550 research outputs found

    Наркотики в Республике Молдова, медико-социальные аспекты

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    Republican Narcological Dispensary, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaThe research of narcotics phenomenon in Republic of Moldova, individual and character peculiarities of addicted persons, identification of predominant stabilization cases of narcotic behavior types, the determination of medical and psycho – social rehabilitation needs of drug addicts. Previously formulated and non- standard questionnaire, 025/e form, 030-l-y form, local literature and from abroad, MH orders, Laws, Government Decisions, statistical data of MSPI Republican Narcological Dispensary. Research methods – historical, logical, statistical, mathematic, sociological and interview methods. It was systematized local and international literature concerning drugs situation. It was analyzed the mortality situation caused by drugs use on the administrative territories. And there were determined the medical and rehabilitation needs of drug addicted persons. There were evaluated the medical and psycho-social factors that influence the behaviour of drugs addicted persons. There were elaborated recommendations for intervention and assistance for drugs use prevention.Исследование ситуации наркотиков в Республике Молдова, изучение индивидуальных особенностей и характера зависимых лиц, выявление существующей стабильности форм поведения и определение принципов медицинской и психо-социальной реабилитация больных. Задачи исследования: анализ национальной и международной литературы о ситуации с наркотиками; психология развития; объем зависимых лиц и форм помощи; анализ заболеваемости на административных территориях; определение медицинских и реабилитационных потребностей лиц страдающих от наркотиков; социальная оценка факторов, которые влияют на поведение наркомана; разработка рекомендаций для вмешательства и помощи с целью предотвращения потребления наркотиков

    Reactor for In-Situ Measurements of Spatially Resolved Kinetic Data in Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    The present work describes a reactor that allows in-situ measurements of spatially resolved kinetic data in heterogenous catalysis. The reactor design allows measurements up to temperatures of 1300 ±C and 45 bar pressure, i.e. conditions of industrial relevance. The reactor involves reactants flowing through a solid catalyst bed containing a sampling capillary with a side sampling orifice through which a small fraction of the reacting fluid (gas or liquid) is transferred into an analytical device (e.g. MS, GC, HPLC) for quantitative analysis. The sampling capillary can be moved with ¹m resolution in or against flow direction to measure species profiles through the catalyst bed. Rotation of the sampling capillary allows averaging over several scan lines. The position of the sampling orifice is such that the capillary channel through the catalyst bed remains always occupied by the capillary preventing flow disturbance and fluid bypassing. The second function of the sampling capillary is to provide a well which can accommodate temperature probes such as a thermocouple or a pyrometer fiber. If a thermocouple is inserted in the sampling capillary and aligned with the sampling orifice fluid temperature profiles can be measured. A pyrometer fiber can be used to measure the temperature profile of the solid catalyst bed. Spatial profile measurements are demonstrated for methane oxidation on Pt and methane oxidative coupling on Li/MgO, both catalysts supported on reticulated a-Al2O3 foam supports

    Ureteroscopia transuretrală în tratamentul calculilor ureterului distal

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    Summary Giving an objective assessment of the results accumulated during the treatment of 101 patients diagnosed with ureterolithiasis, we consider that the endoscopic transurethral ureterolythotripsy and ureterolithoextraction can be used as independent methods for treatment of calculus in the distal region of ureter (this study showed a 79,36% treatment efficiency), while in the complex treatment of the nephrolithiasis they may be used in conjunction with ESWL and percutaneous surgery

    Alternativă contemporană în tratamentul bolilor sexual transmisibile la bărbați (rezultate preliminare)

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    Summary The study was performed on the basis of the data accumulated while applying antibacterial treatment for 69 patients with sexual transmitted disease. The results showed the increased efficiency of clatithromycine in treatment of chronic uretritis caused by Chi. Trachomatis, Ur. Urealythicum and Мус. Hominis

    Clindamycina în tratamentul prostatitei uretrogene (rezultate preliminare)

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    Summary. The study was performed on the basis of the data accumulated while applying antibacterial treatment for 53 patients with sexual transmitted disease. The results showed the increased efficiency of clindamycine in treatment of chronic uretrogenic prostatitis associated with Chi. Trachomatis si Ur. Urealythicum (Мус. Hominis)

    Isomers production in 238U photofission

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    The fission process induced by gamma quanta up to 25 MeV energy on 238U was analyzed. Experimental observables as cross sections, fragments mass distribution yields of some nuclides of interest and average prompt neutrons multiplicity characterizing 238U photofission process were theoretically evaluated using TALYS 1.9 software. Theoretical evaluations of isomer ratios using Talys supplied by author’s own code as well as experimental isomer ratios obtained at MT - 25 Microtron are presented

    Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanopowder by non-basic

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    Nanocrystalline ZnO particles were prepared from methanolic solutions of zinc acetate dihydrate without using base such as NaOH or LiOH through a colloid process carried out at a low temperature of 60 o C. The precipitate obtained after 12-72h contained ZnO, covered with polymeric species of zinc hydroxo acetate. The reaction course was studied by mass spectrometry means. To complete the hydrolysis process, up to pure ZnO, it was necessarily to reflux the white precipitate separate from methanolic solution, in water at 80 o C. We found that reaction time in the presence of methanol primarily influenced the size of the particles, while the reaction time in the presence of water mainly influenced the ZnO purity

    ChemProt: a disease chemical biology database

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    Systems pharmacology is an emergent area that studies drug action across multiple scales of complexity, from molecular and cellular to tissue and organism levels. There is a critical need to develop network-based approaches to integrate the growing body of chemical biology knowledge with network biology. Here, we report ChemProt, a disease chemical biology database, which is based on a compilation of multiple chemical–protein annotation resources, as well as disease-associated protein–protein interactions (PPIs). We assembled more than 700 000 unique chemicals with biological annotation for 30 578 proteins. We gathered over 2-million chemical–protein interactions, which were integrated in a quality scored human PPI network of 428 429 interactions. The PPI network layer allows for studying disease and tissue specificity through each protein complex. ChemProt can assist in the in silico evaluation of environmental chemicals, natural products and approved drugs, as well as the selection of new compounds based on their activity profile against most known biological targets, including those related to adverse drug events. Results from the disease chemical biology database associate citalopram, an antidepressant, with osteogenesis imperfect and leukemia and bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor, with certain types of cancer, respectively. The server can be accessed at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/ChemProt/

    A critical overview of computational approaches employed for COVID-19 drug discovery

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    COVID-19 has resulted in huge numbers of infections and deaths worldwide and brought the most severe disruptions to societies and economies since the Great Depression. Massive experimental and computational research effort to understand and characterize the disease and rapidly develop diagnostics, vaccines, and drugs has emerged in response to this devastating pandemic and more than 130 000 COVID-19-related research papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals or deposited in preprint servers. Much of the research effort has focused on the discovery of novel drug candidates or repurposing of existing drugs against COVID-19, and many such projects have been either exclusively computational or computer-aided experimental studies. Herein, we provide an expert overview of the key computational methods and their applications for the discovery of COVID-19 small-molecule therapeutics that have been reported in the research literature. We further outline that, after the first year the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that drug repurposing has not produced rapid and global solutions. However, several known drugs have been used in the clinic to cure COVID-19 patients, and a few repurposed drugs continue to be considered in clinical trials, along with several novel clinical candidates. We posit that truly impactful computational tools must deliver actionable, experimentally testable hypotheses enabling the discovery of novel drugs and drug combinations, and that open science and rapid sharing of research results are critical to accelerate the development of novel, much needed therapeutics for COVID-19