277 research outputs found

    Техніка та технологія дезінтеграції й гравітаційного збагачення рідкіснометалічних руд

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    On the base of the analysis of centrifugal concentrators designs there has been justified the selection of apparatus for the rare-metal ores beneficiation. Process of pyrochlore ore grinding in mills of different types has been investigated and the expediency of use of impact centrifugal action mills to ensure selectivity of minerals disclosure has been founded. Efficient technical and technological parameters of the centrifugal action mills have been justified on the base of active experimental method. The influence of disintegration methods on technological indication of rare-metal ore beneficiation of Mazurovske deposits in centrifugal Nelson concentrator has been analyzed.На основі аналізу конструкцій відцентрових концентраторів обґрунтовано вибір апарату для збагачення рідкіснометалічних руд. Виконано дослідження процесу подрібнення пірохлорової руди в млинах різного типу та встановлено доцільність застосування млинів ударно-відцентової дії для забезпечення селективності розкриття мінералів. Методом активного експерименту обґрунтовано раціональні технічні та технологічні параметри млина ударно-відцентрової дії. Проаналізовано вплив способів дезінтеграції на технологічні показники збагачення рідкіснометалевої руди Мазурівського родовища у відцентровому концентраторі Нельсона

    The conceptual basis for the organization of training of masters in economic theory

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    The article considers the problem of formation of professional competence of masters of the economy associated with the study of economic theory advanced level, the use of new educational technologies in the magistracyВ статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования профессиональной компетентности магистров экономики, связанные с изучением экономической теории продвинутого уровня, возможности применения новых образовательных технологий в магистратур

    Social network for tourism «Couchsurfing» as a social phenomenon

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    Any journey is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a way to gain new knowledge. Often a tourist trip requires considerable material costs. Currently, there is a way to save on staying in hotels or hotels throughout the journey. This method has been called Couchsurfing. The relevance of this direction of tourism is particularly increasing in connection with the development of technology and the use of social networks. Couchsurfing promotes cultural exchange and language practice, tolerance and mutual assistance. The article describes a diff ent kind of rationality (social) without receiving monetary payment in an area, where the use of market mechanisms can be beneficial

    An infrastructure factor in regional competitiveness

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    This research deals with the role of infrastructure in the development of sustainable and competitive development of the territorial, socio-economic system of the region. Individual components of the regional infrastructure and their contribution to the territories' development are defined. Economic and geographic analysis of the competiveness of the six economic regions in the Republic of Tatarstan is conducted. The analysis is based on comparison of various indicators, which characterize distribution and quality of infrastructure facilities. Spatial habitats with high competitive development potential are defined by further increasing of an agricultural specialization and establishing of vertically and horizontally integrated production structures. They are industrial, economic regions which concentrate the main part of popularity and funds and identify perspective opportunities of economic restructuring. The second group of areas have at most agrarian and industrial specialization, and more often just agrarian as inert sphere of socio- economic space of the region

    Influence of psychosocial risk factors on the dynamics of indicators of temporomandibular disorders

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    Aim. To analyze the influence of psychosocial risk factors on the dynamics of indicators characterizing temporomandibular disorders. Methods. 61 clinical cases of temporomandibular disorders with chronic pain were investigated (18 % of the total number of observations of temporomandibular disorders). Diagnostic criteria of temporomandibular disorders were used: axis II, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of temporomandibular joint. Interviewing method was used for clinical diagnosis of psychological phenomena and testing attitude to the disease, identifying communicative deviations according to R.C. Rogers (2002). Patients were divided into 2 groups: group A - patients with nociceptive pain, social adaptation is not disturbed; group B - patients with neuropathic pain, psychosomatization on the background of mental rigidity. In both groups, an identical treatment regimen was implemented for two years. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using IBM SPSS 21 and included comparison of related groups by Friedman analysis and paired Wilcoxon test, comparison of independent groups by Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon criterion, and comparison of the qualitative features by contingency tables by Chi-square Pearson. Results. The radiological semiotics of temporomandibular joint in both groups is similar in the structure of nosology. At the beginning of the treatment cycle, the pain intensity and the temporomandibular index are similar. After 2 years of follow-up, patients in group A showed a significantly higher positive response to the therapy compared to patients in group B: pain intensity in group A was 15.36±2.53 and in group B - 37.32±3.45 (p<0.001); depression on the SCL-90-R scale - 0.29±0.04 and 1.12±0.12 (p<0.001), the degree of disability on the GCPS scale - 0.68±0.08 and 1.17±0.10 (p=0.001), temporomandibular index - 0.15±0.01 and 0.23±0.02 (p<0.001), respectively. Conclusion. In patients of group B, affective disorders form the psychosomatic structure of personality and affect the outcome of therapy. When formulating the final diagnosis and planning the treatment in patients with temporomandibular disorders, it is necessary to take into account the psychosocial characteristics of the patient

    Research of academic motivation at the stage of forming a threshold level of mastering competences

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    The relevance of researched problem is caused by the society requirement to form and implement educational and creative potential of a student as a conductor of changes that set a high level of motivational behavior. The aim of this article is to develop a structural model of motivational behavior of students that allow carrying out modeling of specific characteristics and their practical application. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the provision of the theory of self-determination on basic needs that allow considering basics of intrinsic motivation. The results of the research are: the structural model of motivational behavior is considered in the article, the questions are selected and the questionnaire on educational motivation is developed for the poll of student's groups “Economy and Management”. The development and approbation of multi-profile software programs are “Students’ Questionnaire” to implement on-line poll or interviews with students on academic motivation. The results of the research can be useful for specialized structural divisions of the university, teachers, and also for the students in case of further research of the issues of academic motivation and individual educational paths. © 2016 Eremicheva et al

    Confucian sociology of managerial knowledge

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    The article attempts to conceptualize the nature of managerial knowledge in traditional Chinese culture and the possibility of using methodological potential of current sociology of knowledge for this task. The role and significance of cognitive problematics in the history of old China have been formulated, Confucian type of knowledge has been analyzed; the placein this ancient management knowledge has been considered a statement on formation of predetermination of social consciousness of the Chinese has been substantiated. A conclusion on historical significance, productiveness and potential of Confucian sociology for formation of sociocultural mechanism of management of China has been made


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    Мета дослідження – визначити рівень гормонів стрес-лімітуючої системи у вагітних з урахуванням їх психоемоційного стану. Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 86 жінок у ІІ та на початку ІІІ триместру вагітності. До основної групи включені 60 вагітних із середнім та високим рівнями ситуативної тривожності, а також 26 вагітних із рівнем тривоги 30 балів і нижче, що свідчить про низький рівень СТ (група порівняння). Для оцінки ситуативної тривожності та особистісної тривожності використовували шкалу Ч. Д. Спілбергера, яка адаптована Ю. Л. Ханіним. Кількісну оцінку концентрації гормонів у плазмі крові визначали методом імуноферментного аналізу на апараті «SIRIO S». Для визначення рівня пролактину (Пр) використовували тест-систему Monobind INC (США), кортизолу (К) та інсуліну (Ін) – тест-системи DRG (Німеччина). Рівень ендогенних опіоїдних пептидів (β-ендорфіну) визначали з використанням тест-системи Peninsula Laboratories, LLC (США). Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Групи дослідження були розділені залежно від рівня СТ. Встановлено, що середній показник СТ у групі порівняння склав (26,3±1,2) бала та був статистично достовірно нижчим (p0,05). Однак розрахунок К/Ін індексу, як маркера стресу, дозволив встановити його статистично достовірне (p0,05) між показниками у вагітних із середньо-високим – 1,2 (0,6; 3,6) нг/мл та низьким – 1,4 (0,7; 3,0) нг/мл рівнями СТ. Вірогідно, це свідчить про відсутність виразного впливу означеного нейропептиду на формування емоційного стану в жінок під час вагітності. Висновки. Оцінка рівня пролактину, як ендогенного анксіолітика, дозволила встановити статистично достовірне (р0,05) та позитивний – із рівнем СТ (r = +0,576, p0,05). Однак визначення К/Ін індексу, як маркера стресу, дозволило встановити його статистично достовірне (p<0,05) переважання в групі вагітних із середньо-високим рівнем, порівнюючи з вагітними, які мали низький рівень СТ

    Tacit knowledge as a gift: sociology of the managerial culture in old China

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    The interpretation of the concept of «knowledge» in spiritual culture of old China has been considered. The main ways of its acquirement and use in society has been identified. The nature of tacit knowledge and one of the available ways of its transfer as a gift have been analyzed. For this purpose, specifics of a Chinese gift has been studied, an attempt of understanding the act of gifting in the cognitive sphere has been made. A conclusion about the prospects of this approach for studying the problems of sociology of the Chinese managerial culture as an important component element of the mechanism of governing the Celestial Kingdom has been made

    Professional self-determination of personality and strategies of student youth

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    The actual problem of professional self-determination and professional strategies of student youth has been examined. Various approaches to the study of youth selfdetermination have been considered. Typologies of the professional strategies have been adduced. The division of the professional strategies into active and passive helps to describe more accurately the professional self-determination of the individual. The study of this issue will help in the formation and implementation of a competent social policy based on the interest of the younger generation