118 research outputs found

    Оценка клинической эффективности щадящей и стандартной панретинальной лазеркоагуляции сетчатки при непролиферативной диабетической ретинопатии

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    We have shown that the classical panretinal laser coagulation is a rather traumatic procedure, damaging all layers of the retina, leadingbto a narrowing of visual fields and decrease the electrical activityof the retina that can impair quality of life. Using sparing laser coagulation is a highly effective metod of prolonged of visual function.Проведено сравнительное исследование вариантов лазеркоагуляции сетчатки при сахарном диабете. Установлено, что стандартная панретинальная лазеркоагуляция является достаточно травматичной процедурой, повреждающей все слои сетчатки, приводящей к сужению полей зрения и снижению электрической активности сетчатки, ухудшающим качество жизни пациента. Щадящая (субпороговая) лазеркоагуляция сетчатки является высокоэффективным методом длительного сохранения зрительных функций

    Project-oriented technology for formation of professional competence due to interdisciplinary connections

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    На примере одной из дисциплин архитектурно-градостроительного направления творческого вуза демонстрируется применение проектно-ориентированных технологий, опирающихся на обширную коллекцию трехмерных моделей реального предприятия. Это позволяет установить межпредметные связи для формирования профессиональных компетенций.On the example of one of the disciplines of Architecture and urban areas we show the usage of project-oriented technologies, based on an extensive collection of three-dimensional models of real company. This approach allows to set the interdisciplinary communication for the formation of professional competencies

    Peculiarities of immunological manifestations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the presence of chronic infection with <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> variant encoding cytotoxin-associated gene A

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    The study aimed to evaluate the association between cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody seropositivity and chronic Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We examined 92 women with moderate RA activity. Serum antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (antiCCP), antibodies to H. pylori (anti-H. pylori-IgG), and total antibodies to H. pylori CagA antigen (antiCagA) were determined by enzyme immunoassay; the presence of anti-CagA-IgG positivity was confirmed by immunoblot. 68.5% of RA patients were positive for anti-H. pylori-IgG, and 44.4% of patients in this group were positive for anti-CagA-IgG. All the study participants were divided into three groups: I – H. pylori seronegative (H. pylori- ); II – H. pylori positive, CagA negative (H. pylori+/CagA- ); III – H. pylori positive and CagA positive (CagA+). The anti-CCP values in RA patients with CagA+ (group III) were significantly higher not only in comparison with patients seronegative for H. pylori (p &lt; 0.001), but also in comparison with patients from group II (H. pylori+/CagA- ) (p = 0.041). A study of the influence of the RA activity, the presence of RF and H. pylori on anti-CCP content demonstrated a small proportion of anti-CCP variability (R2 = 0.09), with a high contribution of H. pylori (beta = 0.25). The addition of the CagA(+) index (beta = 0.503) to the presented model allowed us to describe the variability of anti-CCP in almost 30% of cases (R2 = 0.29). In the group of RA patients with anti-CCP values exceeding the established threshold value of 20 U/mL (normal index), there was an increase in the proportion of patients infected with H. pylori (p &lt; 0.001), but not the proportion of CagA-positive patients (p = 0.06). When the threshold level was increased to 60 U/mL (three times the upper limit of normal) in patients with significantly high anti-CCP, the association with positivity for CagA became significant (p = 0.005). CagA is highly immunogenic and is capable of inducing an inflammatory response in the host that goes beyond the effect of H. pylori itself. Additional experimental studies are needed to investigate possible clinical and laboratory associations that may influence the treatment tactics of CagA+ patients with RA who are seropositive for anti-citrullinated antibodies, as well as to evaluate the possible effects of therapeutic intervention aimed at the eradication of H. pylori in this group

    Математические аспекты течения внутриглазной жидкости

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    It is shown that the process of establishing the equilibrium concentration of ions is exponential. But very small value of exponent leads to the fact that the ion concentration practically does not change at all reasonable times the values of diffusion, the possible changes as it lies within the experimental error of measurement.В работе показано, что процесс установления равновесной концентрации ионов носит экспоненциальный характер. Однако очень малое значение показателя экспоненты приводит к тому, что концентрация ионов практически не меняется при всех разумных значениях времен диффузии, возможные же ее изменения лежат в пределах экспериментальной погрешности измерения

    The Orbital Order Parameter in La0.95Sr0.05MnO3 probed by Electron Spin Resonance

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    The temperature dependence of the electron-spin resonance linewidth in La0.95Sr0.05MnO3 has been determined and analyzed in the paramagnetic regime across the orbital ordering transition. From the temperature dependence and the anisotropy of linewidth and gg-value the orbital order can be unambiguously determined via the mixing angle of the wave functions of the ege_{\rm g}-doublet. The linewidth shows a similar evolution with temperature as resonant x-ray scattering results

    Influence of human peripheral blood samples preprocessing on the quality of Hi-C libraries

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    The genome-wide variant of the chromatin conformation capture technique (Hi-C) is a powerful tool for revealing patterns of genome spatial organization, as well as for understanding the effects of their disturbance on disease development. In addition, Hi-C can be used to detect chromosomal rearrangements, including balanced translocations and inversions. The use of the Hi-C method for the detection of chromosomal rearrangements is becoming more widespread. Modern high-throughput methods of genome analysis can effectively reveal point mutations and unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements. However, their sensitivity for determining translocations and inversions remains rather low. The storage of whole blood samples can affect the amount and integrity of genomic DNA, and it can distort the results of subsequent analyses if the storage was not under proper conditions. The Hi-C method is extremely demanding on the input material. The necessary condition for successfully applying Hi-C and obtaining high-quality data is the preservation of the spatial chromatin organization within the nucleus. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal storage conditions of blood samples for subsequent Hi-C analysis. We selected 10 different conditions for blood storage and sample processing. For each condition, we prepared and sequenced Hi-C libraries. The quality of the obtained data was compared. As a result of the work, we formulated the requirements for the storage and processing of samples to obtain high-quality Hi-C data. We have established the minimum volume of blood sufficient for conducting Hi-C analysis. In addition, we have identified the most suitable methods for isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and their long-term storage. The main requirement we have formulated is not to freeze whole blood


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    Introduction. Biological properties of virus, such as susceptibility to antivirals, the clinical course of chronic hepatitis B (CHB), the probability of developing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma are determined by genotype and mutations in the genome of the hepatitis B virus (HBV).The aim of the study was evaluating of HBV genetic variants in patients with CHB from St. Petersburg hospitals.Material and methods. A total of 1414 CHB patients with positive polymerase chain reaction HBV genome in blood and/or liver tissue were observed. Genotype was determined in 298 patients, sequencing of the polymerase gene fragment was performed in 80 patients.Results. Viral DNA was detected in 323 (55.8%) patients with CHB. Genotype D was determined in 238 (80,1%), genotype A – in 49 (16,5%), C genotype – in 2 (0,7%) and mixed A+D – in 8 (2,7%) patients. Substitutions in YMDD-motif of the polymerase protein (M204I/V) as well as other primary and secondary resistance mutations to nucleotide analogues (lamivudine, telbivudine, entecavir) were found in four patients. Mutations in the reverse transcriptase (rt) region of polymerase gene were shown to affect the structure of surface protein. The substitution rtA181T in three patients resulted in formation of stop codon (sW172*) and premature termination of surface protein synthesis. The absence of HBeAg and the degree of fibrosis increase in 7 patients may be the result of mutations identified in core gene (G1896A, A1762T, G1764A).Conclusion. Study of the geographical distribution of HBV genotypes and identification of amino acid substitutions leading to decrease in serum markers concentration and emergence of resistance antivirals mutations is of great practical importance for predicting severity of the disease and effectiveness of antiviral therapy.Введение. Биологические свойства вируса, такие как чувствительность к противовирусным препаратам, клиническое течение хронического гепатита В (ХГВ), вероятность развития цирроза и гепатоцеллюлярной карциномы определяются генотипом и мутациями в геноме вируса гепатита В (ВГВ).Цель. Изучение генетических вариантов ВГВ у пациентов с ХГВ, находящихся на лечении в клиниках Санкт- Петербурга.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 1414 пациентов с ХГВ на наличие ВГВ в крови и/или ткани печени методом полимеразной цепной реакции. Генотип определен у 298 пациентов, секвенирование фрагмента гена полимеразы – у 80 пациентов.Результаты. Вирусная ДНК выявлена у 323 (55,8%) больных ХГВ. Генотип D обнаружен у 238 (80,1%), генотип А – у 49 (16,5%), генотип С– у 2 (0,7%) и микст D+А – у 8 (2,7%) пациентов. У 4 пациентов были выявлены замены в YMDD-мотиве полимеразы (M204I/V), а также найдены другие первичные и вторичные мутации устойчивости к аналогам нуклеотидов (ламивудину, телбивудину, энтекавиру). Показано, что мутации в области обратной транскиптазы (rt) полимеразного гена влияют и на поверхностный белок. У трех пациентов замена rtA181T привела к образованию стоп-кодона в S-гене и преждевременной терминации синтеза поверхностного белка (sW172*). Отсутствие HBeAg и увеличение степени фиброза у 7 пациентов может быть следствием выявленных мутаций в CORE гене (G1896A, A1762T, G1764A).Заключение. Исследование географического распределения генотипов вируса гепатита В и выявление аминокислотных замен, приводящих к снижению концентрации серологических маркеров и появлению мутаций устойчивости к противовирусным препаратам, имеет важное практическое значение для прогнозирования тяжести течения заболевания и эффективности противовирусной терапии