1,381 research outputs found

    On Witten's global anomaly for higher SU(2) representations

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    The spectral flow of the overlap operator is computed numerically along a particular path in gauge field space. The path connects two gauge equivalent configurations which differ by a gauge transformation in the non-trivial class of pi_4(SU(2)). The computation is done with the SU(2) gauge field in the fundamental, the 3/2, and the 5/2 representation. The number of eigenvalue pairs that change places along this path is established for these three representations and an even-odd pattern predicted by Witten is verified.Comment: 24 pages, 12 eps figure

    Effective Lagrangian for strongly coupled domain wall fermions

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    We derive the effective Lagrangian for mesons in lattice gauge theory with domain-wall fermions in the strong-coupling and large-N_c limits. We use the formalism of supergroups to deal with the Pauli-Villars fields, needed to regulate the contributions of the heavy fermions. We calculate the spectrum of pseudo-Goldstone bosons and show that domain wall fermions are doubled and massive in this regime. Since we take the extent and lattice spacing of the fifth dimension to infinity and zero respectively, our conclusions apply also to overlap fermions.Comment: 26 pp. RevTeX and 3 figures; corrected error in symmetry breaking scheme and added comments to discussio

    Chiral perturbation theory at O(a^2) for lattice QCD

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    We construct the chiral effective Lagrangian for two lattice theories: one with Wilson fermions and the other with Wilson sea fermions and Ginsparg-Wilson valence fermions. For each of these theories we construct the Symanzik action through order a2a^2. The chiral Lagrangian is then derived, including terms of order a2a^2, which have not been calculated before. We find that there are only few new terms at this order. Corrections to existing coefficients in the continuum chiral Lagrangian are proportional to a2a^2, and appear in the Lagrangian at order a2p2a^2 p^2 or higher. Similarly, O(4) symmetry breaking terms enter the Symanzik action at order a2a^2, but contribute to the chiral Lagrangian at order a2p4a^2 p^4 or higher. We calculate the light meson masses in chiral perturbation theory for both lattice theories. At next-to-leading order, we find that there are no order a2a^2 corrections to the valence-valence meson mass in the mixed theory due to the enhanced chiral symmetry of the valence sector.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX2e; references adde

    Quark propagator and vertex: systematic corrections of hypercubic artifacts from lattice simulations

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    This is the first part of a study of the quark propagator and the vertex function of the vector current on the lattice in the Landau gauge and using both Wilson-clover and overlap actions. In order to be able to identify lattice artifacts and to reach large momenta we use a range of lattice spacings. The lattice artifacts turn out to be exceedingly large in this study. We present a new and very efficient method to eliminate the hypercubic (anisotropy) artifacts based on a systematic expansion on hypercubic invariants which are not SO(4) invariant. A simpler version of this method has been used in previous works. This method is shown to be significantly more efficient than the popular ``democratic'' methods. It can of course be applied to the lattice simulations of many other physical quantities. The analysis indicates a hierarchy in the size of hypercubic artifacts: overlap larger than clover and propagator larger than vertex function. This pleads for the combined study of propagators and vertex functions via Ward identities.Comment: 14 pags., 9 fig

    On the presence of mid-gap states in CaV4O9

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    Using exact diagonalizations of finite clusters with up to 32 sites, we study the J1−J2J_1-J_2 model on the 1/5 depleted square lattice. Spin-spin correlation functions are consistent with plaquette order in the spin gap phase which exists for intermediate values of J2/J1J_2/J_1. Besides, we show that singlet states will be present in the singlet-triplet gap if J2/J1J_2/J_1 is not too small (J2/J1≳0.47J_2/J_1 \gtrsim 0.47). We argue that this property should play a central role in determining the exchange integrals in CaV4O9{\rm CaV}_4{\rm O}_9Comment: 4 pages, 5 postscript figure

    Long Range Dynamics Related to Magnetic Impurity in the 2D Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    We consider a magnetic impurity in the two-dimensional Heisenberg antifferomagnet with long range antiferromagnetic order. At low temperature the impurity magnetic susceptibility has a Curie term (∝1/T\propto 1/T) and a logarithmic correction (∝ln⁡(T)\propto \ln(T)). We calculate the correction and derive related Ward identity for the impurity-spin-wave vertex.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Schwinger-boson approach to quantum spin systems: Gaussian fluctuactions in the "natural" gauge

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    We compute the Gaussian-fluctuation corrections to the saddle-point Schwinger-boson results using collective coordinate methods. Concrete application to investigate the frustrated J1-J2 antiferromagnet on the square lattice shows that, unlike the saddle-point predictions, there is a quantum nonmagnetic phase for 0.53 < J2/J1 < 0.64. This result is obtained by considering the corrections to the spin stiffness on large lattices and extrapolating to the thermodynamic limit, which avoids the infinite-lattice infrared divergencies associated to Bose condensation. The very good agreement of our results with exact numerical values on finite clusters lends support to the calculational scheme employed.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 figures included as eps files,minor correction

    Indications for liver transplantation in the cyclosporine era

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    One hundred seventy orthotopic liver transplants were performed under conventional immunosuppression with azathioprine and steroids with 1- and 5-year survivals of 32.9% and 20.0%, respectively. Since the introduction of cyclosporine-prednisone therapy in March 1980, 313 primary orthotopic liver transplants have been performed. Actuarial survivals at 1 and 5 years have improved to 69.7% and 62.8%, respectively. Biliary atresia is now the most common indication for liver replacement. In adults, primary biliary cirrhosis and sclerosing cholangitis have become more common indications for transplantation, and alcoholic cirrhosis and primary liver malignancy as indications have declined. Early enthusiasm for liver transplantation in patients with hepatic cancer has been tempered by the finding that recurrence is both common and rapid. An increasing number of patients with inborn errors of metabolism originating in the liver are receiving transplants, including patients with Wilson's disease, tyrosinemia, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, glycogen storage disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, and hemochromatosis. Survival in this group of patients has been excellent (74.4% at 1 and 5 years). A hemophiliac who received a transplant for postnecrotic cirrhosis has survived and may have been cured of his hemophilia. About 20% of patients require retransplantation for rejection, technical failure, or primary graft failure. Only 4 of the patients receiving retransplants under conventional immunosuppression survived beyond 6 months, and all died within 14 months of retransplantation. Sixty-eight patients have received retransplants under cyclosporine-prednisone. Thirty-one patients are surviving, all for at least 1 year. Six of the 12 patients requiring a third transplant are alive 2 to 3 years after the primary operation. An aggressive approach to retransplantation in the patient with a failed graft is justified

    Numerical study of lattice index theorem usingimproved cooling and overlap fermions

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    We investigate topological charge and the index theorem on finite lattices numerically. Using mean field improved gauge field configurations we calculate the topological charge Q using the gluon field definition with O(a4){\cal O}(a^4)-improved cooling and an O(a4){\cal O}(a^4)-improved field strength tensor FΌΜF_{\mu\nu}. We also calculate the index of the massless overlap fermion operator by directly measuring the differences of the numbers of zero modes with left- and right--handed chiralities. For sufficiently smooth field configurations we find that the gluon field definition of the topological charge is integer to better than 1% and furthermore that this agrees with the index of the overlap Dirac operator, i.e., the Atiyah-Singer index theorem is satisfied. This establishes a benchmark for reliability when calculating lattice quantities which are very sensitive to topology.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure

    Atributos de cor em filés de peixes capturados no reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica do Lageado, estado do Tocantins.

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    Objetivando caracterizar colorimetricamente os filĂ©s de quatro espĂ©cies de peixe capturadas no reservatĂłrio da Usina HidrelĂ©trica do Lageado, estado do Tocantins, foram selecionadas, ao todo, 47 amostras de peixes identificados como mandi-moela (Pimelodina flavipinnis), cuiĂș-cuiĂș (Oxydoras niger), maparĂĄ (Hypophthalmus edentatus) e corvina (Plagioscion squamosissimus).Organizado por: SĂ­lvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012
