11 research outputs found

    Holographic technicolor models and their S-parameter

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    We study the Peskin-Takeuchi S-parameter of holographic technicolor models. We present the recipe for computing the parameter in a generalized holographic setup. We then apply it to several holographic models that include: (a) the Sakai-Sugimoto model and (b) its non-compactified cousin, (c) a non-critical analog of (a) based on near extremal AdS_6 background, (d) the KMMW model which is similar to model (a) but with D6 and anti-D6 flavor branes replacing the D8 and anti-D8 branes, (e) a model based on D5 branes compactified on two S^1s with D7 and anti-7 probe branes and (f) the conifold model with the same probe branes as in (e). The models are gravity duals of gauge theories with U(N_{TC}) gauge theory and with a breakdown of a flavor symmetry U(N_{TF})xU(N_{TF}) to U_V(N_{TF}). The models (a), (c),(d) and (e) are duals of a confining gauge theories whereas (b) and (f) associate with non confining models. The S-parameter was found to be S=sN_{TC} where s is given by 0.017\lambda_{TC}, 0.016\lambda_{TC}, 0.095, 0.50 and 0.043 for the (a),(b),(c),(d), (f) models respectively and for model (e) s is divergent. These results are valid in the large N_{TC} and large \lambda_{TC} limit. We further derive the dependence of the S-parameter on the "string endpoint" mass of the techniquarks for the various models. We compute the masses of the low lying vector technimesons.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures V2: 2 coerrections in sectionss 4 and 5, reference adde

    Holographic Conformal Window - A Bottom Up Approach

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    We propose a five-dimensional framework for modeling the background geometry associated to ordinary Yang-Mills (YM) as well as to nonsupersymmetric gauge theories possessing an infrared fixed point with fermions in various representations of the underlying gauge group. The model is based on the improved holographic approach, on the string theory side, and on the conjectured all-orders beta function for the gauge theory one. We first analyze the YM gauge theory. We then investigate the effects of adding flavors and show that, in the holographic description of the conformal window, the geometry becomes AdS when approaching the ultraviolet and the infrared regimes. As the number of flavors increases within the conformal window we observe that the geometry becomes more and more of AdS type over the entire energy range.Comment: 20 Pages, 3 Figures. v2: references adde

    Attractive Holographic Baryons

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    We propose a holographic model of baryon interactions based on non-supersymmetric D7-anti-D7 flavor branes embedded in the Klebanov-Strassler background. The baryons are D3-branes wrapping the 3-sphere of the conifold with M strings connecting the D3 and the flavor branes. Depending on the location of the latter there are two possibilities: the D3 either remains separate from the flavor branes or dissolves in them and becomes a flavor instanton. The leading order interaction between the baryons is a competition between the attraction and the repulsion due to the sigma and omega mesons. The lightest 0++ particle sigma is a pseudo-Goldstone boson associated with the spontaneous breaking of scale invariance. In a certain range of parameters it is parametrically lighter than any other massive state. As a result at large distances baryons attract each other. At short distances the potential admits a repulsive core due to an exchange of the omega vector meson. We discuss baryon coupling to glueballs, massive mesons and pions and point out the condition for the model to have a small binding energy.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figure

    An AdS/QCD model from tachyon condensation: II

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    A simple holographic model is presented and analyzed that describes chiral symmetry breaking and the physics of the meson sector in QCD. This is a bottom-up model that incorporates string theory ingredients like tachyon condensation which is expected to be the main manifestation of chiral symmetry breaking in the holographic context. As a model for glue the Kuperstein-Sonnenschein background is used. The structure of the flavor vacuum is analyzed in the quenched approximation. Chiral symmetry breaking is shown at zero temperature. Above the deconfinement transition chiral symmetry is restored. A complete holographic renormalization is performed and the chiral condensate is calculated for different quark masses both at zero and non-zero temperatures. The 0++, 0¿+, 1++, 1¿¿ meson trajectories are analyzed and their masses and decay constants are computed. The asymptotic trajectories are linear. The model has one phenomenological parameter beyond those of QCD that affects the 1++, 0¿+ sectors. Fitting this parameter we obtain very good agreement with data. The model improves in several ways the popular hard-wall and soft wall bottom-up models