401 research outputs found

    Understanding the Complexity of Motivational Orientations towards Learning English among Pakistani Female University Students

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    The present study goal is to investigate female university students’ motivation toward learning English as Second Language (ESL) studying at the University of Sindh, Pakistan. Two main objectives of the study were to evaluate the motivational orientation of the female learners in terms of integrativeness or instrumentality. Second, to study the factors that affect the learners motivation towards learning English. A mixed-method approach was employed with descriptive and inferential statistics were performed on the data to evaluate the data. A number of 158 female students from both the Science and Arts faculties at the English and Chemistry departments filled the structured questionnaire. Additionally, to gain a deeper understanding of the researched phenomenon, the semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 students. The findings revealed a complex portrait of the target population, with the most prominent motivational factors being integrative motive, classroom environment, and instrumental motive. Besides, the influence of teachers was found to induce behavioral changes, while gender did not appear to significantly impact the learning process

    Technological Developments and the Role of L2 Motivation in University English Language Teaching Education

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    The 21st century is the era of technology and digitalization in teaching and learning dynamics., The present study explores the function of L2 motivation in university-based English language teaching (ELT) education. It also seeks to comprehend how technological developments are changing L2 motivation and examines teachers coping mechanisms in this changing educational environment. This study employs a qualitative research approach to explore the university teachers choices of technology instruments and pedagogical choices for enhancing students’ L2 motivation. Thus, the study uses semi-structured interviews to collect data from the 15 university teachers, (8 from Pakistan and 7 from Russia). Moreover, the secondary aim of the study is to comprehend the variables influencing L2 teacher motivation, and pedagogical approaches. This study adds to the body of information on language teaching by emphasizing the necessity for university teachers to adapt to changes in L2 motivation by utilizing technology, developing cutting-edge resources, and creating motivating learning settings

    Public and legal regulation of economic security as a component of national security

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    At the current stage of social and economic development the issues of the national security and its public and legal regulation, both externally and internally, are becoming more urgent. The national security supports the very existence and development of man, society and state. And the balanced state policy as well as the efficient legal regulation plays an important role in this process. The fundamental principles of the legal and regulatory environment in Ukraine are defined by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on National Security, and other legal-regulatory and international acts. And the most significant component of the national security is the economic security influencing all life spheres of a person and the whole society. The economic security is the basis of economically effective state and a necessary condition for its sustainable development. The economic security is provided at the national and international levels. At present the economic security is primarily defined by internal threats, such as uneven economic development of some territories, decline in certain industries, low living standards, etc. The analysis of the social and economic state of Ukraine clearly demonstrates that reasons for threats to the economic security of the country are of a regional nature. The appropriate level of security can be maintained by a complex system of measures aimed at improving macroeconomic performance of the country, which positively influences the local social and economic systems. An appropriate level of the economic security can be reached by implementing a system of organizational and legal measures, including economic, legal, organizational and managerial, which are enforced by competent authorities and local governments by means of various forms and methods of the state legal regulation in order to ensure rights of man and citizen, improve the living standards, and achieve sustainable development of the state.На сучасному етапі соціально-економічного розвитку все більш актуальними стають питання національної безпеки та її суспільно-правового регулювання як зовнішнього, так і внутрішнього. Національна безпека підтримує саме існування і розвиток людини, суспільства і держави. І важливу роль у цьому процесі відіграє виважена державна політика та ефективне правове регулювання. Основні засади правового та нормативно-правового середовища в Україні визначені Конституцією України, Законом України «Про національну безпеку», іншими нормативно-правовими та міжнародними актами. А найважливішою складовою національної безпеки є економічна безпека, яка впливає на всі сфери життя людини та суспільства в цілому. Економічна безпека є основою економічно ефективної держави та необхідною умовою її сталого розвитку. Економічна безпека забезпечується на національному та міжнародному рівнях. Нині економічна безпека визначається насамперед внутрішніми загрозами, такими як нерівномірний економічний розвиток окремих територій, занепад окремих галузей, низький рівень життя тощо. Аналіз соціально-економічного стану України наочно демонструє, що причини загроз для економічна безпека країни мають регіональний характер. Підтримувати належний рівень безпеки можна за допомогою комплексної системи заходів, спрямованих на покращення макроекономічних показників країни, що позитивно впливає на місцеві соціальні та економічні системи. Досягти належного рівня економічної безпеки можна шляхом впровадження системи організаційно-правових заходів, у тому числі економічних, правових, організаційно-управлінських, які здійснюються компетентними органами та органами місцевого самоврядування за допомогою різних форм і методів державно-правового регулювання. з метою забезпечення прав людини і громадянина, підвищення рівня життя, досягнення сталого розвитку держави

    Two-step recommendations: contrast analysis and matrix factorization techniques

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    In this paper we present a two-step recommendation model based on Contrast Analysis and Matrix Factorization techniques which mutually complement each other. We also provide a brief overview of different Matrix Factorization approaches.У даній статті представлена двокрокова модель рекомендаційної системи, що використовує взаємодоповнюючим чином техніки контрастного аналізу та матричної факторизації. Також наданий короткий огляд варіацій методу матричної факторизації.В данной статье представлена двушаговая модель рекомендационной системы, которая использует взаимодополняющим образом техники контрастного анализа и матричной факторизации. Также приведен краткий обзор вариаций метода матричной факторизации

    To the question of mortality from ethanol poisoning the population in the Chelyabinsk region

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamics of mortality the population in the Chelyabinsk region from ethyl alcohol poisoning.Цель исследования – проанализировать динамику смертности населения Челябинской области от отравлений этиловым спиртом


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    Systemic sclerosis (SS) is a progressive connective tissue disease, the prognosis of which largely depends on the time of adequate therapy initiation. Low sensitivity of the 1980 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) SS classification criteria for identifying patients with early stage of the disease, and with its limited form in particular, has necessitated revision of existing SS diagnostic standards and elaboration of more sensitive criteria that allow to establish the diagnosis when the first sign of the disease appear.Objective: to compare the sensitivity of the novel SS criteria of ACR and European League against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) 2013 and the 1980 ACR criteria in different stages of the disease.Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 302 patients who had been diagnosed by experts as having SS and followed up at the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology in 2007–2013. The patients’ mean age was 49±13 years (18 to 80 years); male to female ratio – 1:9 (31 and 271), that of patients with diffuse and limited SS – 1:2 (105 and 197); mean duration of the disease from the first non-Raynaud’s syndrome was 8.2±7.0 years (6 months to 36 years). Physical examination, nailfold capillaroscopy, chest radiography or computed tomography, echocardiography for the determination of pulmonary artery systolic pressure and SS-specific antibodies evaluation were performed.Results. 273 (90%) patients fulfilled the novel ACR/EULAR 2013 SS criteria. 76 (25%) patients had skin thickening above the metacarpophalangeal (MPC) joints in both hands; 263 (87%) – finger skin thickening [70 (23%) – finger swelling, 192 (64%) – thickening of all fingers distal to the MPC joints], 141 (47%) – digital ischemia [79 (26%) – digital pitting scars, 20 (7%) – digital ulcers, 42 (14%) – digital pitting scars and ulcers], 134 (44%) – telangiectasias, 276 (91%) – capillaroscopic changes, 225 (78%) – pulmonary hypertension (PH) or interstitial lung disease (ILD) [15 (5%) – PH 185 (61%) – ILD, 35 (12%) – ILD and PH], 301 (99%) – Raynaud’s phenomenon, and 185 (61%) – SS autoantibodies [138 (46%) – anti-Scl-70 antibodies (a-Scl-70), 42 (14%) – anti-centromere antibodies (ACA), 5 (1.7%) – ACA and a-Scl-70]. 216 (72%) patients fulfilled 1980 ACR SS criteria, and all of them met the novel criteria. With the latter, SS could be additionally diagnosed in 57 more (18%) patients.Conclusion. The 2013 ACR/EULAR SS classification criteria have much higher sensitivity than the 1980 ACR criteria. The sensitivity of the novel criteria remained at the level of 90% in all, including the earliest, stages of the disease while the ACR criteria allowed to confirm diagnosis of SS in only half of patients with a disease duration of less than 1 year

    The characteristics of legal language taking the psychological aspect

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    The authors study the features of the of legal language use in the conditions of socio-political transformations. The use of various legal terms in the revolutionary periods of the formation of the Russian state and law from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century is analyze


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    Study of the cytokine genes SNPs association with the characteristics of the immunological status of children with recurrent respiratory infection

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    To study the immunological status of RRI children and to analyze the association of SNP -330T>G in IL2 and -1082G>A in IL10 with the relative and absolute values of the main subpopulations of lymphocyte