54 research outputs found

    Combined surface modification of commercial aluminum

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    The paper analyzes research data on the structure and properties of surface layers of commercially pure A7-grade aluminum subjected to treatment that combines deposition of a thin metal film, intense pulsed electron beam irradiation, and nitriding in low-pressure arc plasma. The analysis shows that the combined method of surface modification provides the formation of a multilayer structure with submicro- and nano-sized phases in the material through a depth of up to 40 ?m, allowing a manifold increase in its surface microhardness and wear resistance (up to 4 and 9 times, respectively) compared to the material core. The main factors responsible for the high surface strength are the saturation of the aluminum lattice with nitrogen atoms and the formation of nano-sized particles of aluminum nitride and iron aluminides

    A Multi-Model Paradigm in Application to the Analysis of the Factors Defining the Epizootic Situation in the Communities of Non-Synanthropic Small Mammals in Ekaterinburg

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    The aim of the work was to rank statistical models for assessing the contribution of a number of factors that determine the epizootic situation on natural-focal infectious diseases in the communities of non-synanthropic small mammals (SM) in the forests of Ekaterinburg.Materials and methods. The SM survey was carried out for three years in the summer-autumn period. The animals were caught with snap tpaps on a standard bread bait, 9705 trap-nights were worked out. To identify infections (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tularemia, leptospirosis, yersiniosis, pseudotuberculosis), 333 SM specimens (rodents and shrews of six species) were used, randomly taken from the general sample. To determine the pathogens, the methods of enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction were used. The cumulative infection rate of small mammals with all studied natural-focal infections was evaluated. Statistical data processing was carried out from the standpoint of a multi-model approach. The selection of models was performed using the Akaike information criterion with the calculation of the sum of the weights of the models based on their full spectrum (SW).Results and discussion. Carriers of all of the mentioned above infections, except for pseudotuberculosis, have been identified in the forest parks of Ekaterinburg. According to the ranking, the model with three predictors received the highest weight: species, year, and the abundance of SM of the previous year in a particular habitat. The most significant predictors for the full spectrum of models are the year (SW=1), species (SW=0.6), abundance of animals in the current and previous year (SW=0.48). The distribution of positive samples by species of small mammals corresponded to their ranking by abundance in the community. The influence of the factors “season” (summer or autumn) and “area” (place of capture of animals) turned out to be insignificant on the scale of the studies (SW = 0.3 and 0.16, respectively). The percentage of infected samples in total for all infections varied significantly by location and year (0–60%). The possible significance of unaccounted factors is discussed: landscape features and the mode of using forest parks, dispersal of small mammals. The conclusion is made about the usefulness of the multi-model approach in the analysis of the data from epizootiological studies

    Hydrodechlorination of 4-Chlorophenol on Pd-Fe Catalysts on Mesoporous ZrO2SiO2 Support

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    A mesoporous support based on silica and zirconia (ZS) was used to prepare monometallic 1 wt% Pd/ZS, 10 wt% Fe/ZS, and bimetallic FePd/ZS catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by TPR-H2, XRD, SEM-EDS, TEM, AAS, and DRIFT spectroscopy of adsorbed CO after H2 reduction in situ and tested in hydrodechlorination of environmental pollutant 4-chlorophelol in aqueous solution at 30 °C. The bimetallic catalyst demonstrated an excellent activity, selectivity to phenol and stability in 10 consecutive runs. FePd/ZS has exceptional reducibility due to the high dispersion of palladium and strong interaction between FeOx and palladium, confirmed by TPR-H2, DRIFT spectroscopy, XRD, and TEM. Its reduction occurs during short-time treatment with hydrogen in an aqueous solution at RT. The Pd/ZS was more resistant to reduction but can be activated by aqueous phenol solution and H2. The study by DRIFT spectroscopy of CO adsorbed on Pd/ZS reduced in harsh (H2, 330 °C), medium (H2, 200 °C) and mild conditions (H2 + aqueous solution of phenol) helped to identify the reasons of the reducing action of phenol solution. It was found that phenol provided fast transformation of Pd+ to Pd0. Pd/ZS also can serve as an active and stable catalyst for 4-PhCl transformation to phenol after proper reduction

    Надпочечник как мишень синхронного и метахронного поражения при метастатическом почечно-клеточном раке. Хирургическое результаты одноцентрового исследования.

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    Background. Surgical treatment of solitary and oligometastatic metastases in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the treatment options for modern oncology.The objective of study to compare surgical outcomes in treatment of synchronous and metachronous solitary metastatic adrenal tumors in RCC.Materials and methods. The study included 93 patients with kidney cancer, from 1997 till 2018, who underwent surgical treatment in the urological oncology department of the P.A. Hertzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute. The 1st group is represented by 58 patients with RCC and synchronous secondary adrenal gland lesion, who underwent simultaneous surgery, consist of radical nephrectomy and adrenalectomy without subsequent adjuvant therapy. The 2nd group included 35 patients with metachronous solitary metastatic adrenal gland lesion who underwent surgical treatment.Results. The progression of disease to left adrenal gland was observed in 40 (43.0 %) cases, to the right – in 39 (41.9 %), both adrenal glands — 14 (15.1 %) cases. The median diameter of the adrenal tumors was 44 (4—170) mm, the most common in both groups were tumors less than 5 cm (58.1 %). The sensitivity of ultrasound in the diagnosis of adrenal tumors was 80.6 %, computed tomography – 93.5 %, adrenal biopsy – 73.9 %. The median of the observation time was 42 months (1st group — 24 months, 2nd group – the median was not achieved). The one-year survival of patients with a metachronous lesion of adrenal was 82.3 ± 76.6 % versus 52.8 ± 7.1 % in the synchronous lesion group, three-year survival was 79.2 ± 7.0 % versus 32.3 ± 7.6 % and five-year – 57.0 ± 10.0 % versus 16.2 ± 12.0 %, respectively. In multivariate analysis, only a metachronous lesion is a factor of favorable prognosis (p = 0.002).Conclusion. Surgical treatment for metachronous adrenal gland metastatic lesions is appropriate intervention and provides better patient survival rates compared to synchronous lesions.Введение. Хирургическое лечение солитарных и олигометастатических метастазов при почечно-клеточном раке (ПКР) является актуальной задачей современной онкологии.Цель исследования — сравнительный анализ результатов хирургического лечения синхронных и метахронных солитарных метастатических опухолей надпочечников при ПКР.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 93 пациента, которым в период с 1997 по 2018 г. проводилось хирургическое лечение в условиях отделения онкоурологии МНИОИ им. П.А. Герцена по поводу ПКР. В 1-ю группу вошли 58 пациентов с ПКР и синхронным вторичным поражением надпочечника, которым проводили симультанное хирургическое вмешательство в объеме нефрэктомии и адреналэктомии без последующей адъювантной терапии. Во 2-ю группу включены 35 пациентов с метахронным солитарным метастатическим поражением надпочечника, которым проводили хирургическое лечение.Результаты. Поражение левого надпочечника наблюдалось в 40 (43,0 %) случаях, правого – в 39 (41,9 %), обоих надпочечников в 14 (15,1 %). Медиана диаметра опухолей надпочечника составила 44 (4‒170) мм, наиболее часто (58,1 %) в обеих группах встречались опухоли менее 5 см   Чувствительность ультразвукового исследования при диагностике опухолей надпочечника составила 80,6 %, компьютерной томографии – 93,5 %, биопсии надпочечника — 73,9 %. Медиана времени наблюдения составила 42 мес (в 1‑й группе – 24 мес, во 2-й группе медиана не достигнута). Одногодичная выживаемость пациентов 2‑й группы составила 82,3 ± 76,6 % против 52,8 ± 7,1 % в 1‑й группе, 3-летняя – 79,2 ± 7,0 и 32,3 ± 7,6 %, 5-летняя – 57,0 ± 10,0 и 16,2 ± 12,0 % соответственно. При многофакторном анализе только метахронное поражение является фактором благоприятного прогноза (p = 0,002).Заключение. Хирургическое лечение при солитарном метахронном метастатическом поражении надпочечника является оправданным вмешательством и обеспечивает лучшие показатели выживаемости пациентов по сравнению с синхронным поражением


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    На медных электрических контактах контакторов серии КПВ-605 сформированы электровзрывные покрытия Ag–CdO. Методом просвечивающей электронной микроскопии изучены их фазовый состав, морфология и дефектная субструктура. Исследования показали, что полученные покрытия относятся к нанокристаллическим материалам.Electro-explosive coatings of Ag–CdO are formed on copper electrical contacts of KPV-605 series contactors. Transmittance electron microscopy was used to study their phase composition, morphology, and defect substructure. Studies have shown that the coatings obtained relate to nano-crystalline materials.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 16-32-60032 мол_а_дк и при финансовой поддержке Гранта Президента Российской Федерации для государственной поддержки молодых российских ученых – кандидатов наук МК-1118.2017.2, а также при частичной финансовой поддержке комплексной программы СО РАН в рамках программы фундаментальных исследований РАН «Наноструктуры: физика, химия, биология, основы технологий» (проект № 0366-2015-0005)

    Как придать импульс развитию российской экономики: приоритеты действий (предложения к Основным направлениям деятельности Правительства РФ до 2024 г.)

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    This report was prepared by the staff of the Institute for Economic Forecast of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. It gives suggestions to implement priority measures to facilitate the transfer the Russian economy to the direction defined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (est. May 7, 2018). The report also highlights priority directions of the economic policy, primarily in investment activity, development of the domestic market, as well as financial and organizational support for the suggested actions.В докладе, подготовленном сотрудниками Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН и Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации, представлены предложения по первоочередным мерам, способствующим переводу российской экономики на траекторию, определенную Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 07.05.2018. Выделены приоритетные направления  экономической политики, прежде всего, в инвестиционной деятельности, развитии внутреннего рынка, а также финансового и организационного обеспечения предлагаемых мер

    Prostate cancer. Principles of early diagnosis

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    Among the main methods of examination of prostate cancer: finger rectal examination, PSA test, ultrasonography of prostate, none possesses enough specificity and sensitivity. In our research, we used special statistic and mathematic processing (multifactor analysis and binary logic regression) of main prostate cancer symptoms, which allows to suspect Prostate Cancer with 97% accuracy and also reduce the incidence of prostate biopsy. The article presents a clinical example of early diagnosis of prostate cancer

    Clinical and Pharmacological Approaches to the Prescription of Centrally Acting Antihypertensive Drugs for Uncontrolled Arterial Hypertension

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    Episodes of rapid increase in blood pressure due to uncontrolled arterial hypertension, previously known as a hypertensive urgency, is common clinical condition which many of practicing physicians are encountered daily. As a rule, these conditions are not life-threatening, however they could lead to target-organs damage if not promptly relieved. Therefore, clear evidence-based recommendations of optimal antihypertensive drug administration in these situations would provide more safe and effective therapy. Despite that, definite expert consensus regarding optimal choice of antihypertensive drugs to manage these patients have not been reached so far. The aim of the current review was to assess the results obtained from clinical trials regarding the safety and efficacy of moxonidine for urgent hypertensive therapy in patients with uncontrolled arterial hypertension admitted to emergency healthcare units as well as in those at the prehospital stage. Performed literature-based analysis revealed enough evidences proving that moxonidine can be administered in a single dose of 0.4 mg as a drug of choice in situations where prompt and stable hypotensive effect is desired. Results of comparative studies designed to closely match real clinical settings indicate that more adequate and sustainable therapeutic effect is achieved after moxonidine administration in comparison to other frequently used antihypertensive drugs

    Prediction of prostate cancer by the general discriminant analysis models

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    The study presents a retrospective analysis of risk factors for prostate cancer in 122 men. First, a comparative analysis of many factors: age, weight, bad habits, levels of testosterone and of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), comorbidities, blood group, RH factor, manual rectal investigation, the results of the prostate ultrasound was conducted. Next, using general models of discriminant analysis, five of the most significant risk factors for prostate cancer were identified: inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder, increased PSA blood test, blood group, overweight patient. Applied discriminant equation containing the five most informative features, allows up to 97.5% to predict the likelihood of developing prostate cancer