455 research outputs found

    Two-step recommendations: contrast analysis and matrix factorization techniques

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    In this paper we present a two-step recommendation model based on Contrast Analysis and Matrix Factorization techniques which mutually complement each other. We also provide a brief overview of different Matrix Factorization approaches.У даній статті представлена двокрокова модель рекомендаційної системи, що використовує взаємодоповнюючим чином техніки контрастного аналізу та матричної факторизації. Також наданий короткий огляд варіацій методу матричної факторизації.В данной статье представлена двушаговая модель рекомендационной системы, которая использует взаимодополняющим образом техники контрастного анализа и матричной факторизации. Также приведен краткий обзор вариаций метода матричной факторизации

    Poetics of Book “Journey of Russian Imperial Sloop “Diana” from Kronstadt to Kamchatka ...” by V. M. Golovnin: Features of Documentary and Fiction Prose

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    Observations are presented on the features of the documentary and artistic organization of the book by V. M. Golovnin “Journey of Russian Imperial Sloop “Diana” from Kronstadt to Kamchatka...” (1819). Such issues as the thematic content of “Journey...”, the role of the author’s worldview in creating a single artistic whole, and the features of the aesthetic organization of documentary material are considered. The significance of the study is seen in the need to update the memory of the personality and literary work of V. M. Golovnin, an outstanding figure of Russian culture at the beginning of the 19th century. The presented material will allow supplementing with new facts the picture of the genre and style genesis of documentary and artistic genres in the Russian historical and literary process of the early 19th century. The relevance of the study is determined by the attention of modern literary criticism to the poetics of documentary and artistic genres. The novelty of the research is seen in the appeal to a little-known work of Russian literature of the first third of the 19th century. It is reported that the author showed the maritime way of life with its regulations, traditions, experience of intercultural communication. The work is considered in the main thematic lines: everyday life of a round-the-world sea expedition, seascape, battle studies, ethnographic sketches. It is noted that a value-semantic principle is revealed behind the empirical material, which gives the narrative artistic completeness and deeply brings Golovnin's “Journey ...” with the tradition of Russian classical literature


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    Objective: To define the specific features of bone metabolism and to estimate bone mineral density (BMD) in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). Subjects and methods. Fifty-three patients (9 males and 44 females) with ERA were examined. Markers of bone metabolism markers were assessed, by measuring the serum levels of osteocalcin and C-terminal telopeptides (bCrosslaps) by electrochemoluminescence immunoassay and those of type II interleukin (IL) 1 receptor (IL1RII) and IL-6 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Bone mineral density (BMD) was studied by distal forearm densitometry (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) on a DexaScan DX-10 apparatus. BMD was estimated in postmenopausal women by the T-test and in men and premenopausal women by the Z-test, as well as by the absolute value of BMD (g/cm2). Results. In patients with ERA, the level of bCrosslaps was 0.50.3 ng/ml (p0.05), which is accordingly higher and lower than the reference values. There were no changes in these parameters in relation to serogroup and Xray disease stage. With higher ERA activity, there was a tendency for bCrosslaps to increase and osteocalcin to remain unchanged. There was a tendency towards decreased IL1 RII and increased proinflammatory IL-6 levels. Correlation analysis revealed a correlation between the value of BMD and the content of bCrosslaps and osteocalcin in patients with ERA and between the levels of IL-6 and bCrosslaps. Regression analysis showed a significant impact of the parameters of the course of the disease and immunological parameters on BMD changes and bone metabolism markers. Age and body mass index also affected the parameters of BMD in patients with ERA

    Влияние экономических ожиданий на финансовое поведение российского населения

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    The authors on the basis of official statistical data and results of own sociological research analyze the impact of economic expectations on the formation of models of financial behavior of the Russian population. Current crisis makes analysis of factors and types of savings strategies (as the most common type of financial behavior in our country) particularly important. There is a hypothesis that savings give people confidence in their future amid economic turmoil, therefore, it should guarantee a certain measure of social stability. Savings in the form of bank deposits ensure the stability not only of the banking and financial systems, but ultimately of the country as a whole, affecting employment and incomes. This article discusses the transformation of savings strategies, including the appropriateness, form, norm and currency savings. The authors demonstrate how economic situation effects financial position of households and motivates their financial behavior in the face of negative expectations. Comparison of views on the current economic situation of the country and projections of the (near) future of highest income segment of the population and total population of Russia revealed perception similarities when it comes to feasibility of savings and general confidence in the banking system. The authors came to the conclusion that the so-called savings behavior dominates all the other types of financial preferences in our country. General decline in living standards observed in 2014-2015 and differentiation in income levels across regions and social layers prove to be the main factors influencing the formation of risk-free financial strategies.Авторы на основе официальных статистических данных и результатов собственного социологического исследования анализируют влияние экономических ожиданий населения на формирование особенностей финансового поведения россиян. В современных кризисных условиях весьма актуальным представляется анализ факторов и типов сберегательных стратегий как самого распространенного вида финансового поведения населения в нашей стране. С помощью статистического инструментария приведена доказательная база, подтверждающая гипотезу о том, что на фоне экономических неурядиц сбережения придают населению уверенность в завтрашнем дне, а значит, должны гарантировать определенную меру социальной стабильности. Сбережения населения, будучи организованы в банковские депозиты, способствуют также стабильности в банковско-финансовой сфере, а в конечном итоге и в экономике в целом, существенно влияя на уровень занятости и доходов граждан. В статье рассмотрена трансформация сберегательных стратегий, включающих в себя целесообразность, формы, норму и валюту сбережений. Показано влияние сложившейся экономической ситуации в стране на материальное положение домашних хозяйств и мотивы их финансового поведения на фоне негативных ожиданий. Сравнение мнений о современном экономическом положении страны и прогнозов на ближайшие годы у представителей высокодоходных слоев и всего населения выявило сходство в представлениях россиян о целесообразности накоплений и доверии к банковской системе. Авторы пришли к выводу о преобладании так называемого сберегательного поведения как одного из главных видов финансового предпочтения среди российского населения. Общее снижение уровня жизни в 2014-2015 гг. и усиление дифференциации в уровне доходов по регионам и социальным слоям - основные факторы, повлиявшие на формирование безрисковых финансовых стратегий

    Study of the cytokine genes SNPs association with the characteristics of the immunological status of children with recurrent respiratory infection

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    To study the immunological status of RRI children and to analyze the association of SNP -330T>G in IL2 and -1082G>A in IL10 with the relative and absolute values of the main subpopulations of lymphocyte

    To the question of mortality from ethanol poisoning the population in the Chelyabinsk region

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamics of mortality the population in the Chelyabinsk region from ethyl alcohol poisoning.Цель исследования – проанализировать динамику смертности населения Челябинской области от отравлений этиловым спиртом

    Future teachers' communicative culture forming by means of drama-based pedagogy

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    © Serials Publications. The relevance of the paper is conditioned by the transformation of the educational paradigm, from the "educated person" to the "man of a culture ", who integrates different cultures, is oriented to dialogue with the society, capable of creating the image of the world and is able its own image in this world. The purpose of the paper is to disclose the technological reserves for the formation of the communication culture of the future teacher as a "man of culture". As such a reserve, the authors define the use of the technologies of drama pedagogy, based on the communicative nature of the theater as a socio-cultural form of creative communication. The authors consider the communication effects of rhetorical theatrical tools: The effect of visual image, the first phrases, information quantum ejection, relaxation, imagination, discussion, ellipse; functions of pedagogical communication according to the laws of the theatrical action; prove the effectiveness of their use in the process of forming the communicative culture of the future teacher. The paper is intended for educators and psychologists dealing with the problems of researching the culture of the future teachers, including their communication culture