1,144 research outputs found

    Local redistribution of blood under the effect of fixation stress against a background of hypokinesia

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    Fixation stress was used as a model of emotional disturbance. The effect of previous restrictions on mobility on the local redistribution of blood resulting from fixation stress was examined. Disturbances in carbohydrate which result from prolonged hypokinesia was studied. Radioactivity was used to determine the local redistribution of blood. Modified factor analysis was used to study the results of the experiment

    Cyclotrimerization of 3-R-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-ones with cyclic ketones

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    New heterocyclic tetracyclic systems were synthesized. Interaction between 3-R-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-ones and cyclic ketones under acidic conditions leads to the formation of zwitterion derivatives of 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12-octahydro-[1,2,4] triazino[1,6- f ]phenanthridine and 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexahydro-bicyclopenta[b,d] pyrido[1,2- f ][1,2,4]triazine. © 2010 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen

    Induced ferroelectric phases in TbMn_2O_5

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    The magnetostructural transitions and magnetoelectric effects reported in TbMn2O5 are described theoretically and shown to correspond to two essentially different mechanisms for the induced ferroelectricity. The incommensurate and commensurate phases observed between 38 and 24 K exhibit a hybrid pseudoproper ferroelectric nature resulting from an effective bilinear coupling of the polarization with the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This explains the high sensitivity of the dielectric properties of the material under applied magnetic field. Below 24 K the incommensurate phase shows a standard improper ferroelectric character induced by the coupling of two distinct magnetic order parameters. The complex dielectric behavior observed in the material reflects the crossover from one to the other transition regime. The temperature dependences of the pertinent physical quantities are worked out, and previous theoretical models are discussed

    X-ray Diffraction Study of Superstructure in GdBaCo2O5.5

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    A single crystal of GdBaCo2O5.47(2) has been studied by means of X-ray diffraction. Appearance of superstructure reflections at T = 341.5(7) K gives an evidence of continuous transition to the phase with unit cell doubled along the shortest edge a1. Critical exponent for the order parameter is found to be beta=0.33(1). The superstructure reflections are about 2-4 orders of magnitude weaker than the basic ones. Their systematic extinction indicates the crystal symmetry change from Pmmm to Pmma. The integrated intensities allow to calculate displacements of atoms from the positions in the high-temperature phase. The cobalt-ligand distances in the ordered phase are discussed in terms of the spin-state/orbital ordering of Co3+ ions.Comment: 4 page

    Обґрунтування конструкції та методика розрахунку конструктивно-технологічних параметрів ежекційного апарату, застосовуваного під час пожежогасіння

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    The problem of extinguishing flammable combustible liquids is one of the most difficult in the fire fighting, since these fires cause significant economic and environmental damage and often result in human casualties. When extinguishing flammable combustible liquids, it is necessary not only to ensure the combustion cessation, but also to create conditions that ensure long-term prevention of re-ignition. For example, flammable combustible liquids can self-ignite from a heated wall or reservoir designs. In contrast to the quenching of most solid combustible materials, creating such conditions only by cooling the surface of the liquid to the ambient temperature is virtually impossible, since the temperature of the ignition of easily boiling liquids is often lower than the ambient temperature, so flammable combustible liquids easily re-ignite even from relatively weak heat sources. Proceeding from the conditions of fire fighting, the development of new and improved existing methods of extinguishing flammable combustible liquids is based on the principle of isolating their surface. The analysis has shown that the existing means and methods of extinguishing these fires give a rather good result only for small sizes of flammable liquids, flammable substances. In order to extinguish these fires, we have previously proposed the use of gel-forming fire extinguishers and fire protection compositions, which are a binary system consisting of two separate and separately and simultaneously presented compositions. To solve the problem of positive floating layers of gel-like compositions, it was proposed to use granular foam glass – a non-flammable, non-volatile material, and as a device for feeding granular foam glass, we proposed the use of an air release device, the feeding of granules from the foam glass through the hose lines to combustion. The article reveals the tactical and technical requirements and the proposed design of the exhaust device for the supply of granular foam. On the basis of known methods for calculating the design parameters of reactive devices, a theoretical analysis of a discharger for the supply of granular foam of the proposed design, as well as procedures for designing its structural and technological parameters, which creates an experimental sample for laboratory experimental research, has been carried out.На підставі аналізу з'ясовано, що наявні засоби та способи гасіння легкозаймистих рідин дають достатньо добрий результат тільки для невеликих розмірів горючих речовин. Для гасіння цих пожеж раніше запропоновано використовувати гель-формувальні вогнегасники та вогнезахисні композиції, які представляють собою двійкову систему, що складається з двох окремих і роздільно-одночасно поданих композицій. Вирішено питання ефективного застосування технології гасіння пожеж на резервуарах зберігання легкозаймистих горючих рідин з використанням гелеутворювальних вогнегасних і вогнезахисних сумішей, які потрібно подавати на заздалегідь нанесений негорючий плавучий шар гранульованого піноскла. Для вирішення проблеми позитивних плавучих шарів гелеподібних композицій пропонували використовувати гранульоване піностворне скло – негорючий, нелетучий матеріал, і як пристрій для подачі гранульованого піноскло запропоновано використовувати апарат викиду повітря, подачу гранул з піноскла через шлангові лінії до горіння. Визначено тактичні та технічні вимоги, запропоновано конструкцію викидного пристрою для постачання гранульованого пінопласту. Ґрунтуючись на відомих методиках розрахунку конструктивних параметрів струменевих апаратів, проведено теоретичний аналіз роботи ежекційного апарату для подачі гранульованого піноскла запропонованої конструкції, а також запропоновано методику розрахунку його конструктивно-технологічних параметрів, що дало змогу створити дослідно-експериментальний зразок

    Calculation of Critical Loading of Beam Columns

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    This article shows the dependences connecting the deflection, a critical force and the location of the dangerous section. The following design schemes are being considered: a column, loaded at the ends of the longitudinal force equal to one side and pointing eccentricities; a colon which is rigidly clamped bottom and hinged top, eccentrically loaded longitudinal force applied on the upper end; columns, rigid clamping from below, at the free end loaded eccentrically applied force; a column, hinged, loaded on the upper end of the eccentrically attached to the longitudinal force. As in some of the equations the function is not defined, then we will not be able to determine the value of critical force analytically, but knowing the geometric characteristics of the column and the allowable deflection, we can calculate the value of the critical force

    Large-basin hydrological response to climate model outputs: uncertainty caused by internal atmospheric variability

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    An approach is proposed to assess hydrological simulation uncertainty originating from internal atmospheric variability. The latter is one of three major factors contributing to uncertainty of simulated climate change projections (along with so-called "forcing" and "climate model" uncertainties). Importantly, the role of internal atmospheric variability is most visible over spatio-temporal scales of water management in large river basins. Internal atmospheric variability is represented by large ensemble simulations (45 members) with the ECHAM5 atmospheric general circulation model. Ensemble simulations are performed using identical prescribed lower boundary conditions (observed sea surface temperature, SST, and sea ice concentration, SIC, for 1979–2012) and constant external forcing parameters but different initial conditions of the atmosphere. The ensemble of bias-corrected ECHAM5 outputs and ensemble averaged ECHAM5 output are used as a distributed input for the ECOMAG and SWAP hydrological models. The corresponding ensembles of runoff hydrographs are calculated for two large rivers of the Arctic basin: the Lena and Northern Dvina rivers. A number of runoff statistics including the mean and the standard deviation of annual, monthly and daily runoff, as well as annual runoff trend, are assessed. Uncertainties of runoff statistics caused by internal atmospheric variability are estimated. It is found that uncertainty of the mean and the standard deviation of runoff has a significant seasonal dependence on the maximum during the periods of spring–summer snowmelt and summer–autumn rainfall floods. Noticeable nonlinearity of the hydrological models' results in the ensemble ECHAM5 output is found most strongly expressed for the Northern Dvina River basin. It is shown that the averaging over ensemble members effectively filters the stochastic term related to internal atmospheric variability. Simulated discharge trends are close to normally distributed around the ensemble mean value, which fits well to empirical estimates and, for the Lena River, indicates that a considerable portion of the observed trend can be externally driven