694 research outputs found

    Estimativa de parâmetros genéticos para características reprodutivas em ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira.

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    Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para características reprodutivas são escassas em ovinos de corte e inexistentes na raça Somalis Brasileira. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar parâmetros genéticos para características reprodutivas em ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira, provenientes da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, localizada na cidade de Sobral-CE, controlados pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte (GENECOC). As características analisadas foram: intervalo de partos (IP), dias para o parto (DP) e número de serviços por concepção (NSC). As análises foram realizadas utilizando o método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita não Derivativa (DFREML), utilizando o programa MTDFREML, através de análises unicaracterística. As herdabilidades foram nulas para IP e DP e baixa para NSC. Abstract: Estimates of genetic parameters for reproductive traits in sheep are scarce and nonexistent in Somalis Brasileira breed. The aim of this work was to estimate genetic parameters for reproductive traits in Somalis Brasileira breed, from the flock of Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, located in the city of Sobral-CE, supported by Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte (GENECOC). The traits analyzed were: lambing interval (IP), lambing date (DP) and number of services per conception (NSC). The analyses were carried out by Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood (DFREML) method using the MTDFREML software, under univariate analyses. Heritabilities were zero for IP and DP and low for NSC

    Comparação de dois modelos estatísticos para uso do peso a desmama como critério de seleção em ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira.

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    O período pré-desmama dos animais é importante para avaliar a primeira fase no desenvolvimento dos mesmos, sob influência dos efeitos inerentes do próprio animal e de sua mãe. Geralmente os modelos de análise para peso ao desmame utilizam a idade como covariável para ajustar as diferenças na idade em que os animais são desmamados. Entretanto, é possível que o uso desta covariável remova variação genética entre os animais por desconsiderar as diferenças na velocidade de ganho de peso entre os mesmos. A utilização de um peso ajustado para uma idade padrão poderia contornar este viés, sendo uma alternativa mais eficiente. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho comparar por meio da estimativa de parâmetros genéticos de ovinos da raça Somalis Brasileira, a utilização da pesagem mensurada na desmama dos animais e ajustada pela idade como covariável (PD) com esta mesma pesagem ajustada para a idade padrão de 84 dias (P84), que consistiu na média de idade dos animais ao desmame. Os modelos de análise apresentaram distintos critérios à convergência e distintas ordens de classificação dos animais e reprodutores foram observadas. O PD e o P84, no caso deste estudo, são características com naturezas distintas sob análise. Abstract: The pre-weaning is important to evaluate the first phase of animal development, under the influence of its intrinsic effects and its mother effects. Usually the analysis models for weaning weihgt use age as a covariate to adjust for differences in age at which animals are weaned. However, it is possible that the use of this covariate remove genetic variation between animals for disregarding the differences in the rate of weight gain among them. The use of a weight adjusted to a standard age could circumvent this bias, being a more efficient alternative. The objective of this work was to compare by genetic parameters estimates of Brazilian Somali sheep breed, the use of the weight measured at weaning of the animals and adjusted for age as a covariate (PD) with the same weight adjusted for a standard age of 84 days (P84), which was the average age of animals at weaning. The models showed different convergence criteria and different orders of classification of animals and of rams were observed. The PD and P84, in the case of this study, are characteristic of distinct natures under review

    Tiller Population Density and Sward Stability of Brachiaria brizantha Continuously Stocked by Cattle

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    Tiller population density is one the most important parameters of sward structure and its evaluation is normally included in studies of sward dynamics. Moreover, a greater level of understanding is achieved when the survival of successive tiller generations is monitored. (Matthew et al., 2000). This would help to explain seasonal variation in tiller populations based on tiller appearance and death rates. While Brachiaria brizantha c.v. Marandu occupies up to 70 million hectares of cultivated grassland in Brazil, little is known of its ecophysiology. The objective of this work was to calculate survival probability of B. brizantha tillers and identify seasonal variation on sward stability

    MARTA: A high-energy cosmic-ray detector concept with high-accuracy muon measurement

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    A new concept for the direct measurement of muons in air showers is presented. The concept is based on resistive plate chambers (RPCs), which can directly measure muons with very good space and time resolution. The muon detector is shielded by placing it under another detector able to absorb and measure the electromagnetic component of the showers such as a water-Cherenkov detector, commonly used in air shower arrays. The combination of the two detectors in a single, compact detector unit provides a unique measurement that opens rich possibilities in the study of air showers.Comment: 11 page

    Outdoor Systems Performace and Upgrade

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    Over the last two decades, the possibility of using RPCs in outdoors systems has increased considerably. Our group has participated in this effort having installed several systems and continues to work on their optimization, while simultaneously studying and developing new approaches that can to use of RPCs in outdoor applications. In particular, some detectors were deployed in the field at the Pierre Auger Observatory in 2019 remained inactive, awaiting the commissioning of support systems. During the pandemic the detectors were left without gas flow for more than two years, but were recently reactivated with no major problems. The LouMu project combines particle physics and geophysics in order to map large geologic structures, using Muon Tomography. The development of the RPC system used and the data from the last two years will be presented. Finally, recent advances in a large area (1 m2) double gap-sealed RPC will be presented

    Mid‐Holocene site formation, diagenesis and human activity at the foothills of Serra da Estrela (Portugal)

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020The Neolithic occupation of Penedo dos Mouros in the foothills of Serra da Estrela, Portugalʼs highest mountain, dates to the 5th to 4th millennia cal B.C. The siteʼs faunal assemblage is extremely rare in the regional prehistoric archaeological record, due to the acidity of the granitic geology. This underlines Penedo dos Mouros importance as a reference site for understanding early pastoralism in the region. Due to the insufficient survival of bone collagen for radiocarbon dating and the homogeneity of the stratigraphy, where most visible contacts are due to postdepositional processes, we chose micromorphology to address the reasons behind the bone preservation and to assess the stratigraphic integrity of the prehistoric deposit. Reworking of eroding saprolitic soils was a major factor in the sediment accumulation, with remains of short human occupation events. Possible evidence for clearance fires linked to the first occurrences of pastoralism practised in the region, creating open spaces for grazing, was identified. Post‐depositional carbonate cementation derived from ashes, identifiable at the microscopic scale, enabled bone preservation. Carbonate and spodic‐like features document water saturation once the sedimentation ceased. This sedimentary dynamic has broader geomorphological implications, such as an inferred post‐Neolithic incision of the stream valley adjacent to the site.publishersversionpublishe

    Considerações técnicas sobre o cruzamento de galinhas locais x linhagens comerciais.

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    A criação de galinhas caipiras (aves ?naturalizadas? ou localmente adaptadas), é uma realidade em todo o Nordeste brasileiro, constituindo plantéis presentes, em predominância de ocorrência, nas unidades familiares. São aves com características genéticas, comportamento e conduzidas em manejo tradicional, que gradativamente vêm incorporando medidas de biosseguridade, nutrição e sanidade, sem perder a ?identidade?, por apresentarem ciclo completo de reprodução. Essas características são transmitidas geneticamente para as gerações seguintes. Encontra-se uma variabilidade genética entre indivíduos, pela rotação de reprodutores e particularidades de agrupamentos locais de aves, que não estão vinculados às granjas comerciais.bitstream/item/224453/1/Doc-271-Consideracoes-tecnicas-galinhas-locais.pd