71 research outputs found

    Linear and Nonlinear EEG Synchronization in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    As is known, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with cognitive deficits due to significant neuronal loss. Reduced connectivity might be manifested as changes in the synchronization of electrical activity of collaborating parts of the brain. We used wavelet coherence to estimate linear/nonlinear synchronization between EEG samples recorded from different leads. Mutual information was applied to the complex wavelet coefficients in wavelet scales to estimate nonlinear synchronization. Synchronization rates for a group of 110 patients with moderate AD (MMSE score 10 to 19) and a group of 110 healthy control subjects were compared. The most significant decrease in mutual information in AD patients was observed on the third scale in the fronto-temporal area and for wavelet coherence within the same areas as for mutual information; these areas are preferentially affected by atrophy in AD. The new method used utilizes mutual information in wavelet scales and demonstrates larger discriminatory values in AD compared to wavelet coherence.Як відомо, хвороба Альцгеймера (ХА) пов’язана з прогресуючим когнітивним дефіцитом у результаті істотної загибелі нейронів. Зменшення міжнейронних зв’язків може проявлятись як зміни ступеню синхронізації електричної активності взаємодіючих мозкових структур. Ми використовували методику оцінки вейвлет-когерентності для оцінки лінійної або нелінійної синхронізації зразків ЕЕГ, відведених від різних локусів кори. Визначення індексів взаємної інформації використовувалося для оцінки нелінійної синхронізації згідно з комплексними вейвлет-коефіцієнтами за вейвлет-шкалами. Було порівняно ступені синхронізації ЕЕГ-активності в групі пацієнтів, що страждали на ХА помірної тяжкості (оцінки за MMSE від 10 до 19 балів), та в групі із 110 контрольних здорових суб’єктів. Найістотніші зменшення індексів взаємної інформації у пацієнтів із ХА спостерігалися по третій шкалі для фронто-темпоральної зони; зменшення вейвлет-когерентності відзначались у тих самих зонах, що й зміни взаємної інформації. Саме ці зони зазнають переважної атрофії при ХА. Використаний новий метод базується на оцінках взаємної інформації за вейвлет-шкалами та демонструє більшу дискримінаційну здатність в умовах ХА, аніж визначення вейвлет-когерентності

    Problems of installation water protective zones and coastal protective stripes

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    The issue of establishing the boundaries of water protection and coastal stripes in Ukraine were examined in the article. The purpose of the study is to present the practical results of the formation the boundary delimiter of coastal protection stripes, based on scientific and methodological approaches to the development of land management projects for the establishment of coastal protection stripes and modern technologies in the area of geographic information system. Theoretical principles of establishing the boundaries of water protective zones and coastal protective stripes on water resources are analyzed. Regulatory basic documents on the subject of use in the establishment of water protection zones and coastal protection stripes have been explored. It is noted that the size of water protective zones and coastal protective stripes can be set in accordance with the provisions of the Land Code of Ukraine, and according to the especial projects in land management. It is suggested the procedure for establishing coastal and water protective zones is based on determining the hydrographic characteristics of water sites and morphological parameters of coastal areas using remote sensing data and geoinformation system and includes six steps: 1. Determination of morphometric parameters of water sites. 2. Obtaining relief data and its application 3.Determining the steepness of the slopes. 4. Construction of catchment areas and determination of surface effluent directions. 5. Creation of a buffer zone around water sites (construction of a protective stripe and a water protective zone). 6. Combining layers of informative maps for the final definition of boundaries. The use of the methodology is presented on a specific example, namely the pond in the village Gremyache, Rivne region. Methodology will provide a technical background for establishing and decision-making on the size of water protective zones and coastal protection stripes around water objects. One more aspect of the problem, solved by the methodology proposed in the article, involves informative supporting of decisions in a sphere of controlling water fund lands at the regional level as part of the planning measures for sustainable regions development and protection of water objects. Keywords: water protective zone, coastal protection belt, land management project, Earth remote sensing data of the Earth and geographic information system data, boundaries of the water protective zone and coastal protective strip

    Automation of the Technological Process to Produce Building Frame-Monolithic Modules Based on Fluoranhydrite

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    The paper first proposes the automation of the technological process to produce building frame-monolithic modules from production wastes, namely technogenic anhydrite and fluoranhydrite. A functional diagram of the process automation is developed, the devices to perform control and maintenance with account of the production characteristics are chosen

    Disturbance indicator values for European plants

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    Motivation Indicator values are numerical values used to characterize the ecological niches of species and to estimate their occurrence along gradients. Indicator values on climatic and edaphic niches of plant species have received considerable attention in ecological research, whereas data on the optimal positioning of species along disturbance gradients are less developed. Here, we present a new data set of disturbance indicator values identifying optima along gradients of natural and anthropogenic disturbance for 6382 vascular plant species based on the analysis of 736,366 European vegetation plots and using expert-based characterization of disturbance regimes in 236 habitat types. The indicator values presented here are crucial for integrating disturbance niche optima into large-scale vegetation analyses and macroecological studies. Main types of variables contained We set up five main continuous indicator values for European vascular plants: disturbance severity, disturbance frequency, mowing frequency, grazing pressure and soil disturbance. The first two indicators are provided separately for the whole community and for the herb layer. We calculated the values as the average of expert-based estimates of disturbance values in all habitat types where a species occurs, weighted by the number of plots in which the species occurs within a given habitat type. Spatial location and grain Europe. Vegetation plots ranging in size from 1 to 1000 m(2). Time period and grain Vegetation plots mostly sampled between 1956 and 2013 (= 5th and 95th quantiles of the sampling year, respectively). Major taxa and level of measurement Species-level indicator values for vascular plants. Software format csv file

    Advancing the use of passive sampling in risk assessment and management of contaminated sediments: Results of an international passive sampling inter-laboratory comparison

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    This work presents the results of an international interlaboratory comparison on ex situ passive sampling in sediments. The main objectives were to map the state of the science in passively sampling sediments, identify sources of variability, provide recommendations and practical guidance for standardized passive sampling, and advance the use of passive sampling in regulatory decision making by increasing confidence in the use of the technique. The study was performed by a consortium of 11 laboratories and included experiments with 14 passive sampling formats on 3 sediments for 25 target chemicals (PAHs and PCBs). The resulting overall interlaboratory variability was large (a factor of ∼10), but standardization of methods halved this variability. The remaining variability was primarily due to factors not related to passive sampling itself, i.e., sediment heterogeneity and analytical chemistry. Excluding the latter source of variability, by performing all analyses in one laboratory, showed that passive sampling results can have a high precision and a very low intermethod variability

    European Red List of Habitats Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats

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    Systematic Review of Potential Health Risks Posed by Pharmaceutical, Occupational and Consumer Exposures to Metallic and Nanoscale Aluminum, Aluminum Oxides, Aluminum Hydroxide and Its Soluble Salts

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    Aluminum (Al) is a ubiquitous substance encountered both naturally (as the third most abundant element) and intentionally (used in water, foods, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines); it is also present in ambient and occupational airborne particulates. Existing data underscore the importance of Al physical and chemical forms in relation to its uptake, accumulation, and systemic bioavailability. The present review represents a systematic examination of the peer-reviewed literature on the adverse health effects of Al materials published since a previous critical evaluation compiled by Krewski et al. (2007). Challenges encountered in carrying out the present review reflected the experimental use of different physical and chemical Al forms, different routes of administration, and different target organs in relation to the magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure. Wide variations in diet can result in Al intakes that are often higher than the World Health Organization provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), which is based on studies with Al citrate. Comparing daily dietary Al exposures on the basis of “total Al”assumes that gastrointestinal bioavailability for all dietary Al forms is equivalent to that for Al citrate, an approach that requires validation. Current occupational exposure limits (OELs) for identical Al substances vary as much as 15-fold. The toxicity of different Al forms depends in large measure on their physical behavior and relative solubility in water. The toxicity of soluble Al forms depends upon the delivered dose of Al+ 3 to target tissues. Trivalent Al reacts with water to produce bidentate superoxide coordination spheres [Al(O2)(H2O4)+ 2 and Al(H2O)6 + 3] that after complexation with O2•−, generate Al superoxides [Al(O2•)](H2O5)]+ 2. Semireduced AlO2• radicals deplete mitochondrial Fe and promote generation of H2O2, O2 • − and OH•. Thus, it is the Al+ 3-induced formation of oxygen radicals that accounts for the oxidative damage that leads to intrinsic apoptosis. In contrast, the toxicity of the insoluble Al oxides depends primarily on their behavior as particulates. Aluminum has been held responsible for human morbidity and mortality, but there is no consistent and convincing evidence to associate the Al found in food and drinking water at the doses and chemical forms presently consumed by people living in North America and Western Europe with increased risk for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Neither is there clear evidence to show use of Al-containing underarm antiperspirants or cosmetics increases the risk of AD or breast cancer. Metallic Al, its oxides, and common Al salts have not been shown to be either genotoxic or carcinogenic. Aluminum exposures during neonatal and pediatric parenteral nutrition (PN) can impair bone mineralization and delay neurological development. Adverse effects to vaccines with Al adjuvants have occurred; however, recent controlled trials found that the immunologic response to certain vaccines with Al adjuvants was no greater, and in some cases less than, that after identical vaccination without Al adjuvants. The scientific literature on the adverse health effects of Al is extensive. Health risk assessments for Al must take into account individual co-factors (e.g., age, renal function, diet, gastric pH). Conclusions from the current review point to the need for refinement of the PTWI, reduction of Al contamination in PN solutions, justification for routine addition of Al to vaccines, and harmonization of OELs for Al substances

    Portraits, painters, patrons. To the 16–17<sup>th</sup> century history of portraiture in areas of the Hungarian kingdom

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