831 research outputs found

    Targeting the principle implementation in the system of social support

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify the actual problems of implementing the principle of targeting in the social protection system in Russia and to develop a set of measures to transform the mechanism of its provision based on a differentiated approach, which implies not only differences in the size of social transfers, but also on various forms of such support. Design/Methodology/Approach: As the basic approaches of the study there were chosen the theory of social investment and the conception of result-based budgeting. The study suggested the development of a more effective financial support system, the substantiation of a differentiated approach to the organization of a social system based on a single method by determining the degree of financial vulnerability of citizens and the development of methodological recommendations on the use of financial instruments to strengthen the targeting of social protection of needy citizens. Findings: The article substantiates that the necessary condition for the transformation of the social protection system to strengthen the social and financial security of needy citizens is the development of a differentiated approach in the provision of social support measures. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be implemented into the management of social protection in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness by using the targeting of social transfers based on clear criteria of need, the differentiated approach implementation in determining the measures of social support through the use of "map of social support of citizens", expanding the application of social contract technology. Originality/Value: The set of measures proposed in the study will make it possible not only to adjust and direct social support to really needy recipients and to differentiate the volume of the support provided, but also to create conditions for the recipients of targeted protection to self-sufficiency, which, in turn, will contribute to the poverty reduction.peer-reviewe

    Freezing of He-4 and its liquid-solid interface from Density Functional Theory

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    We show that, at high densities, fully variational solutions of solid-like type can be obtained from a density functional formalism originally designed for liquid 4He. Motivated by this finding, we propose an extension of the method that accurately describes the solid phase and the freezing transition of liquid 4He at zero temperature. The density profile of the interface between liquid and the (0001) surface of the 4He crystal is also investigated, and its surface energy evaluated. The interfacial tension is found to be in semiquantitative agreement with experiments and with other microscopic calculations. This opens the possibility to use unbiased DF methods to study highly non-homogeneous systems, like 4He interacting with strongly attractive impurities/substrates, or the nucleation of the solid phase in the metastable liquid.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Current state, problems and priority areas of social policy in contemporary Russia

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    A new model of social policy in Russia is being created under conditions of functioning federal system, characterized by extremely varying development levels of the Russian Federation subjects and by a range of their social problems, which become particularly urgent in connection with the low level of real income of the population, excessive social differentiation, existing socially disadvantaged population groups. In that regard, it is necessary to establish a holistic mechanism of social policy, where the primary role is attached to financial regulators. The purpose of the present study is to define ongoing problems of social policy implementing and financing in contemporary Russia and to outline appropriate solutions to these problems. The article provides the research results as follows: social policy development and functioning patterns and their influence on the population’s living standards and quality of life in the country; analysis of trends in the budget spending on financing priority areas in social policy; identification of institutional and financial barriers to functioning of social sectors; determination of directions for further study of solutions to the development problems of the country’s social policy.peer-reviewe

    Cultivars and lines added to the gene pool of VIR’s durum wheat collection in 2000–2019.

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    Replenishment of the collection of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), like any other crop collection held by VIR, is a permanent process aimed at expanding the geographic, morphological and agrobiological diversity of the crop’s gene pool. A special status in this process is given to the achievements of domestic breeders, whose cultivars and lines over time remain only in the ex situ collection and constitute the national heritage of Russia. Replenishment, along with conservation, studying and sharing with the users, is a mandatory task when managing a plant germplasm collection. It can be fulfilled by sending requests for seeds to other genebanks, through the exchange with the collections of foreign research centers, contacts with individual breeders or breeding centers in Russia, or when crop cultivars are submitted to VIR from the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Utilization in Russia. Besides, new accessions are added to the genebank by collecting missions.Descriptions have been made for 570 accessions included in the main catalogue of VIR’s durum wheat collection from 2000 to 2019. They originated from 28 countries of Europe, Asia, the Near East, Africa and North America, and from 16 regions of Russia.The durum wheat collection of VIR was replenished with accessions interesting both from the geographic and agrobiological viewpoints. Cultivars developed by domestic breeders are included in the global genetic resources collection primarily with the purpose of their conservation and comprehensive utilization, both now and in the future

    Search for a signal on intermediate baryon systems formation in hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions at high energies

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    We have analyzed the behavior of different characteristics of hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions as a function of centrality to get a signal on the formation of intermediate baryon systems. We observed that the data demonstrate the regime change and saturation. The angular distributions of slow particles exhibit some structure in the above mentioned reactions at low energy. We believe that the structure could be connected with the formation and decay of the percolation cluster. With increasing the mass of colliding nuclei, the structure starts to become weak and almost disappears ultimately. This shows that the number of secondary internuclear interactions increases with increasing the mass of the colliding nuclei. The latter could be a reason of the disintegration of any intermediate formations as well as clusters, which decrease their influence on the angular distribution of the emitted particles.Comment: 2 pages and one figur

    Financial engineering in a mechanism of public-private partnership in realization of the regional investment projects

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    Under the conditions of limited economic growth and risk of budget deficit the concept of financial engineering allows corporate structures with state participation optimizing financial resources movement, attracting additional sources of financing and minimizing cost of their usage. On the basis of financial engineering instruments the corporations solve the tasks of diverse complexity in the field of financial transactions, in particular with securities, make a balanced decision when developing financial and investment projects.peer-reviewe

    Risk control in modeling financial management systems of large corporations in the digital economy

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    Purpose: Growth in the uncertain business environment leads to the formation of demand for new institutional and legal conditions for the financial and investment strategies. The article discusses features of risk-oriented control in the context of digitalization. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study involves modern concepts of uncertainty theory and risk management solutions coupled with the analysis of factors affecting the system risk formation and development. Findings: Authors have developed the features of a modern global economic system, influencing risk formation and development, highlighted the prospects for the digitization of business systems and concluded that in terms of digitization interactive interagency cooperation of the real economy development support is main and required element of the Russian economic system's institutional matrix. Practical Implications: The research results may be implemented into financial management systems of large industrial corporations. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is the modern digitalization pattern affecting the financial systems'development.peer-reviewe

    Digital technologies in lending small and medium-size enterprises in Russia

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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the assessment of changes in the forms and methods of lending Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The purpose is to outline the role of digital technologies in the system of lending SMEs in Russia. Design/Methodology/Approach: To achieve this goal it is necessary: first, to outline the main changes in the banking industry considering digital technologies, second, to list the main banking products, how digital technologies influence the most (banks as ecosystems) and third, to describe how digital technologies are beneficial in lending SMEs. Findings: The authors defined the crucial role of digital technologies, underlined the leading role of the Russian financial sector in the world according to experts and offered the scheme of a digital banking product development. Also, the authors compared digital development in the EU and in Russia and made the conclusion towards some new opportunities to SMEs. Practical Implications: The research results may be implicated in a system of lending by means of digital products offered to SMEs and future key points of development in the digital sphere for the commercial banks, e-trade and fintech companies. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this article is in comparison between digital development in the EU and Russia, some leading role of the Russian banks in the world, description of a digital banking product development and considering the experience of the ecosystem of Sberbank for SMEs in Russia.peer-reviewe

    Contemporary challenges of state’s financial policy in the social sphere

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    The article is aimed at determining the bottlenecks of contemporary state’s financial policy development in social sphere and their relevant solutions. The study’s goal is considering the financial support of social sphere in conditions of curbing the state funding and widening the private financial sources without lowering the standard of living. It justifies the factors of social costs’ growth by spotting the social expenditures’ reserves, by analyzing the background of non-government funding sources of social services and by defining directions for further social solutions.peer-reviewe
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