7,034 research outputs found

    An Ethical Assessment of Philippine Laws on National Security through Deontological Ethics

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    As a democratic country, the Philippines value the natural rights enshrined in the Constitution. Filipinos, particularly those who were involved in the preservation of democracy, were up in arms when the Republic Act 11479 or the Anti-Terrorism Act and formerly, the repealed Republic Act 9372 or the Human Security Act were passed. Filipinos fear that both infringe on basic human rights, such as that of right to life, liberty, and property. For this reason, there is a need to encourage research that will assess these laws concerning the national security of the country, in an ethical manner, in order to shed light on the ethical basis of these laws whether or not they abide by the foundational moral theories in promoting the national security of the Philippines

    Homological Epimorphisms and Hochschild-Mitchell Cohomology

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    In this work, we study the Hochschild-Mitchell Cohomology of triangular matrix categories. Given a triangular matrix category Λ=[T0MU]\Lambda=\left[ \begin{smallmatrix} \mathcal{T} & 0 \\ M & \mathcal{U} \end{smallmatrix}\right], we investigate the relationship of the Hochschild-Mitchell cohomologies Hi(Λ)H^{i}(\Lambda) and Hi(U)H^{i}(\mathcal{U}) of Λ\Lambda and U\mathcal{U} respectively; and we show that they can be connected by a long exact sequence. This result extend the well-known result of Michelana-Platzeck given in [S. Michelena, M. I. Platzeck. {\it{Hochschild cohomology of triangular matrix algebras}}. J. Algebra 233, (2000) 502-525].Comment: In this new version, the title of the article has been changed and a new section has been adde

    Dynamics of zonal flow-like structures in the edge of the TJ-II stellarator

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    The dynamics of fluctuating electric field structures in the edge of the TJ-II stellarator, that display zonal flow-like traits, is studied. These structures have been shown to be global and affect particle transport dynamically [J.A. Alonso et al., Nucl. Fus. 52 063010 (2012)]. In this article we discuss possible drive (Reynolds stress) and damping (Neoclassical viscosity, geodesic transfer) mechanisms for the associated ExB velocity. We show that: (a) while the observed turbulence-driven forces can provide the necessary perpendicular acceleration, a causal relation could not be firmly established, possibly because of the locality of the Reynolds stress measurements, (b) the calculated neoclassical viscosity and damping times are comparable to the observed zonal flow relaxation times, and (c) although an accompanying density modulation is observed to be associated to the zonal flow, it is not consistent with the excitation of pressure side-bands, like those present in geodesic acoustic oscillations, caused by the compression of the ExB flow field

    El cultivo de ajipa. Una posible alternativa para la producción de hidratos de carbono, proteína y aceite en un sistema de agricultura sostenible

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    28 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas, 14 referencias. Colección: Agricultura. Serie: Cultivos industriales.Puede descargarse online en https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicios/publicaciones/detalle/49368.htmlLa ajipa, cuyo nombre científico es Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi, es una planta de la familia Leguminosas ya cultivada por los Incas durante el período precolombino, junto con especies muy habituales y mucho más conocidas para nosotros, como el maíz y el pimiento. De la importancia de la ajipa durante el período Inca dan cuenta los hallazgos arqueológicos de restos de raíces en enterramientos humanos (Paracas-Necrópolis), y las representaciones en cerámica y bordados de distintas culturas (Mochica, Nasca).Los trabajos realizados fueron financiados mayoritariamente con fondos del proyecto de la Unión Europea AHIPA (FAIR6 CT98-4297)Peer reviewe

    The economic impact of climate change on urban drainage master planning in Barcelona

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    In the context of global change, urban drainage infrastructures must be planned considering future challenges such as new climate change and urban growth scenarios. Large cities require master plans to properly rank and schedule infrastructure development. The flood mitigation measures proposed in previous plans must be revised and updated to address future urban challenges with special regard to climate scenarios. Regarding risk assessment, there is no linear relationship between an increase in rainfall and an increase in risk value. For risk management, the relationship between an increase in rainfall increase and the budget for mitigation measures is even more complex. To investigate this relationship and the economic impact of the aforementioned up-date, a new plan should be elaborated. Urban drainage master plans have been developed in Barcelona city for the last 50 years. In terms of rainfall, the impact of climate change has been established to be an increase of 7–26% at peak intensity, depending on rainfall duration. The Integral Drainage Master Plan of Barcelona (PDISBA) addresses these new challenges. The modification of rainfall scenario planning and the typology of mitigation measures result in an important rise in investment budget, infrastructure life cycle, and operation and maintenance budgets for said infrastructure. The total cost of the planned measures outlined in the PDISBA has risen to €1.442 million, nearly double that of the previous plan developed in 2006

    Phacoemulsification of the crystalline lens and implantation of an intraocular lens for the correction of moderate and high myopia: Four-year follow-up

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    Purpose: To assess the safety of lens extraction and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in patients with high myopia treated for initial lens opacity and/or refractive indications. Setting: Instituto de Microcirugfa Ocular de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Methods: This retrospective nonrandomized case series study comprised 44 eyes of 30 consecutive myopic patients who had surgery because of initial lens opacity and/or refractive indications during a 2-year period. In each case, phacoemulsification was performed using an ultrasonic technique and an IOL was implanted in the capsular bag. The patients were seen preoperatively to evaluate retinal pathology. They also had a complete ophthalmologic evaluation that included detailed indirect ophthalmoscopy. All patients were followed at regular intervals. The main outcome measures were preoperative and postoperative-spherical equivalent (SE), the incidence of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) and the need for capsulotomy, and the incidence of retinal complications. Results: In all eyes, the surgery was uneventful. The mean patient age at surgery was 42.83 years; the mean preoperative SE was -15.77 diopters (D) and the mean postoperative SE, -1.05 D. No eye required preoperative peripheral retinal photocoagulation. Twenty-five eyes (56.8%) had PCO and had a neodymium:YAG laser capsulotomy. One eye had a retinal tear 14 months after surgery and was treated with focal photocoagulation. The mean endothelial cell loss was 2.1% during the first postoperative year. Two eyes had an immediate postoperative intraocular pressure (IOP)rise, 1 with an inflammatory membrane and the other with corneal edema; both resolved with topical treatment. One eye with elevated IOP and a bad response to medical treatment had argon laser trabeculoplasty. No eye had a retinal detachment during the follow-up. Conclusion: With a thorough preoperative ophthalmologic evaluation and uneventful surgery, patients who have phacoemulsification and IOL implantation for the correction of myopia have a satisfactory chance of obtaining good visual results with few complications. ©2003 ASCRS and ESCRS

    Diseño y caracterización de gomitas miel-menta y miel-eucalipto.

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    A La comercialización de los productos y subproductos de la colmena en cosmetología, farmacéutica y alimentos han aumentado en el mercado nacional, se observa en diferentes ferias apícolas en México. Este artículo describe el diseño de formulaciones de goma conmiel adicionado con esencias de menta y eucalipto, modificados con sabor-color artificial. Evaluación sensorial, Análisis Fisicoquímico y Análisis microbiológico son determinados al producto obtenido, la cual se valora sensorialmente en comparación con gomitas comerciales. Es necesario estandarizar los ingredientes y la miel para el producto obtenido posea las mismas características sensoriales, predominando el sabor miel-menta y miel eucalipto enriquecido con esencia de fresa, considerando a personas que no consumen productos de miel a través de una evaluación sensorial. Las gomitas con esencia de fresa, fisicoquímicamente tiene humedad adecuada para el almacenamiento es ligeramente ácido y un rango de 58-62 grados Brix. Se obtuvo la gomita de miel-eucalipto y miel-menta, poseen un color rojo, sabor a miel y suave textura elástica, con buena aceptación sensorial. Fisicoquímicamente y microbiológicamente los productos obtenidos miel-eucalipto-fresa, miel-menta-fresa cumplen con las Normas Mexicanas además no presentan ningún riesgo para la salud en caso de ingestión

    Compressive behaviour at High Temperatures of Fibre Reinforced Concretes

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    This paper summarizes the research that is being carried out at the Universities of Coimbra and Rio de Janeiro, on fibre reinforced concretes at high temperatures. Several high strength concrete compositions reinforced with fibres (polypropylene, steel and glass fibres) were developed. The results of compressive tests at high temperatures (300 °C, 500 °C and 600 °C) and after heating and cooling down of the concrete are presented in the paper. In both research studies, the results indicated that polypropylene fibers prevent concrete spalling.