164 research outputs found


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    Information factor of influence on company capitalization is considered. The researches revealing mutual influence between share prices and a news background of the organization (positive, negative or neutral) are analysed. Influence the fake of news on the market cost of the company and possibility of restoration of reputation after influence the fake news is analysed. The conclusion that a news background, first of all his quality, is a disputable factor of influence on company cost became result. He demands bigger attention and bigger number of researches, introduction of new models of his analysis and correlation with company capitalization. Further researches have to be devoted to the analysis of influence of pessimistic, optimistic and neutral news on dynamics of capitalization of the companies. Having studied a number of the companies, it will be possible to draw a conclusion on what group of branches is more subject to influence of information background. Further it will be possible to formulate behavior model which is preferable to the company, seeking to increase the capitalization and to reduce risks of volatility of the actions

    Complementary methods for the prevention and treatment of stress-induced mastopathy

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    The article considers the relationship between stress and diseases of the female reproductive system. A method for the rehabilitation of patients with mastopathy resulting from psycho-emotional stress (stress) based on the use of complementary methods of prevention and medical rehabilitation is proposed

    О разрабатываемом методе анализа ледяных кернов с высоким разрешением

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    A continuous flow analysis (CFA) is a relatively new ice core analysis method deployed worldwide nowadays. This method allows measuring geochemical and gas concentrations in the ice core samples with ultra-high resolution in depth (age) domain. Different modifications of the CFA experimental setups were built in many research centers dealing with the ice cores and paleoclimate studies. Here we provide a brief history of the method, a description of a typical CFA setup. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a setup and propose some ways to solve current technical issues. We show the main principle of the first Russian CFA setup, which is to be built at the Climate and Environmental Research Laboratory, AARI, in order to measure a concentration of atmospheric dust particles and methane in the old atmospheric Vostok ice core.В статье приведена краткая история метода анализа непрерывного потока (Continuous Flow Analysis — CFA), дано описание типичной многофункциональной установки CFA, проанализированы ее преимущества и недостатки, а также намечены пути решения существующих технических проблем. Описаны основные параметры первой в России экспериментальной установки CFA, которую планируется создать в Лаборатории изменений климата и окружающей среды (ЛИКОС) ААНИИ для измерения концентрации частиц атмосферной пыли и метана в керне древнего льда со станции Восток

    Variations of snow accumulation rate in Central Antarctica over the last 250 years

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    The present-day global climate changes, very likely caused by anthropogenic activity, may potentially present a serious threat to the whole human civilization in a near future. In order to develop a plan of measures aimed at elimination of these threats and adaptation to these undesirable changes, one should deeply understand the mechanism of past and present (and thus, future) climatic changes of our planet. In this study we compare the present-day data of instrumental observations of the air temperature and snow accumulation rate performed in Central Antarctica (the Vostok station) with the reconstructed paleogeographic data on a variability of these parameters in the past. First of all, the Vostok station is shown to be differing from other East Antarctic stations due to relatively higher rate of warming (1.6 °C per 100 years) since 1958. At the same time, according to paleogeographic data, from the late eighteenth century to early twenty-first one the total warming amounted to about 1 °C, which is consistent with data from other Antarctic regions. So, we can make a conclusion with high probability that the 30-year period of 1985–2015 was the warmest over the last 2.5 centuries. As for the snow accumulation rate, the paleogeographic data on this contain a certain part of noise that does not allow reliable concluding. However, we found a statistically significant relationship between the rate of snow accumulation and air temperature. This means that with further rise of temperature in Central Antarctica, the rate of solid precipitation accumulation will increase there, thus partially compensating increasing of the sea level

    Capturing the Fire: Flame Energetics and Neutronizaton for Type Ia Supernova Simulations

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    We develop and calibrate a realistic model flame for hydrodynamical simulations of deflagrations in white dwarf (Type Ia) supernovae. Our flame model builds on the advection-diffusion-reaction model of Khokhlov and includes electron screening and Coulomb corrections to the equation of state in a self-consistent way. We calibrate this model flame--its energetics and timescales for energy release and neutronization--with self-heating reaction network calculations that include both these Coulomb effects and up-to-date weak interactions. The burned material evolves post-flame due to both weak interactions and hydrodynamic changes in density and temperature. We develop a scheme to follow the evolution, including neutronization, of the NSE state subsequent to the passage of the flame front. As a result, our model flame is suitable for deflagration simulations over a wide range of initial central densities and can track the temperature and electron fraction of the burned material through the explosion and into the expansion of the ejecta.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, to appear in Ap

    Дослідження стійкості геміклональних популяційних систем гібридогенного комплексу зелених жаб за допомогою імітаційного моделювання

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    The concept of stability used in ecology and mathematics is analyzed. Stability is interpreted as the ability of the system to remain in a restricted zone of a phase space that corresponds to a certain type of systems. This approach is applied to describe changes in the structure of hemiclonal population systems of hybridogenous complex of water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex). Simulation model of these population systems built on a recursive difference equations in MS Excel is used. The dynamics of transitions in the part of phase space of the hemiclonal populationsystems of water frogs is described. Typology of stabile states of biosystems is analyzed.Проанализировано понятие устойчивости в экологии и математике. Обосновывается трак­товка устойчивости как способности системы оставаться в ограниченной зоне фазового пространства, соответствующей определенному типу рассматриваемых систем. Этот подход применен для описания изменений состава гемиклональных популяционных систем гибридогенного комплекса зеленых лягушек (Pelophylax esculentus complex). Использована имитационная модель, построенная на рекур­рентных разностных уравнениях в MS Excel. Описана динамика переходов в части фазового пространства гемиклональных популяционных систем зеленых лягушек. Проанализирована типология состояний устойчивости биосистем. Проаналізовано поняття стійкості в екології та математиці. Обґрунтовується трактування стійкості як здатності системи залишатися в обмеженій зоні фазового простору, що відповідає певному типу систем, які розглядаються. Цей підхід застосований для опису змін складу геміклональних популяційних систем гібридогенного комплексу зелених жаб (Pelophylax esculentus complex). Використано імітаційну модель, побудовану на рекурентних різницевих рівняннях в MS Excel. Описано динаміку переходів у частині фазового простору геміклональних популяційних систем зелених жаб. Проаналізовано типологію станів стійкості біосистем.

    Directions of optimization of the development of the sphere of physical culture and sport in educational institutions in Lipetsk

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    The article contains theoretical and methodological materials on the problem of the development of physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation.Статья содержит теоретические и методические материалы по проблеме развития физической культуры и спорта Российской Федерации

    Experience of early prevention of pathological scarring after burns

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    Since one of the most common causes of the patients life quality decrease in burn injuries is the formation of gross pathological scars, which lead to cosmetic defects, contractures and deformations of the body, which significantly worsens work capacity and increases disability of young population, we compared several different approaches to early anti-scars therapy after burns in the presence of an identified predisposition to excessive scarring. The obtained results showed significant effectiveness of early prevention of connective tissue hyperplasia after injuries and operations using a gel complex with cepalin extract (Contractubex), compression and spa treatment after early closing of deep burns with todermoplastic and the use of modern wound coverings.Так как одной из наиболее распространенных причин снижения качества жизни пациентов с ожоговыми травмами является формирование грубых патологических рубцов, которые приводят к косметическим дефектам, контрактурам и деформациям тела, что значительно ухудшает работоспособность и увеличивает инвалидизацию молодого, трудоспособного населения, нами было проведено сравнение нескольких различных подходов к ранней противорубцовой терапии после ожогов при наличии выявленной предрасположенности к избыточному рубцеобразованию. Полученные результаты показали значительную эффективность ранней профилактики гиперплазии соединительной ткани после травм и операций при использовании комплекса геля с экстрактом цепалина, компрессии и санаторно-курортного лечения после раннего закрытия глубоких ожогов пластикой и применения современных раневых покрытий

    Decadal Scale Variability of Larsen Ice Shelf Melt Captured by Antarctic Peninsula Ice Core

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    In this study, we used the stable water isotope record (δ18O) from an ice core drilled in Palmer Land, southern Antarctic Peninsula (AP). Utilizing δ18O we identified two climate regimes during the satellite era. During the 1979–1998 positive interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO) phase, a low-pressure system north of the Weddell Sea drove southeasterly winds that are associated with an increase in warm air mass intrusion onto the Larsen shelves, which melted and a decreased sea ice concentration in the Weddell Sea/increase in the Bellingshausen Sea. This climate setting is associated with anomaly low δ18O values (compared with the latter IPO period). There is significantly more melt along the northern AP ice shelf margins and on the Larsen D and southern Larsen C during the 1979–1998 IPO positive phase. The IPO positive climatic setting was coincidental with the Larsen A ice shelf collapse. In contrast, during the IPO negative phase (1999–2011), northerly winds caused a reduction in sea ice in the Bellingshausen Sea/Drake Passage region. Moreover, a Southern Ocean north of the Weddell Sea high-pressure system caused low-latitude warm humid air over the tip and east of the AP, a setting that is associated with increased northern AP snowfall, a high δ18O anomaly, and less prone to Larsen ice shelf melt