26 research outputs found

    Clinical and morphological case of developing liver cirrhosis associated with viral hepatitis in a young patient

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    The significance of chronic hepatitis is determined not only by the disease per se, but also by the increased risk of the formation of long-term adverse effects such as liver cirrhosis. Viral cirrhosis of the liver (as the outcome of chronic hepatitis B, C, B + D) comprise from 10% to 24.5% of all liver cirrhosis cases. Cirrhosis of the liver is considered as an irreversible stage of chronic hepatitis, more often observed in men above 40 years, but recently more and more its cases are found in young, working ones leading to disability. Due to the high liver regenerative potential, a prognosis for liver lesions of different etiologies may be rather favorable. As a result, early diagnostics, dynamic monitoring and the use of promising methods for treating liver pathology to stimulate its regeneration that compensates for lost liver functions are necessary. In the clinical and morphological case, pathomorphological changes in organs with liver cirrhosis, which developed as a result of viral hepatitis are described. The aim of the study was to describe pathomorphological changes in organs during liver cirrhosis, which developed due to viral hepatitis, which led to multiple organ failure in a young patient. Materials and methods. The analysis of the obtained accompanying medical documentation (outpatient card, medical history) was performed. The standard methodology of autopsy was used. To process histological sections of autopsy material, hematoxylin-eosin staining was used. Results. Histological examination in the liver shows development of portal tract fibrosis with lymphohistio cytic infiltration, formation of monolobular regenerated nodes, signs of edema, areas of demyelination, dystrophic changes in neurocytes, signs of acute renal failure, a combined profound change in the kidneys detected in the lungs and brain, which resulted in multiple organ failure and subsequent lethal outcome in a young patient. The early formation of portal hypertension with liver cirrhosis, esophageal and gastric varicose veins dilatation lead to fatal bleeding in half of patients. Therefore, timely diagnosed cirrhosis and hepatitis as their predecessors is one of the most relevant issues in medicine

    Organ-specific pathomorphological changes during COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causing pneumonia, lesions in the cardiovascular system and other organs, high mortality risk, especially in geriatric patients. Due to the great relevance, this study was aimed at describing the case of severe COVID-19 with development of multiple organ failure. Materials and methods. Available accompanying medical documentation (outpatient charts, medical history) was analyzed. Clinical and morphological analysis was carried out by providing description of macro- and micropreparations; histological methods (hematoxylin and eosin staining, Lee reaction) were used. Results. Female patient K.G., 69 years old, was hospitalized to the therapeutic department diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation was made on 04/20/2020. A competing diagnosis: severe community-acquired bilateral multi-segmental pneumonia. The patient’s condition was aggravated wile applying therapy followed by biological death occurred. An autopsy revealed bilateral subtotal hemorrhagic pneumonia. Macroscopic lung examination demonstrated “lungs filled with red fluid”. In the brain — perivascular and pericellular edema, hyalinosis, blood stasis and sludge, marked dystrophic and necrotic neuronal changes. Cardiomyocyte fragmentation, areas of perivascular sclerosis with inflammatory infiltrates as well as erythrocytic sludge are found in the heart and blood vessels, respectively. A weak positive reaction according to Lee method was observed. Such clinical and morphological case demonstrates along with lung damage involvement of the heart resulting in acute coronary syndrome (morphologically manifested by ischemic myocardial dystrophy) and the brain. Thus, premorbid background in elderly patients results in developing acute pulmonary heart failure, pulmonary and cerebral edema

    Hemodynamic criteria of the circulatory system in ethnic groups of students with different types of autonomic regulation of the heart rate

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    Under physiological conditions, the first years of university studies of the students of Arabic and African subgroups with MPAR and PPAR HR were characterized by toughness, low effectiveness of the system of blood circulation, increased peripheral vascular resistance, vascular TSC; Indian and Latino-American subgroups with MPAR HR revealed the weakness and low efficiency of the circulatory system, the optimal GPBC and cardiovascular TSC were revealed in Indian and Latino-American subgroups with MPAR HR, and subgroups with PPAR HR showed high endurance of the circulatory syste

    Characteristics of new cases of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in patients having HIV infection with multidrug resistance of the pathogen according to multi-layer spiral computed tomography

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    Background. Identification of the characteristics of the pulmonary tuberculosis process using multi-layer spiral computed tomography (MSCT) in patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection is important in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, determining the dissemination of the process and its dynamics during treatment. The aim. To determine the initial characteristics and dynamics of infiltrative tuberculosis according to MSCT in patients with and without HIV infection, with and without multidrug resistance (MDR) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis who were treated in a hospital. Materials and methods. 126 patients aged 19–59 years with tuberculosis, combined with HIV infection and without HIV infection were examined. For statistical processing, we used MS Excel (Microsoft Corp., USA) software package. Results. Patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection in comparison with patients with tuberculosis and without HIV had more expressed intoxication syndrome and respiratory impairement in the clinical picture (p < 0.00001). Patients with coinfection were more likely to suffer from alcohol (p  <  0.05) and drug addiction (p < 0.001). According to MSCT, the pathological process in HIV-positive patients with pulmonary tuberculosis was more disseminated (p < 0.05), included severe intrathoracic lymphadenopathy (p < 0.0001), more common pleural lesions (p < 0.005), less common destructive changes (cavities) (p < 0.001) and outcomes in form of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis (p < 0.01). Process regression was slower in patients with tuberculosis and HIV (p < 0.005). According to MSCT, extensive lung damage, intrathoracic lymphadenopathy were  more often found in patients with MDR in coinfection (p  <  0.05). Cavities and fibro-cavernous tuberculosis outcomes were more common in patients with tuberculosis without HIV infection and with MDR (p < 0.05). Conclusion. MSCT provides detailed information about the pathological process in the lungs and its dynamics under the treatment of tuberculosis and HIV infection

    Parameters of communication behavior and national language

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    Analyze the category of "language behavior" in modern linguistic research. It states provisions of the communicative interpretation of the logical-semantic structure of utterances to determine their ethnocultural feature

    Structural and magnetic dynamics of a laser induced phase transition in FeRh

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    We use time-resolved x-ray diffraction and magnetic optical Kerr effect to study the laser induced antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition in FeRh. The structural response is given by the nucleation of independent ferromagnetic domains (\tau_1 ~ 30ps). This is significantly faster than the magnetic response (\tau_2 ~ 60ps) given by the subsequent domain realignment. X-ray diffraction shows that the two phases co-exist on short time-scales and that the phase transition is limited by the speed of sound. A nucleation model describing both the structural and magnetic dynamics is presented.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures - changed to reflect version accepted for PR

    Identification of coherent lattice modulations coupled to charge and orbital order in a manganite

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    We apply grazing-incidence femtosecond x-ray diffraction to investigate the details of the atomic motion connected with a displacively excited coherent optical phonon. We concentrate on the low frequency phonon associated with the charge and orbital order in the mixed valence manganite La0.25Pr0.375Ca0.375MnO3 for T < 210 K. We measure the response of three superlattice reflections that feature different sensitivities to the motion of the unit cell constituents. The results support the assignment to a translational mode of the Mn4+ atoms together with the oxygen atoms connecting adjacent Mn4+ sites.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Femtosecond dynamics of the collinear-to-spiral antiferromagnetic phase transition in CuO

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    We report on the ultrafast dynamics of magnetic order in a single crystal of CuO at a temperature of 207 K in response to strong optical excitation using femtosecond resonant x-ray diffraction. In the experiment, a femtosecond laser pulse induces a sudden, nonequilibrium increase in magnetic disorder. After a short delay ranging from 400 fs to 2 ps, we observe changes in the relative intensity of the magnetic ordering diffraction peaks that indicate a shift from a collinear commensurate phase to a spiral incommensurate phase. These results indicate that the ultimate speed for this antiferromagnetic re-orientation transition in CuO is limited by the long-wavelength magnetic excitation connecting the two phases.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review Letters (Dec. 2, 2011

    Influence of physical culture on mental capacity of students

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    In the article influence of physical culture is considered on the mental capacity of students during educating in institution of higher learning. It is set that for people that engage in mental work in working position «sitting», there are degenerative changes in a number of functions of organs and systemsВ статье рассмотрено влияние физической культуры на умственную работоспособность студентов во время обучения в вузе. Установлено, что у людей, которые занимаются умственным трудом в рабочем положении «сидя», происходят дегенеративные изменения в ряде функций органов и систе