272 research outputs found

    Shear viscosity in microscopic calculations of A+A collisions at energies of Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA)

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    Time evolution of shear viscosity η\eta, entropy density ss, and their ratio η/s\eta / s in the central area of central gold-gold collisions at NICA energy range is studied within the UrQMD transport model. The extracted values of energy density, net baryon density and net strangeness density are used as input to (i) statistical model of ideal hadron gas to define temperature, baryo-chemical potential and strangeness chemical potential, and to (ii) UrQMD box with periodic boundary conditions to study the relaxation process of highly excited matter. During the relaxation stage, the shear viscosity is determined in the framework of Green-Kubo approach. The procedure is performed for each of 20 time slices, corresponding to conditions in the central area of the fireball at times from 1~fm/cc to 20~fm/cc. For all tested energies the ratio η/s\eta / s reaches minimum, (η/s)min0.3\left( \eta/s \right)_{min} \approx 0.3 at t5t \approx 5~fm/cc. Then it increases up to the late stages of the system evolution. This rise is accompanied by the drop of both, temperature and strangeness chemical potential, and increase of baryo-chemical potential.Comment: LATEX, 9 pages, 10 figure

    Functions of interior in public safety in emergencies

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    Панова О.О. Функції органів внутрішніх справ із забезпечення громадської безпеки під час надзвичайних ситуацій / Панова О.О. // Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія: Юридичні науки. − 2015. − Вип. 3, Ч.2. Т. 1. − С. 165-168.У статті здійснено аналіз наукових праць і нормативно-правових актів щодо функцій органів внутрішніх справ із забезпечення громадської безпеки під час надзвичайних ситуацій. Проаналізовано зміст поняття забезпечення громадської безпеки під час надзвичайних ситуацій. Сформовано окремі категорії та групи функцій, якими наділені органи внутрішніх справ, із забезпечення громадської безпеки під час надзвичайних ситуацій.The article analyzes the scientifc papers and legal acts concerning the functions of the organs of internal affairs to ensure public safety in emergency situations, namely the content of the concepts of public safety in emergency situations; the formation of certain categories or groups of functions vested in law-enforcement bodies to ensure public safety in emergency situations.В статье проведен анализ научных работ и нормативно-правовых актов относительно функций органов внутренних дел по обеспечению общественной безопасности во время чрезвычайных ситуаций. Проанализировано содержание понятия обеспечения общественной безопасности во время чрезвычайных ситуаций. Сформированы отдельные категории и группы функций, которыми наделены органы внутренних дел, по обеспечению общественной безопасности во время чрезвычайных ситуаций

    Special aspects of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons

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    Панова, О. О. Особливості адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців / Панова Оксана Олександрівна // Юридичний бюлетень. – 2021. – Вип. 20. – С. 71-77. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.32850/LB2414-4207.2021.20.10У статті досліджено особливості адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців. Проаналізовано підходи учених-правознавців до розуміння сутності категорії «правовий статус». Установлено, що в більшості випадків сутність правового статусу суб’єкта відповідних суспільних відносин розкривається через перелік його змістових складників, до яких, як правило, віднесено права й обов’язки особи. Обґрунтовано, що такі підходи є доволі вузькими, оскільки поза увагою залишають низку складників правового статусу будь-якої особи. Здійснено аналіз більш широких підходів до розуміння сутності правового статусу особи, завдяки чому з них викреслено зайві для правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців змістовні складники. Установлено, що адміністративно-правовий статус біженців і вимушених переселенців об’єктивізовано в нормах адміністративного права. Визначено, що необхідною умовою набуття особою адміністративно-правового статусу біженця або вимушеного переселенця є наявність у неї правосуб’єктності, що розглядається як структурний складник такого статусу. Обґрунтовано, що одним із основних структурних складників адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців є їхні права й обов’язки. З’ясовано, що окремим структурним складником адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців є міра їх юридичної відповідальності. Визначено, що особливості адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців будуть знаходити свій прояв у межах особливостей реалізації окремих із його структурних складників. За допомогою аналізу чинного національного законодавства, на підставі якого здійснюється нормативно-правова регламентація адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців, визначено особливості реалізації окремих із його структурних елементів. Надано авторське бачення сутності адміністративно-правового статусу біженців і вимушених переселенців.The features of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons have been examined in the article. The approaches of legal scholars regarding the understanding of the essence of the category of “legal status” have been analyzed. It has been established that in most cases the essence of the legal status of the subject of the rel- evant social relations is revealed through the list of its substantive components, which, as a rule, include the rights and obligations of a person. It has been substantiated that such approaches are rather narrow, since they ignore a number of components of the legal status of any person. The analysis of broader approaches to understanding the essence of the legal status of an individual has been carried out, due to which the content components, that are irrelevant for the legal status of refugees and forced migrants, have been deleted from them. It has been established that the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally dis- placed persons is objectified in the norms of administrative law. It has been determined that a necessary condition for a person to acquire the administrative and legal status of a refugee or forced migrant is that he or she has quality of being a person in contemplation of the law, which is considered as a structural component of such a status. It has been substantiated that one of the main structural components of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons is their rights and obligations. It has been established that the degree of refugees’ and forced migrants’ legal responsibility is a separate structural com- ponent of their administrative and legal status. It has been determined that the peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons will be manifested within the peculiarities of the implementation of its individual structural com- ponents. By analyzing the current national legislation, on the basis of which the legal reg- ulation of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons is carried out, the peculiarities of the implementation of its individual structural elements have been determined. The author's vision of the essence of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons has been provided.В статье исследованы особенности административно-правового статуса беженцев и вынужденных переселенцев

    Terms of interior in the field of public order and security

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    Панова О. О. Компетенція органів внутрішніх справ у сфері охорони громадського порядку і безпеки / Панова О. О. // Науковий вісник Академії муніципального управління. Сер. :Право. - 2015. - Вип. 1 , ч. 1. - С. 241-247.У статті сконцентрована увага на аналізі ролі і значення органів внутрішніх справ. У їх функціонуванні виділений такий напрям як компетенція в області охорони громадського порядку і безпеки. Визначені шляхивдосконалення компетенції органів внутрішніх справ у сфері охорони громадського порядку і безпеки.Attention on the analysis of role and value of organs of internal affairs is concentrated in the article. In their functioning such direction as jurisdiction is selected in area of public law and safety enforcement. The ways of improvement of jurisdiction of organs of internal affairs are certain in the field of public law and safety enforcement. Relevance of the chosen topic due to the objective necessity of strengthening and deepening public order and security, which means increasing the role of law enforcement, first of all bodies engaged in it, that of the Interior, with readings to determine their competence in the study area. The purpose of this article is to study the jurisdiction of the Interior in the field of public order and security. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: define the legal nature of the capabilities of the Interior to protect public order; highlight the classification of the Interior, depending on the amount of power to public order and security; identify ways to improve the competence of internal affairs in the field of public order and security. The conclusions are that on the basis of the system analysis capabilities of police, used in the protection of public order, to the following conclusions: the problem of public order determines participate in its decision together specific capabilities of the Interior. However, the main forces are subdivisions patrol police reorganization process which requires its logical conclusion; for the functions and implementation of competence of the Interior should ensure efficient interaction of subjects of the MIA. Such cooperation should be based on a system of principles that formed simultaneously with the development and reorganization of the entire system of law enforcement.В статье сконцентрировано внимание на анализе роли и значения органов внутренних дел. В их функционировании выделено такое направление как компетенция в области охраны общественного порядка и безопасности. Определены пути усовершенствования компетенции органов внутренних дел в сфере охраны общественного порядка и безопасности

    Physics and chemistry of producing silicon-hydroxylapatite-titanium composite materials

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    In the research, Si-HA poweders have been synthesized using SBF solution with different content of silicon. It was found that all the samples synthesized from the model solution of extracellular fluid under varying concentration of silicate ions are single-phase and repesent hydroxyapatite. The nature of the reagent containing SiO[44]- ions does not affect the hydroxyapatite structure. In the study of the surface and morphological characteristics of the phosphate coatings modified by silicon ions, it was found that as the degree of phosphate calcium substitution by SiO[44]- ions increases, the surface wettability on the titanium substrates deteriorates and cohesive energy decreases. It is shown that the titanium coating is formed in three stages. After irradiation of titanium substrates coated with Si-HA, the crystals can keep growing and the surface can keep regenerating

    Chemical weathering of lower paleozoic black shales of south Sweden

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    Lower Paleozoic black shales are widespread in Sweden and form part of the Baltic paleobasin, which deposits are also known in Estonia and the Leningrad Oblast of Russia. These rocks are enriched in a carbon substance and characterized by the significant content of uranium, vanadium, molybdenum, copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc, and lead. Black shales contain high levels of Sr – 968; Ba – 337; U – 229; V – 509; Mo – 165; Zn – 411; Ni – 214; Cu – 112 (ppm) in secondary minerals composition formed on their surface. Retrograde diagenetic conditions facilitate the black shales chemical weathering. Elements of the first (U), second (Mo, Sr, Zn), and third (V) hazard classes are washed out of black shales and secondary minerals and can further enter biological cycles

    Global corporations and smaller actors in textile business: European perspective

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    Earlier in Europe, there existed many local textile brands and manufacturers. However, these have experienced significant pressure from the rapid expansion, and success of the European based global textile industry corporations, such as H&M and Inditex (Zara). Their further advancement is supported by the expansion into the new locations and application of nearshoring strategies to the favourable markets, such as Russian, which have attracted to some extent previously entirely offshored European manufacturing located in China. In this regard, the objective of the current study is the assessment of the business activities of the given companies, as well as one company from Finland, and three major textile companies from the Baltic States, through the designed methodological approach. Due to the fact that most performance indicators of companies are based on empirical data, the study is explorative in its nature. Moreover, it shows the relationship between the main key performance indicators of the company with one of the functional areas of logistics (warehousing and inventory management). In particular, analysis of this research shows that two global actors (H&M and Inditex) have experienced exceptional growth, profits and profitability during the years 2001–2016. It was concluded that nearly all of these earlier successful ones and smaller actors have faced difficulties in the past decade, and best growing has been company concentrating on warehousing and retail, instead of manufacturing. Most of these smaller actors have faced profitability challenges, and considerable amount of shareholder value has been lost during the decade. © Hilmola O.-P., Tolli A. & Panova Yu. Text. 2019

    The Essence and Role of Business Tourism in the Modern World

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    The aim of the article is to study the essence and role of business tourism in the modern world. Business tourism is defined as a special type of tourism aimed at attending business events, scientific conferences, exhibitions and other events that involve active professional activity and exchange of information within the framework of international cooperation. The article determines that the essence of business tourism lies in its ability to unite professionals from different industries and countries, creating conditions for the exchange of innovative ideas, advanced technologies and increasing the level of knowledge. This type of tourism is an important tool for economic development and contributes to the creation of a favorable environment for the exchange of knowledge and experience between various sectors of business and the scientific and pedagogical sphere. Attention is also focused on the relevance of organizing international tourism events in the current conditions of globalization and international cooperation. It is highlighted that business tourism can play an important role in the country’s economy, promoting the exchange of information and cooperation between various subjects of the world market. The study of these aspects is extremely important for the further development of the country’s innovative potential, especially in the context of growing globalization and internationalization of the economy. It is noted that the study of the essence and role of business tourism in the modern world is an important task that reflects important aspects of economic, sociocultural and international development. It is substantiated that business tourism is important not only for the participants of this process, but also for the economy of the State as a whole. It contributes to an increase in tourist revenues, creates new opportunities for the development of infrastructure, hotel business, restaurant industry and other related sectors. In addition, business tourism can become a source of jobs and contribute to improving the standard of living of the local population. It is found that further study of these issues can make a significant contribution to understanding the impact of business tourism on modern global dynamics and determine strategies for further development of this type of tourism to achieve sustainable growth and development