220 research outputs found

    The role of language representation of the time model in the process of meaning creation

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    The aim of the article is to demonstrate the language picture of the world, which owes its structural integrity to its relational framework. The archetype “time” is central to the Christian mythology, in fairy tales and other linguocultural artefacts. The thought-language essences representing the category TIME in the modern German language, connect different time modes (past, present, future), allowing to distinguish different worlds. The memory of the ways of the development of the human soul is concentrated in the

    Transport properties of amorphous chalcogenides in the system Cu-Ag-Ge-As-Se in a broad range of temperatures and pressures

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    Electrical and thermoelectrical properties of amorphous chalcogenides Cu1-xAgxGeAsSe3 (x = 0.51.0) were examined in the temperature interval from 10 to 400 K at atmospheric pressure and at 300 K under pressures to 50 GPa. All the materials were found to exhibit ionic or mixed electronic-ionic conductivit

    Influence of the left rotation vortical impulsive magnetic field on the bioelectric activity of rats’ hypothalamus in physiologycal and stress conditions

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    Досліджено динаміку спектральної композиції електричної активності егротропної та трофо­тропної зон гіпоталамуса щурів за умов тривалого стресу (21 тиждень) і дії лівонапрямленого вихрового імпульсного магнітного поля (МП). Виявлено, що ефекти впливу вихрового МП залежать від вихідного стану дослідженої мозкової структури та терміну впливу. За фізіологічних умов під впливом МП у спек­тральній композиції електрогіпоталамограми спостерігається синхронізація, яка виражається у підвищенні потужності тета-ритму. Під комбінованим впливом стресу та МП спостерігається формування двофазної електрогіпоталамограми у вигляді послідовної зміни явища десинхронізації синхронізацією електричної активності за рахунок представленості високочастотних компонентів. Исследована динамика спектральной композиции электрической активности егротропнои и трофо¬тропнои зон гипоталамуса крыс в условиях длительного стресса (21 неделя) и действия ливонапрямленого вихревого импульсного магнитного поля (МП). Выявлено, что эффекты воздействия вихревого МП зависят от исходного состояния исследованной мозговой структуры и срока действия. При физиологических условиях под влиянием МП в спек¬тральний композиции електрогипоталамограмы наблюдается синхронизация, которая выражается в повышении мощности тета-ритма. Под комбинированным воздействием стресса и МП наблюдается формирование двухфазной електрогипоталамограмы в виде последовательной смены явления десинхронизации синхронизацией электрической активности за счет представленности высокочастотных компонентовThe dynamics of spectral composition of electric activity in the trophotropic and ergotropic areas of the rat hypothalamus during long time stress (21 week) and action of the left directed vortical impulsive magnetic field (MF) were investigated. It was discovered that effects of vortical MF influence depend both on the initial state of studied cerebral structure and the period of influence. Under physiological condition the MP influence leads to synchronization in spectral composition of electrohypotalamogramme (EGtG) that was expressed by theta-rhythm increasing. The formation of diphasic EGtG as a successive replacement of the desynchronization by synchronization of electric activity due to high-frequency components was observed under the combined influence of stress and MF

    Вплив тривалого стресу на регуляцію серцевого ритму щурів

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    The influence of long-lasting stress on rats’ heart rate variability, which reflects its regulation features, was estimated using electrocardiography data. The indices of correlation rhythmogram and variation pulsogram were analyzed in control and stressed animals. It was discovered that changes of studied indices depended on the duration of stress influence and could correspond to the different stages of stress-reaction of an organism. По данным электрографии оценивали влияние длительного стресса на вариабельность сердечного ритма крыс, которая отражает особенности его регуляции. Проанализированы показатели корреляционной ритмограммы и вариационной пульсограммы животных контрольной и стрессовой групп. Изменения исследуемых показателей зависели от длительности стрессового воздействия и могли соответствовать различным стадиям стресс-реакции организма.За даними електрокардіографії оцінювали вплив тривалого стресу на варіабельність серцевого ритму щурів, яка відображує особливості його регуляції. Проаналізовано показники кореляційної ритмограми та варіаційної пульсограми тварин контрольної та стресової груп. Зміни досліджених показників залежали від тривалості стресового впливу та могли відповідати різним стадіям стрес-реакції організму.


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    The article describes modern methods of teaching needed to ensure and improve the learning process, while maintaining traditional ways of learning. Character-ized by control methods to ensure the educational process, argues conducting educational monitoring and presents a contemporary view of the problem of quality of education in high school, in terms of its reform intensification of training in high school are invited to spend, using the elements of the educational process of constructive pedagogy.В статье описаны современные методы обучения, необходимые для обеспечения и совершенствования учебного процесса, наряду с сохранением традиционных способов обучения. Охарактеризованы методы контроля обеспечения образовательного процесса, аргументируется проведение образовательного мониторинга и представлен современный взгляд на проблему качества образования в вузе, в условиях его реформирования. Интенсификацию обучения в вузе предлагается проводить, используя в образовательном процессе элементы конструктивной педагогики.


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    In this paper the authors describe the features of professional continuous medical education in the modern conditions of higher education reform inRussia. A new role of the teacher of the medical school is described. It is important to be professionally competent and to master modern teaching technologies (educational modules, project learning methods, distant education, etc.). The system of continuous medical education as a tool of professional development should become a strategic objective in the implementation of the goals of reforming professional medical education inRussia.Охарактеризованы особенности профессионального непрерывного медицинского образования в современных условиях реформирования высшего образования в России. Описана новая роль преподавателя медицинского ВУЗа, владеющего профессиональной компетентностью и современными педагогическими технологиями (образовательные модули, проектные методы обучения, дистанционное обучение и др.). Система непрерывного медицинского образования на основе ее инновационного характера как инструмент профессионального развития должна стать стратегической целью в реализации поставленных задач по реформированию профессионального медицинского образования в России

    Clinical evaluation of the implementation of the first pilot Russian integrated program for an integrated approach to the management of diabetes mellitus “NORMA”

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    BACKGROUND: Despite progress in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), the problem of achieving target values of glycemic control remains relevant. In this regard, the search for new integrated solutions that could strengthen disease control and improve clinical outcomes becomes relevant.AIM: To assess the impact of the developed integrated approach to disease management on the clinical and metabolic outcomes of patients with type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) participating in the “NORMA” pilot program for 3 and 6 months.MATERIALS AND METHODS: “NORMA” is the first Russian program designed to implement an integrated approach to DM management combines structured online education, blood glucose monitoring, supervision by endocrinologist, and administrative support. Interium retrospective analysis analysis of pre-existing data generated in the Program was performed from October 2020 to November 2021. Adults (≥18 years) with uncontrolled T1DM or T2DM on insulin (HbA1c>7,0%) with duration of DM ≥6 months were included. The following characteristics were considered: social-demographic parameters, duration of DM, complications, HbA1c, hypoglycemia events, daily insulin dose, patients’ perception of DM checklist (scaled 1-10), level of DM knowledge (questionnaire of 20 points).RESULTS: Data from 185 persons were analyzed: 132 with T1DM and 53 with T2DM, 67% women, the mean age was 41.3±14.4 years; the median DM duration was 12.0 [6.0; 19.0] years, 30 persons (16.3%) were free of any DM complications. Mean HbA1c decreased from 8.8±1.5% to 7.4±1.2% at month 3, and to 7.6±1.5% at month 6 (p<0.001). HbA1c <7.0% was achieved in 38.9% and 38.1% participants after 3 and 6 months, respectively. The total insulin dose has not changed within the program. The DM knowledge level after 3 months of Program increased significantly by 25.4±15.0% (p<0.001). The mean scores of patients’ perceptions of DM after 3 and 6 months increased by 2.1±10.2 % and 2.4±11.0 % (p<0.01), but the median scores (interquartile range) did not change: 0.00% (-3.00–6.00%) and 0.50% (-3.00–9.00%) respectively.CONCLUSION: In a real-life setting, the implementation of an integrated approach to the diabetes management was associated with the improvement of glycemic control without significant changes of total insulin dose

    Профессионально-личностные компетенции врача-педиатра

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    Conceptual position of vocational education is the personal and professional development learning and personal development is an essential goal of vocational education. The formation and development of the specialist involves the development of a professional intelligence, independence, self-confidence, professionally important qualities and competence.Концептуальным положением профессионального образования служит личностное и профессиональное развитие обучающегося, а развитие личности является важнейшей целью профессионального образования. Формирование и становление специалиста предполагает развитие профессионального интеллекта, самостоятельности, уверенности в себе, профессионально-важных качеств и компетентности

    Genetics polymorphism of poplars from Moscow region based on high-throughput sequencing of ITS

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    Poplars are widely used in landscaping of Moscow due to the ability to effectively purify the air from harmful impurities and to release a large amount of oxygen. The genus Populus is characterized by a high level of intraspecies polymorphism, as well as the presence of natural interspecies hybrids. The aim of our work was to evaluate the genetic diversity of poplars, which are growing on the territory of Moscow city by high-throughput sequencing of internal transcribed spacers of 45S rRNA genes (ITS sequences). Sequencing of ITS of 40 poplar plants was performed on Illumina platform (MiSeq) and about 3 000 reads were obtained for each sample in average. Bioinformatics analysis was performed using CLC Genomics Workbench tool. The involved set of poplars had a high level of genetic diversity – the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected in each genotype relative to the reference ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of P. trichocarpa varying from 4 to 44. We showed that even trees which had been planted on the same territory and, probably, at the same time had significant genetic differences. It can be speculated that highly polymorphic plant material was used for planting poplars in Moscow. For some sites with SNPs, several variants of nucleotides were found in the same individual and the ratio of SNPs was different. We assume that close to 50/50 ratio is observed in interspecific hybrids due to genetic differences in the ITS sequences between maternal and paternal genotypes. For SNPs with a predominance of one of the variants, the presence of paralogues among numerous genomic copies of ITS sequences is more likely. The results of our work can provide a framework for molecular genetic markers application with the purpose of Populus species and interspecific hybrids identification, determination the origin of a number of natural hybrids, and monitoring the diversity of genus Populus in the Moscow city