299 research outputs found

    Evalution of endogenous intoxication in patients on herpesassociated multiforme exudative erythema

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    In this work the determination of the parameters of endogenous intoxication in patients herpes associated multiforme exudative erythema in the context of the severity of the disease compared with patients with exudative erythema multiforme other etiologies and patients with recurrent herpes simplex. Shown that patients herpes associated multiform exudative erythema of the oral cavity have a pronounced degree of endogenous intoxication, which is directly correlated with the degree of severity of the disease, which gives grounds for inclusion in the scheme of complex treatment of patients with herpeszoster bahatoformatne exudative erythema methods of detoxication therapy

    Experience in development and implementation of the program of formation of a universal medium in the regional multidisciplinary university

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    В статье описан опыт разработки и внедрения целевой программы, направленной на обеспечение инклюзивного образования студентов с инвалидностью в региональном многопрофильном вузе. Авторы описывают структуру программы, ее основные задачи и результаты их реализации.This article describes the development and implementation of the target program aimed at ensuring inclusive education of students with disabilities in the regional multidisciplinary university. The authors describe the structure of the program, its main objectives and the results of their implementation

    Морфофункциональные характеристики у мужчин с ишемическим инсультом среднего и пожилого возраста

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    Morphofunctional characteristics of men of middle and elderly age with ischemic stroke have been studied. It has been shown that severity of disease is explained, among other causes, by augmenting of dishormonal disorders in patients.Проведено исследование морфофункциональных характеристик мужчин с ишемическим инсультом пожилого и среднего возраста. Показано, что тяжесть заболевания среди прочих причин объясняется нарастанием дисгормональных нарушений у больных

    Influence of magnetic field variations on measurements by magnetometers using averaging algorithms

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    The article is devoted to features of modulus magnetic field measurements by means of proton magnetometers. Inertial characteristics of the magnetometers and dynamic errors of variable magnetic field measurements are discussed. Three basic magnetometers averaging algorithms, processing zero crossing times of free precession, are compared. Theoretical and some numerical estimations of the algorithms work are presented for the linear, square and harmonic variations of magnetic field. Key words: Proton magnetometer, data processing, absolute measurements. 1. Methodical Problems of Variations Measure-ment by Means of Inertial Device The magnetic field variation is continuous function of time. However in practical manner a magnetic field mea-suring device always has an action time (Ripka, 2001). The magnetometer can not operate instantly. Short as the mea-surement time will be it is not zero. So a value measured by inertial device is some averaging during a measurement time (Rasson, 1978). There is no problem when magneti

    The arions generation by magnetodipole waves of pulsars and magnetars in a constant magnetic field

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    The influence of the gravitational fields of pulsars and magnetars on the arion emission during the propagation of magnetodipole waves in a constant magnetic field has been evaluated. The solution of the equation was obtained and the flux of arions emitted by magnetodipole waves during their propagation in a constant magnetic field was found. It is shown that the amplitude of the born arion wave at a distance from the source of magnetodipole radiation of a pulsar or magnetar (r)(r\to\infty) in the considered case tends to a constant value. The intensity of the arion emission in the solid angle element and the amount of arion energy I\overline{I}, emitted in all directions per unit time grow quadratically with increasing distance, traveled by the magnetodipole radiation of a pulsar or magnetar in a constant magnetic field. Such growth of the energy of the born arion wave is due to the fact that in the considered problem constant magnetic field is defined in the whole space. In reality, the galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields can be represented in this form only in regions of space of finite dimensions, outside of which the force lines of their induction vector are curved. Therefore, it is possible to apply these results only in a region of space for which rLcoh<r\leq L_{coh}<\infty, where LcohL_{coh} is the coherence length, the distance at which the force lines of the induction vector can be considered as straight lines. An estimate for the value of the coupling constant of photons with arions is obtained

    University Staff Well-Being and Various Psychological Aspects of their Professional Activity

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    Background. Modern rhythm of life determines the need to accelerate the overall personal productivity and forces us to face systematic strain and stress. In this regard, individual resources and subjective well-being are of particular importance as factors that can prevent burnout and social maladjustment. The problem of psychological health in educational staff is especially significant, since they affect the academic process and the well-being of students. Objective. The research aims to study psychological well-being of university staff in connection with their professional motivation, the levels of job satisfaction, and professional burnout. Study Participants. The empirical study involved 140 people aged 20 to 80, university staff, of both sexes and with different social status. Methods. The study was carried out using the Method for diagnosing the subjective well-being of a person (R.M. Shamionov, T.V. Beskova), Motivation Sources Inventory (version of E.V. Sidorenko), Professional maladaptation questionnaire (O.N. Rodina), Job Satisfaction Survey (P. Spektor), Maslach Burnout Inventory (version by N.E. Vodopyanova). Statistical methods included Shapiro — Wilk test, Spearman's rank-order correlation. Statistical analysis was carried out using the JASP 0.16 software. Results. It has been established that an increase in the levels of professional burnout components correlates with a decrease in the levels of psychological well-being, professional motivation and job satisfaction (р < 0.05). It is also shown that the correlations between professional burnout with the components of professional motivation are different in groups with different work experience in education. Conclusions. The results obtained made it possible to identify the most significant factors in professional motivation and job satisfaction that affect psychological well-being and the development of professional burnout among educators


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    The calibration curve was obtained based on model samples with known amorphous con-tent. It made possible quantitative estimate the amorphous phase at the zirconium-containing chloraluminates by the XRD-background level


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    Urinary calculi are analysed in medical practice to prevent recurrence in patients with urolithiasis. The composition of the stone allows physicians to choose the right diet for the patient. In this paper we used X-ray diffraction to determine the composition of urinary concrements