110 research outputs found

    Norm minimized Scattering Data from Intensity Spectra

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    We apply the l1l_1 minimizing technique of compressive sensing (CS) to non-linear quadratic observations. For the example of coherent X-ray scattering we provide the formulae for a Kalman filter approach to quadratic CS and show how to reconstruct the scattering data from their spatial intensity distribution.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, reordered section

    Role of justice while implementing civilian control measures in modern Russian society

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    The article is devoted to the diagnosis of justice as one of the fundamental social values. It is emphasized that justice is one of the most significant motivators for civil actions due to the sociocultural specificity of the Russian Federatio

    Sociocultural aspect of realization of civil control in modern Russian society

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    The backwardness of civil control in modern Russia is connected with a complex of the reasons of sociocultural character, including with specifics of the Russian traditions of public participation. It is proved that only collective forms of civil control relying on mobilization and use of the social capital of local communities can be the most effective in Russi

    Визначення фізико-механічних показників полімерної основи та оптимального способу введення активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів до складу основи

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    Treatment of wounds and wound infection remains an urgent medical problem today, especially in conditions of constant hostilities. Hydrogel bandages are quite effective means for local treatment of wounds, which are able to have a complex therapeutic effect and do not require frequent replacement in the process of medical supply to military personnel. Taking into account the relevance of this topic, our research is aimed at developing a hydrogel bandage with lidocaine hydrochloride, ceftriaxone and metronidazole. Aim. To study the physical and mechanical parameters of the polymer base and determine the optimal method for introducing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) into the base composition. Materials and methods. The study materials were APIs (lidocaine hydrochloride, ceftriaxone, metronidazole) and excipients. Physical and mechanical research methods were used in the work. Results and discussion. In order to develop the optimal technology for obtaining the polymer mass and determining technological indicators, we studied the indicators of physical and mechanical properties. Indicators of breaking force and relative elongation depend on such technological characteristics as homogeneity, uniformity of application on the substrate, the absence of air bubbles. It was found that the higher the physical and mechanical parameters, the higher the quality of the polymer mass applied to the substrate. Therefore, after obtaining a homogeneous mass it is necessary to deaerate air bubbles by centrifugation (No. 1-5) at 3000 rpm for 5-10 min. During the study of the ease of application of the polymer mass on the polyethylene terephthalate substrate, it was found that the drying process was affected by the thickness of the layer. It was proven that samples No. 1-5 had a uniform, adhesive layer and could be used for further research. The main technological indicators were the layer thickness of 0.40 mm, the centrifugation time of 5-10 min at 3000 rpm, homogeneity (mixing for 15 min at 36 rpm, an anchor stirrer). It was experimentally found that to obtain a layer thickness of 0.40 mm, it was necessary to apply 0.03 g of the sample per 1 cm2 of the substrate. We proved that polymers in the concentration of 10 % provided the optimal technological indicators. To confirm this, the dependence of the viscosity of the forming solution on the concentration / ratio of polymers was studied. We found that the technological indicators of homogeneity and uniformity directly affected the quality of the resulting product. Taking into account the fact that it was possible to introduce poorly soluble substances into the composition of model samples we conducted an experiment on their sedimentation in a polymer solution. It was found that APIs introduced into the polymer solution had different values of the sedimentation rate (time), which was probably related to the degree of solubility. In addition, the polymer concentration in the forming solutions also affected the sedimentation rate of API. The higher the viscosity, the slower the API particles settled. Conclusions. It has been found in the course of the study that satisfactory indicators of physical and mechanical parameters can ensure the quality of the polymer mass production technology as the base for choosing a polymer coating for obtaining a hydrogel with anesthetic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial effects. The main technological indicators determined are the layer thickness (0.40 mm), the centrifugation time (5-10 min at 3000 rpm), homogeneity (mixing for 15 min at 36 rpm, anchor stirrer). The results obtained will be used to develop the composition and the manufacturing technology for a pharmaceutical composition with lidocaine hydrochloride, ceftriaxone and metronidazole.Лікування ран та ранової інфекції залишається актуальною медичною проблемою сьогодення, особливо в умовах постійних бойових дій. Досить ефективними засобами для місцевого лікування ран є гідрогелеві пов’язки, які здатні здійснювати комплексний терапевтичний ефект і не вимагають частої заміни в процесі медикаментозного забезпечення військовослужбовців. З огляду на актуальність цієї тематики наше дослідження спрямоване на розроблення гідрогелевої пов’язки з лідокаїну гідрохлоридом, цефтриаксоном та метронідазолом. Мета роботи – дослідити фізико-механічні показники полімерної основи та визначити оптимальний спосіб введення активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів (АФІ) до складу основи. Матеріали та методи. Матеріалами дослідження слугували АФІ (лідокаїну гідрохлорид, цефтриаксон, метронідазол) та допоміжні речовини. У роботі використано фізико-механічні методи дослідження. Результати та їх обговорення. Для розробки оптимальної технології отримання полімерної маси та визначення технологічних показників нами вивчено фізико-механічні властивості. Показники зусилля на розрив та відносне видовження залежать від таких технологічних характеристик, як однорідність, рівномірність нанесення на підложку, відсутність бульбашок повітря. Що вищі фізико-механічні показники, то якісніша полімерна маса, яку наносять на підложку. Тому після отримання гомогенної маси необхідно проводити деаерацію пухирців повітря шляхом центрифугування (№№ 1-5) за 3000 об./хв протягом 5-10 хв. У ході вивчення легкості нанесення полімерної маси на підложку поліетилентерефталатну з’ясовано, що на процес сушіння впливає товщина шару. Доведено, що зразки №№ 1-5 мають рівномірний, адгезивний шар і можуть бути використані для подальших досліджень. Основними технологічними показниками є товщина шару 0,40 мм, час центрифугування 5-10 хв за 3000 об./хв, однорідність (перемішування 15 хв за 36 об./хв, якірна мішалка). Експериментально з’ясовано, щодля отримання товщини шару 0,40 мм треба наносити 0,03 г зразка на 1 см2 підложки. Полімери в концентрації 10 % забезпечують оптимальні технологічні показники. Для підтвердження цього було вивчено залежність в’язкості формувального розчину від концентрації / співвідношення полімерів. Доведено, що технологічні показники гомогенність, однорідність безпосередньо впливають на якість отриманого продукту. З огляду на те, що до складу модельних зразків можливе введення важкорозчинних речовин, нами проведено експеримент щодо седиментації їх у полімерному розчині. З’ясовано, що введені до розчину полімеру АФІ мають різні значення швидкості (часу) седиментації, що, ймовірно, пов’язано зі ступенем розчинності. Крім того, концентрація полімеру у формувальних розчинах також впливає на швидкість седиментації АФІ. Що вища в’язкість, то повільніше осідають частинки АФІ. Висновки. У ході дослідження з’ясовано, що задовільні показники фізико-механічних властивостей здатні забезпечити якість технології одержання полімерної маси як основи вибору полімерного покриття для отримання гідрогелю з анестезувальною, антибактеріальною та антимікробною дією. Основними технологічними показниками було визначено товщину шару (0,40 мм), час центрифугування (5-10 хв за 3000 об./хв), однорідність (перемішування 15 хв за 36 об./хв, якірна мішалка). Отримані результати будуть використані для розроблення складу й технології одержання фармацевтичної композиції з лідокаїну гідрохлоридом, цефтриаксоном та метронідазолом

    The use of integrated frequency ABC/VEN-analysis of application of medicines for the treatment of influenza and its complications in the hospital

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    The problem of limiting and rational use of funds in the health care system is relevant worldwide. Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are cause of a lot of discussion about the treatment and prevention of the disease. The aim of the work ‒ to conduct an analysis of the data of the actual practice of appointment for patients with severe forms of influenza and its complications that were hospitalized at the hospital of the Lviv Regional Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital. For the analysis of data of real practice of appointments were included data of 260 medical cards of patients of the Lviv Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital, which were hospitalized in 2016–2017 years with the diagnosis of influenza and SARI. We used statistical methods, real world evidence analysis, integrated frequency ABC/VEN analysis. The results of the VEN analysis indicate that in this department pharmacotherapy performs according to the current Protocols for medical care. Integrated frequency, VEN and ABC analysis showed that the leader of applications is Reosorbilact (the rate of expenses is 19%, the frequency of applications – 14%, the percentage of patients to whom it was appointed is 85%). Very expensive antibiotic Tigacil followed them, the next medicines in this list – Xylat (a rate of of expenses 10%, a frequency of applications is 5%, a share of patients – 28%). By answering the question about use the funds for important and vitally necessary medication, we can see that the rate of expenses for medicines of category V is 88.99%, it means that there is a rational use of funds. Analyzing the frequency of using the most expensive drugs (the cost of antibiotics is 46% of the total cost of drugs), it would be advisable to study the possibility of replacing it with cheaper counterparts. In general, pharmacological therapy is clinically and economically viable, but requires further standardization, and the analysis shows possible ways to optimize it, and reminds us how dangerous are the complications of the influenza, and which resources are needed for their treatment

    The Coulomb-Oscillator Relation on n-Dimensional Spheres and Hyperboloids

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    In this paper we establish a relation between Coulomb and oscillator systems on nn-dimensional spheres and hyperboloids for n2n\geq 2. We show that, as in Euclidean space, the quasiradial equation for the n+1n+1 dimensional Coulomb problem coincides with the 2n2n-dimensional quasiradial oscillator equation on spheres and hyperboloids. Using the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation for the oscillator system, we construct the energy spectrum and wave functions for the Coulomb problem.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Effect of CPAP therapy on left atrial remodeling in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and obstructive sleep apnea undergoing pulmonary vein isolation

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    Aim. To study the isolated effect of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on left atrial (LA) remodeling in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) who underwent pulmonary vein (PV) ablation and concomitant severe and moderate OSA.Material and methods. A subanalysis of echocardiographic data was performed in 50 patients with paroxysmal AF and moderate/severe OSA who underwent PV isolation and were followed up for 12 months (main group, 33; control group, 17). The clinical efficacy of catheter ablation was assessed after the end of the threemonth blind period. The following echocardiographic parameters were included in the subanalysis: anterior-posterior LA dimension, LA volume, LA volume index (LAVI), and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP).Results. After 12 months, the control group showed a significant increase in the anterior-posterior LA dimension (40,5 (40-42) mm vs 42 (40-45) mm, p=0,037), LA volume (68,5 (58-74,5) ml vs 69 (63-89) ml, p=0,006), LAVI (35,0 (29-37) ml/m2 vs 35,5 (32-41,5) ml/m2, p=0,005) and PASP (27 (25-30) vs 30 (29-33), p=0,004). Intragroup analysis of patients not receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy and without recurrent AF did not reveal significant changes in LA size (anterior-posterior LA dimension — 40 (40-42) mm vs 40 (40- 41) mm, p=0,317; LA volume — 63 (58-71) ml vs 64 (61-69) ml, p=0,509; LAVI — 32 (29-36) ml/m2 vs 33 (31-34) ml2, p=0,509).Conclusion. In patients with paroxysmal AF and concomitant moderate to severe OSA who underwent AF catheter treatment, the absence of CPAP therapy is not associated with a significant increase in the linear and volume LA dimensions in the absence of AF recurrence

    Anxiety, depression, and quality of life among HIV positive injection drug users in Ukraine, 2017

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    Introduction: People who inject drugs (PWID) are one of the key populations most vulnerable to HIV infection, with 28 times higher prevalence compared to the rest of the population. PWID are known to have many physical, psychological and lifestyle challenges that can influence access to care. Depression is common among PWID living with HIV. It has major effect on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and is influencing adherence to antiretroviral therapy. This study was conducted to explore how anxiety and depression affect HRQoL among HIV-positive PWID in Ukraine. It will provide knowledge for the further policy development. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study using data from interviewer- administrated questionnaires was performed. The questionnaire was based on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. The questionnaire on HRQoL was based on the SF-36. Results: Among the 90 HIV positive PWID 74% (67) and 61% (55) had anxiety and depression scores higher than 7 respectively, indicating that most patients had mental health problems. Average scores for general health (40), role limitations due to physical (44) and emotional health (34), vitality (41) and mental health (45) had mean scores less than 50 along with total physical (43) and mental health scores (35). Having an HIV positive partner or partner with unknown HIV status increases anxiety in HIV positive PWID. Conclusion: There are increased depressive and anxiety symptoms and poorer QoL among HIV-positive PWID in Ukraine. Strategies focusing on psychosocial support addressing QoL as part of HIV care could improve health outcomes for these comorbid and debilitating conditions

    Shortened PQ interval in the differential diagnosis of Anderson-Fabry disease: a case report

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    In this article, we present a case of a patient with a late diagnosis of Fabry disease caused by a pathogenic variant in the GLA gene (p.1287_1288dup), who repeatedly attempted interventional treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome due to characteristic electrocardiographic pattern of ventricular preexcitation and paroxysmal arrhythmias. The proposed pathognomonic signs of the disease will ensure timely diagnosis and the appointment of specific treatment