126 research outputs found

    Assistive Technology For Hearing and Speech Disorders

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    Many individuals with hearing loss will need rehabilitation in order to live maximally productive lives. As such, they need a variety of assistive technologies that provide them with improved access to information thereby enhancing their communication capabilities in a wide variety of environments. Most devices either provide sound amplification or alternate ways to access information through vision and /or vibration. These technologies can be grouped into three general categories. Within each main category, there are subcategories based on different purposes or the intended audiences when utilizing the technology. The overall goal of these devices is improved accessibility to information as close as possible to that enjoyed by individuals without speech and language disorders. The paper discusses the assistive technology for those with hearing impairment. Keywords: Assistive Listening Device, Hearing Technology, Alerting Devices, Communication Suppor

    Current Trends in Audiological Practices and Implications for Developing Countries

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    This paper examines the current trends in audiological practices in Nigeria, as it makes case for compulsory use of electro- physiological tests in determining the hearing potentials of children in the country, as against the use of behavioural audiometric strategy which requires the active participation of the patients. Varieties of electro- physiological tests such as Auditory Brainstem Response Test (ABR), Oto- Acoustic Emission, and modern advances such as cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants for Neuro- Fibromatosis type 2 (NF2) as practiced in developed countries were explained. These current trends in audiological practices should serve as a catalyst to stimulate the developing countries in managing hearing and speech disorders. Keywords: Audiological practices, Developing countries, Audiological investigations, Audiological  Managemen

    Hearing Loss and the Elderly - A Primer

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    Hearing impairment, is very common among the elderly. In many of them it can be so disabling that it affects normal day to day activities, impairs communication and puts them at risk of social isolation and psychological problems. Fortunately, while it cannot be reversed most times, hearing loss in the elderly can be so well managed that the elderly can enjoy a good quality of life. This article is a review on presbycusis (age-related hearing loss), the physiology and management as a means of sensitizing medical personnel and those working with the elderly

    Comparison of Academic Achievement between Students with Congenital and Acquired Deafness in a Nigerian College

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    Background:-Most students with deafness have some difficulty with academic achievement, especially with reading and mathematics. However, the range of intelligence levels of students with deafness does not differ from the range in their hearing counterparts. Academic performance must not be equated with intelligence. Most children who are deaf have normal intellectual capacity and it has been repeatedly demonstrated that their scores on non-verbal intelligence tests are approximately the same as those of the general population. Deafness imposes no limitations on the cognitive capabilities of individuals. The problems that deaf students often experience in academics and adjustment may be largely attributed to a bad fit between their perceptual abilities and the demands of spoken and written English. Several studies have suggested that one of the most potent predictors of academic achievement for the students with deafness is the amount of personalized and specialized attention they receive.           Objective:- The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of differences between the academic achievement of students with congenital and that of students with acquired deafness. Methods:- Fifty students with deafness (twenty-five students with congenital deafness and twenty-five students with acquired deafness) were studied ex-post facto.  All fifty students were of the same educational level at the Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria. The instruments used were teacher-made achievement test and subjects academic records on English and Mathematics. The teacher-made achievement test was tested valid with the use of Kuder-Richardson (KR-21), which indicated an alpha level of 0.62. Result:- There was no significant difference in the academic achievement (t = 2.00, p=0.973) in mathematics performance (t = 2.00, p=0.765) or in English Language performance (t= 2.00, p=0.680) between students with congenital deafness and those with acquired deafness. Conclusion: Academic achievement is comparable among non-mentally retarded deaf students who are undergoing proper rehabilitation irrespective of whether the deafness was congenital or acquired Keywords- Academic achievement, Congenital deafness, Acquired deafness, Nigerian colleg


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    This study assessed urban flood impact, flood water quality and vulnerability around Olodo area of Ibadan region, Nigeria. The study employed remote sensing and GIS techniques in creating vulnerability and risk maps. Digital terrain model (DTM) was used to get the topography of the study area. Footprints of buildings along the Egberi riverbank and flood plain in Olodo were created in the GIS environment from high resolution satellite imagery. Buffering operation was conducted to classify the buildings into risk zones based on closeness to the riverbank using ArcGIS 10.0. The study revealed that 326 buildings were within the very vulnerable and vulnerable zones because they were less than 15.2m away from the riverbank. The characteristics of water quality change during the flood and non-flood periods. TSS, DO, NOD, and COD were all higher during the flood event. Microbial analysis showed that water quality levels in the floodwater exceeded water quality standards (e.g., the coliform excess from 10 to 10,000 times), and thus this may be a health risk for local people during flood events. Concentration of Escherichia coli (E. coli) ranged from 484 to 1290 cfu/100 mL during flooding compared to 192 to 295 cfu/100 mL after flood. Salmonella was found to be high ranging from 659 to 1840 cfu/100 mL during flooding compared to 530 to 1034 cfu/100 mL after flooding.     &nbsp

    Hearing Loss among Elderly Patients in an Ear Clinic in Nigeria

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    Background - Hearing Loss is a very common disabling condition among the elderly. It is estimated that above the age of 60, one in four people have some degree of hearing loss and over the age of 70, to one in two. Approximately one-third of persons above 65 years have disabling hearing loss. This study was to investigate the pattern of hearing among the elderly patients in an ear clinic in Nigeria. Methods - Eighty-eight elderly patients were studied ex-post facto. These were the patients aged over 65 among 586 patients who had presented for hearing loss and had been sent for Pure Tone Audiometry over a period of three years. Results - The eighty eight patients studied comprised 15% of the 586 patients who had been seen for Pure Tone Audiometry. Mean age was 72.4 years (SD= 6.58). The Male: Female ratio was 1.9:1. There was normal hearing in 18%. More than eight out of ten (82%) had hearing loss. Among those with hearing loss, more than eight out of ten (82%) had disabling hearing loss. Although a mixed hearing loss pattern predominated, there where almost as many with only sensorineural hearing loss. Thus more than seven out of ten had some sensorineural hearing loss. And although the majority of those with hearing loss had the classical sloping presbyacisis pattern, other patterns were also found. Conclusion - Disabling hearing loss is very common among the elderly. It is usually due to presbyacusis but can also be from other causes. Since there is a risk of subsequent psychological problems and social isolation, all caregivers of elderly people should be aware of this and provide care or guidance appropriately. In addition, strategic initiatives directed to the elderly, the general public, health workers, professionals working with the elderly, ear and hearing specialists, government entities and Non Governmental Organizations are needed to address the issue. Keywords: Hearing Loss, Elderly, Rehabilitation, Nigeri

    Stage-specific five-year survival outcomes in women treated for early stage breast cancer in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Background: The disparity between the overall survival of breast cancer between high-income countries (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has been majorly attributed to the high rate of diagnosis of Early Stage Breast Cancer (ESBC) in HICs, with about three-quarters and one-fifth of the total breast cancer patients diagnosed with ESBC in HICs and LMICs respectively. The median 5-year survival rate of ESBC in HICs is 86% while it is about 72% in Sub-Saharan Africa.Objectives: To determine stage-specific five-year survival outcomes in women treated for ESBC.Methods: We conducted a longitudinal, cohort study to assess the treatment and outcome of ESBC in a Nigerian tertiary hospital. Patients diagnosed and treated for ESBC over 5 years were recruited and followed up for a minimum of 5 years after treatment. Clinicopathologic parameters, disease progression and known vital status, were retrieved. A 5% level of significance was used.Results: 67(9.6%)patients of 694 new cases of breast cancer seen over the study duration was treated for ESBC, of whichsixty- three (63) were followed up over the specified follow-up period. The mean age was 43(10) years. Based on the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging, 9 patients were stage IA, 16 stage IB, 16 stage IIA and 26 stage IIB respectively. The overall 5-year survival was 77.8%.Conclusion: The survival pattern of our cohort fairly compares with reports in HICs, despite the challenges faced in the multimodal treatment protocol received by our patients. Keywords: early breast cancer,survival, survival analysis, stage-specifi

    Periodicity, Stability, and Boundedness of Solutions to Certain Second Order Delay Differential Equations

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    The behaviour of solutions to certain second order nonlinear delay differential equations with variable deviating arguments is discussed. The main procedure lies in the properties of a complete Lyapunov functional which is used to obtain suitable criteria to guarantee existence of unique solutions that are periodic, uniformly asymptotically stable, and uniformly ultimately bounded. Obtained results are new and also complement related ones that have appeared in the literature. Moreover, examples are given to illustrate the feasibility and correctness of the main results


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    The long run behaviour of solutions of Lipschitzian quantum stochastic differential equation (QSDE) with non-instantaneous impulse is studied. This is achieved by imposing some conditions on the coefficients associated with the map P. Using the fixed point approach, we show that a solution exists under the given conditions and subsequently establish Ulam's type stability. We present some examples to further justify its application

    Stability, Boundedness, and Existence of Periodic Solutions to Certain Third-Order Delay Differential Equations with Multiple Deviating Arguments

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    The behaviour of solutions for certain third-order nonlinear differential equations with multiple deviating arguments is considered. By employing Lyapunov’s second method, a complete Lyapunov functional is constructed and used to establish sufficient conditions that guarantee existence of unique solutions that are periodic, uniformly asymptotically stable, and uniformly ultimately bounded. Obtained results not only are new but also include many outstanding results in the literature. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the results are justified with examples