12,403 research outputs found

    Dietary Oxalate and Its Intestinal Absorption

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    Dietary oxalate is currently believed to make only a minor contribution (\u3c 20%) to urinary oxalate excretion. A recent prospective study of stone disease suggested that dietary oxalate may be a significant risk factor. This observation led us to re-evaluate the contribution of dietary oxalate to urinary oxalate excretion. Previous studies have been hampered by inaccurate food composition tables for oxalate and inadequate methods for studying intestinal oxalate absorption. This evidence as well as factors that modify oxalate absorption are reviewed. New approaches to measure food oxalate and intestinal oxalate absorption have been examined. Capillary electrophoresis appears to be well suited for the analysis of the oxalate content of food. Two individuals consumed an oxalate-free formula diet for 7 days. This diet decreased urinary oxalate excretion by an average of 67% (18.6 mg per 24 hours) compared to oxalate excretion on self-selected diets. The absence of detectable oxalate in feces by day 6 of the diet suggested that the intestinal absorption was minimal. However, an effect of the formula diet on endogenous oxalate synthesis cannot be excluded. Restoring oxalate to the formula diet increased urinary oxalate excretion and illustrates that this experimental protocol may be well-suited for studying oxalate absorption and factors that modify it. Our results suggest that the intestinal absorption of dietary oxalate makes a substantial contribution to urinary oxalate excretion and that this absorption can be modified by decreasing oxalate intake or increasing the intakes of calcium, magnesium, and fiber

    A comparative study of methods for surface area and three-dimensional shape measurement of coral skeletons

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    The three-dimensional morphology and surface area of organisms such as reef-building corals is central to their biology. Consequently, being able to detect and measure this aspect of corals is critical to understanding their interactions with the surrounding environment. This study explores six different methods of three-dimensional shape and surface area measurements using the range of morphology associated with the Scleractinian corals: Goniopora tenuidens, Acropora intermedia, and Porites cylindrica. Wax dipping; foil wrapping; multi-station convergent photogrammetry that used the naturally occurring optical texture for conjugate point matching; stereo photogrammetry that used projected light to provide optical texture; a handheld laser scanner that employed two cameras and a structured light source; and X-ray computer tomography (CT) scanning were applied to each coral skeleton to determine the spatial resolution of surface detection as well as the accuracy of surface area estimate of each method. Compared with X-ray CT wax dipping provided the best estimate of the surface area of coral skeletons that had external corallites, regardless of morphological complexity. Foil wrapping consistently showed a large degree of error on all coral morphologies. The photogrammetry and laser-scanning solutions were effective only on corals with simple morphologies. The two techniques that used projected lighting were both subject to skeletal light scattering, caused by both gross morphology and meso-coral architecture and which degraded signal triangulation, but otherwise provided solutions with good spatial resolution. X-ray CT scanning provided the highest resolution surface area estimates, detecting surface features smaller than 1000 mu m(2)

    Parabolic resonances and instabilities in near-integrable two degrees of freedom Hamiltonian flows

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    When an integrable two-degrees-of-freedom Hamiltonian system possessing a circle of parabolic fixed points is perturbed, a parabolic resonance occurs. It is proved that its occurrence is generic for one parameter families (co-dimension one phenomenon) of near-integrable, t.d.o. systems. Numerical experiments indicate that the motion near a parabolic resonance exhibits new type of chaotic behavior which includes instabilities in some directions and long trapping times in others. Moreover, in a degenerate case, near a {\it flat parabolic resonance}, large scale instabilities appear. A model arising from an atmospherical study is shown to exhibit flat parabolic resonance. This supplies a simple mechanism for the transport of particles with {\it small} (i.e. atmospherically relevant) initial velocities from the vicinity of the equator to high latitudes. A modification of the model which allows the development of atmospherical jets unfolds the degeneracy, yet traces of the flat instabilities are clearly observed

    Some relations between Lagrangian models and synthetic random velocity fields

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    We propose an alternative interpretation of Markovian transport models based on the well-mixedness condition, in terms of the properties of a random velocity field with second order structure functions scaling linearly in the space time increments. This interpretation allows direct association of the drift and noise terms entering the model, with the geometry of the turbulent fluctuations. In particular, the well known non-uniqueness problem in the well-mixedness approach is solved in terms of the antisymmetric part of the velocity correlations; its relation with the presence of non-zero mean helicity and other geometrical properties of the flow is elucidated. The well-mixedness condition appears to be a special case of the relation between conditional velocity increments of the random field and the one-point Eulerian velocity distribution, allowing generalization of the approach to the transport of non-tracer quantities. Application to solid particle transport leads to a model satisfying, in the homogeneous isotropic turbulence case, all the conditions on the behaviour of the correlation times for the fluid velocity sampled by the particles. In particular, correlation times in the gravity and in the inertia dominated case, respectively, longer and shorter than in the passive tracer case; in the gravity dominated case, correlation times longer for velocity components along gravity, than for the perpendicular ones. The model produces, in channel flow geometry, particle deposition rates in agreement with experiments.Comment: 54 pages, 8 eps figures included; contains additional material on SO(3) and on turbulent channel flows. Few typos correcte

    Lateralization of face processing in the human brain

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    Are visual face processing mechanisms the same in the left and right cerebral hemispheres? The possibility of such ‘duplicated processing’ seems puzzling in terms of neural resource usage, and we currently lack a precise characterization of the lateral differences in face processing. To address this need, we have undertaken a three-pronged approach. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we assessed cortical sensitivity to facial semblance, the modulatory effects of context and temporal response dynamics. Results on all three fronts revealed systematic hemispheric differences. We found that: (i) activation patterns in the left fusiform gyrus correlate with image-level face-semblance, while those in the right correlate with categorical face/non-face judgements. (ii) Context exerts significant excitatory/inhibitory influence in the left, but has limited effect on the right. (iii) Face-selectivity persists in the right even after activity on the left has returned to baseline. These results provide important clues regarding the functional architecture of face processing, suggesting that the left hemisphere is involved in processing ‘low-level’ face semblance, and perhaps is a precursor to categorical ‘deep’ analyses on the right.John Merck FundSimons FoundationJames S. McDonnell FoundationNational Eye Institute (NIH, grant number R21-EY015521

    Increased anxiety-like behavior following circuit-specific catecholamine denervation in mice

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) presents with a constellation of non-motor symptoms, notably increased anxiety, which are currently poorly treated and underrepresented in animal models of the disease. Human post-mortem studies report loss of catecholaminergic neurons in the pre-symptomatic phases of PD when anxiety symptoms emerge, and a large literature from rodent and human studies indicate that catecholamines are important mediators of anxiety via their modulatory effects on limbic regions such as the amygdala. On the basis of these observations, we hypothesized that anxiety in PD could result from an early loss of catecholaminergic inputs to the amygdala and/or other limbic structures. To interrogate this hypothesis, we bilaterally injected the neurotoxin 6-OHDA in the mouse basolateral amygdala (BL). This produced a restricted pattern of catecholaminergic (tyrosine-hydroxylase-labeled) denervation in the BL, intercalated cell masses and ventral hippocampus, but not the central amygdala or prefrontal cortex. We found that this circuit-specific lesion did not compromise performance on multiple measures of motor function (home cage, accelerating rotarod, beam balance, pole climbing), but did increase anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus-maze and light-dark exploration tests. Fear behavior in the pavlovian cued conditioning and passive avoidance assays was, by contrast, unaffected; possibly due to preservation of catecholamine innervation of the central amygdala from the periaqueductal gray. These data provide some of the first evidence implicating loss of catecholaminergic neurotransmission in midbrain-amygdala circuits to increased anxiety-like behavior. Our findings offer an initial step towards identifying the neural substrates for pre-motor anxiety symptoms in PD

    Quantum Dynamics of Three Coupled Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    The simplest model of three coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) is investigated using a group theoretical method. The stationary solutions are determined using the SU(3) group under the mean field approximation. This semiclassical analysis using the system symmetries shows a transition in the dynamics of the system from self trapping to delocalization at a critical value for the coupling between the condensates. The global dynamics are investigated by examination of the stable points and our analysis shows the structure of the stable points depends on the ratio of the condensate coupling to the particle-particle interaction, undergoes bifurcations as this ratio is varied. This semiclassical model is compared to a full quantum treatment, which also displays the dynamical transition. The quantum case has collapse and revival sequences superposed on the semiclassical dynamics reflecting the underlying discreteness of the spectrum. Non-zero circular current states are also demonstrated as one of the higher dimensional effects displayed in this system.Comment: Accepted to PR
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