5,943 research outputs found

    Orbital magnetism in axially deformed sodium clusters: From scissors mode to dia-para magnetic anisotropy

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    Low-energy orbital magnetic dipole excitations, known as scissors mode (SM), are studied in alkali metal clusters. Subsequent dynamic and static effects are explored. The treatment is based on a self-consistent microscopic approach using the jellium approximation for the ionic background and the Kohn-Sham mean field for the electrons. The microscopic origin of SM and its main features (structure of the mode in light and medium clusters, separation into low- and high-energy plasmons, coupling high-energy M1 scissors and E2 quadrupole plasmons, contributions of shape isomers, etc) are discussed. The scissors M1 strength acquires large values with increasing cluster size. The mode is responsible for the van Vleck paramagnetism of spin-saturated clusters. Quantum shell effects induce a fragile interplay between Langevin diamagnetism and van Vleck paramagnetism and lead to a remarkable dia-para anisotropy in magnetic susceptibility of particular light clusters. Finally, several routes for observing the SM experimentally are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Quasiparticle spectrum of d-wave superconductors in the mixed state: a large Fermi-velocity anisotropy study

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    The quasiparticle spectrum of a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor in the mixed state, H_c1 << H << H_c2, is studied for large values of the ``anisotropy ratio'' alpha_D = v_F/v_Delta. For a square vortex lattice rotated by 45 degrees from the quasiparticle anisotropy axes (and the usual choice of Franz--Tesanovic singular gauge transformation) we determine essential features of the band structure asymptotically for large alpha_D, using an effective one-dimensional model, and compare them to numerical calculations. We find that several features of the band structure decay to zero exponentially fast for large alpha_D. Using a different choice of singular gauge transformation, we obtain a different band structure, but still find qualitative agreement between the 1D and full 2D calculations. Finally, we distort the square lattice into a non-Bravais lattice. Both the one- and two-dimensional numerical calculations of the energy spectra show a gap around zero-energy, with our gauge choice, and the two excitation spectra agree reasonably well.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, revte

    Applications of the Quon Algebra: 3-D Harmonic Oscillator and the Rotor Model

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    In this work we present a method to build in a systematic way a many-body quon basis state. In particular, we show a closed expression for a given number N of quons, restricted to the permutational symmetric subspace, which belongs to the whole quonic space. The method is applied to two simple problems: the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the rotor model and compared to previous quantum algebra results. The differences obtained and possible future applications are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Multianalytical non-invasive characterization of ‘Mater Boni Consilii’ iconography oil painting

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    This paper presents the results of non-invasive diagnostic investigations performed on the canvas oil painting depicting the Marian iconography “Mater Boni Consilii”. The painting, whose author and origin are unknown, was found in an old shop in Florence following the overflowing of the Arno River in 1966. In order to define the importance of the artwork, a multianalytical analysis was performed on the painting, using multispectral imaging, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) for the definition of materials, with a particular focus on the identification of pigments. The results allowed for the drawing up of a color palette, composed mainly of ochre and earth pigments, cinnabar, lithopone, lead white, and ultramarine pigments. After cross-referencing the acquired information with other findings, it was possible to place the painting in the period between the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth centuries

    Fiscal policies and car choices in Italy and Norway: A scenario analysis based on a stated-preference survey

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    Norwegian and Italian car drivers make very different car choices. This paper investigates the influence of fiscal policies on car buyers’ choices, using data collected from a stated preference survey conducted in 2021. After estimating a joint random parameter logit model, we simulated the market shares of five car powertrains under three scenarios: “Italian car buyers face the same net purchase car prices and fuel\electricity costs as the Norwegian car drivers and vice versa”, “Italy adopts the Norwegian registration tax”, and “Both Italy and Norway adopt a social cost internalizing registration tax”. The results indicate that Italian car users are reluctant to switch to battery electric cars (BEVs). They would choose BEVs more frequently in the three scenarios envisaged but without reaching the corresponding Norwegian levels. If Italy would adopt the Norwegian registration tax system, BEVs’ market share would gain 5.4 percentage points relative to the baseline scenario, while under the social cost internalizing scenario, BEVs’ market share would improve by 3.4 and PHEVs’ one by 0.2 percentage points. On the contrary, Norwegians are BEV-oriented and would comparatively preserve a high BEV share. In the social cost internalization scenario, the BEV share relative to the baseline scenario would decrease by 7.2 percentage points, petrol cars would gain 1.2, HEVs 2.9, PHEVs 3.4, and diesel cars would lose 0.3 percentage points. In general, there seems to be a lock-in or path dependence effect that limits BEV penetration in Italy and prevents the decline of the BEV share in Norway

    Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory activities of StimunexÂź and Stimunex D3Âź in human monocytes/macrophages stimulated with LPS or IL-4/IL-13

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    Macrophages exert an important role in maintaining and/or ameliorating the inflammatory response. They are involved in the activation of an immune response to pathogens, with a balance between the immunomodulatory role and tissue integrity maintenance, however, excessive macrophage activity promotes tissue injury and chronic disease pathogenesis. There is a high interest in evaluating the anti-inflammatory properties of new botanical preparations. StimunexÂź and Stimunex D3Âź are two food supplements formulated as syrups, containing the extract of elderflower (Sambucus nigra, Caprifoliaceae), standardized in polyphenol (6%) and anthocyanins (4%), associated with wellmune WGPÂź ÎČ-glucan, with the addiction of vitamin D3 (in Stimunex D3Âź formulation). The aim of the work was the evaluation of StimunexÂź and Stimunex D3Âź activity in human polarized-macrophages, in order to support their use as supplement for preventing and reducing the inflammatory processes. In primary human stimulated macrophages, both syrups were able to revert LPS- and IL-4/IL-13-mediated response, reducing the release of several pro-inflammatory cytokines. Results support that these standardized botanical preparations fortified with ÎČ-glucan, may have a potential use in the prevention and coadjuvant management of inflammatory process as respiratory recurrent infections and other similar conditions. Moreover, the addition of vitamin D3 revealed to be an advantage in Stimunex D3Âź for its important role in maintaining and enhancing the innate immune response

    Two different quasiparticle scattering rates in vortex line liquid phase of layered d-wave superconductors

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    We carry out a quantum mechanical analysis of the behavior of nodal quasiparticles in the vortex line liquid phase of planar d-wave superconductors. Applying a novel path integral technique we calculate a number of experimentally relevant observables and demonstrate that in the low-field regime the quasiparticle scattering rates deduced from photoemission and thermal transport data can be markedly different from that extracted from tunneling, specific heat, superfluid stiffness or spin-lattice relaxation time.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, no figure

    Time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy with spectral domain ghost imaging

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    An atomic-level picture of molecular and bulk processes, such as chemical bonding and charge transfer, necessitates an understanding of the dynamical evolution of these systems. On the ultrafast timescales associated with nuclear and electronic motion, the temporal behaviour of a system is often interrogated in a 'pump-probe' scheme. Here, an initial 'pump' pulse triggers dynamics through photoexcitation, and after a carefully controlled delay a 'probe' pulse initiates projection of the instantaneous state of the evolving system onto an informative measurable quantity, such as electron binding energy. In this paper, we apply spectral ghost imaging to a pump-probe time-resolved experiment at an X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facility, where the observable is spectral absorption in the X-ray regime. By exploiting the correlation present in the shot-to-shot fluctuations in the incoming X-ray pulses and measured electron kinetic energies, we show that spectral ghost imaging can be applied to time-resolved pump-probe measurements. In the experiment presented, interpretation of the measurement is simplified because spectral ghost imaging separates the overlapping contributions to the photoelectron spectrum from the pump and probe pulse
