17 research outputs found

    Dystrophy of the Sense of Incomprehension and its Consequences

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    The problem under investigation directly relates to a radically new social situation – the possibility to immediately get any information, which has drastically changed the process of education. This situation has superimposed some previous tendencies, particularly the simplification of tasks and diminishing of challenging conditions of education from the very beginning, which leads to diminishing the joy of learning and efforts to overcome difficulties. The trend towards early specialization plays the same role, because in reality it usually only leads to the exclusion of some subjects. Special attention is given to the distinction between information and knowledge. The crucial difference is between “obtaining knowledge” and “being informed”. Generally speaking, in the first case, a person has to construct an integrated picture of the fragment of reality with different links and relationships between parts of this picture. In the second case, the bits of information are added to something already known without endeavor to continue any further work to understand the subject on a deeper level. In relation to the process of comprehension, this means that in the first case we move from the surface level to the deeper one, while in the second case we are left on the surface level. Short-term memory is used instead of long-term memory. Also, the changed ratio between oral and written communication is analyzed. Due to the habitual practice of communication using electronic devices, the predominantly oral verbal dialogues are replaced with written ones. Therefore, the connection between actors of communication becomes 1) stretched and more muddled due to the mediation of written text, and 2) much narrower, because it lacks additional hints usual for oral communication. The integral result of such education expresses itself in a certain quality of personality that can be described as “the acquired dystrophy of the sense of incomprehension.” It has extremely significant negative consequences related to the formation of a free personality, for social life, and for genuine professional education


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    The conversion kinetics of N(o-carboxyphenyl)naphthalimide has been studied in buffer solutions over a pH range 5-12.6 and temperature range 25-70 °C. The naphthalimide hydrolysis is shown to be a reversible reaction. The mechanism of the alkaline hydrolysis of N(o- carboxyphenyl) phthalimide is proposed. The structure dependence of the imide hydrolytic stability is explained on the basis of the suggested mechanism

    РПД-логия и совершенствование образования в XXI в.

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    The introduction to the article describes the situation that has developed in the system of higher education in Russia after Perestroika and has led to an unambiguous predominance of administration over professionally significant employees.The objective of the article is to arrange a detailed analysis of the reasons for the inversely proportional relationship between the level of creativity and the level of bureaucratization that is emerging in modern conditions. As an example, such an aspect of bureaucratic activity as the development and implementation of standards, represented, in particular, by the work programs of disciplines (WPD) and work programs of practices (WPP), is taken.The main research methodology is a comparative and comparative historical analysis, which allows to identify the features of the activities for the creation of WPD and WPP, which is considered necessary to improve the level of methodological work and the corresponding improvement in the quality of teaching.The result of the study allows us to show that the organization of methodological work is built hierarchically, with methodologists at the upper levels, and all teachers, including professors, at the lower levels. The work of the making of educational programs has turned, on the one hand, into a separate discipline, and, on the other hand, into a process, completely autonomous from educational and scientific activities. It is necessary not for educational activities, but exclusively for passing confirmations from authorities (attestations). In addition, rigid and constantly changing requirements for standards (including changes of the standards themselves) are reinforced by additional requirements for the quality of teaching staff, which are growing according to the awareness of the ineffectiveness of previous measures. This practice is considered in the context of the global trend of transformation of universities from “universities of culture” to the “universities of excellence” (in Bill Readings’ terminology).The authors of the article come to conclusion that as a result of the ongoing educational policy, a situation arises not just of imitation of education, but of imitation of imitation. The heyday of the WPD-logy is an important modern indicator that the real trajectory of development of most universities in modern Russia actually demonstrates a sign ificant decline of the level teaching.Введение. В статье характеризуется ситуация, сложившаяся в системе высшего образования в России после перестройки и приведшая к однозначному преобладанию администрирования над профессионально значимыми сотрудниками. Задачей статьи является детальный анализ причин складывающейся в современных условиях обратно пропорциональной связи между уровнем креативности и уровнем бюрократизации. В качестве примера берется такие аспекты бюрократической деятельности, как разработка и внедрение стандартов, представляемых, в частности, рабочими программами дисциплин (РПД) и практик (РПП).Основной методологией исследования является сравнительный и сравнительно-исторический анализ, позволяющий выявить особенности деятельности по созданию РПД и РПП, которая считается необходимой для повышения уровня методической работы и соответствующего повышения качества преподавания.Результат исследования позволяет показать, что организация методической работы построена иерархически, причем на верхних уровнях оказываются методисты, а на нижних – все преподаватели, включая профессоров. Работа по созданию учебных программ превратилась, с одной стороны, в отдельную дисциплину, а с другой ‒ в совершенно автономный от учебно-научной деятельности процесс, необходимый не для учебной деятельности, а исключительно для прохождения аттестаций. Кроме того, жесткие и постоянно меняющиеся требования к стандартам (включая и изменения самих стандартов) подкрепляются дополнительными требованиями к качеству педагогического состава, растущими по мере осознания неэффективности предшествующих мер. Такая практика рассматривается в контексте общемировой тенденции трансформации университетов от университетов культуры к университетам совершенства (по терминологии Риддингса).Авторы статьи приходят к выводу, что в результате проводимой образовательной политики возникает ситуация не просто имитации образования, но имитации имитации. Расцвет РПД-логии является важным современным индикатором того, что реальная траектория развития большинства университетов современной России фактически демонстрирует существенное снижение уровня преподавания


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    178 strains of B. pertussis isolated from infected individuals in various regions of Russia from 1948 to 2012 have been studied for their susceptibility to six antibacterial preparations. It has been shown, that B. pertussis strains isolated from 1948 to 1989 were predominantly sensitive to erythromycin. In the following years a gradual decrease in susceptibility of circulating strains of B. pertussis to this antibiotic was registered with the emergence of strains with intermediate susceptibility in 22% of cases from 1990 to 2005 (MIC 0,060 mcg/mL), up to 59,3% in the last six years (MIC 0,125 mcg/mL). As for azithromycin, high susceptibility of strains of B. pertussis to this preparation was shown throughout the entire duration of the survey. However, the rate of incidence of intermediate strains reached 14% among those strains isolated from 1990 to 2005, and is now at 32%. Thus, after several decades of active use of antibiotics pertussis underwent a series of transformations resulting in a decrease in susceptibility of B. pertussis strains to erythromycin and azithromycin.Изучена антибиотикочувствительность 178 штаммов B. pertussis, выделенных от больных коклюшем в различных регионах РФ в 1948—2012 гг., к шести антибактериальным препаратам. Показано, что штаммы B. pertussis, выделенные в 1948— 1989 гг., преимущественно имели высокую чувствительность к эритромицину. В последующие годы выявлена последовательная тенденция снижения чувствительности циркулирующих штаммов B. pertussis к этому антибиотику с появлением в 22,0% случаев штаммов с промежуточной чувствительностью в 1990—2005 гг. (МПК 0,060 мкг/мл) до 59,3% — в последние 6 лет (МПК 0,125 мкг/мл). В отношении азитромицина обнаружена высокая чувствительность штаммов B. pertussis, выделенных на протяжении всех периодов наблюдения. Вместе с тем, частота выявляемости штаммов с промежуточной чувствительностью к препарату увеличилась до 14,0% среди штаммов B. pertussis, выделенных в 1990—2005 г г., и в настоящее время достигла 32,0%. Таким образом, за несколько десятилетий активного использования антибиотиков возбудитель коклюша претерпел ряд изменений, проявляющихся в снижении чувствительности штаммов B. pertussis к эритромицину и азитромицину.


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    The author critically examines the A.V. Khutorskoy’s article published in the 12th issue of 2017. The analysis is done with the use of other articles of the author who is aspiring to create a new scientific school of pedagogy, in particular in the field of the competency based approach. It is shown that the author’s claim to create a new approach to the design of education based on the competences is completely untenable. First, the delineated groups of competencies are so loosely formulated that the majority of these competencies preclude the verifiability, and therefore it is unclear for what purpose they have been formulated. Second, the principles of the new approach, which supposedly are dating back to the works of Russian cosmists, are so peculiar and contradictory that their unambiguous understanding is excluded straight away. In fact, it does not matter for the author, because these principles do not affect the content of the competencies proposed at the end. Yet, if they really influence something like, for example, the definition of the types of the customers of education, the result is extremely strange and absolutely not operational

    The New Normal?

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    The article discusses the preliminary results of the forced transition to entire online learning in the higher education system in the context of the general growth trend of the corresponding form of education in various universities around the world. The ideology defining this trend is considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the reality of a sharp increase in the level of control of both teachers and students by the creators of training platforms, as well as the possible consequences of this situation. It is shown that universities in different countries are seeking suitable forms of supplementing regular education with remote ones. The overall trend is a steady growth in online learning with significant variations across countries (examples include the United States, Australia, Germany, and China). It is obvious that national education systems differ significantly from each other, and with certain general trend towards online learning, each educational system is looking for its own, most suitable for the national culture, forms of education. It is also necessary to understand how online learning can be integrated into existing system without harm. At the moment, this is not clear either on the content level or methodological one. The article analyzes the temporary and long-term problems associated with the transition to distant education. The problem of technical support is probably the easiest to be solved. More serious and requiring new technologies is the problem of changing the nature of communication, which requires quite different efforts of both teachers and students if compare with the usual ones. Working on the platforms that are intended to radically change the educational environment under the slogans of ensuring an individual educational trajectory, in fact leads to the opposite. The author dwells on the problem of possible widespread replacement of conventional courses with recorded ones and, especially, the ideology of transition to online learning in the format of virtual reality, which allows the creators to exercise full control over the individual. The problem of monitoring of educational activities is discussed, which already in the current conditions makes it possible to record any actions and states of all participants in the process. The article is a reaction to the beginning of the process of widespread introduction of online technologies, and this approach, according to the author, allows to observe vividly the most painful aspects of the new situation (like the first impression of a meeting with the unknown)

    Russian philosophy as an expression of Russian national consciousness

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    Teacher and Pupil: Happiness of Interaction

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    Happiness is a universal category that describes processes of human existence. Getting education, acquiring knowledge is an important process of personal and civic development. The research problem posed in the article: is it possible to feel happiness and pleasure during the process of learning? The authors analyze this problem from the theoretical positions of philosophy, axiology, and sociology of culture. Overview of the theories and techniques of happiness reveals the methodical helplessness and invalidity of Humanities in relation to the research of happiness as a natural right of a man. The authors believe that the formulation and justification of the category of “feeling”, and its introduction into the scientific terminology of social studies and Humanities are in demand in modern scientific practice. Modern pedagogical practice, which is limited by standards and instructions, is far from being a happy process of acquiring knowledge and self-disclosure by a student and a teacher. It does not only involve the release of feelings, but also poses threat to the social order by violating the social position of the status of the “teacher – student” interaction, “freezing” the meanings of the process of social inheritance due to the requirements of conformity with performance indicators, thus transferring the educational process from the domain of culture onto the plane of market relations. Value of knowledge is included into the axiological system of society and does not need to be evaluated. To realize the value potential of knowledge means to create conditions for happy interaction of the main participants of this process – the carriers of the “teacher” and “pupil” statuses, but not to control the amount of this process. Knowledge may have terminal and instrumental meanings, but its main purpose is to serve the formation of personality, and not to serve the existence and needs of controllers

    Этика долга и биоэтика: проблема социального регулирования

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    The author demonstrates that a new collective consciousness is being formed (contrary to the «axis time» transition from col- lective consciousness to individual consciousness), and in this situation ethical relationships are being transformed into juridical re- lationships. In parallel to this process, the ethics of duty with its address to clan consciousness is being pushed out by utilitarian eth- ics. Meanwhile the secularization of reality is being realized. In these conditions bioethics play a major part in the process of avoid- ing ethical responsibility.В статье показано, что в ситуации формирования нового коллективного сознания (в противоположность «осевому времени» перехода к сознанию индивидуальному) этические отношения подменяются отношениями юридическими. Па- раллельно этика долга с ее апелляцией к общинному сознанию вытесняется этикой утилитарной, причем происходит рас- колдование действительности. Биоэтика в этих условиях играет роль одного из основных инструментов, облегчающих уход от этической ответственности

    Heading to the global world with pipets?

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    Обосновывается позиция, согласно которой, во-первых, необходимо вести се­рьезную политику в отношении русского языка; во-вторых, система образова­ния должна быть в этом отношении радикально перестроена; в третьих, лите­ратура должна осознавать свою ответственность перед русской культурой.The author substantiates the opinion demanding a serious policy as related to the Russian language, and, secondly, a radical restructuring of education system in this connection, and, thirdly, claims that literature must realize its responsibility to Russian culture