365 research outputs found

    Association study of genetic polymorphisms of vasoactive hormones with the risk of preeclampsia

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    The present study was designed to investigate an association of genetic polymorphisms of vasoactive hormones with the risk of preeclampsi

    Features of disease course of some forms of herpesvirus infection

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    Among the many factors that directly affect the immune system, infections caused by the herpes virus deserve special attention. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of patients suffering from chronic recurrent herpesvirus infections, which in many cases are accompanied by severe general malaise and a number of therapeutic complaints. Today about 80-95% of the population is infected with Epstein-Barr virus EBV. Primary infection of EBV leads to lifelong persistence of the pathogen with possible periodic reactivation under the action of various immunosuppressive factors, which leads to chronic forms of the disease. EBV can cause chronic manifest and erased forms of the disease, running on the type of chronic mononucleosis. Thus, the study of the nature of clinical and laboratory changes in patients with chronic EBV infection and the peculiarities of the disease is an urgent problem of our time. The aim of this work was to study the features of the course of chronic EBV infection. We performed a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 128 patients with chronic EBV infection (reactivation period). The diagnosis of chronic EBV infection was established on the basis of medical history, complaints, the presence of specific antibodies to EBV antigens and the detection of virus DNA in the blood. Studies of clinical blood tests of patients with chronic EBV infection and the control group showed differences. Thus, in patients with chronic EBV infection, a significantly elevated ESR level was found - 12.6 ± 1.8 versus 4.5 ± 1.1 inthe control group (p <0.05). The levels of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and platelets did not differ significantly from the control group. In patients with chronic EBV infection, there was a decrease in the level of leukocytes (5.13 ± 0.22) x 109/ l against (6.20 ± 1.8) x 109/l in the control group (p> 0.05), but these changes did not go beyond the norms established for healthy people. Analysis of the leukocyte formula revealed the presence of patients with chronic WEB infection with a significant increase in the relative content of lymphocytes - 42.50 ± 2.0% against 33.70 ± 2.68% (p <0.05) and monocytes - 11.15 ± 0.9% vs. 3.0 ± 0.6% (p <0.05), which was the basis for confirming the presence of a chronic infectious process. In general, 94.8% of patients with chronic EBV infection had lymphocytosis and 82.5% had monocytosis. The relative number of neutrophils in patients with chronic WEB infection averaged 45.35 ± 4.1% against 61.7 ± 3.8% in the control group (p <0.05); the relative number of eosinophils and basophils was within normal limits. When studying the absolute number of lymphocytes and monocytes in patients with chronic EBV infection, there was a tendency to increase them and their level was on average (2.13 ± 0.7) x 109/ l and (0.51 ± 0.08) x 109/ l against (2.39 ± 0.7) x 109/ l and (0.47 ± 0.08) x 109/ l in the control group (p> 0.05). The absolute number of neutrophils in patients with chronic WEB infection was significantly lower than in the control group and was 2.70 x 109/ l versus 4.21 x 109/ l (p <0.05). The study of the absolute number of eosinophils and basophils in patients with chronic EBV infection did not reveal statistically significant differences compared with the control group. Thus, according to the results of our study, we found that patients with chronic EBV infection among the clinical manifestations were most often chronic tonsillitis, chronic fatigue syndrome and peripheral lymphadenopathy. Analysis of the results of laboratory studies revealed a significant increase in ESR, relative lymphocytes and monocytes, as well as a decrease in absolute and relative neutrophils, compared with the control group of patients, indicating a shift in white blood cell count, characteristic of the viral etiology of the disease what associated with the EBV.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.403896

    Порівняльні дослідження впливу місцевих анестетиків на спинний мозок

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    Development of neuron’s depression subject to time after influence of local anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine and bupivacaine) on a spinal cord or nerve in equal concentrations was experimentally studied in cats. Depressing neuronal activity has the different dynamics depending on presence of influence on a spinal cord/nerve and on the anesthetic kind. The AS changes had the same tendency to oppression as CDP components. It is judged that for practical purposes it is necessary to use combinations of preparations of the various characteristics of temporary depressing activity of neurons.В експериментах на кішках вивчено характер розвитку пригнічення нейрональної активності залежно від часу після впливу на мозок або нерв анестетиків місцевої дії (новокаїн, лідокаїн, бупівакаїн) у однакових концентраціях. Показано, що пригнічення нейрональної активності залежно від того, впливали на мозок або нерв, а також залежно від анестетика, мало різну динаміку. Аферентні розряди мали таку саму тенденцію пригнічення, як і компоненти потенціалів дорсальної поверхні. Для практичних цілей рекомендовано використовувати комплекс препаратів із різними характеристиками часового пригнічення нейрональної активності. В експериментах на кішках вивчено характер розвитку пригнічення нейрональної активності залежно від часу після впливу на мозок або нерв анестетиків місцевої дії (новокаїн, лідокаїн, бупівакаїн) у однакових концентраціях. Показано, що пригнічення нейрональної активності залежно від того, впливали на мозок або нерв, а також залежно від анестетика, мало різну динаміку. Аферентні розряди мали таку саму тенденцію пригнічення, як і компоненти потенціалів дорсальної поверхні. Для практичних цілей рекомендовано використовувати комплекс препаратів із різними характеристиками часового пригнічення нейрональної активності.

    Analysis of Involvement of Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms in Development of Genital Endometriosis

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    The article outlines the role of cytokines in development of genital endometriosis. There were detected associations between genetic polymorphisms and their combinations and development of genital endometriosis among women in the Central region of Russi

    Molecular-genetic factors of genital endometriosis

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    Article concerns data of the comparative analysis of polymorphic options of genes at patients with genital endometriosis and women in control grou

    The frequency of sarcopenia and factors affecting appendicular muscle mass in patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Aim. To determine the frequency of sarcopenia (SP) and to identify factors associated with the muscle mass in women with systemic sclerosis (SSc).Materials and methods. The study included 64 women with SSc aged 40–70 years. Questionnaires, clinical, instrumental, laboratory examinations and absorptiometry. Linear regression analysis was performed to identify factors associat ed with appendicular muscle mass (AMM).Results. Probable SP was detected in 35 (54.7 %), and confirmed SP – 17 (26.5 %) women with SSc. The frequency of SP did not differ depending on the form of the disease. Univariate linear analysis revealed the relationship between the AMM and BMI, nutritional status; mid-upper arm, waist, hip and calf circumferences, skin Rodnan score, cumulative dose of glucocorticoids (GC) and BMD of the proximal hip. Multivariate linear analysis confirmed the presence of associations between the AMM index and BMI (b = 0.65; p <0.001), the Rodnan skin score (b = –0.19; p = 0.047), the cumulative dose of GC (b = –0.22; p = 0.021).Conclusion. The study demonstrated that more than a quarter of patients with SSc had a confirmed SP. Although age is the main risk factor for SP in the general population, in our study it did not differ between patients with low and normal AMM. The cumulative dose of GC and the Rodnan skin score were negatively, and BMI was positively associated with the value of AMМ

    Modelling eNvironment for Isoforms (MoNvIso): A general platform to predict structural determinants of protein isoforms in genetic diseases

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    The seamless integration of human disease-related mutation data into protein structures is an essential component of any attempt to correctly assess the impact of the mutation. The key step preliminary to any structural modelling is the identification of the isoforms onto which mutations should be mapped due to there being several functionally different protein isoforms from the same gene. To handle large sets of data coming from omics techniques, this challenging task needs to be automatized. Here we present the MoNvIso (Modelling eNvironment for Isoforms) code, which identifies the most useful isoform for computational modelling, balancing the coverage of mutations of interest and the availability of templates to build a structural model of both the wild-type isoform and the related variants

    Use of specific latin terms in vaginitis and its treatment

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    The article considers anatomic, clinical and microbiological terms relating to vaginitis, the etymology of these words is analyzed. The link between the types of vaginitis and its manifestation was identified; the gynecological drugs for treatment of vaginitis are also analyzed from linguistic point of viewВ статье рассмотрены и проанализированы анатомические, клинические, микробиологические термины, относящиеся к вагиниту, разобрана этимология слов, на основе которой определена связь между видами вагинита и его проявлениями, а также выявлены и разобраны лингвистически гинекологические лекарственные средства, относящиеся к лечению данного заболевания

    Role and Place of PET/CT in the Assessment of Skin Melanoma Prevalence

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    Skin melanoma is potentially the most dangerous form among all tumor skin lesions. According to statistics, melanoma accounts for about 90% of deaths. The cause of high mortality of patients is early metastasis. At the same time, melanoma metastases can be localized in almost all organs and tissues. In addition to local and regional metastasis to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and lymph nodes, metastatic melanoma of distant organs is not uncommon, and this dramatically worsens the prognosis of the disease. High-quality instrumental diagnostics at various stages of patient management (from primary diagnosis to treatment control) allow to reduce mortality and increase the overall survival of patients. Positron emission tomography in combination with computed tomography (PET/CT) has been used in the last decade as a dominant imaging method for initial staging, control of treatment and detection of progression or recurrence of various types of cancer, including melanoma. It is of great practical importance for predicting survival outcomes, assessing the risk of disease progression, as well as the effectiveness of radiation and systemic therapy. It is PET/CT that allows to simultaneously evaluate the condition of all organs and tissues with minimal radiation load being more sensitive and specific imaging method in comparison with ultrasound, CT and magnetic resonance imaging. PET/CT with <sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucose is the most effective method for early detection of asymptomatic melanoma recurrence. In addition to accurate setting the tumor process stage, this method is crucial to ensure adequate and effective treatment, which in turn will increase the life expectancy of this category of patients in the near future

    Genetic factors of decreased kidney function in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis

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    The article presents the results of studying the interaction of polymorphic variants of vascular homeostasis genes (I/D ACE, 4а/4b eNOS, S311C PON2, (-6) A/G AGT, (-1166) A/С AGTR1, G/A GNB3 (rs.2301339), G460W ADD1, (+46) G/A ADRB2, K198N EDN1, (+6986) G/A CYP3A5) with the state of renal function at the onset of chronic glomerulonephriti