373 research outputs found

    The influence of social support on risk of acute cardiovascular diseases in female population aged 25–64 in Russia

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    Objective. To study the prevalence of social support (SS) and its influence on the relative risk (RR) of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke in the female population aged 25–64 in Russia. Materials and methods. Under the third screening of the WHO “MONICA-psychosocial” programme, a random representative sample of women aged 25–64 (n=870) were surveyed in Novosibirsk. SS was measured according to the methods of the Berkman–Sym test [indices of close contacts (ICC) and index of social network (SNI)]. From 1995 to 2010, women were followed for 16 years to observe the incidence of MI and stroke. Results. The prevalence of low levels of ICC and SNI in women aged 25–64 was 57.1 and 77.7%, respectively. Low levels of ICC and SNI were associated with poor self-rated health and awareness about their health, adverse behavioural habits, high job strain and family stress. Rates of MI and stroke development were higher in married women with low ICC and SNI who were being in class “hard manual work”. Over a 16-year study period, the RR of MI in women with low ICC compared to those with high ICC was 4.9 times higher, and the risk of stroke was 4.1 times higher. Low level of SNI increased MI risk in 2.9 times, risk of stroke in 2.7 times. Conclusions. Majority of women aged 25–64 years in Russia have low social support which is associated with poor self-rated health, low awareness about the health that increases the risk of MI and stroke in 2.7–4.9 times in groups of “married” and “hard physical work”

    Fluorescence energy transfer in quantum dot/azo dye complexes in polymer track membranes

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    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer in complexes of semiconductor CdSe/ZnS quantum dots with molecules of heterocyclic azo dyes, 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol and 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol, formed at high quantum dot concentration in the polymer pore track membranes were studied by steady-state and transient PL spectroscopy. The effect of interaction between the complexes and free quantum dots on the efficiency of the fluorescence energy transfer and quantum dot luminescence quenching was found and discussed

    Regional Aspects of Nosocomial Infection As a Medical and Social Problem

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    Prevention of nosocomial infection (NI) is an important medical and socioeconomic problem. And though certain organizational and practical measures are implemented in Russia every year to reduce NIs, the problem is still relevant from medical and social points of view. The risk of infection are both for patients and medical workers. In Russia, the minimum economic damage caused by NIs is 2.5–5 billion rubles annually. According to the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Mordovia, the total incidence of NI in the region is at a low level. The incidence rate was 0.01 per 1000 patients in hospitals. The dynamics of the last five years demonstrates a decrease in hospital-acquired infections. In the dynamics of the last five years, incidence rates of purulent-septic infections of newborns and postpartum women, postoperative purulent-septic complications and post-injection complications had an unstable downward trend. Thus, purulent-septic infections of newborns and postpartum women and postoperative infections are dominated in the structure of nosocomial infections. Analysis of dynamics of morbidity in recent years in the Republic of Mordovia suggests that the measures taken to prevent NI are quite effective and are manifested with consistently low rates

    Влияние различных минеральных добавок на состояние выделительной функции почек и уровень гликемии у крыс при экспериментальном аллоксановом сахарном диабете

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    On this study presents the results of the use of mineral additives salsamenteria of hypocol, selenopyran and Magne-Вб on alloxan model of diabetes in rats. A significant hypoglycemic effect of Magne B6 and selenopyran. It is revealed that all connections, especially hypocol and selenopyran have a beneficial effect on the excretory function of the kidneys in alloxan diabetes: reduce the severity of polyuria, glycosuria, and proteinuria (hypocol) and creatinine concentration in the blood (hypocol and selenopyran).Представлены результаты применения минеральных добавок - солезаменителя гипосола, селенопирана и магне-Вб - на аллоксановой модели сахарного диабета у крыс. Установлено достоверное гипогликемическое действие Магне В6 и селенопирана. Выявлено, что все соединения, особенно гипосол и селенопиран, благоприятно влияют на выделительную функцию почек при аллоксановом диабете: уменьшают выраженность полиурии, глюкозурии, а также протеинурии (гипосол) и концентрации креатинина в крови (гипосол и селенопиран)

    Concerning effective and safe dosages of vitamin D3: mega-analysis of clinically effective studies as a basis for actual evidence

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    The negative effects of hypovitaminosis D3 and vitamin D3 deficiency in 80% of Russians make eliminating vitamin D deficiency an issue of state concern. Hundreds of effective clinical studies showed realistic opportunities of vitamin D3 to help patients with disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, high levels of nonspecific inflammation, tuberculosis, and women with a higher risk of complications and pregnancy losses. Vitamin D3 supplements are essential for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of “bone” and “extraosseous” diseases. One of the most important aspects of the clinical uses of vitamin D3 is the dosage and dosage regimen of the vitamin. This paper presents the results of a “mega-analysis” of 3965 clinical studies of vitamin D3 in terms of the effectiveness of different dosages in achieving different clinical outcomes. It was shown that dosages of 2000 IU/day and 4000 IU/day correspond to the peak values of the effectiveness index, regardless of the diagnoses studied (mega-analysis of 420 randomized trials). Some effectiveness in the treatment of rickets, gestational diabetes, calcium metabolism disorders, disorders of bone density and structure, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue can be achieved using weekly dosages of 50,000 IU/week (mega-analysis of 196 studies). It has been shown that dosages of 100,000-1,000,000 IU, intended for a single dose once a month, are almost always found only among studies with a negative result (mega-analysis of 368 studies)

    Antigenic Components of Chemical Bivalent Cholera Vaccine, Methods of their Isolation and Control

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    The paper presents a review of the data on the methods of isolation and control of Vibrio cholerae antigens – cholerogen-anatoxin and O-antigens of Inaba and Ogawa – components of the oral bivalent chemical cholera vaccine produced by the RusRAPI “Microbe”, the only prophylactic drug against cholera registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. Currently, the vaccine is produced using the method of segregated manufacturing of cholerogenanatoxin and O-antigens Inaba and Ogawa with step-by-step control of their main properties, which ensures the production of a high-quality finished product. Ultrafiltration is an effective method for concentrating a semi-finished product, which helps to reduce losses and increases the yield of the final product. It remains promising to develop a method for gentle steril ization of O-antigens to maximize the preservation of specific activity. To control the specific activity of the antigenic components and the finished vaccine preparation, a complex of in vivo and in vitro methods is applied. However, the multi-stage process and duration, the use of several types of laboratory animals, as well as modern WHO requirements determine the need for the introduction of alternative in vitro control methods. The use of cell cultures as a replacement for the biological method appears prospective, and demonstrates a positive correlation with animal tests. To assess the activity of antigens, the use of an immunochemical method – dot-immunoassay with gold nanoparticles – is put forward, which will make it possible to harmonize the control method at all stages of the production process, as well as to determine the serovar specificity of Vibrio cholerae O-antigens. The development of molecular-genetic, microbiological, immunochemical methods is relevant for a more complete and comprehensive control of the main immunogens of industrial strains of cholera vibrio. The introduction of promising methods for obtaining antigens and monitoring their properties will allow for a more complete characterization of the component composition of the finished dosage form of the chemical cholera vaccine

    Synergistic neurotrophic effects of piracetam and thiotriazoline

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    The paper considers the synergy between the nootropic drug piracetam and the metabolic agent thiotriazoline that maintains energy metabolism and survival of neurons and other types of cells. Piracetam, a nootropic drug, a chemical pyrrolidone derivative, is used in neurological, psychiatric, and narcological practice. There is evidence on the positive effect of piracetam in elderly and senile patients with coronary heart disease. This drug is supposed to stimulate redox processes, to enhance glucose utilization, and to improve regional blood flow in the ischemic brain regions. Due to its action, the drug activates glycolytic processes and elevates ATP concentrations in brain tissue. Thiotriazoline is a compound that has antioxidant, anti-ischemic properties. The co-administration of piracetam and thiothriazoline is an innovation area in the treatment of stroke and other brain damages, especially in insulin resistance and high blood glucose levels. The paper considers the neurobiological properties of thiotriazoline and piracetam, which synergistically exert neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects

    Optimization of the Process of Cholera Chemical Pelleted Vaccine Production Using Ultrafiltration Technology

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    Technology of O-antigen obtaining from Vibrio cholerae M41production strain, using the hollow fiber ultrafiltration modules, is developed and introduced into cholera vaccine manufacturing. Application of ultrafiltration makes it possible to obtain native high-activity O-antigen preparations which comply with the current regulatory requirements. Besides, it provides for economy (10-15-fold) of ammonium sulphate, used for antigen precipitation, reduces the duration of technological cycle (2 times), and the labor inputs. The technology of protective antigen concentrating is tested on V. cholerae strains MO45 and KM137 of O139 serogroup. Three series of experimental V. cholerae O139 vaccine are obtained

    Effects of etifoxine: Chemoreactome simulation

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    Etifoxine modulates GABAergic transmission and is used as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication. The indications for etifoxine use are anxiety, fear and inner tension.Objective: to simulate the biological properties of etifoxine. This simulation has been carried out for the first time.Material and methods. Reliable estimates of more than 2,500 biological activities were obtained for this molecule, which were compared with the reference drug lorazepam (benzodiazepine).Results and discussion. The data obtained from chemoreactome simulation may suggest that there are significant differences between the pharmacological effects of etifoxine and benzodiazepine in: 1) the selectivity of binding to various neurotransmitter receptors; 2) anti-inflammatory activity; 3) the effect on hemodynamics and vascular walls; 4) negative side effects and 5) pharmacokinetic parameters.Conclusion. The findings are consistent with the available experimental and clinical data and are indicative of promising clinical applications of etifoxine