310 research outputs found

    Management of patients with back pain in outpatient practice

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    The authors studied the efficiency of drug therapy using the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) meloxicam (Movalis) for nonspecific back pain and radiculopathy in the outpatient practice (without physio-, reflex, and manual therapies). Examination of 156 patients revealed a specific cause of back pain only in 6 (3.8%). Drug therapy using Movalis in 150 patients with acute, subacute, chronic nonspecific back pain at various sites or radiculopathy resulted in a considerable reduction in pain (as high as 1-3 VAS scores) and its complete regression in 97.3% of cases within 2-3 weeks of treatment. Movalis therapy was found to be well tolerated and caused a low frequency of side effects (1.7%) as mild gastrointenstinal disorders; Movalis used in combination with antiepileptic agents (pregabalin and gabapentin), myorelaxants (Midocalm) and Milgamma in some patents was ascertained to be also well tolerated

    Psychology of Mobbing as a Form of Conflict in the Workplace: Finding and Testing Project-Based Learning in Students’ Education

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    Project-based learning has long been used in universities when preparing students. However, project-based technologies are currently being increasingly used in work with students. The authors found various options for the application of these technologies in teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The research aims to determine the practice of implementing project-based learning to provide a deeper practice-oriented understanding of academic disciplines. The authors use a set of methods of theoretical analysis and practical psychological techniques. The authors present the research results in the form of several generalizations. The first one concerns the fact that mobbing has recently become a stable trend in teams; a conflict often manifests itself in the form of mobbing. The study of various organizational cultures and their models shows that the optimal and morally oriented model of organizational culture is the barrier preventing the development of mobbing in the company. The practical application of the developed theory provides methodological support for training a successful specialist

    Mineral Concentrates As a Factor of the Khibiny Apatite-Nepheline Ores Efficiency Improvement

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    Apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits contain the largest phosphorus-bearing resources in the world, and, at the same time, they contain associated valuable components in the rock-forming minerals — apatite, nepheline, sphene and titanium magnetite. Intensive development of the Khibiny deposits with production of only apatite concentrate and a small part of nepheline concentrate resulted in the accumulation of over 1.0 billion tons of wastes in tailing storage facilities and dumps during 90 years of JSC Apatit operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the use of the main concentrates of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits and wastes for their processing is considered through the use of technological developments of the FRC KSC RAS, JSC RIFI and JSC Apatit to obtain traditional and new target products. A fundamentally new approach to the problem of sustainable use of natural resources is focused on establishment of the whole production chain in the region, from mining and processing operations to manufacturers of final high technology products (rare-earth products, welding and construction materials, coloring agents and other materials). They also determine the level of industrial technical progress. Keywords: Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, mineral raw materials, extraction and processing, new material

    Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry at a free-electron laser

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    We present measurements of second- and higher-order intensity correlation functions (so-called Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment) performed at the free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH in the non-linear regime of its operation. We demonstrate the high transverse coherence properties of the FEL beam with a degree of transverse coherence of about 80% and degeneracy parameter of the order 10^9 that makes it similar to laser sources. Intensity correlation measurements in spatial and frequency domain gave an estimate of the FEL average pulse duration of 50 fs. Our measurements of the higher-order correlation functions indicate that FEL radiation obeys Gaussian statistics, which is characteristic to chaotic sources.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 40 reference

    Fatty acids modulate transmitter release and functioning of potassium channels in motor nerve endings

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    An extracellular microelectrode applied to the neuromuscular junction of the frog sternocutaneus muscle was used to study effects of saturated (myristic and arachidic) and unsaturated (arachidonic and oleic) fatty acids on transmitter release and potassium currents in a nerve ending. All these fatty acids decreased evoked transmitter release. Unsaturated fatty acids decreased the amplitude of voltage-dependent and calciumactivated potassium currents in a nerve ending, whereas saturated acids were ineffective. Rhythmic stimulation applied in the presence of arachidonic and oleic acids induced more pronounced facilitation of the transmitter release, whereas the effects of myristic and arachidic acids did not differ from control values. Deoxycholate was not able to reproduce the effects of fatty acids on the transmitter release and potassium current in a nerve ending. It was concluded that fatty acids can modulate transmitter release and synaptic excitatory transmission; these effects can have a significant influence on molecular mechanisms of exocytosis of synaptic vesicles and electrogenesis in a motor nerve ending. The latter effect is characteristic of unsaturated (arachidonic and oleic) acids, whereas the former effect does not depend on the degree of unsaturation at all. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2007

    Statistical properties of a free-electron laser revealed by the Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry

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    We present a comprehensive experimental analysis of statistical properties of the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH at DESY in Hamburg by means of Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) interferometry. The experiments were performed at the FEL wavelengths of 5.5 nm, 13.4 nm, and 20.8 nm. We determined the 2-nd order intensity correlation function for all wavelengths and different operation conditions of FLASH. In all experiments a high degree of spatial coherence (above 50%) was obtained. Our analysis performed in spatial and spectral domains provided us with the independent measurements of an average pulse duration of the FEL that were below 60 fs. To explain complicated behaviour of the 2-nd order intensity correlation function we developed advanced theoretical model that includes the presence of multiple beams and external positional jitter of the FEL pulses. By this analysis we determined that in most experiments several beams were present in radiating field and in one of the experiments external positional jitter was about 25% of the beam size. We envision that methods developed in our study will be used widely for analysis and diagnostics of the FEL radiation.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom

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    Our concern is the problem of efficiently determining the data complexity of answering queries mediated by descrip- tion logic ontologies and constructing their optimal rewritings to standard database queries. Originated in ontology- based data access and datalog optimisation, this problem is known to be computationally very complex in general, with no explicit syntactic characterisations available. In this article, aiming to understand the fundamental roots of this difficulty, we strip the problem to the bare bones and focus on Boolean conjunctive queries mediated by a simple cov- ering axiom stating that one class is covered by the union of two other classes. We show that, on the one hand, these rudimentary ontology-mediated queries, called disjunctive sirups (or d-sirups), capture many features and difficulties of the general case. For example, answering d-sirups is Π2p-complete for combined complexity and can be in AC0 or L-, NL-, P-, or coNP-complete for data complexity (with the problem of recognising FO-rewritability of d-sirups be- ing 2ExpTime-hard); some d-sirups only have exponential-size resolution proofs, some only double-exponential-size positive existential FO-rewritings and single-exponential-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings. On the other hand, we prove a few partial sufficient and necessary conditions of FO- and (symmetric/linear-) datalog rewritability of d- sirups. Our main technical result is a complete and transparent syntactic AC0 / NL / P / coNP tetrachotomy of d-sirups with disjoint covering classes and a path-shaped Boolean conjunctive query. To obtain this tetrachotomy, we develop new techniques for establishing P- and coNP-hardness of answering non-Horn ontology-mediated queries as well as showing that they can be answered in NL

    Multicultural education of multi-ethnic students at the foreign language class

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    © 2016 Zorina et al.The relevance of the problems stated in the article is determined by the fact that with the expansion of relations between the nations all over the world, the problems caused by misunderstanding, religion differences, and lack of cultural tolerance, have become more vital than ever. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the conditions of teaching university students to live and communicate successfully in the multicultural world. The authors of the article consider an elective course ‘A Multicultural Planet’, aimed at teaching students to be tolerant towards people belonging to different cultural and religious groups, is an important part of the process of foreign language learning. The article presents theoretical ideas of multicultural education; aims and tasks of the elective course, approaches and principles it is based on; the results of the study conducted among the university students. The materials of the article are intended for university foreign language teachers

    A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom

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    Our concern is the problem of efficiently determining the data complexity of answering queries mediated by descrip- tion logic ontologies and constructing their optimal rewritings to standard database queries. Originated in ontology- based data access and datalog optimisation, this problem is known to be computationally very complex in general, with no explicit syntactic characterisations available. In this article, aiming to understand the fundamental roots of this difficulty, we strip the problem to the bare bones and focus on Boolean conjunctive queries mediated by a simple cov- ering axiom stating that one class is covered by the union of two other classes. We show that, on the one hand, these rudimentary ontology-mediated queries, called disjunctive sirups (or d-sirups), capture many features and difficulties of the general case. For example, answering d-sirups is Π2p-complete for combined complexity and can be in AC0 or L-, NL-, P-, or coNP-complete for data complexity (with the problem of recognising FO-rewritability of d-sirups be- ing 2ExpTime-hard); some d-sirups only have exponential-size resolution proofs, some only double-exponential-size positive existential FO-rewritings and single-exponential-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings. On the other hand, we prove a few partial sufficient and necessary conditions of FO- and (symmetric/linear-) datalog rewritability of d- sirups. Our main technical result is a complete and transparent syntactic AC0 / NL / P / coNP tetrachotomy of d-sirups with disjoint covering classes and a path-shaped Boolean conjunctive query. To obtain this tetrachotomy, we develop new techniques for establishing P- and coNP-hardness of answering non-Horn ontology-mediated queries as well as showing that they can be answered in NL

    Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and quantum-chemical study of new dinuclear cobalt complex {Co2[mmm-O2P(H)Mes] 2(bpy)4}Br2

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    The reaction of cobalt dibromide hexahydrate with 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and mesitylphosphinic acid MesP(O)(OH)H (Mes = = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl) under solvothermal synthesis conditions leads to a new dinuclear cobalt(ii) complex {Co2[μ-O2P(H)Mes]2- (bpy) 4}Br2 formed by two bridging {μ-O2P(H)Mes}- ligands. X-ray crystal structure analysis of the complex displayed that cobalt ions have distorted octahedral coordination and are doubly bridged by two mesitylphosphinato ligands. © 2013 Mendeleev Communications. All rights reserved