579 research outputs found

    Theory of band gap bowing of disordered substitutional II-VI and III-V semiconductor alloys

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    For a wide class of technologically relevant compound III-V and II-VI semiconductor materials AC and BC mixed crystals (alloys) of the type A(x)B(1-x)C can be realized. As the electronic properties like the bulk band gap vary continuously with x, any band gap in between that of the pure AC and BC systems can be obtained by choosing the appropriate concentration x, granted that the respective ratio is miscible and thermodynamically stable. In most cases the band gap does not vary linearly with x, but a pronounced bowing behavior as a function of the concentration is observed. In this paper we show that the electronic properties of such A(x)B(1-x)C semiconductors and, in particular, the band gap bowing can well be described and understood starting from empirical tight binding models for the pure AC and BC systems. The electronic properties of the A(x)B(1-x)C system can be described by choosing the tight-binding parameters of the AC or BC system with probabilities x and 1-x, respectively. We demonstrate this by exact diagonalization of finite but large supercells and by means of calculations within the established coherent potential approximation (CPA). We apply this treatment to the II-VI system Cd(x)Zn(1-x)Se, to the III-V system In(x)Ga(1-x)As and to the III-nitride system Ga(x)Al(1-x)N.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    L’atteinte nerveuse au cours du syndrome de gougerot - sjögren, a propos d’un cas

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    Description Les complications neurologiques au cours du syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren se voient dans 8,5 à 70 % des cas. Les données de la littérature concernant le système nerveux périphérique sont nombreuses et assez concordantes. En revanche les données concernant les manifestations centrales sont beaucoup plus rares et discordantes. Objectifs Décrire les différentes atteintes neurologiques qui peuvent se voir au cours du syndrome de Gougerot- Sjögren. Résultats Les auteurs rapportent l’observation d’une femme de 67 ans qui présentait une hypertrophie de toutes les glandes salivaires associée à une paralysie du facial droit et une hypoesthésie du territoire du trijumeau homolatéral. Les explorations paracliniques comprenant une biopsie labiale et une IRM cérébrale ont permis de conclure en faveur d’un syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren. La patiente a bénéficié d’un traitement corticoïde par voie générale avec régression totale des atteintes salivaire et nerveuse au bout de 2 mois Conclusion Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une pathologie chronique auto-immune qui touche essentiellement les glandes exocrines. Il peut associer aussi une atteinte extra-glandulaire. L’atteinte nerveuse est possible mais rarement vue dans le cadre de ce syndrome (20%). L’atteinte des paires crâniennes est encore plusrare et prédomine surtout sur le trijumeau

    Plasma Β-Endorphin and Cortisol Profiles around Periparturient Period at Stressful Conditions in Egyptian Buffalo

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    The study determined the level of plasma β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations in peripheral blood circulation of buffalo cows suffering from reproductive disorders (dystocia and retained placenta) and weakness body condition score during periparturient period. Twenty multi-parous Egyptian buffalo cows at late pregnancy period were used for two months before parturition. β-endorphin concentrations were higher in buffalo suffering from reproductive disorders groups. Whereas, β-endorphin concentrations were 134.9±4.8 for retained placenta, 121.3±4.9 for dystocia, 114.2±8.4 for weakness and 113.5±6.5 pg/ml for control. In the closer period around parturition both of plasma β-endorphin and cortisol followed the same trend toward a gradually increased values during -2,-1days and zero time in all groups. A concomitant trend was noticed in β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations in postpartum period with reduce values were observed in all groups after parturition continued for month or more. Buffalo suffering from reproductive disorders were showed a high relative values in β-endorphin and cortisol concentrations. A significant differences (P<0.01) were observed between the experimental groups. Generally, buffaloes suffering reproductive disorders had a clear impact on blood plasma β-endorphin concentration around parturition process.The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between various reproductive disorders as a stress factors with plasma β–endorphin and cortisol in buffalo cows around parturition and changes in these parameters could be used as an objective measure of the stress associated labour. Stress has been hypothesized to be a cause of impaired reproductive efficiency. Stress may cause an overproduction of beta-endorphins and free radical

    MGMT enrichment and second gene co-expression in hematopoietic progenitor cells using separate or dual-gene lentiviral vectors

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    AbstractThe DNA repair gene O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) allows efficient in vivo enrichment of transduced hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). Thus, linking this selection strategy to therapeutic gene expression offers the potential to reconstitute diseased hematopoietic tissue with gene-corrected cells. However, different dual-gene expression vector strategies are limited by poor expression of one or both transgenes. To evaluate different co-expression strategies in the context of MGMT-mediated HSC enrichment, we compared selection and expression efficacies in cells cotransduced with separate single-gene MGMT and GFP lentivectors to those obtained with dual-gene vectors employing either encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) or foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) 2A elements for co-expression strategies. Each strategy was evaluated in vitro and in vivo using equivalent multiplicities of infection (MOI) to transduce 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) or Lin−Sca-1+c-kit+ (LSK)-enriched murine bone marrow cells (BMCs). The highest dual-gene expression (MGMT+GFP+) percentages were obtained with the FMDV-2A dual-gene vector, but half of the resulting gene products existed as fusion proteins. Following selection, dual-gene expression percentages in single-gene vector cotransduced and dual-gene vector transduced populations were similar. Equivalent MGMT expression levels were obtained with each strategy, but GFP expression levels derived from the IRES dual-gene vector were significantly lower. In mice, vector-insertion averages were similar among cells enriched after dual-gene vectors and those cotransduced with single-gene vectors. These data demonstrate the limitations and advantages of each strategy in the context of MGMT-mediated selection, and may provide insights into vector design with respect to a particular therapeutic gene or hematologic defect

    Efeito da temperatura no perfil de ácidos graxos do óleo de girassol.

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    Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados de composição de óleos extraídos de girassóis, convencionais e alto oleico, semeados na safra e na safrinha, com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da temperatura na produção de óleo e na proporção dos principais ácidos graxos em sua composiçã

    A natural fuzzyness of de Sitter space-time

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    A non-commutative structure for de Sitter spacetime is naturally introduced by replacing ("fuzzyfication") the classical variables of the bulk in terms of the dS analogs of the Pauli-Lubanski operators. The dimensionality of the fuzzy variables is determined by a Compton length and the commutative limit is recovered for distances much larger than the Compton distance. The choice of the Compton length determines different scenarios. In scenario I the Compton length is determined by the limiting Minkowski spacetime. A fuzzy dS in scenario I implies a lower bound (of the order of the Hubble mass) for the observed masses of all massive particles (including massive neutrinos) of spin s>0. In scenario II the Compton length is fixed in the de Sitter spacetime itself and grossly determines the number of finite elements ("pixels" or "granularity") of a de Sitter spacetime of a given curvature.Comment: 16 page

    Two fermion relativistic bound states: hyperfine shifts

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    We discuss the hyperfine shifts of the Positronium levels in a relativistic framework, starting from a two fermion wave equation where, in addition to the Coulomb potential, the magnetic interaction between spins is described by a Breit term. We write the system of four first order differential equations describing this model. We discuss its mathematical features, mainly in relation to possible singularities that may appear at finite values of the radial coordinate. We solve the boundary value problems both in the singular and non singular cases and we develop a perturbation scheme, well suited for numerical computations, that allows to calculate the hyperfine shifts for any level, according to well established physical arguments that the Breit term must be treated at the first perturbative order. We discuss our results, comparing them with the corresponding values obtained from semi-classical expansions.Comment: 16 page

    Group theoretical approach to quantum fields in de Sitter space I. The principal series

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    Using unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter group, we construct the Fock space of a massive free scalar field. In this approach, the vacuum is the unique dS invariant state. The quantum field is a posteriori defined by an operator subject to covariant transformations under the dS isometry group. This insures that it obeys canonical commutation relations, up to an overall factor which should not vanish as it fixes the value of hbar. However, contrary to what is obtained for the Poincare group, the covariance condition leaves an arbitrariness in the definition of the field. This arbitrariness allows to recover the amplitudes governing spontaneous pair creation processes, as well as the class of alpha vacua obtained in the usual field theoretical approach. The two approaches can be formally related by introducing a squeezing operator which acts on the state in the field theoretical description and on the operator in the present treatment. The choice of the different dS invariant schemes (different alpha vacua) is here posed in very simple terms: it is related to a first order differential equation which is singular on the horizon and whose general solution is therefore characterized by the amplitude on either side of the horizon. Our algebraic approach offers a new method to define quantum field theory on some deformations of dS space.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures ; Corrected typo, Changed referenc

    Multiband tight-binding theory of disordered ABC semiconductor quantum dots: Application to the optical properties of alloyed CdZnSe nanocrystals

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    Zero-dimensional nanocrystals, as obtained by chemical synthesis, offer a broad range of applications, as their spectrum and thus their excitation gap can be tailored by variation of their size. Additionally, nanocrystals of the type ABC can be realized by alloying of two pure compound semiconductor materials AC and BC, which allows for a continuous tuning of their absorption and emission spectrum with the concentration x. We use the single-particle energies and wave functions calculated from a multiband sp^3 empirical tight-binding model in combination with the configuration interaction scheme to calculate the optical properties of CdZnSe nanocrystals with a spherical shape. In contrast to common mean-field approaches like the virtual crystal approximation (VCA), we treat the disorder on a microscopic level by taking into account a finite number of realizations for each size and concentration. We then compare the results for the optical properties with recent experimental data and calculate the optical bowing coefficient for further sizes