2,478 research outputs found

    On mechanisms that enforce complementarity

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    In a recent publication Luis and Sanchez-Soto arrive at the conclusion that complementarity is universally enforced by random classical phase kicks. We disagree. One could just as well argue that quantum entanglement is the universal mechanism. Both claims of universality are unjustified, however.Comment: 4 page

    Probable Innocence Revisited

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    International audienceOften we wish to ensure that the identity of the user performing a certain action is maintained secret. This property is called anonymity. Examples of situations in which we may wish to provide anonymity include: publishing on the web, retrieving information from the web, sending a message, etc. Many protocols have been designed for this purpose, for example, Crowds [15], Onion Routing [23], the Free Haven [7], Web MIX [1] and Freenet [4]

    Electrical conductivity and gas-sensing properties of Mg-doped and undoped single-crystalline In2O3 thin films: Bulk vs. surface

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    This study aims to provide a better fundamental understanding of the gas-sensing mechanism of In2O3-based conductometric gas sensors. In contrast to typically used polycrystalline films, we study single crystalline In2O3 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) as a model system with reduced complexity. Electrical conductance of these films essentially consists of two parallel contributions: the bulk of the film and the surface electron accumulation layer (SEAL). Both these contributions are varied to understand their effect on the sensor response. Conductance changes induced by UV illumination in air, which forces desorption of oxygen adatoms on the surface, give a measure of the sensor response and show that the sensor effect is only due to the SEAL contribution to overall conductance. Therefore, a strong sensitivity increase can be expected by reducing or eliminating the bulk conductivity in single crystalline films or the intra-grain conductivity in polycrystalline films. Gas-response measurements in ozone atmosphere test this approach for the real application

    Identifying business opportunities for green innovations: A quantitative foundation for accelerated micro-fuel cell diffusion in residential buildings

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    Combined heat and power (CHP) production in buildings is one of the mitigation options available for achieving a considerable decrease in GHG emissions. Micro-CHP (mCHP) fuel cells are capable of cogenerating electricity and heat very efficiently on a decentralised basis. Although they offer clear environmental benefits and have the potential to create a systemic change in energy provision, the diffusion of mCHP fuel cells is rather slow. There are numerous potential drivers for the successful diffusion of fuel cell cogeneration units, but key economic actors are often unaware of them. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of barriers, drivers and business opportunities surrounding micro-CHP fuel-cell units (up to 5 kWel) in the German building market. Business opportunities have been identified based not only on quantitative data for drivers and barriers, but also on discussions with relevant stakeholders such as housing associations, which are key institutional demand-side actors. These business opportunities include fuel cell contracting as well as the development of a large lighthouse project to demonstrate the climate-neutral, efficient use of fuel cells in the residential building sector. The next step could involve the examination and development of more detailed options and business models. The approach and methods used in the survey may be applied on a larger scale and in other sectors

    Are white storks addicted to junk food? Impacts of landfill use on the movement and behaviour of resident white storks (Ciconia ciconia) from a partially migratory population

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    Background: The migratory patterns of animals are changing in response to global environmental change with many species forming resident populations in areas where they were once migratory. The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) was wholly migratory in Europe but recently guaranteed, year-round food from landfill sites has facilitated the establishment of resident populations in Iberia. In this study 17 resident white storks were fitted with GPS/GSM data loggers (including accelerometer) and tracked for 9.1 ± 3.7 months to quantify the extent and consistency of landfill attendance by individuals during the non-breeding and breeding seasons and to assess the influence of landfill use on daily distances travelled, percentage of GPS fixes spent foraging and non-landfill foraging ranges. Results: Resident white storks used landfill more during non-breeding (20.1 % ± 2.3 of foraging GPS fixes) than during breeding (14.9 % ± 2.2). Landfill attendance declined with increasing distance between nest and landfill in both seasons. During non-breeding a large percentage of GPS fixes occurred on the nest throughout the day (27 % ± 3.0 of fixes) in the majority of tagged storks. This study provides first confirmation of year-round nest use by resident white storks. The percentage of GPS fixes on the nest was not influenced by the distance between nest and the landfill site. Storks travelled up to 48.2 km to visit landfills during non-breeding and a maximum of 28.1 km during breeding, notably further than previous estimates. Storks nesting close to landfill sites used landfill more and had smaller foraging ranges in non-landfill habitat indicating higher reliance on landfill. The majority of non-landfill foraging occurred around the nest and long distance trips were made specifically to visit landfill. Conclusions: The continuous availability of food resources on landfill has facilitated year-round nest use in white storks and is influencing their home ranges and movement behaviour. White storks rely on landfill sites for foraging especially during the non-breeding season when other food resources are scarcer and this artificial food supplementation probably facilitated the establishment of resident populations. The closure of landfills, as required by EU Landfill Directives, will likely cause dramatic impacts on white stork populations

    A population-based resource for intergenerational metabolomics analyses in pregnant women and their children: the Generation R Study

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    INTRODUCTION: Adverse exposures in early life may predispose children to cardio-metabolic disease in later life. Metabolomics may serve as a valuable tool to disentangle the metabolic adaptations and mechanisms that potentially underlie these associations. OBJECTIVES: T

    Shelter Implementation Plan at the Stage of Radiation Risks Elimination for Public

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    In this article, efficiency of the SIP projects, which already have been implemented at the Shelter, are analyzed in the context of the staged elimination ofradiation risks for public. It starts with theanalysis oftheShelter state in 1998 before SIP implementation compared with the state after implementation of stabilization and other measures and finally with the state which is reached after construction of the New Safe Confinement (NSC). For the analysis a probabilistic approach has been used. Measures to be implemented in the future are mentioned in conclusions.Аналізується ефективність проектів ПЗЗ, які реалізовано на об’єкті «Укриття», в контексті поетапного усунення радіаційних ризиків для населення. Стаття розпочинається з аналізу стану об’єкта «Укриття» в 1998 році до початку реалізації ПЗЗ у порівнянні з його станом після виконання стабілізаційних та інших заходів та, в довершення, зі станом, досягнутим після будівництва нового безпечного конфайнмента (НБК). Для аналізу застосовано імовірнісний підхід. У висновках наведено заходи, які треба здійснити в майбутньому.Анализируется эффективность проектов ПОМ, которые реализованы на объекте «Укрытие», в контексте поэтапного устранения радиационных рисков для населения. Статья начинается с анализа состояния объекта «Укрытие» в 1998 году до начала реализации ПОМ по сравнению с его состоянием после завершения стабилизационных и других мероприятий и, в довершение, с состоянием, достигнутым после строительства нового безопасного конфайнмента (НБК). Для анализа использован вероятностный подход. В выводах указаны мероприятия, которые необходимо осуществить в будущем

    Quantifying and measuring anonymity

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    The design of anonymous communication systems is a relatively new field, but the desire to quantify the security these systems offer has been an important topic of research since its beginning. In recent years, anonymous communication systems have evolved from obscure tools used by specialists to mass-market software used by millions of people. In many cases the users of these tools are depending on the anonymity offered to protect their liberty, or more. As such, it is of critical importance that not only can we quantify the anonymity these tools offer, but that the metrics used represent realistic expectations, can be communicated clearly, and the implementations actually offer the anonymity they promise. This paper will discuss how metrics, and the techniques used to measure them, have been developed for anonymous communication tools including low-latency networks and high-latency email systems. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg