341 research outputs found

    Закупка научного оборудования из средств грантов для центров коллективного пользования и уникальных научных установок

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    This study is devoted to identifying typical problems in the field of scientific equipment procurement in the interests of core shared research facilities and large-scale research facilities and developing approaches to their solution. The paper provides an analysis on the practice of purchasing scientific equipment, conducted on the basis of statistical data obtained from representatives of core shared research facilities and large-scale research facilities that received governmental support in 2019–2021, as well as on the data of a sociological survey. As a result, the hypotheses put forward by the authors about the predominance of foreign-made scientific equipment in the procurement structure, about the decrease in the average cost of purchased equipment in 2019–2021, about the presence of significant unevenness of scientific equipment by subclasses in the procurement structure of scientific equipment, about the presence of similar organizational problems in the field of procurement of scientific equipment. The article suggests a number of approaches to solving the identified problems arising from the formulations of 4 proven hypotheses.Настоящее исследование посвящено выявлению типовых проблем в области организации закупок научного оборудования в интересах центров коллективного пользования и уникальных научных установок, и разработке подходов к их решению. В работе дается анализ практики закупки научного оборудования, проведенный на основе статистических данных, полученных от представителей центров коллективного пользования и уникальных научных установок, получивших государственную поддержку в 2019–2021 гг., а также на данных социологического опроса. В результате нашли свое подтверждение выдвинутые авторами гипотезы о преобладании в структуре закупок научного оборудования иностранного производства, снижении средней стоимости закупленного оборудования в 2019–2021 гг., наличии значимой неравномерности по подклассам научного оборудования в структуре закупок научного оборудования, наличии однотипных проблем организационного характера в области организации закупок научного оборудования. В статье предложен ряд подходов к решению выявленных проблем, вытекающих из формулировок 4 доказанных гипотез

    Pyroelectric deflector of relativistic electron beam

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    Deflection of a relativistic electron beam by means of the pyroelectric deflector is demonstrated experimentally for the first time. The operating principle of the pyroelectric deflector is based on the generation of a strong transverse electric field in a vacuum in the gap between a pair of pyroelectric crystals due to the pyroelectric effec


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    The Synnyrsky massif is the largest intrusive containing ultra-potassium syenites, synnyrites, which are raw materials for the production of potash fertilizers and aluminum. An extensive complex of geological and geochemical studies has been carried out, including exploratory drilling, which was carried out on the massif for the first time. The data obtained made it possible to significantly change the idea of the structure of the massif, including a different look at the regularities of the placement of potash-alumina ores, significantly increasing the ore potential and the reliability of its assessment. The present study discusses the existence within the Synnyrsky complex of the third, previously undetected, large intrusive phase, which has its own geological and geochemical features

    Mixed Morphology Pairs as a Breeding Ground for Active Nuclei

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    Mixed morphology pairs offer a simplification of the interaction equation that involves a gas-rich fast rotator paired with a gas-poor slow rotator. In past low resolution IRAS studies it was assumed that the bulk of the far infrared emission originated in the spiral component. However our ISO studies revealed a surprising number of early-type components with significant IR emission some of which turned out to show active nuclei. This motivated us to look at the current statistics of active nuclei in mixed pairs using the FIR-radio continuum correlation as a diagnostic. We find a clear excess of early-type components with radio continuum emission and an active nucleus. We suggest that they arise more often in mixed pairs via cross fueling of gas from the spiral companion. This fuel is more efficiently channeled into the nucleus of the slow rotating receptor. In a sample of 112 mixed-morphology pairs from the Karachentsev catalog we find that about 25-30% of detected mixed pairs show a displacement from the radio-FIR relation defined by normal star forming galaxies. The latter objects show excess radio continuum emission while others extend the relation to unusually high radio and FIR flux levels. Many of the outliers/extreme emitters involve an early-type component with an active nucleus. The paired E/S0 galaxies in the sample exhibit a significant excess detection fraction and a marginal excess luminosity distribution compared to isolated unpaired E/S0 galaxies.Comment: 3 figure

    Анализ лёгкой пептидной фракции Лаеннека методами современной протеомики

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    Laennec preparation is based on standardized human placenta hydrolyzate and is highly effective in the regeneration of tissues. This study presents the results of analysis of the light peptide fraction of Laennec (Препарат Лаеннек основан на стандартизованном гидролизате плаценты человека и отличается высокой эффективностью при регенерации тканей. В настоящем исследовании проведён анализ лёгкой пептидной фракции препарата Лаеннек до 3 000 Да тремя методами: (1) высокоточной масс-спектрометрией на масс-спектрометре Q-Exactive (Thermo Scientific, Германия); (2) иммуноферментным анализом на содержание эпитопов белков посредством иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА, ELISA) с использованием моноклональных антител к IGF-1, TGF-1, HGF, VEGF, PDGF, EGF и др. и хемокинов (IL-8, IL-1a, IL-1b, TNFa, IL-12) и (3) секвенирование выделенных пептидов. Установлена высокая степень стандартизации препарата по пептидам. С использованием стандартного программного обеспечения были установлены аминокислотные последовательности 47 пептидов. Установлено наличие в составе Лаеннека пептидов альбумина, коллагенов Ia2, Va2, XIXa1, «цинковых пальцев», а также активных пептидных фрагментов ростовых факторов IGF-1, TGF-1, HGF, VEGF, PDGF, EGF и др. Наличие этих пептидов в составе Лаеннека позволило сформулировать ряд ранее неизвестных молекулярных механизмов действия препарата

    Reconstruction of sub-threshold events of cosmic-ray radio detectors using an autoencoder

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    Radio detection of air showers produced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays is a cost-effective technique for the next generation of sparse arrays. The performance of this technique strongly depends on the environmental background, which has different constituents, namely anthropogenic radio frequency interferences, synchrotron galactic radiation and others. These components have recognizable features, which can help for background suppression. A powerful method for handling this is the application of convolution neural networks with a specific architecture called autoencoder. By suppressing unwanted signatures, the autoencoder keeps the signal-like ones. We have successfully developed and trained an autoencoder, which is now applied to the data from Tunka-Rex. We show the procedures of the training and optimization of the network including benchmarks of different architectures. Using the autoencoder, we improved the standard analysis of Tunka-Rex in order to lower the threshold of the detection. This enables the reconstructing of sub-threshold events with energies lower than 0.1 EeV with satisfactory angular and energy resolutions

    ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, APOA5, APOB, APOC2, APOC3, LDLR, PCSK9, LPL gene variants and coronary artery disease risk

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    Aim. To study the contribution of rare and low-frequency variants of ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, APOA5, APOB, APOC2, APOC3, LDLR, PCSK9, LPL genes in assessing the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) in a cohort of Russian patients with various cardiovascular risks.Material and methods. The study was conducted on a sample of participants in cohort and epidemiological studies (n=2405). Targeted enrichment of coding sequences and exon-intron regions of nine genes (ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, APOA5, APOB, APOC2, APOC3, LDLR, PCSK9, LPL) was performed. Genetic diagnostics was carried out by next generation sequencing.Results. CAD was confirmed in 267 patients (11%). After genetic diagnosis, all patients were divided into three following groups: individuals with previously described genetic variants associated with elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and/or triglycerides (TGs); individuals with genetic variants associated with reduced levels of LDL-C and/or TGs; individuals without genetic variants associated with LDL-C and/or TG levels, or with two or more variants with opposite effects on LDL-C and/or TG levels. Kaplan-Meier method revealed that the groups significantly differ in cumulative risk of CAD (p<0,001 for the log-rank test), the maximum risk was in group 1, and the minimum risk in group 2. When conducting the Cox regression, we found that in persons from group 1, the hazard ratio (HR) for CAD is 2,63 times higher (HR =2,63, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,6-4,34; p><0,001), and in persons from group 2 lower by 1,88 times (HR =0,53, 95% CI, 0,3-0,98; p=0,042) compared with persons from group 3, adjusted for other CAD risk factors: sex, age, smoking, LDL-C and hypertension. Conclusion. Genetic testing in young patients makes it possible to identify individuals with an increased genetic risk of CAD and to focus preventive and therapeutic measures primarily for this category of patients. Keywords: coronary artery disease, cardiovascular diseases, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, genetic testing. Relationships and Activities: none. 1National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow; 2Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow; 3E. I. Chazov National Medical Research Center of Cardiology, Moscow; 4Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow; 5Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia.><0,001 for the log-rank test), the maximum risk was in group 1, and the minimum risk in group 2. When conducting the Cox regression, we found that in persons from group 1, the hazard ratio (HR) for CAD is 2,63 times higher (HR =2,63, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,6-4,34; p<0,001), and in persons from group 2 lower by 1,88 times (HR =0,53, 95% CI, 0,3-0,98; p=0,042) compared with persons from group 3, adjusted for other CAD risk factors: sex, age, smoking, LDL-C and hypertension.Conclusion. Genetic testing in young patients makes it possible to identify individuals with an increased genetic risk of CAD and to focus preventive and therapeutic measures primarily for this category of patients

    Gravitational stability and dynamical overheating of stellar disks of galaxies

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    We use the marginal stability condition for galactic disks and the stellar velocity dispersion data published by different authors to place upper limits on the disk local surface density at two radial scalelengths R=2hR=2h. Extrapolating these estimates, we constrain the total mass of the disks and compare these estimates to those based on the photometry and color of stellar populations. The comparison reveals that the stellar disks of most of spiral galaxies in our sample cannot be substantially overheated and are therefore unlikely to have experienced a significant merging event in their history. The same conclusion applies to some, but not all of the S0 galaxies we consider. However, a substantial part of the early type galaxies do show the stellar velocity dispersion well in excess of the gravitational stability threshold suggesting a major merger event in the past. We find dynamically overheated disks among both seemingly isolated galaxies and those forming pairs. The ratio of the marginal stability disk mass estimate to the total galaxy mass within four radial scalelengths remains within a range of 0.4---0.8. We see no evidence for a noticeable running of this ratio with either the morphological type or color index.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Astronomy Letter