479 research outputs found

    Analysis of migration processes based on census data

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    The subject matter of research is the internal migration processes of the Russian population in the period from the 1960s to 2010. The research is based on the data about the territorial population flows published in the all-Union census materials of 1970, 1979, and 1989, and in the all-Russia census materials of 2002 and 2010. The basic migration flows and directions are considered. Methodologically, the analysis of migration is based on the use of end-to-end indicators enabling to assess the dynamics of migration processes over a long period. Special attention is paid to rural-urban internal migrations, the volumes, patterns and consequences of which have not been so far properly investigated or assessed. The authors offer and calculate relative indicators that have never been used to assess the processes in question. To make the census materials of the soviet and post-soviet periods comparable, the economic zoning adopted before 2000 is used, and the administrative-territorial network is unified. The authors confirm the hypothesis that from decade to decade the intensity of territorial mobility of both urban and rural population was reduced. Interregional migration flows are considered, and various tendencies and migration intensity for over four decades are de ned. The authors analyze the dynamics in the structure of migrants by the time they lived in the place of their permanent residence in various regions. The research shows that the tendencies developed at that time and persisting continue to adversely affect the territorial re-distribution of population and the regional social and economic development of the country. The research results can be used in adjusting the regional socio-economic and migration policy.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation Project № 14–02–00525

    Physical rehabilitation in idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

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    Physical rehabilitation a promising approach in the treatment of idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation which is a important medical problem. Study objective: To develop and scientifically substantiate reflexology and physical training methods for the treatment and prevention of regulatory functional cardiac disorders in idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Materials and methods. The study involved 90 patients with idiopathic atrial fibrillation (IAF), who were divided into 2 groups: 45 patients with adrenergic (AAFF) and 45 patients with vagotonic (VAFF) forms. The patients received a complex treatment consisting of reflexology and dosed walking. The treatment efficacy evaluation involved clinical, functional and instrumental examinations, psychological tests, psychophysiological stress-test, 24h ECG monitoring to identify the standard deviation of the normal-to-normal RR intervals (SDNN); echocardiography, high-definition oscillometry, and biochemical tests. Results. We found that the complex of reflexology and dosed walking in both groups produced an antiarrhythmic effect resulting in reliable normalization of the cardiovascular system autonomic regulation. Conclusions. The complex normalizes the heart rate autonomic regulation and hemodynamic parameters, improves the psychological and emotional state and the quality of life. The proposed treatment demonstrated high efficiency

    Time management and professional identity of students of pedagogical universities

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    Topicality of the problem under research is stipulated by the necessity of personal characteristics consideration in the process of organization of educational and vocational activities of the future teachers in the conditions of educational medium, which sets high requirements to the students' time competence. The aim of the article is to study the influence of time management peculiarities on the components of students' professional identity. The primary research method applied was psychodiagnostic testing with further statistical data processing, enabling quantitative assessment of formedness of time competence and professional identity in students of a pedagogical university, as well as establishing the interaction character of the phenomena of interest. Research results: in the article peculiarities of students time management within different stages of professional identity are presented, and the interconnection between time competence and professional identity components is considered. Based on empirical data, there can be drawn a conclusion that time competence development will facilitate formation of professional identity for the future professionals. Received results can find practical implementation in development of programs for psychological follow-up of professional formation of student's identity in the system of university education. © 2016 Lebedeva et al

    Catalytic conversion of polyolefins in the presence of MCM-41 type mesoporous materials

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    The catalytic activities of mesoporous H-MCM-41 aluminosilicates of different compositions in degradation of polypropylene and a polypropylene-polyethylene mixture into gasoline-range fraction hydrocarbons were compared. A higher yield of the target products (86 wt %) was observed for the sample with a lower aluminum conten

    Impact of inter-ventricular lead distance on cardiac resynchronization therapy outcomes

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    Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been shown as an essential treatment of patients with heart failure, leading to improvements in symptoms, left ventricular (LV) function, and survival. However, up to 30% of appropriately selected patients remain non-responders to CRT. The aim of our study was to test a hypothesis on the impact of lead positioning in the ventricular walls on CRT response in patients with advanced chronic heart failure with and without pre-operative inter and intra-ventricular myocardial dyssynchrony. We examined 53 guideline-selected CRT candidates. Response to CRT was defined in 6 months after implantation of CRT devices. All patients underwent standard and Doppler echocardiography for assessment of LV function and mechanical dyssynchrony. Individual right ventricular (RV) and LV lead tip position, inter-lead distance, and the horizontal and vertical components were measured on the radiograph images with using an automated custom made software Our results showed that the RLV inter-lead distance is an essential parameter correlated with the CRT outcomes. A logistic model comprising the RLV inter-lead distance with parameters of dyssynchrony demonstrated a high predictive power for odds of CRT success. © 2017 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.Research was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, agreement № 02.A03.21.0006 and Program of the RAS Presidium #I.33П

    Long-term management of patients with epilepsy. Organization of a service in the Tyumen Region

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    Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that requires a long-term or lifelong follow-up of patients. The factors that influence the outcome of therapy are various; moreover, the key factors of them are the organization of care and the mode of patient follow-up. The necessity of optimizing the specialized health care to this category of patients stems from the poorer quality of life in the patients and their families and from the more frequentdevelopment of mental disorders and drug-resistant forms of the disease during ineffective therapy. These and other issues are considered in this paper with emphasis on the specific area – the south of the Tyumen Region. This underlines the importance of setting up not only highlevel epileptologic centers, but also a whole network that provides access to specialized epileptologic care. It seems today that it is more appropriate to solve problems in the organization of management for epileptic patients at the level of an administrative region, for this state structure has all necessary conditions for rapidly and rationally implementing the most successful developments of specialized care to the population


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    Зміну показників функції нирок (сечовини, азоту сечовини і креатиніну) проаналізували у 81 пацієнта із стенозом ниркових артерій (СНА) в поєднанні з ІХС. Залежно від термінів проведення стентування СНА по відношенню до операції шунтування коронарних артерій (ШКА) пацієнти були розділені на 4 групи. Аналіз отриманих даних показав, що незалежно від часу виконаного стентування або навіть без усунення СНА, досліджувані показники функції нирок практично не змінювалися, очевидним було зниження АТ у всіх групах. Ретроспективний аналіз отриманих даних показав, що усунення СНА, не мали позитивної дії на функцію нирок, проте сприяли зниженню артеріального тиску. Рутинне застосування стентування ниркових артерій з метою поліпшення функції нирок перед операцією ШКА не має переваг

    Meshless methods for ‘gas ‐ evaporating droplet’ flow modelling

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    The main ideas of simulation of two-phase flows, based on a combination of the conventional Lagrangian method or fully Lagrangian method (FLM) for the dispersed phase and the mesh-free vortex and thermal blob methods for the carrier phase, are summarised. A meshless method for modelling of 2D transient, non-isothermal, gasdroplet flows with phase transitions, based on a combination of the viscous-vortex and thermal-blob methods for the carrier phase with the Lagrangian approach for the dispersed phase, is described. The one-way coupled, two-fluid approach is used in the analysis. The method makes it possible to avoid the `remeshing' procedure (recalculation of flow parameters from Eulerian to Lagrangian grids) and reduces the problem to the solution of three systems of ordinary differential equations, describing the motion of viscous-vortex blobs, thermal blobs, and evaporating droplets. The gas velocity field is restored using the Biot-Savart integral. The numerical algorithm is verified against the analytical solution for a non-isothermal Lamb vortex. The method is applied to modelling of an impulse two-phase cold jet injected into a quiescent hot gas, taking into account droplet evaporation. Various flow patterns are obtained in the calculations, depending on the initial droplet size: (i) low-inertia droplets, evaporating at a higher rate, form ring-like structures and are accumulated only behind the vortex pair; (ii) large droplets move closer to the jet axis, with their sizes remaining almost unchanged; and (iii) intermediate-size droplets are accumulated in a curved band whose ends trail in the periphery behind the head of the cloud, with larger droplets being collected at the front of the two-phase region

    The effectiveness of physical activity in cardiorehabilitation

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    The review shows that the molecular mechanisms initiated by physical exertion underlie the multifactorial influence of the latter on the function of the cardiovascular system and the course of cardiac diseases. Exercise is an important component of the therapeutic treatment in patients with cardiovascular diseases, which is confirmed by the results of a meta­analysis that included 63 studies that were associated with various forms of aerobic exercise of different intensity (from 50 to 95 % VO2) for 1 to 47 months, which showed that exercise-based CR improves cardiovascular function. Knowledge of the molecular basis of the impact of physical activity makes it possible to use biochemical markers to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs