The main directions of the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels are determined to ensure sufficient level of financial security of the banking system.Осуществлен сравнительный анализ основных подходов к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности банковской системы. Уточнены подходы к отбору адекватных показателей для определения уровня финансовой безопасности банковской системы. Определены факторы, влияющие на уровень финансовой безопасности банковской системы. Проанализированы внешние и внутренние угрозы финансовой безопасности банков. Получен вывод о том, что основными направлениями обеспечения достаточного уровня финансовой безопасности банковской системы должно стать в первую очередь изменение восприятия самой финансовой безопасности как элемента управления, позволяющий обеспечить финансово устойчивое ее функционирования. Для обеспечения достаточного уровня финансовой безопасности банковской системы определены основные направления макроэкономического и микроэкономического направления.Здійснено порівняльний аналіз основних підходів до оцінювання рівня фінансової безпеки банківської системи. Метою статті є обґрунтування теоретико-методичних засад оцінювання і забезпечення фінансової безпеки банківської системи в умовах трансформаційних змін, що відбуваються в економіці держави.Визначено чинники, які впливають на рівень фінансової безпеки банківської системи. Їх класифіковано на фактори, що викликають структурні дисбаланси економіки, і ті, що впливають на рівень фінансової безпеки банківської системи. Уточнено підходи до відбору адекватних показників для визначення рівня фінансової безпеки банківської системи.Проведений аналіз індикаторів рівня фінансової безпеки банківського сектору економіки України підтверджує поглиблення кризових явищ та їх дестабілізувальний вплив на фінансову безпеку країни.Розглянуто основні методики оцінювання рівня фінансової безпеки банківської системи. Доведено доцільність використання методики, яка ґрунтується на встановленні порогових значень і визначенні інтегрального показника фінансової безпеки за напрямами капітало-ресурсної безпеки, кредитно-інвестиційної безпеки, валютної безпеки та визначення безпечного рівня доходів та витрат.Проаналізовано зовнішні і внутрішні загрози фінансової безпеки банків. Запобігання негативного впливові різних чинників у банківській сфері має відбуватися через проведення службою банківського нагляду НБУ постійного аналізу інформації, а саме: обсягу коштів підприємств і фінансово-промислових груп, які розміщені в банках, і ступінь залежності банків від цих джерел фінансування; якість активів банків; аналіз і прогнозування політичної та економічної середовищ.Отримано висновок про те, що основними напрямами забезпечення достатнього рівня фінансової безпеки банківської системи повинна стати перш за все зміна сприйняття самої фінансової безпеки як елементу управління, який дозволяє забезпечити фінансово стійке її функціонування. Для забезпечення достатнього рівня фінансової безпеки банківської системи визначено основні напрями макроекономічного і мікроекономічного спрямування

    Специалистическая модель в условиях непрерывного профессионального образования

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    Fundamental changes in the Russian economy determined by the increasing role of knowledge, the revolution in information and communication technologies, the formation of the global labor market, as well as political changes, dictate new requirements for professional training. The specialist model, professiogram, qualification characteristic, sociogram of profession, sociogram of professional identity is the view options of the ideal result of students’ training. The key competence is the defining competence because it corresponds to the conditions of implementation, which are neither limited, not too specific, but are to a certain extent universal. The essence of professional competence of a specialist is the integration of knowledge, skills, experience; personal qualities that provide professional development and self-realization of a specialist, i.e. personal opportunities that allow solving professional problems independently and effectively. The perspective direction of improvement of specialists training in professional education system is development of their models giving the chance to study more deeply problems of training and use of experts, to estimate quality of educational institutions work. In recent years, research aimed at developing a&nbsp;specialist model has covered not only the sphere of higher education; they are conducted in the systems of basic and secondary vocational education. One of the main means of rationing and assessing the quality of professional training of students is a competence model that allows getting the clearest information about the composition of competencies that must be formed in the future specialist in the learning process. The analysis of requirements to specialists training, the contents and technologies of educational process, methodology and practice of modern educational activity allows defining a number of principles and methods of formation of specialist model as bases of a component of the Federal State Educational Standard.Los cambios fundamentales en la economía rusa, determinados por el papel cada vez mayor del conocimiento, la revolución en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, la formación del mercado laboral mundial, así como los cambios políticos, dictan nuevos requisitos para la formación profesional. El modelo de especialista, el profesiograma, la característica de calificación, el sociograma de la profesión, el sociograma de la identidad profesional son las opciones de visualización del resultado ideal de la formación de los estudiantes. La competencia clave es la competencia definitoria porque corresponde a las condiciones de implementación, que no son limitadas, ni demasiado específicas, pero en cierta medida son universales. La esencia de la competencia profesional de un especialista es la integración de conocimientos, habilidades, experiencia; cualidades personales que proporcionan desarrollo profesional y autorrealización de un especialista, es decir, oportunidades personales que permiten resolver problemas profesionales de manera independiente y efectiva. La dirección de la perspectiva de mejora de la formación de especialistas en el sistema de educación profesional es el desarrollo de sus modelos que brinden la oportunidad de estudiar más profundamente los problemas de formación y uso de expertos, para estimar la calidad del trabajo de las instituciones educativas. En los últimos años, la investigación dirigida a desarrollar un modelo especializado ha cubierto no solo el ámbito de la educación superior; se llevan a cabo en los sistemas de educación vocacional básica y secundaria. Uno de los principales medios para racionar y evaluar la calidad de la formación profesional de los estudiantes es un modelo de competencia que permita obtener la información más clara sobre la composición de las competencias que deben formarse en el futuro especialista en el proceso de aprendizaje. El análisis de los requisitos para la capacitación de especialistas, los contenidos y las tecnologías del proceso educativo, la metodología y la práctica de la actividad educativa&nbsp;moderna permite definir una serie de principios y métodos de formación de modelos especializados como bases de un componente del Estándar Educativo del Estado Federal.Фундаментальные изменения в российской экономике, обусловленные растущей ролью знаний, революцией в информационных и коммуникационных технологиях, формированием мирового рынка труда, а также политическими изменениями, диктуют новые требования к профессиональной подготовке. Модель специалиста, профессиограмма, квалификационная характеристика, социограмма профессии, социограмма профессиональной идентичности - это варианты выбора идеального результата обучения студентов. Ключевой компетенцией является определяющая компетенция, поскольку она соответствует условиям реализации, которые не являются ни ограниченными, ни слишком конкретными, но в определенной степени универсальными. Суть профессиональной компетентности специалиста - интеграция знаний, навыков, опыта; личные качества, которые обеспечивают профессиональное развитие и самореализацию специалиста, то есть личные возможности, позволяющие самостоятельно и эффективно решать профессиональные проблемы. Перспективным направлением&nbsp;совершенствования подготовки специалистов в системе профессионального образования является разработка их моделей, позволяющих глубже изучить проблемы подготовки и использования специалистов, оценить качество работы учебных заведений. В последние годы исследования, направленные на разработку модели специалиста, охватывали не только сферу высшего образования; они ведутся в системах начального и среднего профессионального образования. Одним из основных средств нормирования и оценки качества профессиональной подготовки студентов является модель компетенций, позволяющая получить наиболее четкую информацию о составе компетенций, которые должны быть сформированы у будущего специалиста в процессе обучения. Анализ требований к подготовке специалистов, содержания и технологий учебного процесса, методологии и практики современной образовательной деятельности позволяет определить ряд принципов и методов формирования модели специалиста как основы компонента Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта


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    Aim. To study the main risk factors on representative group of first-year students of StSMU during their screening, and on pilot group of students to study possible ways of influencing on these factors on CBP and its augmentation index.Material and methods. Totally 1351 first-year students screened for risk factors as inheritance of early onset of CVD, overweight, PH (prehypertension)/AH, smoking, chronic infectiousand immunity-related inflammations, wrong diet, hypodynamia, low stress resistibility, and for some of them — dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia (capillar test). In 80 patients, taken their risk factors, we assessed CBP and its augmentation index with diagnostical complex BPLab Vasotens Office (LLC “Piotr Telegin”, Nizhniy Novgorod).Results. Among first-year students with PH/AH overweight were each tenth, inheritance or focal infections — almost in each fifth. Wrong diet, hypodynamia and low stress resistibility are found in each fourth-fifth of enrolled in university. Absence of risk factors was found only in one fifth of first-graders. Most of them have two and more risk factors. Having these factors students usually had an increase of systolic, mean and pulse pressure in aorta, and augmentation index of central pulse pressure. Significantly more common in them is to find systemic and isolated central PH/AH.Conclusion. Regardless of young age and short anamnesis of adverse factors, students have preclinical, however quite clear damage of target organs such as vessel remodeling, including large vessels. It is necessary to implement broader into the centers of student healthcare and outpatient institutions the methods of CBP assessment as an office procedure with the aim of earlier vessel remodeling relevance during screening events with the aim for risk groups formation and control of efficacy of prevention procedures in such risk groups