164 research outputs found

    Relativistic description of heavy tetraquarks

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    The masses of the ground state and excited heavy tetraquarks with hidden charm and bottom are calculated within the relativistic diquark-antidiquark picture. The dynamics of the light quark in a heavy-light diquark is treated completely relativistically. The diquark structure is taken into account by calculating the diquark-gluon form factor. New experimental data on charmonium-like states above the open charm threshold are discussed. The obtained results indicate that X(3872), Y(4260), Y(4360), Z(4433) and Y(4660) can be tetraquark states with hidden charm.Comment: 6 pages, talk at the scientific session-conference of Nuclear Physics Department RAS ``Physics of fundamental interactions'', 25-30 November 2007, ITEP, Mosco

    Compact and Loosely Bound Structures in Light Nuclei

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    A role of different components in the wave function of the weakly bound light nuclei states was studied within the framework of the cluster model, taking into account of orbitals "polarization". It was shown that a limited number of structures associated with the different modes of nucleon motion can be of great importance for such systems. Examples of simple and quite flexible trial wave functions are given for the nuclei 8^8Be, 6^6He. Expressions for the microscopic wave functions of these nuclei were found and used for the calculation of basic nuclear characteristics, using well known central-exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials.Comment: 19 pages, 3 ps figure

    Tunable Lyapunov exponent in inverse magnetic billiards

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    The stability properties of the classical trajectories of charged particles are investigated in a two dimensional stadium-shaped inverse magnetic domain, where the magnetic field is zero inside the stadium domain and constant outside. In the case of infinite magnetic field the dynamics of the system is the same as in the Bunimovich billiard, i.e., ergodic and mixing. However, for weaker magnetic fields the phase space becomes mixed and the chaotic part gradually shrinks. The numerical measurements of the Lyapunov exponent (performed with a novel method) and the integrable/chaotic phase space volume ratio show that both quantities can be smoothly tuned by varying the external magnetic field. A possible experimental realization of the arrangement is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Surface acoustic wave attenuation by a two-dimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field

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    The propagation of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures is studied in the case where the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is subject to a strong magnetic field and a smooth random potential with correlation length Lambda and amplitude Delta. The electron wave functions are described in a quasiclassical picture using results of percolation theory for two-dimensional systems. In accordance with the experimental situation, Lambda is assumed to be much smaller than the sound wavelength 2*pi/q. This restricts the absorption of surface phonons at a filling factor \bar{\nu} approx 1/2 to electrons occupying extended trajectories of fractal structure. Both piezoelectric and deformation potential interactions of surface acoustic phonons with electrons are considered and the corresponding interaction vertices are derived. These vertices are found to differ from those valid for three-dimensional bulk phonon systems with respect to the phonon wave vector dependence. We derive the appropriate dielectric function varepsilon(omega,q) to describe the effect of screening on the electron-phonon coupling. In the low temperature, high frequency regime T << Delta (omega_q*Lambda /v_D)^{alpha/2/nu}, where omega_q is the SAW frequency and v_D is the electron drift velocity, both the attenuation coefficient Gamma and varepsilon(omega,q) are independent of temperature. The classical percolation indices give alpha/2/nu=3/7. The width of the region where a strong absorption of the SAW occurs is found to be given by the scaling law |Delta \bar{\nu}| approx (omega_q*Lambda/v_D)^{alpha/2/nu}. The dependence of the electron-phonon coupling and the screening due to the 2DEG on the filling factor leads to a double-peak structure for Gamma(\bar{\nu}).Comment: 17 pages, 3 Postscript figures, minor changes mad

    On the SigmaN cusp in the pp -> pK+Lambda reaction

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    Measurements of the pp→pK+Λpp \to pK^+\Lambda reaction at TpT_p = 2.28 GeV have been carried out at COSY-TOF. In addition to the Λp\Lambda p FSI and N∗N^* resonance excitation effects a pronounced narrow structure is observed in the Dalitz plot and in its projection on the pΛp\Lambda-invariant mass. The structure appears at the pp→pp \to NK+ΣK^+\Sigma threshold and is interpreted as Σ\SigmaN cusp effect. The observed width of 20 MeV/c2c^2 is substantially broader than anticipated from previous inclusive measurements. Angular distributions of this cusp structure are shown to be dissimilar to those in the residual pK+ΛpK^+\Lambda channel, but similar to those observed in the pK+Σ0pK^+\Sigma^0 channel

    Is the tetraneutron a bound dineutron-dineutron molecule?

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    In light of a new experiment which claims a positive identification, we discuss the possible existence of the tetraneutron. We explore a novel model based on a dineutron-dineutron molecule. We show that this model is not able to explain the tetraneutron as a bound state, in agreement with other theoretical models already discussed in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, J. Phys. G, in pres

    Yang-Mills Theory In Axial Gauge

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    The Yang-Mills functional integral is studied in an axial variant of 't Hooft's maximal Abelian gauge. In this gauge Gau\ss ' law can be completely resolved resulting in a description in terms of unconstrained variables. Compared to previous work along this line starting with work of Goldstone and Jackiw one ends up here with half as many integration variables, besides a field living in the Cartan subgroup of the gauge group and in D-1 dimension. The latter is of particular relevance for the infrared behaviour of the theory. Keeping only this variable we calculate the Wilson loop and find an area law.Comment: 43 pages REVTeX, 6 figure

    Phenomenological study of hadron interaction models

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    We present a phenomenological study of three models with different effective degrees of freedom: a Goldstone Boson Exchange (GBE) model which is based on quark-meson couplings, the quark delocalization, color screening model (QDCSM) which is based on quark-gluon couplings with delocalized quark wavefunctions, and the Fujiwara-Nijmegen (FN) mixed model which includes both quark-meson and quark-gluon couplings. We find that for roughly two-thirds of 64 states consisting of pairs of octet and decuplet baryons, the three models predict similar effective baryon-baryon interactions. This suggests that the three very different models, based on different effective degrees of freedom, are nonetheless all compatible with respect to baryon spectra and baryon-baryon interactions. We also discuss the differences between the three models and their separate characteristics.Comment: 30 pages latex, 7 tables, 12 figs; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    What is the structure of the Roper resonance?

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    We investigate the structure of the nucleon resonance N^*(1440) (Roper) within a coupled-channel meson exchange model for pion-nucleon scattering. The coupling to pipiN states is realized effectively by the coupling to the sigmaN, piDelta and rhoN channels. The interaction within and between these channels is derived from an effective Lagrangian based on a chirally symmetric Lagrangian, which is supplemented by well known terms for the coupling of the Delta isobar, the omega meson and the 'sigma', which is the name given here to the strong correlation of two pions in the scalar-isoscalar channel. In this model the Roper resonance can be described by meson-baryon dynamics alone; no genuine N^*(1440) (3 quark) resonance is needed in order to fit piN phase shifts and inelasticities.Comment: 55 pages, 14 figure

    Charge Radii and Magnetic Polarizabilities of the Rho and K* Mesons in QCD String Theory

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    The effective action for light mesons in the external uniform static electromagnetic fields was obtained on the basis of QCD string theory. We imply that in the presence of light quarks the area law of the Wilson loop integral is valid. The approximation of the Nambu-Goto straight-line string is used to simplify the problem. The Coulomb-like short-range contribution which goes from one-gluon exchange is also neglected. We do not take into account spin-orbital and spin-spin interactions of quarks and observe the ρ\rho and K∗K^* mesons. The wave function of the meson ground state is the Airy function. Using the virial theorem we estimate the mean charge radii of mesons in terms of the string tension and the Airy function zero. On the basis of the perturbative theory, in the small external magnetic field we find the diamagnetic polarizabilities of ρ\rho and K∗K^* mesons: ÎČρ=−0.8×10−4fm3\beta_\rho =-0.8\times 10^{-4} {fm}^3, ÎČK∗=−0.57×10−4fm3\beta_{K^*}=-0.57\times 10^{-4} {fm}^3Comment: 22 pages, no figures, in LaTeX 2.09, typos correcte
